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May 30, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-05-30

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By a Vote of 5S to 52 Freshmen Be-
come Fifth Class to Pass Student
Control in Examinations,
First year laws voted in their class-
es yesterday afternoon to adopt an
honor system in examinations which
provides that the names of all students
seen cheating be reported to an honor
committee, made up of nine members,
chosen by the three classes in the law
department. The vote was close, 58
voting for an honor system and 52

is continued and several new depart- The so-called "tattling clause" car-
ments are introduced. ried by a vote of 30 to 28. It is not yet
The last issue is the Commencement known whether the plan will be put in
number which will be out June 7. operation at the final examinations, as
the faculty will have the final say on
the project. The results of the vote
yesterday will be submitted to the
heads of the law department as the
expression of the sentiment of the
00If the honor system is adopted by
the juniors, who meet to consider the
flDscheme Monday afternoon ' at 4:00
SLUI1 o'clock, it is to be considered that as
far as the students are concerned, the
system has been instituted.in the law
19.iitancc Will Probably Hurl Wit department. The faculty has tenta-
Webber as Backstop and Dory, tively agreed that, if the students sig-
Bell and Slieehy in nify their desire for a change, there
the Garden, jwill be no opposition to it on their
part. The interest already displayed
INTERCOLLEGIATE REpORTS in the proposition by the juniors has
TO BE RECEIEV) AT FIELD. been lively, and those who are backing
the plan promise it will carry by an
Ne w Find Will Do Twirling For Ag- eighty per cent majority, and so are
gies; vane Will be Called at confident that the honor system will
2:30 O'clock, be adopted and immediately put into
- -operation.
Michigan will tackle M. A. C. today An honor system has now been offi-
for the first of a two game serics cially adopted by five classes on the
which is to terminate tomorrow and it campus, the first year laws and engi-
neers, and the fresh, soph, and junior
is needless to say that the Wolverines medics; and senior lits have gone on
are anxious to grab the opening clash, record in favor of the scheme. It is
The Farmers have already dropped one not thought that any further. action
to Rickey's pets and if they lose the will be taken this year in either the
opener today Michigan can take it engineering or lit departments.
easy Saturday and still have the edge STUDIENTS TO BE ADMITTED
on the Cultivators for this year. But I FREE TO PENNSY CONTESTS
Rickey remembers this same team last
year and is anxious to grab the entire Rtunioir to the Contrary Arose From
series. Misunderstanding of In.
It is probable that Quaintance will formation Seeker. a
,be called upon to pitch the opener to-
day. The little fellow is in grand ,Replying to the communication
shape and'is expected to perform iin which appeared in The Michigan Daily
big league style. Baribeau will prob- for Wednesday, May' 28, regarding the
ably be saved for Saturday although Pennsylvania baseball game,the follow-
he may be requested to do the honors ing statement was made yesterday by
today if his warming up process shows Louis Haller, secretary of the athletic
good stuff. It is hardly to be expected assoc:ation:
that Sisler will work in either of the "At a meeting of the board of di-
games as his rheumatism does not rectors of the athletic association
take.kindly to the J. Pluvius treatmen; held May 13, a motion was passed to
and he needs Florida weather before make some provision for the free ad-
the mighty arm wil. be at its best. mission of students who remain here
The lineup of the team today will for commencement, to the baseball
probably be regular with Cory, Bell, games to be held commencement week.
and Sheehy in the field. The lat- This was not made public at the time
ter's ankle is still weak so Sisler because the exact method of admitting
may be put out there or played on the students had not yet been deter-
first. Webber will do the backstop- mined, the admission by coupon books
ping and the front presented by the being considered open to abuse."
team will be of its strongest calibre. The rumor to the contrary arose
M. A. C. will probably pitch Miller, because of a misunderstanding on the
a new find among the Farmers who is part of those who sought information
expected to do wonders. Le Fevre, at the athletic office, no authoritative
their other star got badly bumped by statement having been issued by the
Michigan three weeks ago but Rickey association.
has still a wholesome respect for him. . - ____
The game today will start at 2:30 -Through the generosity of Mr.
o'clock and reports from the Intereol- Bryant Walker, of Detroit, the zoology
legiates will be received at the field. department is able to offer a scholar-
ship at the Marine Biological labora-
-Office'rs for next year were elect- tory, Wood's Hole, Massachusetts, for
ed by the Kentucky club at a meeting the summer of 1913. The scholarship
hel at the Union last night. They are: provides for tuition, valued at fifty
president, Victor C. Kelly, '14L, vice- dollars, and is awarded by the zoology
president, Albert J. Gans, '96E,- secre- faculty. Applications to any member
tary, Edwin C. Foltz, '15E, and treas- of the faculty may be made before
urer, Wilbur K. Miller, '15. June 9.

