Tfit I H O NDAILY mow. # , ; THE ELE~CT OVER STOCKED We don't want to Carry Over any Stock when Tariff affects Woolens. This sea son' s pp Pular sha ae- Wry hj%.vothorn Im .Tara or Black, cast Oxford or Hg- With rubber sole ..Xnd heel if youz $3 .00 amd $6.00 7"M. Hilliar Aft..yiny Dim waIton HMers) Manoxier V A ANDERBUT HOTEL 340 ST. FAST AT PARK Ate., N. Y. t5'ubway Entrance At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breezes from the sea, artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. TARIFF: Single rooms - - per day--$3, $4, $5, $6 Double rooms . 1 $5, $6, $7, $8 rd Double bedrooms, boudoir ctOr dressing-room and bath * $8, $10, $12 Sit Suites-Parloir, bedroom and bath * " $10,$12,$15 Each room with bath Special rates for Summer Big ern in Everything Wagnzer State Street filgin of the $3d WhitoSh~o a MI'lward, TATS TREET , a -- Peter W. Dyke-na, '95, who was di- c JForest lawn t~ea iXoorn Special Menus for Warm Weather Avenue. Phone 1238-J -- rectors of music in the Ethical Culture THREE SENIOR LAWS WILL bers consider them unnecessary. CI TESTIFY school of New York has accepted an VN ROOSEYVELT SUIT,. Case, '15E was elected corresponding appointment to the new chair of com- In answer to a summons received secretary, and Seadi Robinson, finan- yesterday, W. Z. I;ie, 13L, Glenn Irvin, ; vi munitWy music in the University of Wis- al secretary.* WFIces of public inan-, '13L, and Dennis Donovan, '13L, left alters were filled by Ccbr;e Prussing;, cousin. for Marquette, to testify for the de- 15E, and Louis Reiman, 15. I r fense at the Roosevelt libel suit. Their testimony will probably be based on INDI iii X CLUB 9 IIELP'EIS' ! the colonels visit to Ann Arbor in HOOSIEII1,01, BECOME .1CCL1:#1. P1,, 1 FebruaU 1911. ( Indiana club has made application f Jude Richard C. Flannigan, the ? to the committee on, non- presiding. judge at the trial, stucied. athletic., or,:an:Zat.iols fo>. foa,- Tickets To law at the university in 11371-73. His mal recognition. The club has re- afid [ m } Son Clement R. Flannigan, '09, was a cr; anized this yen- azftei eiw lone- [ men:iber of the varsity football squad. ; ant for several years and at present ?a5 a me -ibersshil, of nearly 100 and Write u 1'()z'L' stc ': I ieac1 i:icasY s < I , I,3 s I, plans are-being made to increase the Officers fqr the year 1313-1911 were membership next year to include all of elected at the meeting of the Forestry tle Ir.diana stu(lent.s in t.ho university. .;lub held Wedn=,Iy evening as fol- A committee will come to Ann arbor -LE I lows: Carnot Valiton, '13, president; early next fall and mako an effort to, C. I3elevan, '14, vice-president; N. see the new Hoosiers as they arrive The Expert $ti L. Cary, '15, recording. secretary; H. and do what it can to help thein about J. .Andrews, '15, csrrespontling secre- the carnpus. Also it has been planned I 1~ Street tdry; S, H. McCutcheon, graduate to give then a di iiner early in the '"rn! c 2rrrf!.. P. fArnn 1A mn: no-n+ " 1 1 i- r<'tiresents All Votpam CARRICK THEATRE DETROIT THE LYMAN H. HOWE TRAVEL ' FESTIVAL, ALL NEW. And Every Y Where], II11: In Form.' Unique In Flavoir. MACE TODAY Unique in Ouatlty Sui'able for All Occasions. 1 Oc AT ALL CROtERS Dr Phone HOLLANDb RUSK COMPANY, Holland Mich. ANN ARBOR HOME BAKERY, Distributors IDICH teamship Agent '' -, D E T R 0 1 T m.Qhin T.inipv- nffioinl 3 r. . I . HOSTOIF41AN Rubber Sole Oxfords with heels and leather tore pieces. Every Pair Guaranteed. $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. npus BUOtery, 4pj)osite H uston's 1 F40; 1j; q-1 G t I it N I l ,lI g -- 11 5f, + 13 " Copyright Hard Sckia..t'ncr & Marx A V .R'Y. smart two- bu ton model~ for young men, soft roll lapels, turnup trousers; a very stylish model made by Hart Ich Der Marx At twenty-five