TRHBD &tCt{IGAN DAILY Mete ;Line of Spring Woolens) Largest Assort anent in the City Ready for Your Inspection, H. WILD CO. 311 S. State StreetI THlE MICIGAN DAILY- Official newspaper at the university of Mlich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Enitered. at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, M4ich- igan, under Act of. Congress of March 3, 1 879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor IPress. Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours. 5Edtor-1 tic 3 p. Mn. r7 to TO p. tn." Business :Manager-i to 3 p, nm. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50, by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy ; C. 11. Davis, Cor. Packard & Mtate Phone: Bell. 960. (''rank 1Pennell........... ..Managingig io~ Joseph Fouchard..........Business Maniager FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1913. Nnght Editor-Henry C. Rummel. MATINEE TODAY - 3 P. M. TONIGHT from .7 p. ."o 10 Cl'Mto I E AG OR Plam. Views DeLuxe ALL SEATS 100:l~ ENTIRE CHANGE P'ROGRAM DAILY. tnlors! 'Time's Flying! -See to it NOW--=the Matter Iof your VISITING CARDS' Correct styles=--Price and Workmanship Guarantee'd, S 0 NI. O RS!I The time is drawing near when you wilt need VISITING CARDSr We have all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed rt and 100 Cards................. ..$.+ 'Cards from Plate... ..... . .9 CO' St~dent.' State :street WARK.'S VNIVERSITY RIOOKSTORFLICS Main Street ' I I F I p ________ I --- i 0 , I -6-00" . Discretion THESES .ots of people snow plenty of xoespnec REJiON in choosingr their FRIENDS, T E WES, promptly nl t oneC ATOM of DISCRETION in .Anid neatly TYPE- osing their TAILOR-humnan na- W2IrrE'J. e is a funny thing. Dietrle0. D. M arrlI I, LORt Liberty Street Bell 582-J (Copyrighted) Assemblies Every Wednescay. and Saturday Evenings. A few good spring dates left for reniats. MEMORIAL DAY. To !the world at large Memorial day to' the committee on non- athletic organizations for for- mal' recognition. The club has re- when our white-haired veterans' visit the graves of sleeping comrades; when dirges are sung and flowers strewn in honor of -those who have gone before, and who are now at peace. In every city and town and at every country side, thoughtful men and women lay aside their' labors, and, turn their thoughts to these days agone. To a college community claiming fel- lowship with the interests and sym- pathies of that outer world, Memorial day should also be of real import. He is indeed of shallow mind to whom it suggests only an extra chance for a canoe trip, a baseball. game, or a tramp afield. Rather should it sug- gest to us the gratitude, we owe to those pioneer men of learn nthe fruits of whose zeal and industry, we as students enjoy today. Upon states-,. men and heroes cof battle, whose la- bors are conspicuous, the world be-j stows its praise freely.. But to the scholar who patiently works in obscur- ity, and who willingly gives his very,; life at the altar of knowledge, recog- nition comes scantily, tardily. Yet that vast field of garnered knowledge that makes our modern civilization. with its splendid arts and sciences the superior of any in history, is largely made possible bec-~use of the world's'1 students. All hail, then, to the mem- ory of those who though neglected and ignored worked patiently that we of later days might be H-eirs of All the Ages. In particular, Memorial day 'is an appropriate time to sense our appre-' ,ciation of those early leaders of edu- cation in Michigan who gave unstint ' edly of their energies; for from those energies came the impetus that makes1 it possible for the University of Michi- gan to stand as it does today 'in the front rank of American universities. Vest Pocket Kodak, 4It is not entirely our fault that we sell so many Ven-t Iocket Kodaks. P, ople see the pictures tlhat their friendls toke -with these little cameras and wcfnl (rune- for themselves. If you have a used kodak that does not suit you we will make you a liberal olhf r for (exchange on a better one. (tg'mt-,in Kand talk it over with u.