THE MICHIGAN DAILY SLine of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, WILD CO. 3 1 S. State Street ENIORS! e time is drawing near when you will need VISITING CARDS have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed 100 Cards........ .. ...$1.50 5 from Plate........ .. ...... 90 EHAN %AM C . d . t.' IT all along advaucing t you wear well sup- Liberty Street Academny of RDein g ea Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. spring dates left for rentals. TAE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- "Published ever morning ecept Monday dur- ing the univerit ear. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor- to 3 p. M.; 7 to zo Subscription BPrice:sBy carrier, .5o3ymail $3b.00.By ,$so 3 Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; Univerlt Pharmacy; C. H., Davis, Cor. Packard & State Phone: Bell, 960. Frank Pennell...........Managin Editor Joseph Fouchard.........Business Manager Maurice Toulme...............News Editor' C. Harold Hippler...............Assistant Karl Matthes ..........Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge .................Assistant John Townley ............ Music and Drama Harold . Abbott..............Cartoonist EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis P. Haller Howell 'Van Aken Maurice Myers R. Emmett Taylor Edwin R. Thurston NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter Morris Milligan Bruce J. Miles Lester F. Rosenbaum David D. Hunting REPORTERS Leonard M. Rieser J. SeligHYellen leo Burnett Penn H. Hossik F. M. Church Caton Jenks Charles S. Johnson C. H. Lang Berns. Kline Will Shafroth Y.F. ainHu H. C. Rummel ,F.cKinney W. R. Melton Russell Neilson R. E. Cunningham John E. Henton Geo. S. Johnston BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr. Advertising Manager Ermerson .R. Smth........Accountant arr E nson......Circulation Manager Sherwood field John Leonard Myron W. Watkins P. G. Millard FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1913. Night Editor-Chester H. Lang. CAPTAIN AMUNDSEN. Captain Amundsen, discoverer of the1 South Pole and one of the most intrep- id explorers the world has ever known, comes to University Hall tonight to tell the wonderful story of his dash in- to the heart of the Antarctic regions.. He will also tell how he hopes "to reach the North Pole by means of the South Pole" for with the proceeds of this lecture tour, the "Fram," his ves- sel, will be equipped for a North Pole search in 1914. In spite of impending examinations we urge that Captain Amundsen be greeted with a packed house. The university can hardly afford to give but a half-welcome to one who has contributed to science as Captain Amundsen has. Further, his story will be well worth your evening. MICHIGAN SONG-BOOK NEEDED. It is to be hoped that the Union will not delay long this fall in its contem- plated plan for the issuance of a song book containing all Michigan songs. The vocal fizzle at Cap night this year serves as a good illustration of just how little we know of Michigan songs and how far reaching the effects of such ignorance can be. A standard book to take the place of the half-bak- ed affairs we sometimes see or more often don't see, could be printed at a nominal cost to the Union and in its own way would accomplish much good, Merle H. Moffet is the first student from the University of Michigan to start the advertising of the Associa- ted Educators Study Outlines. He made $64.20 his first five days. Average for beginners this year is over $10 per day. Call at 600 E. Liberty at 4:00 o'clock for details. 