Probation aud Parole of {Offenders
Principa9jSubject Discussed
Probation and parole of minor o-
fenders, and reform of the present
prison system were, the principal sub-
jects discussed before the Michigan
State Conference of Charities and Cor-
rection in the closing sessions yester-
day. Judge Henry S. Hulburt, of the
juvenile court in Detroit, Judge Jef-
fries and Tracy McGregor, also of De-
troit, and Dr. J. T. Gilmour, warden of
Central prison, Toronto, were the prin-
cipal speakers.
esides correctional work, housing
and recreation and family and and
neighbcrhood problems were treated in
several interesting papers, and the
general "round table" discussions
which followed were among the liveli-
est of the conference.
The conference has been made an
annual affair, and has been permanent-
ly organized, but the place of meeting
for next year's convention has not yet
been decided upon. An executive com-
mittee was appointed, consisting of
Charles Garfield, of Grand Rapids, I
L. Udell, Letrcit, the Rev. W. H. Poole
Jackson. Ew. Mershon, Saginaw, Mrs
W. H. Wait, Ann Arbor, Mrs. D.-F. Dig-
gins, Cadillac,. and Adelaide Buffing-
ton, Lansing.
Entrants for Canoe Race Still Minus
Quantitty; None Have Signed
Up For Mixed Double
Race as Yet.
Numerals My Be Given to Winners 0i
Swimming Races; All Are
Eligible for Races.
A. 'ut 25 entries for the different
events for the Michigan Union Boat
club regatta to be held Saturday morn-1
ing were received yesterday, making
the total number almost 50. EntrantsI
for the canoe races are still almost ai
minus quantity, and as yet no one has;
signified intentions of participating in4
the mixed double race, where a woman
mans the front paddle and a male stu-
dent the rear one.
A number of volunteer workers will
meet with the officials of the club this
morning at 9:00 o'clock, and proceedc
up the river to mark out the racings
courses and place the buoys in the
proper positions. The men will also1
construct a temporary portage around ,
the dam at the old pulp mill.
An attempt will be made by the au-I
thorities in charge of the events to get
numerals for the winners of the 'swim-<
ming races. Dr. G. A. May has been
secured to act as judge for the diving,
All the contestants for the swim-
ming races will have their hearts ex-
amined before the contests begin, andc
every precaution will be taken to avoid
accidents. '
All entrants for the tilting contestsI

will be expected to furnish their ownf
poles. These must not be more than E
ten feet in length and must have a
pillow or other suitable cushion on the{
(Continued on page 4.)l

