THE MICHIGAN DAILY 46 Our Political Platform Is ight Price and Quality PrI""e ua"i C'. H. W ild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street 'oot BallGs THE HCHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing' the university year. Entredat hepost-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3 the fact that next Thursday will be 1879. Pink Tea Day in the Colyum. Only Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- perfumed parlor stuff will be printed ing, Maynard Street. in this number, and in this number on- Office Hours: Editor-z to 3 p. m.; 7 to 10 p. m. Business Manager-x to 3 p. m. ly. White gloves, turned neatly back Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.5o; by mail, at the wrists, and pink ties must be $ 3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's worn by our contribs when writing Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis for this memorable issue. So there! and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. X- Ode to an Unhappy Fate. Alone we moped; the crowd had went To 0. S. U. on pleasure bent. Frank Pennell............Managing Editor We would have went, but pshaw! you Joseph Fouchard.........Business Manager know, . .............. _ _ FOOT BALL For Class SUPPLIES Teams FOOT BALL SHOES for $3.50 worth $5.00 STOCKINGS for 25c worth much more UNION SUITS for $3.50 so good you never need another Head Gears, Shoulder Guards, Nose Mash, etc., etc. Ask to see our $6.oo Auto Sweaters. ~I WAHR'S University Bookstore carry a complete line of Sporting Goods, Gym Supplies Sheehan & Co. v It's Pi 'e uston ro 's a Firing Line hold up the banner of the firing line of coo- leterle ,, Liberty Street (Copyrighted) TYPEWRITERS New and Rebuilt - All Makes FOR SALE OR RENT p. 0. D. ,MORRILL 322 S. STATE ST. Local Representative, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER R WRIT PL RIE F R A PEC O . D ETR O M C j U y *L HAL wits Cleaned and Pressed........... ...$.76 nits Pressed.................... . ...$.25 vercoats Cleaned and Pressed...........$.75 vercoats Pressed.................,.....$.20 Pressed.. ..............$.10. 410 S. STATE ST. Pressing and Repairing. All Work Pressed by Hand Maurice Toulme..............News Editor Our check came just two weeks ago. C. Harold Hippler........... ..Assistant -H. R. S. Karl Matthews..............Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge ...............Assistant John Townley.......,....Music and Drama eonard M. Rieser ....... . .....Files DeSt "See them blondes?" EDITORIALS "Haven't time," Howell Van Auken - Mauric Myers "Conductor, ring two fairs." -M. R. H. NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter .. Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter ..........Morris Milligan AllS Quiet Down the Huron. Russell H. Neilson ..........Bruce J. Miles A pretty fem, en tate-a-tate, REPORTERS Forget it! James D' Fvin ...........Ernest R. Burton A chafing dish and fudge that's great, David D. Hunting...........J. V. Sweeneyorget it! BUSINESS STAFF An open door, another face- Adna R. Johnston.........Advertising Mgr. Landlady, ten bells, sad case; Emerson Smith ..............Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett......Circulation Mgr. The Ypsi course is out of date- Forget it! -H. E. L. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1912._y. SU DA ,_ CT BE_ 2 ,_91 .O ut of respect for the day of rest and repentance, we are shelving the ELECTION TIE-UPS. Peru stuff this a. m. Several classes will again have to --X- resort to new elections because of the Sabbath Suggestions. operation of the ruling which says "Somebody strangle that alarum that a man must have a majority over clock!" the rest of the field to return him "Gee, and I- just shaved Friday 'a winner. This is a nuisance from night." the standpoint of the voter and the "A nice turn-out please; one that candidate alike, will hold two comfortably,-but-ah- It would seem that two candidates not too c6mfortably." for one office should be plenty. Re--X- quiring a majority where five candi- Outside! dates are running, as was the case in If the sun casts sunbeams, can an the senior medic race for the presi- engineer cast eye-beams? --M. R. H. dency yesterday, is absurd. Three-X candidates for any office under the Now you know how nice it feels to same ruling is not feasible, as was go west on a homeseekers' excursion. demonstrated in the junior law and -X- senior lit elections. Quick! Quick! the Meat-Axe. Every class should either adopt Him-What'd they stake you at the the direct primary, eliminating down Union last eve? to two candidates for each office, or Other Him-Steak and steak-ato abolish the majority requirement. Un- singing. -Very Anon. til all class, elections are put on the -X_ same basis as elections to the student We enjoyed the sermon, too, council, a change from a majority to a plurality requirement would be the Pennsylvania Alumnus Visitiig Here. most practicable. . J. Herbert Russell, '03, of Indiana, Penn., is