THE MICHIG(AN DAILY SWILL TEAR BOWN 0' '1 1 - IN B R I EF. THEELECT This see~sork' S popular she pC- We he.vo themrn r Tarp or Blo~ck, ci-at Oxford or 'High.- With rubber soloe a.ivd heal if. yoll wish., -~Ia ratenitywill begin the (CfLU L L"oncia 0 b ome at 605 ~ ciliSrv estret abutJuly 1. The Contracts for teascg do11nthe ofl oue ilb rd5frcupnyy the bginning Cftdiesecond semester. octagonal smoke sta-,ck at t [' we5t endi of the paint shop ,,nd therma z Tofyens"Mu selections of the old1 medic buil-n1 wer l'v es1i hi hvn n y rof. Hollister's terday to the UnionHne\Yeku rsi ncrr:tv reading last Co. of IDetroit. Theli(o, o ~~nil, w (wellreceived. landmarks was d(- fTide- upon at the(, IIOf . .W.,.Sm-ith, of the physics last meeting of the board o,' t iprr~nret urnedi Monday from the and the work will be cornyzV. cfin A Pros.. T. Fairchild of Commencement. te Iicn (o'ee, where he spent The stack is (60 feet hii v-indte~WiAe us of honor, official xvrccing xiii b diffcult Srt.. deneof i iite university at the H. Marks, \wio first i tnh.1t ie xrces the work, planned to renav liks -Prf R. N'. Wenley is one of the at the bottom and fill theioe whslcbr to be present at the third pine block1s, perm-fitting trthei kt anualdiner to be giveni by the Mich- topple ove(r to the we;- t. 'bsi toI1mAuthors' Assochion at the Tull- may be emplloyed by the o>,ei i oe on June 5. Norman Hackett, firm. chis irmran of the arrangements The chimney is an oid la. dnc'r'- o'rite resenting one of the greatety:a'chie e _',Abut 25 members of the Kalamnazo ments i caipipus arch~itecture at the (4ub atte(Ied the first annual dinner tine when the present p:aint shop was of the society at the Union last night. used as the university priwer house. Prof. RobertId& Bunker. of the law de- i We don't want to Carry Over any Stock when T-,iriff affects WVoolens. I, I. Big edo n Everything $3.003 attA$6.09 Wagnev ft Coo SSkate Stre i#M YU,1n EE . __ . ..'.7-,,:1"'. t^_ W..-T " vnrraer a_+.-Z....n _ -e _-:c ;C:L-' Werren S. Thormpsron a n he iFores't awn tea ioorn Special Menus for Warm Weather D4 Forest Avenuae.Phone 1238-J THERE'S NEVER ANY FALLING OFF IN THE FLAVOR OF tgaged as an additional i sociology for next year. - inte of the ixriye and has stuili 'd!atlh n Chicago and Columbia., It is 1pln:reJedt& inra of SC(;l:i5insocloic'i will bea n.iern'Ac in eachi section. ,tfrin _c a <;'i-- ai _. , . 7.i- I ill I 111 11x nicest, spiciest, most tantalizing cook(ies ever made. In 1 Oc packages at all grocers HOLLAND RUSK COMPANY, Holland, Mich. ANN ARBOR HOME BAKERY, LDistribulois ryy\ . A ISSlt)N TO SAE The Anibcrscn bill, draw~no3 by Dean hate:,, rclative toa a-;1t the state bar, has payssdbWhee of the legislature, rec,,iv (ldia; sti- or's signature, and i nw av, i1 -The ynnc pal epr~r:eCt tr 'aining, n un d graduat'. 'f i o fi e a r p - striclingaal sioa t;'eei0-good part ment, was I he principal speaker. Election of officers for next year was held and the following wvere elected: pre ident, E. W. P-aislip, '141,; vice- prsident, 0. Z. Ide, '151L; secretary, l~cen Steers. '16; recording secretary, ie oia Pomeroy, '14; treasurer, Ber- isKline, '14. [ti:,.