THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ ..., F _. , CQ3IMUNICATIQN. materially enhanced. Again it was Even this eliminated, neither "co-ed" offered, and was this time accepted. nor "stude" canquench the thirst with Since last fall, the fountain has oc- satisfaction, for water now rises above "Our Campus Cemetery." cupied a prominent space in the the spout in a trickling stream, barely t one year ago, the drinking shadow of the university flag pole, and sufficient in pressure or volume to is now a major unit in "our campus wet one's palate. tin of the class of 1911 was offer- cemetery." The campus appreciates the thought- the university as a memorial. Water recently started owing from fulness of the class of 1911. But its oard of regents at that time re- its spouts. But, in this capacity, it memorial is a failure from both the to accept tl e gift. serves no purpose. For "co-eds" can- artistic and utilitarian standpoint. It er having been refused, the foun- not comfortably drink, because the has failed on- two major counts, and was remodeled by the stone- spouts were not designed to permit should be relegated to the scrap heap rs, and its architectural "beauty" one wearing a hat to imbibe with ease. without further delay. "D. R. Y." UNION BREAKS Al OF COLLEGE sible for the show to be presented i L the Windy City, where it made a dis tinct hit. With the object in view of obtainin U11 D IRA ANIZlATlfthe new $1,000,000 clubhouse the off cials have spent considerable time i laying plans for raising the mone; Such a clubhouse, endowed as th plan provides, would offer advantage HO IS A. MITCHELL PALMER? He is a Congressman from Pennsylvania-the leader in Congress---the author of Adminstration floor The "Pure Fabric" Bill low up for enactment which provides for a penalty he offense of misbranding and offering for sale that 'Pure All Wool" and IS NOT: of $200 to $300 for which purports to be 'I NOW THEN! The question naturally arises: What will become of such concerns who are now offering "Pure All-Wool" Tailsred-to-order clothes for such a ridiculous price that performance of Their promises is at once seen to be impossible? MEMBERSHIP IS LARGEST IN 19124913 OF ANY STUDENT CLUB; SCOPE OF WORK ON CAMPUS IS INCREASED With a membership of 2,400 or near- In previous years it was always staged ly double the number of last year, the before Christmas vacation but this Michigan Union stands out as the year was not presented until the last largest student organization of its of March. The extra preparation kind in the country. In addition to which was thus secured was evident holding this position of pre-eminence in the presentation, and indicates the among other college organizations it wisdom of the change. Financially, has likewise made itself felt as the the opera was a success as usual.This largest and most powerful of under- year, for the first time, the opera was graduate institutions, as the influence produced outside of Ann Arbor. Chi- that has done most to unify the stu- cago alumni combined to make it pos- dent body into a great group of Michi- gan men. The new addition, the Michigan but Y O U R tons, the weekly membership dances, the dinners and smokers have all con- tributed to obtain the support re- you will know ceived this year. This year, for the first time, the Union was able to pro- B vide adequate accommodation for the dances, dinners, smokers and meet- you will never know what ings. The membership dances were ably you can buy without nearly always attended by capacity crowds, and the dinners by much larg- er crowds than in previous years. The button of course proved very popular.Co e The annual football smoker, held in Get our prices on LIG the combined .gymnasiums after theprcso IG close of the season, was attended by COLLARS, SILK G] the largest crowd ever present at one HOSIERY, etc,, etc. of these events. The Hon. Chase S. Osborn was the principal speaker of the evening. The usual amount of HP "pep" was present and the "we want to go back to the conference" move- 614 East L ment was given a big boost. ,'The Store where a The rooming and employment bur- eau has been open all during the year and much valuable information in re- gard to rooms and work has been given out, to the several hundred We can use a few goodm members who have applied. Canvas- ses of the entire city have been made several times during the year and informnation on hand is kept up to date.CMB R CHAMBERI Among the biggest events of the year was the launching of thef Michigan Canoe club movement. The organization is now complete, officers have been chosen and a committee is The work is on percen now working to secure a large mem- bership. Its activities were initiated is required. A goo by a successful water carnival last by hustlers after Saturday in the new lake above the Edison Company's dam. enough about "Contrarie Mary," without excep- tion, carriel off the palm as the most successful Union opera ever produced. REFERENCE requir i L t a _) _ EAD THIS Year To 1907 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 from year to year: that the students could not afford t miss. A number of life membershi; have been taken out during the yea and a campaign is now going on amon the seniors for such memberships. It expected a large number will take ad vantage of the opportunity offered. The membership roll from 1907 I 1912 is shown below, with the increas about our store UT you can buy and how reason- going way downtown unless Annual Life 21 442 40 936 54 767 56 1336 81 1270 88 2420 91 Partic and See 84 216 Here's The Answer: They will have to raise thei prices to cover the legimate cost of the real article, or if they continue to sell adulterated Woolens, they will have to brand their Clothes as such INSTEAD OF "PURE WOOL". MEANWHILE: 1'lI continiue as in the past, HT DRYGOODS, FANCY LOVES, ZION LACES, We can save you money. NEY & C O. iberty Street ,Dollar Does ItsDuty." en in Michiganthis year to sell LIN all-metal orWINDOWS and DOORS tage basis and no. capital d income can be made r they have learned t the business to red from all applicants. on application. :: :: to sell pre "All- Wool" clothes tailored-to- order by ED.V. PIlCE Q CO., Chicago. THINK IT OVER BEFORE BUYING, Fred WE Gr o ss Exclusive Local Dealer. 123 East Liberty Street Further particulars CHAMBERLIN METAL WEATHER STRIP COMPANY, To 'Se f-Supporting Students 109 Third Street. Dletroit, Mich. i I ': Inve stigate I HOW LON I THE PHOTO MACHINE i A DIME mm A MINUTE O- A PICTURE Making Opportunity doss it require to complete a course in Shorthand and Tpye- writing at the School of Shorthand? That depends on how well you are able to apply yourself to the work. isull Ywib For Stuadent Wakers Money Mr. Allan J. Boesel -SI I i l l ,l at Summer Resorts or 'n the home town during vacation or at College during Term Time. Price of Machine with 2500 plates, $250.00. EASY PAYMENTS. PHOTO-MACHINE CO., Incorporated. 30 East 23rd. Street, :: New York. In Just 48 Days I. found it necessary to leave college at the end of last semester and go to work. He soon discovered that as a private secre- tary he could do extremely well and he at once enrolled for our course and applied himself diligently to the work. I 1 11 he had completed the course and left to take a good position- No student can afford to miss the opportunities which a good working knowledge of shorthand would give him when it may be so easily acquired. Better call at our office and arrange to take the course in Shorthand and Typewriting. We can make you the right sort of terms on payment of tition.H SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND I''.4 I I 711 North University Avenue.