spending a few days with GARGOYLE WILL BE OUT FRIDAY friends in Ann Arbor. Difficulty Experienced in Obtaining RUNNERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF Material for Fall Number. FINE WEATHER TO WORK OUT. The initial issue of the Gargoyle will Fall is usually held to be the exclus- appear on Friday, October 25. It will ive property of the football men, but be known as the freshman number, every afternoon when the weather is and will concern itself largely with fair, a few white clad forms miay be the first-year men. seen jogging around the cinder track encircling the Varsity football field. A feature of this year's Gargoyle will Capt. Haff, Bond, Seward and Kohler- be the appearance each month of an are a quartet of last year's stars, who article under the caption "Sophomore are taking advantage of the fresh air Rhetoric Themes." The terms of a practice to work out the stiffness in prize contest for stories, poems, and preparation for this winter's indobr drawings, will also be announced in season. Monetta, a freshman, winner the October number, of the century dash at the last invi- Considerable difficulty has been ex- tation meet here, is also working out. perienced so far in getting material, the appearance of this month's num- 1916 FRESHMEN ARE HUSKY LOT ber being delayed on that account. Competition still continues for va- Physical Condition Better Than That cancies on the Gargoyle staff, the only of Last Year's Class. editorial positions now permanently As far as can be determined at this filled being as follows:. Harold McGee, time, the measurements and physical managing editor; "Bill" Fanning, art conditioi of the class of 1916 show a editor; and Karl Matthews, humor ed- small gain over last year's new-com- itor. ers. Among those who have been ex- amined, Dr. Mayrhas found several GAME DOES NOT INTERFERE - who give promise of providing good WITH WEEKLY UNION DANCE material for the track team. The freshmen are much more prompt in enrolling in gym classes than those Despite the large number of stu- of last year. The classes on Mondays dents out of the city yesterday, nearly and Fridays at 3:15 and 4:15, and the 100 couples attended the regular week- class that meets on Tuesdays and ly membership dance at the Union last Thursdays at 4:15, are already filled. evening. The chaperones were Prof. All freshmen who have not yet en- and Mrs. C. E. Aigler and Prof. and rolled should do so during the next Mrs. C. J. Tilden. week. Held The vogue in outdoor he: This is the day of the cap. 1{ ~ The man who doesn't realize wake up. '7WAGN ER & HAVE YOU HEARD THE LATEST BITS in popular sorgs' If notcall at - RINNELL BROS. 120-122 East Liberty St. where the young lady will be pleased to demonstrote the music for you-All popular songs and music 10 cents. Yellow and Blue 16c It is Easy to Recognize e -0i botoora i Ii 1 C 0. Syracuse Strong!Ifor Ube B 1%e Front Store DAVIS la KONOLD Near Ferry Field Studio 319 W. H" irx St. Pho~ne 961-11 w. Reserved Seat Sale for SHORAL' UNION' CONCERTS First Choice, Wednesday and Thursday S5econd Choice, Friday and Saturday- Next Choice, On and after Monday 75c 50c 25c r THINK OF IT !! Schuman-Heink, Flonzaly Quartet, Werrenrath, Full Bos- ton Symphony Orchestra, Tina Lerner, and The May Festival with the Choral Union Chorus, the Theodore Thomas Orchestra and a lot of star soloists. Tickets for Winter Concerts with reserve seat, $3.25 to $3.75. These tickets may be exchanged for May Festival re- serve seats later by paying $I.oo to $3.00. ALL SALES AT University School of Music _ .." GOOD LIGHT M MEANS GOOD EYES escant Gas Lamps Verticle ightest and Steadiest. and Reflex are the The Proper Place to Take Your Lady Friend for dinner, luncheon or refresh- ments is Mack's Tea Room Combines seclusion with culinary perfection. Service alacarte. Open 8 a. m. to 5 p. i., on Saturdays till 9 p. mn. Orchestra Saturdays. SECOND FLOOR MACK & Co. MAIN STREET Special No, Shadow Engineer's Drawing Lamp. IN ARBOR GAS COMPANY KENMORE ARRO~W COLLAR Particularly good for either formal day or evening wear. 15e. each, 2 for 25c. Send for "Ei'ndngujre" Cluett. Peabody & Co., Troy, N. Y. H I R O P0 D Y CORNS CARED FOR AND NAILS CURED et also taught Everything absolutely anti- Office Hours 9-12 a.m. 1-5 p.m J. FOLEY 921 EAST HURON s E. of High School Phone 989J The S and MechanIcs Bank .103-105 South Main Street DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor Time Table Limited Cars tor Detroit-7:12 a. m. and hourly to 6:12 p. m., also 8:12 p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. m., 6:40 a. m., and every two hours to 6;40 p. m., 7:40 p m. 8:4Op. m., 9:45 p. m., and 10:45 p m To.Ypslanionly. 11:15 p. m., 12:15 p. m. 12:30 p. m.,1:00 a. mn. Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jacksen-5:20 a. m., and every two hours to 9:20 p. m., 11:15 p. in. [cap\ adwear for gentlemen it should rub his eyes and CO. State Street Sign of the big white shoe ! , i ' j + ; Profits $67,0001 I p . w -T I, I 0 a