The Cosmopolitani club :icic
and athletic day will be 'hzeld
at X\ hitmore Lak tday. The
picnicers wvill lea-:c th-: Ann
Arbcr station in a special ca at
8:50 o'clock this mornin. A r,:ara-
thon race will be held from the Ann
Arbcr post oice to the lake at 3:00
o'cloek, while those competing iin the
long distance walk will have an hur's
start. At the lake athletic events will
be held and a baseball game wl be
played in which all nations will be rep-
resented. The party will retura from
Whitmcre at 7:0' c'cleck this ere:ing.
AHIARnDgi I 1~'Injuries lav Ruined V asi.-
(ys (C'lauces o' First, Penn and
Conell Are Only 'Teans
That Look Better.
California Looks Like Big WeAerii
Rival; Reports tb be Receved at
tane Today.
All athhftic interest in the country
today centers at Cambridge where the
classic in track event,the Intercollegi-
ates will be in progress, and it- is safe
to say that Michigan will play a more
or less prominent part in them. Crit-
ics generally agree that injuries hav
ruined whatever chances Michigan had
for copping first or second honors but
there is some dissension as to whether
they will end up in third or fourth
place, it being generally conceded that
they will defeat all the eastern teams
except Penn and Cornell.
Michigan should cop twenty points,
which ought to land it in the third
hole. In the hundred yard dash Bond
should place although Reller of Cor-
nell and Patterson of Penn beat him
to the tape on performance. Bond also
should place in the 220 with Mercer
copping first. Craig looks good for
first in the low hurdles if his leg holds
out and Haff ought, not to have any
real competition in the quarter. Kohl-
er basing predictions on dope, looks
like a point winner in the weight
events although it is entirely improb-
able that he will take first in eithe.
Sargent can place in the high jump if
he is in form although the little feriow
is not doing up to his past form. But
aside from these men it is improbable
that the Wolverines will place.
The races between Jones of Cornell
and Tabor ofBrown in the half and the
mile should be the thrillers of the
meet and critics are divided as to the
outcomes. The pole vault should bea
good with Wagoner of Yale probable
winner. California, a rank outsider in1
eastern dope, looks like the worst riv-1
al that Michigan will have and the
Golden state athletes may make
things decidedly uncomfortable
for the Wolverines. Reports fromi
the field will be received
at the ball game today and also print-
ed in full in tomorrow's Michigan Dai-

Is Greater by $20%000 Than Amount
Granted by Board at Same
Time Last Year;But Less
Than Totil for '2-'13.
New Seienco Building Located; Dean
Reed's Leae of Absence Extend-
ed For a Year.
The university budget for the year
1913-'14, amounting to $1,442, 796.56,
was adopted by the board of regents
last night. This is an increase of
more than $200,000 over that granted
by the board at the same time last
year but is considerably smaller than
the total amount for the whole year
The south wing of University hall
was voted to be restored as it was be-
fore the fire. It is planned to have it
in condition for the scientific depart-
ments for the opening of the next col-
lege year. An appropriation of $1,500
was also voted for the installation of
a campus fire department.
The new science building was locat-
ed by the beard on the site of the old
homeopathic building between the law
end chemistry buildings. A committee
was authorized to report on the care
of the homeopathic work until the
^ompletion of the new structure.
Prof. E. C. Whitney was appointed
to succeed hin-self as a member of the
board in control of athletics. Prof. R.
W. Aigler was appointed as the repre-
Wentative from the law department on
'he board to succeed Pro. Evans Hol-
brook. The same alumni that are now
members of the board were reappoint-
Dean J. O. Reed's leave of absence
was continued for another year. The
latest reports are that he is improving
in health and is now in Munich, Ger-
The fees of patients at the university
.hospital were voted to be raised 25
cents a day. Out of the increase there
is to be set aside a fund not to exceed
$5,000 in the university hospital and
$2,000 in the homeopathic hospital
from which may be paid the charges of
unfortunate patients.
Tryouts for the offices of Varsity
cheerleaders will make their first pub-
lic appearance at Ferry field today at
the M. A. C. game. The men have been
receiving instruction for the past two
days from L. M. Otis, '13M, present
cheerleader and some of them show
real ability in the art of leading cheers
it is said.
The men will all be dressed uniform-
ly, wearing white trousers and plain
white shirts and each will be given a
chance to display his prowess before
the crowds assembled in the stands,
All the candidates will appear again
at the game tomorrow and the tryouts
will be continued. The election will
be held some time next week, and the
four men chosen will be the Varsity
yellleaders next year.
The names of the candidates who
are all juniors in the order in which
they will lead the cheers is as follows:
George C. Caron, Lester Rosenbaum,
Patrick oontz, R. M. Alton, E.A.Pughe,
J. F. McMullen, Ben Shepherd, Gay




. . vs. MICHIGAN BASEBALL GAME, Ferry Fied0 P. M.



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