179-80 I Vest Pocket Kodak It is not entirely our fault that we sell so many Vest Pocket Kodaks. People see the pictures that their friends take with these little cameras and want one for themselves. If you have a used kodak that does not suit you we will make you a liberal offer for exchange on a better one. Come in and talk it over with us and let us do your finishing. State Street VAH E H IV' sT , Main VNIVICRSITY UOOK*TONrES Street1 I ... I I rrnrwn r - r 9Ipattnum p~ortraits Preferred by discriminating 'people for exquisite and enduring beauty of tone, for absolute integrity of work-anship for undoubted reliability. Time's Flying---See to it NOW---the Matter of your Calkins' Pharmacy 324 SOUTH STATE STREET ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID FOB IN ADVANCE. FOR SALE. For Sale-Dr. D. Williams, of St. Jos- eph, who has discontinued his prac- tice will sell cabinet, vulcanizer, forceps and other dental instru- ments which he will display in Ann Arbor about June 5 or following week. 177-180 For Sale-Steinway grand piano and other household furniture cheap. 921 E. Huron. 989-J. 177-180 For Sale-My home at 514 Thomp-, son St. Twelve rooms, hot water heat, hardwood finish, garage. Suit- able for club or fraternity. C. K. Me- Gee. 175-180 For Sale-Handsomely marked bull terrier, affectionate disposition, not pugnacious, ideal pet for house with children, or fraternity. 411 Hamil- ton Place or call 938-L. 178-9 For Sale--Twelve room house, plumb- ing and steam heating plant new. Full lot. Good barn. 520 Thomp- son. 179-80 StudIo 319 W. Huron St ]Phone 961-L (AL CO. U VISITING CARDS I Correct styles---Price and Workmanship Guaranteed Jeweiers 22o Seuth Main St. >f the Official Sigma Xi and Phi Beta Kappa keys. ld, good weight, finely finished and made a little k tost of them. See the samples, and leave your or- lelivery after the initiation. & Co., Jewelers, 220 Main St. wings Ban Surplus $10000 s Trransact g,.D.H nk The 00 State Savings Bank tea W J. Booth, Presidelt Wm. Arnold, VIce-Presaden John C. Waz, Jr., Cashier Orders with us for Engrave Price of 100 Cards and Ptat "Awakened Rameses" Music at Reduced Prices. Score Books $1.50 GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St. CARDS- PROGRAMS-STATIO RY WRITE ENGRVING o J HG SAMPLES EN O , GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROIT.,Nico The Star Shoe Store Can Offer You Beter Shoes for Less Money REMEMBER WE ARE NJEVER -UNDERSOLD Full line .1 wooden bath sandals ABELEV Prop. Opposite Post Off Tennis Shoes and Uppers ! " 205 N. Main Stree His Speech He's becoming eloquent. Must be proclaimlng the goodness and a.. purity of Fatimas. -" a4 pen ant oupn 25 c screai . a 1 _ smefet ena T Co l iege.. Unicers lieI Iand4 1 1r1 FraerIlOrIr,(1:3) e-eemu f'15 Iind3dIt WANTED e Leave e Cards. Ian, $2.00; Shaded R oman, $3.00; Gothis, $2.00; Shad- Plain Old English, $2.00; Shaded Old English, $3.00; pt, $2.00; Shaded French Script, $3.00. ate with us and we will make 100 cards from plate ratch and jewelry repairing. Jeweiry Co.'308 S. State St. ewelr Co. Phohe 534 ET AS IT SOUNDS VICE BETTER CANDY E SUGAR BOWL Wanted-Students to work during summer vacation, salary, guaranteed. Call Doiris, at Allenel Hotel, 4:00 to 9:00 p. m. 178-79 Wanted-Experienced male typewriter operator for next year. Stenogra- pher preferred. 0. D. Morrill, 322 South State St. 179-80 Wanted-Position as fraternity house- keeper for the coming school year by an experienced white woman. Call after 7:30 p. m. Mrs. W., 310 14th St. 179 Wanted-Set of drawing instruments. Clerk, Eng. Shops. 179-80 Private instruction in English, Ger- man and Latin by university graduate. 906 Ann St. 707-J. 177-180 tery. Ic cream soda de luxe. Candy of all V ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY ORDER NO MATTER HOW SMALL ON MAIN STREET THE BEST JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES US Y1 B E E CHOCOLATE SODA OUR SPECIALTY DROP IN AND TRY IT It is said "there Is nothing new under the sun," but our garments finished with silk braided edges are not only new but are the last word in Sartorial elegance. Let us Show you. A i KITED LINES. Time Table ss Cars for Detroit- ly to 6:10 p. M., also 8:10 The Farmers and Mechanics Bank FOR LADIES' "ND GENTLEMEN The cosiest dining room in town is Mack's Tea Room Dinners, lunches yr refreshments. Rest Room in connection. Open from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.; ou Saturdays till p. . SECOND FLOOR LASALLE WAGNER & CO. State Street Tailors [101-I03405 South Main Street Copital $100,000. Surplus and Profits $67,0001 ANEW L P 6:06 a. I n., 7:06 5 p. m 5 P. M. i m