- and let us do your fin'iibhing. Is-eferred by discrituinatirg p~ople ft1 i lqu,-ite and enduring beau'cif oItne, for ab: ohitei;:tt- gr i y of workmanship, for undoubte d rei.lii t) Illo trai tq Sti~sdio 319 IS. Htx r-om tS1. P1, one $61_L 1 F Awakened Rameses" Music at Reduc d Prices. Score Books $1.50 bRINNELL BROS.,120-122 E. Libt rny St. I I -7C2 leStr.hoe Store D ( CO Jewel1ers 220 South Main' St. I! [ kers of the Offii41l igmia Xi ai d Phi Bzt~a K ,pp'a kep, "lid Gold, good wigh t, flu el} fini Ilel and cmic a. little than inotit 4themn. S, e the s niphs, aid Rtave y(.tit' or E v for de.iv,!ry after the initiaiIon. cold & Co,,,, Jewelers, 220 Main St. Calkins'. Pharmacy1 The d ,- pfph collar no ih in favor f 15 ~95 FAl.Ic ooNv & co., MAK~if ,6Y. N.Y.MW For 8 sI e in Annt Arbcr by and who have baseball experience are requested to leave their- names at Cushing's drug store on SMate street. Can Offer You Better Slhces for Less Money REMEMBER WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD r Full lite of wooden bath sandals ABE LEVY, Pr p stiest Tennis Shoes and Slippers 25H anSre CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY SAMPLES GREGORY MAYER & THOM 'Co. DETROIT, MICHI I. The sident Wmn. Al John C. Walz, Jr., Ca; s Bank mnold, Vice-Presiden ishier The Ann. Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $ 100,004) Resouirses $3,000,000 Gee. rat Baning fBusineassTray actt d Cfficcist Chas. E. HisccK, Pres., W. D. Hia.- ma-, Vice-Pres. MI. J. Fritz. Cashier s t r ILI f 4 Ir 1 l aw. l 1 z '2- Procure your Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi keys. from us. \Ve repair andl refinish 01(1d and Frok{en jewelry.. Replacing Sets and(1 Benl alarmls mal ing new mounting-s a specialty. W'atchi repairing Conklin pens Haller JewelryCo. on~e 534 308 South State Streetj SWEET AS IT SOUNDS TER SERVICE BETTER CANDY THE SUGAR BOWL Arbor's Best Coafectionory. tee cream boda de luxe. Candy of all escriptions. UNITVUYRITY NOTICES. It is, desired to organize a team to %_____compete in the city league. Names Dr. Pollock's classes !in botany will" must be in before the school term cbos- meet in front of library at re ular ' e'. hours for field trips. All desiring note books can get them Saturday 8:00 to j Ii -'J I-IOR WOMENt TAKaEN 10:00 inroom 101 south wing. IYU0 MOR1TAR BOtRD ,SOCIETY, Commerce club will meet Tuesday ___ night at 7:00 o'clock in room 10! of the Mortar Board has elected 15 junior economics building to elect offlicers. Alpha Nu will postpone their regular w omen as members of the honorary meeting tomorrow night until Monday society for next year. Those chosen night at 7:30 o'clock, when they will are: Julia Anderson, H-elen Brown, elect-officers and take in new members. Jessie Cameron, Caroline Dow, Marga- E r, 1:aucman's clazwes is Botany G j ret Eaton, Frances Green, Gertrude may get their notes and drawings Sat-" Helmecke, Julia, Hennin, Irma Hoga- urday morning between .8:00 an 10 :00 done,- Margaret Irving, Helen Loin an, in room .101 S. WV. Helen Mahon, Beatrice Merriam, Mar- Students staying for summer school jorle Nicholson, Isabel Rizer. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY _ORDER NO MATTER HOW SMALL ON MAIN STREET THE BEST JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES Here the Conquering hero Comes: If you, can't be the "hero:' make the most of it-smoke a Fatima, 60 Fatima coupns will secume a white satin pilow top~ 24 in, square decorated with hand.. somelir painted flowrs-j 2 design to aclcctfromi, B U s B ELE CHOCOLATE' SODA OUR SPECIALTY DROP IN AND TRY IT TROIT UNITED LINES Ana Arbor Time Table ied and Express Care for Detroit- ) a. . m. adnt urly to 6:10 P. M., also 8:1(0 The Farmers and Mechanics Bank 101-103-105 South Main Street Ci~pltal $100,000. Surplus and Profits $87,000. AND The cosiest dinling room in town is R.ack"s Tea Room Dinnaers, Iuncl-es or refreshments. Rest Roomn in ccnnection. Open from 8 a. mn. to 5 p. tn.; on Saturdays till 9 p. Mn. SECOND FLOOR MAIN STREET ar o eri-;0a . :0every two hours to 6;06 p. mn , 7:46i :C6 p. m.,, 9:10 p mn., and 10:45 p. in ilantl only. 11:15 p in., 12.13 p. mn. Mn., 1:00 A. iM, lCars for Jackson-7 :46 a. m. and wo hours to 7:46 p. im. rs for Jackson -5:2a. m.. 6:51 a. every two hours to 6 51 p. m.,, also (mecaS ift S aan Liberty and Main Sts. A Most 'Convenient Place far Your Banking A NEW LIGHT WEIGH*T. DEEP POINTED 2 fair 25 "~s. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc.. M4Akers of Arrow Shirts _. _____- _