TabE MICHIGAN DAILY :I :te Line of Spring Woolensl Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, WILD CO. 311 S. State Street S E NIO R S ! The time is drawing near when you will need VISITING CARDS We have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed late and 100 Cards. .......... ....$1.50 )O Cards from Plate... .... . .........90 Stwze nta ~ U E EA N C . C o ere is Companionship in Good Clothes, and to put them for poor ones is like' With an Old Friend. Dieterle )R ~Lberty Street. (Copyrighted) FTH ESES Correspondence THEMES8, promptly and neatly TYPE- WRITEN. I 1 0. [Over D. Morrill, Baltimo~re Lu schl Bell 682-J A %Lnger 's Acedermy of Di% ainji Assemblies Every Wednesday ,and Saturday Evenings.I ew good spring dates left for rentals. THlE MIGlHGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Pbinge every morning except Monday dur igthe university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of Marh 3, 1 879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street Office Hours: Editor- to 3 p. in.; 7 to 1o p. m. Business Manager-i to 3 Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy:; University Pharmacy ; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard $F State Phone: Bell, 96.. Frank Pennell............Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard.......... Business Manager SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1913. Night Editor-Francis F. MKinney THE WILL FOR THE DEED. If Michigan track teams continue to astonish the East, as they have so con- sistently been doing the past few years, this year no exception, it won't be a great while before Michigan will be known further than frome "the Pacific to within 'three miles of Boston." After the way Michigan's crippled team upset the dope at the Harvard meet yesterday, we would continue! to the extent of informing Mr. Jinx and his dozen and one"i', that luck won't always break in his favor as against Michigan. It's "Pike's Peak or bust" and some of the present gener- ation are certain to see the first hon- ors eventually come to Ann Arbor. Proud of you, team,-every last man -and deeply grateful. We haven't any other way to show appreciation, but trust that you will take the will for the deed. COACH R{ICKEY. Branch Rickey appeared as Mich- igan's baseball coach for the last time yesterday, the press of business calling him from the Wolverine war councils. His ambition to give Michigan a win- ning ball team was realized this year and he leaves with a sterling record behind him, a loyal student body to thank him, and a host of friends_ to remember him.$ As a coach~ Rickey established his reputation firmly as knowing baseball and knowing how to impart it to his men. But he leaves behind him a far bet- ter reputation than that of a success- ful coach. Above all he taught clean ball, gentlemanly tactics, and clean living. A gentleman himself, his ball team followed him, and no greater tribute to him can exist than the con- duct of the team. A gentleman, a true sportsman, and a man, he will long be remembered by those who love and help Michigan athletics. W. I). Cole, '12, harries in El Moite W. D. Cole, '12, varsity football play- er and coach of the 1915 freshman squad, was recently married to Miss Olive Maxin of El Monte in that city. N. Y. Students to Have Directory. Under the directions of its prei- dent, Earl D. B~abst, '93, '94L, the Uni- versity of Michigan club of New York is now at work compiling a club direc- tory. This will be the second general directory of the club and it is intend- ed to make it complete in every res- pect. Members are urged to ,fll out and to return promptly the post cards which have been sent to them. Commerce club will meet Tuesday night at 7:00 o'clock in room 101 of the economics building to elect officers. UNITA-RIAN CHURCH! State cor. Huron. R. S. LORING, Minister MORNING SERVICE AT 10:80 Subject: Christian Science and the Problem of Evil "This is my creed, This be miy deed: Faith or a doubt, f shatlspeak out, Atnd hide not my heart." -1R. TV. Gilder. I i (i~tr a nium or traftt rexquisiteg :e integrity ity. hone 961-L Nreferred by discriminating people for and enduring beauty of tone, for absolut( of workmanship, for undoubted reliabilit VISITING" CARDS Stxxdio 319 M. H ~reim St. P1 Correct styles=--Price and Workmianship Guaranteed Vest Pocket Kodak I Seniors! Time's 'dying--=See to it NOW---the Matter of your wAmmmmilm State Street ........