THE MICHIGAN DAILY Line of. Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, ILD CO. 311S. State StreetI SI I rhe time is drawing near when you will need VISITINC CARDS Ne have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed d 100 Cards. .............. ....... .. ...$1.50 ds fron Plate................. 90 " S t de nt' .® ® Bookstore rn el ring Cuttin oS Street ......-I arty ies Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. spring dates left for rentals. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- /igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: editor- to 3 p. m.; 7 to ion p. m. Business Manager--i to 3 p. m. Subscription Price: By carrier, $; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; Univerity Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard & State Phone: Bell, g6o. Frank Pennell.......A.... Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard ........Business Manager WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1913. Night Editor-Walter E. Nye. ULTIMATELY.' We regret that we haven't that op- timism over the outcome of the Con- ference resolutions passed last week by the board of regents which sever- al of the members of the board have expressed. In our interpretation of the meaning of the rules laid down we do not stand alone, it being the general understanding that they will not open the doors for Michigan. If the regents are really anxious that Michigan resume western rela- tions, and the recent resolutions do not cater to that result, certainly the university fathers should be willing to redraft the same along lines that will bring results. If the regents have no desire for Michigan's return, the best that Michigan alumni and students wishing a return can do, is td keep on \vith a fight which if un- equal now may ultimately prove suc- cessful. Time alone will put the correct in- terpretation on these latest resolu- tions of the regents. In all probabil- ity the first meeting of the Conference board will settle their fate. Whatever the outcome, Michigan's back to the Conference movement has settled in on an encouraging swing which will never recognize permanent obstacles. A HELPING HAND. What'can you do for Michigan this summer while at home or away at work? Let us offer a suggestion. All over the country thousands of young men are figuring on the dollars and cents part of a college education. For a person who knows nothing of the ropes this is largely a matter of working in the dark with few help- ing hands. Try to get some of these boys inter- ested in Michigan. It is common knowledge for those of us in attend- ance here that any man with a good stock-in-trade of courage, ambition and energy can come to Michigan and get away with it despite a fiat purse. Few boys just out of high school un- derstand the risk they *take in not getting to a higher institution, im- mediately after their graduation. In hopes of eventually saving the neces- sary money for college they accept positions which prove remuner- ative enough to take away the luster of former ambitions. In consequence, the best of intentions often go astray. Try to find some of these boys this summer who are working in the dark and give them a helping hand. Private instruction in Englisli, Ger- man and Latin by University graduate. [06 Ann St. 707-d. 177-180 MAJESTIC T ODAY ..at3p.MIS ONIGHT 7-8-9 p. m- MUMPS Funniest Moving Pic- ture ever staged in KINEMAOOR COMING THURSDAY "TRUTH ABOUT WHITE SLAVERY" IN MOTION PICTURES. State Street p ° .' - ... y I , .. .r - i II, atnutn ; ._ :> , Ala r. . f Preferred by discriminatirg people for exquisite and enduring beauty of tone, for absolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. Time's Flying-==See to it NOW--the Matter of your Correct styles---Price and Workmanship Guaranteed VISITING CARDS St'udio 319 E. liu.~t-@m St. Phone961-L I I 7- ,........ . .,e--- Vest Pocket Kodak It is not entirely our fault that' we sell so many Vest Pocket Kodaks. PRople see the pictures that their friends take with these little cameras and want one for themselves.f If you have a used kodak that does not suit you we will make you a liberal offer for exchange on a better one. Come in end talk it over with us and let us do your finishing. I *rTiivuRSITV IBOOKSTOR.ES Awakened Rameses" Music at Reduced Prices. Score Books $1.50 GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St. CARDS- PROGRAMS -STATIONERY WRITE FOR SAMPLES GREGORY MAYER & ThOM Co,DETROIT, Mich MAin Street N T he Star Shoo Store coo JweLrs 220 Southl Mainl St. rs of the Official Sigma Xi and Phi D? ta Kappa keys. Gold, good weight, finely finished and made a little n most of them. See the samples, and leave ypur or or delivery after the initiation. d & Co., Jewelers, 220 Maiu St. a is' Pharmacy 324 SOUTH STATE STREET CARR ICK THEATRE DETROIT THE LYMAN H. HOWE TRAVEL FESTIVAL. Can Offer You Bette- Shoes for Less Money REMEMBER WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD Full line of wooden bath sandals Tennis Shoes and Sippers ABE LEVY, Prod, app'osife Post CI" 20 5 N. Main Stree hilil! ! t! Etrt ALL NEW. i, t1 iy f~ i!?;Iij p~iJ i ifl _ Bank Vice-Presiden 'The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Resourses $3,000,000 General Banking Business Transacted Officers: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Harr- man, Vice-Pres. M. J. Fritz, Cashier For Sale-New Clipless Paper Fast- ener at $2.50, one, dollar under reg- ular price. Call 678-L or drop card to . L.1126 Washten*Av. 177 Vm. Arnold,1 r, Cashier RS: Leave Orders wUh us for Engrave " Cards. Price of 100 Cards and Plate oman, $2.00; Shaded R oman, $3.00; Gothis, $2.00;Shad- 5; Plain Old English, 2.00;Sh'aded Old English, $3.00; cript, $2.00; Shaded Fr ench Script, $3.00. plate with us and we will make 100 cards from plate watch and jewelry re pairing. Jw ry Co. 308 S. State St ET AS IT SOUNDS RVICE BETTER CANDY IE SUGAR BOWL it Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all LOST Lost-The person who took the lab, note book for general chemistry from the Chubb House is known, and can return same to Chubb House without getting into trouble. * 177 Lost-Waterman fountain pen No. 5 between the general library and University club. Call I. Yosuhara 1823-L. 177 Listen: The choicest of commence- ment and wedding gifts and best pric- es, at "The Palais Royal," 304 S. Main St. Our new location. Please call. 177-180 Tango Assembly. Every Wednesday night at Granger's will be known as Tango Assembly. The usual Saturday night assemblies will continue also until the end of the school year. 176-177 c1 i [j ;.i , ( (rr , , , 1 i I I , , NSF I ' 1 / / Y j/ ,,gam. I e I, k Id m. Lyndon's Half off clean starts today. up sale 177 ATTENTION TO EVERY ORDER NO MATTER HOW SMALL ON MAIN STREET J THE BEST JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES His Speech He's becoming eloquent. Must be proclaiming the goodness and purity of Fatisas. W$T' each package' of Ftima y~ou 'et a p~ennant coupon, 25 of Which secure a hand some fclitseinr af-6Coleges, Universities anad Fraferncd0ldzers (12 x32) selectior of 115. -ZU 'Dis/in c/i el y15 individual" 7s B E E CHOCOLATE SODA' OUR SPECIALTY DROP IN AND TRY IT It is said "there is nothing new under the sun," but our garments finished with silk braided edges are not only new but are the last word in Sartorial elegance. Let us Show "ou. 'i UNITED LINES The Yor Time Table Farmers and Mechanics Bank press Cars for Dei-- 101-103-105 South Main Street .urly to 6:10 p. in., also 8:10 Capita $100,000. Surplus and Profits $67,000 Detroit-5:40 a. m., 6:06 a. WACNER &CO. State Street Tailors FOR LADIES AND The cosiest dining room in town is Mack's Tea Room Dinners, lunches or refreshments. Rest Room in connection. Open from 8