TelEL MICTIJOANN AILY. 1 . .--.y. _ , . .. 1. just stylish corre t in sYl V o just offer you stylish clothing would be easy for us but would soon set you doubting the value of our store service. We study the difference between style and correct style so that you may feel secure in any selection yon may make here. There is an individuality in the styles of Stein =Bloch Smart Clothes thiat pleases the critical buyer-=a glance at yourself in a Stein-Bloch Spring suit, before our big mirrors, explains why. FRATERNITY JEWELERS AND STATIONEiRS Lyndon Telephone 458-L "tAl ways OA. Ike jobs, Jewelers, Stationers, Opticiaa ns, and Fraternity Jewelers. A 207-211 ODkWARD A :NyE .f~:i. - At this time, when the school year, is near its close and the "bunch"' will soon be broken up, there are always a great many groups to be photographed_ and I just want to suggest that it is a good plan to ''do it now" before it is too late. 11 I I I It, gin of I & t o ch TiAILORS IFell me when anid where and I will do the rest. I announce the arrival of the new Woolens for Spring and Summer. dnsclimitt, Apfel & Compaly I I The Success of Your Part 95 Fo rt St., West aDetroit Depends Upon, Your I P PROGRAMS F OUR LRM CLOCK(S and you will g'et ays right ,,nd ail clacks guarant ed. 14 t EAST WASHINGTON J. L. CHAP MAN, Ji Telephone 716-J to yo i i classes on time New r cation. S REV T IDS8 FN TryilS COLUMN )\s PAI )FRI N IV V RE TO BFL A Nt (E. .LOST +giollv.bawr-.a.. r E A T R line of Imported Italian reproductions now ready Inspection, Our Picture Framing is done in an Artistic manner. I * Lost,---Between North University and State Streot "Waiting room a 3.1 fold- ing Kodak. Finder call Zii, au 1074-I.. Reward. 7- Lost-Je \\eled fraternity pin. Reward. If foun d return to Michigan Daily office. 1711 I An artistic prograD, vwortb keeping will be mreasured by yeur guests and bring back fond i-ccolle,:0ti s many i ears, after your pai ty has l:e xn for-go t n e a e t e iilt a r worth koepiug. Down i~itolwn on ;street MAin ART STORE, 223 So. Mai. r 4 i WANTEDI 14 MW4 0 "m 1 , We Make Old Hats New PANAMA, SOFT, DERBY oSTRAW Wan~ted--Room and bo 1rl for tihe swrl- ! mer term in a fam ly whie F -ci:ren Ai or German is spoken. Addres s thn 1'ichigan Daily Business officec. 17:1 FOR SALE Foe S ale-'em ing ton typewriter and( roll -tofu deslr, at a sacrifice. CallE 2144-J., 171-2 MAY 28th, STATION ERS, THE MAYER - SgHAIRER CO. F'.tie D Lrama PRINTS S 112 soxuth Main. Street r 4 F j !ii 3 6 , F :r ,; y 1 '; b I' CLEANED AND BLOCKED THE BEST SHOE'SHINE SHOP 301 1 -2 S. jSTATE STREET BINDE e1 ".- o co Ne0x# to W a g n e r s For Sl(--17 foot canoe for sale> cheap>. .CO RE GalJk t1175-3'. 171 PICT RES, TAN'("() PA1RTY AT iT'A 1lUEtS TIZItRSI)1A.Y1,M(WIIT, q hP~t C(ODI - rAt<.m i cin a Episcopal Theological Schools ARR111K TH. T CABRDEquAlS. 1 O s T O! The locatio fe n MSS. 0pov tunity for g'raduate w-rk at Harvard'flif LYMAN P. OWE TRAVEL FESTIVAL TUTTLE'S OAN- STATE STREET TOLEDO '. JeVELAND .!1 PORT HURC 8 F A L OSY - THE CHARMS OF OUR SUMMER SEAS Spend your vacation on the Great Lakies, thJe most e ononical and en! oyable outingt W eo No mafttr to vw!,at point you want to go, use D.&C h~y,)a Yo an U Line St ame rs operating to all important port: Daily ser-ice between Detroit and B ffalo, May 1st to November 1st. Cityc Detroit il a d 1uy of Cleveland ill, two c= thti largest side wheel steamers in the work on: this divi son Ju~ne 10th to Septembe: 10th. Daily service between Detroit an Cleveiand April 15-th to December 1 St. During; July and August two boats outc Detroit and Cl.-eland every Saturday ar - Sunday night, Four trips wck'rly between Toled"), D. trc t, Mackinac island and way ports. To Day topover ;:'.;wed at Alpena either cicr. o tourist tickets without addition, cost. Daily service between Toledo, Ci~ln and Put-in-Bray. "pecial Steameor Cleveland to Nlacirac Islarnd, two trps weekcly, June 16th1 September 1 0th stopping only at Detrolit rv;y trip and Coderich, Ont., every Mionda up..bound a-d Saturday down-bound. Special DayTrips betwecenDetroitr, + Clevel:ad, During July and Augu Tueosday, Wednesday, Thu.r ay an- l :ura y cut of Detroit; Monday, Wednesday Thu,.rsday and Friday ottof Clvela,-d. RAILROAD TIC:KU TS P,'_,'_A!.', ,i ;; ets reading via any ra lime between Detroit and l~rffa-