_. r It. is not entirely our'fault that we sell so many Vest Pocket Kodaks. People see the pictures that their friends take with these little cameras and w1ant one for themselves. If you have a used kodak th at does not suit you we will make you a liberal offer for exchange on a better one. Come in and talk it over with us and let usi do your finishing. Calkins'- Pharmacy 324 SOUTH. STATE STOEET PLOW BOYS SHE EASY FOR WION MIAN BARi BE AL. (Continued from page 1.) WA HK S UNIVECRSIT'Y 3BOKSRTO WES Main Street "Awakened Rameses" Music ot Reduced Prices. Score Books .$1.50 GRJNNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St. T IZZZY7a I 11 'OLD !8Z CO. Jewelers 220D South Main St. Makers of the Official!Sigma Xi' and Phi Beta Kappa keys. 4k Solid Gold, good weight, finely finished and made a little ,etter than most of them. See the samples, and leave your or- er niow for delivery after the initiation. krnold & Co., Jewelers, 220 Main .St. Ann Arbor Savings .Bank The ital Stock $30,000 Surplus $100,000 Rsuss$,0,0 tt ~l~ns $3,0 0,0 0 S a t eS a v n g s B a n k ria Banking 3~ iesT anatd Wmn J. Booth, President Wmn. Arnold, Vice-Presiden rs: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., 'W. D. Harr- i~e Vice-Pres. M. J. Fritz, Cashier John C. Waft, Jr., Cashier SENIORS" Leave Orders with us for Engraved " Cards. Price o1f100 Cards and Plate: )cript, $1.25 ; Roman, $,2.00;. Shaded' Roman, $3.00;" Gothic, ;2z.oo ; Shade~d Gothic, $2.2,5; ?lain Old English, $2.00, Shaded -)11d English, $-.oo ; Plain French Script, $2.00; Shaded, $3.00. Leave yoter plate wvith us and we wrill make woo cards from date for $h.75. Fine whatch and jewelry repairing. T i (~ 308 S. State St. Rallr Jc dry-Coo Phone .534 SWEET AS IT SOUNDS BITER SERVICE BETTER CANDY THE SUGAR BOWL ,nn Arbor's Best Confectionery.: Iee cream sods de luxe. Candy of all descriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY ORDER NO MATTER HOW SMAIL ON MAIN STREET THE 'BEST JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES I NODIILL TOO STEEP NO $AND TOO DEEP Mechanical engi neers who are comfort' engineers too Comfort in the Jackson is largely a result of correct mechanical designing. The Jackson engineers have long recog- riized this fact; and they really dlesign ,for comfort. 1 1,' 1I Dancer 3b. Fuller ss. Magge rf Dawson If. Griggs lb Trowbridge Il. A. C. ABR HPOA E1 .3 0 022 1 ......4.0 0 13 2 .....4 00 20 0 ......4 1 0200 .311 90 1 2b......4 02 22 1 .....4 0 110 0 ...3 00 51 1 ...30 0 03 0 . . ..32 2 4 24 11 0 11tiohi nu Harvey cf Bibbins c. Peterson p Total .. . S~ they have become comfort engineers -- comfort ekxperts ": They know the elemcnts that miake an easy-riding car; they know how to combine and .proportion them. When ycu have your. first Jackson- ride you will see "the value of this engineering idea. as it hds never been demonstrat~d by any other car in your experience. III AB R H PO A E Beli ef.............4 11 1 00 Cory rf..........51.1 10 0 McQueen 2b........3 1121 1 Sislerif.........41 34 01. Webber c........4 0 01 1 0 Howard lb ......3 1 1 8 1 0 Bakerss..........4 01 11 0 Hughitt 3b........30 0 34 2 Baribeaup......4 22 02 0 Total.......... 34 7 1027 10 4 S-ummaries: Two base hits-T row- bridge, Sisler; three base hits-Sisler; sacrifice hits-Bell; stolen bases-- Cory, Mc Queen 2, Howard; double plays---Hughitt to Howard; first base on balls-off Peterson 3, off Baribeau 4; hit by pitcher-Dancer; struck o'ut --by Peterson 2, by Baribeau 4; wild pitches-Peterson; time-2 :10; um- pire-O'Mara. I "Olympic" Four $1500 Electric starter and liglits S:"' > extra. i°Majestic" Four $1976 Electric starter and tights. "Sultanic" Six $2650, Efeictric starter and lights. Jackson Automnobile Company 71604 ,EL. MANIN ST. JACKSON, MICH. u IR- \Y \ \ ~-' r 14 alk lzs MPRN Dla -110L, T7 i", U S Y B CHOCOLATE SODA OUR SPECIALTY DROP IN AND ,TRY IT 11 It is said "there is nothing new under the sun," but our garments, finished with silk braided edges are n oonly now but are the last word in Sartorial elegance. Let us Show vou. C TTR U Tj Maw FOR A: AND GENTI JE EN ' iie co i r"t din.!!;r:oom in town t8 ]VMI " UNITED LINESTh ber Tue Table Farmers and Mechanics Bank - F I01 -103-105 South MahiStreet xpress Care for Detroit- hourly to 6:10 p. mn., also 8:10 Chpltal $100,000. Surplus and Profits $61,000 Detroit-5 ;40 a. mn., 6:(G a. two hours to 6I;0G p. in., 7:C6 ., 9:10 p.,im., and 10:45 p. m .* only. 11:15 p. in., 12:15 P. in. ( - j)4 4 /11a n WAGNER & CO. State Street Tailors 2 acWs Tea Room Dinners, lunches or refreshments. Rest Room in'conuection. open from. 8 a. Un. ° to S p. in,; on Saturdays till 9 p. in. SECOND FL06R ASK ctn. MAIN STREET AROL Co OW LLAR HIGH IN ?HE B.lfCK.iVND 40W IN FRONT 2 for2Sc