[pro '1[danCe cunittee meets vi T r._.on[ton; gt at 2:00 o'c'lock. Sop enincssand junior laws play basbal tis fiernonat 4:00 We'lock on Ferry fiel:d. Senor u~iner~whio have not oh- _. edi:i[_ (on can obtain them Ihu~s~ay;inrcom 121, from 1:00 to Soic engneer iayclass dues to- morwin f'ront oi' roome 211. Intsiroilegi it cSc ialist society wll odisli;bsns meeting of the veer,, , tnht a t :o'clock in the frn o apaahAi tn~tat 11:00 Oxetck. ow'bat oormusicians I u~ sreital at the cSchiool of Mu- si.c ths f mroot at 4 :15 o'clock. Miniature RUG of ORIENTAL Design with Each. Package. WHAT, 'NEVER? ~.... . .- They said : "It can't be Done." That it was :F-POSSIBLE to blend Turkish and Virginia tobacco - and catch and hold the soul of both. Well, we've DONE it. It's too good to be true. But it IS true. Great is Zubelda ! A Rubber Sole Oxfords v i h heels and leather toe pieces. E~very Pair Guaranted. $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00. Campus' Bovotery, Opposite H-Iuston'~ il/1IIR -""-"-'ss e ar 0a ol0i Rp sr w nmrwn "- i reu TURKISH mo) VIRGINIA a *1 ini tiffl. i u X11 Copyrght Hart Schaffacr L& Marx A VERY smart two-- bu on mcdel for young men, soft rol lapels, turnup trousers, a very stylish model made by Hart S&hdfner & Marx At twenty-five dollars you can buy a very fine suit in this model. 11"'!1t pass ann&1{'." fIn V 'Mii;i \InngC]3;S t(IA I ifmOs I lu -k(If of -den beowvn. So' E° ithjiba i k or .. n P'itr , iee ~orpet g.Al- wSav- dellghtful m ari o h1 I'1?im g t;h.#,i ek' 1; 11 toill t C 'te t . Holland Rusk Company, lolatMi1ch. Ann Arberir Hmt'1 aEr! ~~Fbi I SI G 't }4 p 7 7 And Tickets Toz and From st hr I Let us make your tgoing home SUPt" and e a pair of $6.99 to $7.00 trousers F REE'AithIevery odr Our suits "are2 beautilulHy tailored and they fit perfctly. All the newest weaves fresh front the loom. y placng your or- der now will kisure prompt delivery. f' a~bAi 7- T/ Write c-r phone The Expert temsi Agent Lutz 174 Criswold Street U 0 1 T Clothing Store He represeivs All Steamzship ltneS issues Official Ticke's ove- Lake 'ul 0 ---x:!Lines. Students" and Teachers'" aainTi.-~~s a nourth '.st nirto and f riIom / uon r(zT Parr; h~for '6- ;oin- ciudi-'g Al expenmse~ from por to port. ' Nt) Excuse J#o-r U )t seeing; Panama if you j,,ir C. Lei- di.--h';, Cru i-24 days-for 1 t0", ta's and berth ito'e f. Two Weeks' Trip, D~etr', oit. o n ib'tcal, and return-, f' r .3(o. Reserve ro. ALL SUJITS MA.DNE FOR YOU AT I I Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes In Ann Arbor; E 299 E. Liberty Street, .7 a TeL, bldg. E. C FLANDiEP S, A ,gr., leoinn s in r. of Woolen Mills. No cmaa ,c1 on xwil q ar y o tuhraore in Ann Arbor. I 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET C CCG.Lt':', D. & C. Ticket Agency. °' I A V 1 ' i Al I I I I,, I hmm You can nostfn better in town than the one at HOPPE'S 95c CI CAMEAS OR ALEIGA P~~ Ti ENTl~cper day. Fils Dvelpedl~c'~ oll i'iit, 8, 4c, and 5c eh. Postal V iews 0aVo CI n is views and FrtarL~,a .I Photcgraphers Os