dollars you can E uy a very fine suit in this model. Lieasutcr; c: u. uaron, iq, a ag.n; + ,ditcr of dic Forester and " F. Bond, 1 14, bu-SineSS manager, of -'creiter. J. P. Taylor, '13, and Geo. \Vever, '11, xere e:ec'4ed to the executive commit- Lee. E.xlend Timm to ay Diploma Fees. The time for the paynient ok the di- plonia feu and the teachers diploma fee has been extended to Monday af- ternoon at 4:00 o'clock on account of the confusion caused by the fire. MEAT INSPECTOR ORDINANCE TO BE SUB11I'.I"TED TO COU C'IL; An ordinance making the health offi- cer, Dr. J. A. Wessinger, meat inspect- or for the city of An Arbor has been drafted by City Attorney John Dwyer, and will be presented to city council nor action at the session Monday even- ing. The proposed ordi-fiance provides for the licensing of local slaughter houses and regulation of the killing of cattle. No wood will be allowed in the construction of slaughter pens, but the building will be required to be con- structed of either brick, concrete, or stone. A clause of the ordinance pro- vides for strict sanitary regulations in the handling of cattle by the butch- ers. YA.C.A. OFFICERS TO MAKE PLAN'S AT OUTING THIS WEEK Grficers and ex-officers of the Uni- versity Y. M. C. A. are going to spend three days in conference at Whitmore Lake, beginning this afternoon. The more energetic men are going to walk and the others are going on the 4:30 o'clock train. Plans for the work next year will be discussed tomorrow morn- ing and in the afternoon there will be a baseball game between the old and new. cabinet, after which all will en- joy, themsehes playing in the water. The conference will be continued Sun- day mornin- and the association men will 'return to Ann Arbor in the after- noon. -Election of officers ofk the Cosmo- politan club took place at the meeting Wednesday night. A peculiar feature is that the offices of president and vice-, president are abandoned, as the mem- i d Saturday, M ? 31st is Positively the Last FIFTY* YNTRIES -PECIIJEY1111) FOR (Continued i'reni page 1.) end of the pole. { The membership committee met yes- j terday afternoon at the Union, and the ii.-erpber hlp cars Nvere given to the men. These will be sold for $1 to members of the Union, and the associ- ! ate memberships to any other student i for $1.50. Membetship fees laid at this time will make the men members for the next school year as well. I x1 I < pic:+cu tsxx a7M-42AZZMORE AV JUXURZ659 15K11eb %J111clat Tlc e.4 over bake and Ocean Lines. Stud nis' and Teachers' Vacation Trips.--Almost a III =1,317'" t ur to and from L.ondon,' and Pavis for $:67 jo, in- el u'l i ng all l ex pease-, from port to port. N:3 Excase for nit seeing Panama if voce j ,i n C. Lei., dwn' -, C:t111 1-24 (lays-for $i'o, mea's and berth i1 Two Weeks' Trip,, Detmit to Ylontgval, and ret11rv, for 15 oo. Re er4e r.ow. a LEA CH, Deem 1AI D. C. Ticket Agency. Day of r! iis 1 Free every Suit r. Lutz Clothing Y BUR c oicc is Po restricted to a few auighily, unsaleable, infer or quality cloths, but Instead y o have as unrestictf:d cnoico of all fine woolen mate ials--Olf of the sums piece, the Suit is made 1ro ifvoa like. t n We will give $100°00 tprany man wearing a $25.00 suit, HTICEu if we can't duplicate the quality for $17.50. ° ALL suits made more MON EY back if we fail to to order, 17 n5 0 NO lass. satisfy. Wei .: ..C A LORS 216 Main t. Near Mack's. f l Store Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes in Ann Arbor 217. SOUTH MAIN STREET s You can not fine! better MBOOK in town than the one at HOrPG9 9 5 C EA1C H CAMERAS Fob SALE, A EP S TO CENT 1 Qp: per dayl File C ieccd oc per Roll, Prints, 3c, 4c, and 5c cacti, Postal Views; Barton gem, Campus Views and Ertav01e, 5e Each F. Hoppe Co. Photographers 619 E. L r#