,7 1MMICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring Woolens Largest Assortmnent in the City Ready for Your Inspection, ILD CO. 311 S. State Street 1N 8 is drawing near when you wIll need VISITIN~G CARDS 11 the latest styles. Work Guaranteed Wards ........ ..... .$1050 Plate........... ...... .50 KAN4 (&A C~w.O . tdeke THlE MICHIGAN DAILY, Official newspaper at the University of Mich- iga~n. Published every morning except Monday dur-' ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann :arbor, Mlich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1 879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press" build- ing, ?Maynard Street Office Hours. Editor-i to 3 P. i.; 7 to 10 p. tn. Business M anager--i to ,; T. M Subscription Price: By carrier, $z.5- by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations:, Press Building: Quarry's Pharmacy: Univer-itv Phartrnicy C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard $t State Phone: Bell. 95o I P-rank Pennell......... ..Iialt'lging r.g Itor Joseph Fouchard..........h111, rincM Ianager" Mlaurice T' Liolne.............Newh ldi tor C. Harold 1Ilippler.................Assistant Karl iM~atthews ..............Atlilci~c I-ditor G. C. Eldredge........... ....., sIstatt John Townley.............Mtusic andl Irama f-farold B. Ahbott ......... la toonist EDITORIALS flarold G. McGee [Louis P. 11aiter Howell Van Auken Mal~urice Myers R. Emmett Taylor Edwin It1< lhi,t ,n NIGHT EDITORS 1fl. Reach Carpenter Fred B.. roulk Morton R. Hunter Morris Milligan Bruce J: Miles Lester F. Rosenbaum David D. Hunting REPORT ER S Leonard M. Rieser J. Selig Yellen Leo Burnett Penn 11,Illossick F. M. Church ('a-Itnn Jenks Charles; S. Johnson C. ll. :Lang fleriitis FE. Kline 'X1M zrafroth Y. F. Jahin I1su I'.C.rtnnim l P. P. McTinnei X12 .ilel RPaisseil Neilsoin R. E Curnninglvam John 1E. Hentou Ge.. 5..1ohnstoul BUSINESS STAFF V. R: Johnsoin, Jr........Iyverti'.iiMe Ianages Emerson It. Smith........... i , ,:tarn. I a rry FE. j nlnr....... Cirevcl :r1 "11 VXI aer S+herwnnei rield I 1h n Leonard Myron W. Watkins 1:, G. Millard, WEiNESDAY, MAY1 23,.113. RAJESTIG KINEMAOL O RB FILMS DWART, VISITINGaiCARDS ALL SIEATS1 Uc MATINEE TODAY at 3 P.. M. 3 Shows TONIGHT, 7 P. M., B P.M and 9P. M. COMPLETE CHANGE PROGRAM DAILY Seniors! I 1 0, lilloo l, - Correct styles--Price and Workmanship Guarantee' Time's Flying-=See to it NOW--=the Matter of your i State Street UNIVRSIY BOKSTRESStreet r ti. _ I m..---°°°-- fU3lqatin lIn r a i is, Pr9eferred by discrimiinating people fui at~qiiite and enduring beaulty of tone, for abkoltite integrity of workmanship, for u ndoubtkd reliabilit y. ye Mental have Physi- :iethes mo~de n ab le touch y Tailoring an Physic~al St~adlo 319 E. Htzraim St. oi ne X161-L, I 0 ty Street .1 Vest Pocket Kodak It. is not. entirely, our tault, that we sell so nmany Ve--t Pocket lKodaks.. Pt ople stye th~e pictures tOat their frig ds take with these little cameras and 1r(; i i( , for themselves. If you have a used kodak that does not suit you we wilt make you a liberal-otter for exchange on a better one. Cowie in and talk it over with us and let us do your fin ihing. "Awakened Rameses" usic at Reduced Prices. Score Books $1.50 T GRINNEL B.6 10-122o e. i rSt.r Academ-y f Da.mrwin , Every Wednesday an~d Saturday Evenings. Ing 'dates lefttfor rentals.I rxa CO. 220 Souith7 MAW~ St. ,f the Official sigma Xi ai d Ph1i Bela K~ippa keys d, good wighit, fi.reiy fiii1Le(',and made a 1tt1le ost of them. Ste the samnph s, and kiave y, ur or elivery after thle initiation, & CO., Jewelers, 220 Main Sit. r Savings Bank' The $3,000,000 State Savings ank flat5ness T r~r.saest u !Wmn J. Booth, President Wm. Arnold, Vice-Presiden cock, Pres.,, W. D. Ha r-i M. J. Fritz, Cashicr J John C. Waiz, Jr., Cashier your Phi Beta Ikappa and Signma Xi keys frons us. ir and refinish old and broken jewelry.. Ssets anid maki11'ng new montings a specialty. nms W atCh repair11ng Conklin peis. PLAY BL L Weather permiitting"2, this ante.-noon will determine which of the seventeen class ball teams ion the cninT:us is en- titled to the figurative champn ionship bunting. Then, in the' natu,.rali orderi of events, the class league will sink into" oblivion for another yeas., A great many people would like to see this oblivion doctrine broken into to the extent of betting the ham class team cross bats with the V,°11rsity-. Such a game would- draw thi c rowds,, put new life into the class l guand possibly give the coaches a line on unknown material. Many a mian who has burned up the campus lc a ;tiu in the past, would have been a wevvlcomeo addition to the ,.Varsity if hisA work could have been noticed by the-proper persons. What objecticns can be otteredo against this suggestion ? We catn think of none. On the other hand we are certain that the innovation would prove a welcome one., NEW FIELDS., The Comedy club is giving any one who wants to take a hand in playwrt ing a chance not only to have his play considered by the university but by the professional stage as well. Under these circumstances, there is incentive enough to call out a large number of competitors. In giving the college, play writer a chance, the Comedy club opens a. fine field. Here is a chance for some local Shakespeare to make good in the the- atrical world. Now is the proper time to start the'work, and spare moments in ;the impending summer vacation, the time, to finish it up for submission in the fall to the °judges. ICalkins' PharmacyI 324 SOUTH STATE' STREET May 28.--Combined dance of Cercle EFratncaise, Deutscher Verein, and Comedy club at the country club. Car leaves at 7 :40 o'clock. May 28.-Combined musical club's con- cert at U Hall. Maiy 28.-Blum art exhibit at Mem oriali liciA191, i1:1Eecls Aew Officers. A\c olyties, honor literary society :lac t<:d cffie rs, for the coming year a; their 1 Ianualdii ner at the Union last night as follows: H. V. Foulk, arch- acolte;W. WV. Schroeder, '14, exor- (ist;) A. i":,Oilman, '14, seneca; Theo- phile iRaphael, '13, copyist; and Sam- uel Shapero, refector. (111zi hS Nt G Uive Joint I lCC Toiiiglit. Memiibers, of the Comedyr club, the Cercle Francals, and the Deutscher Verein will dance this evenin]g at the country club. Prof. and M1;rs Evans Holbrook will chaperone the affair. Tihe merry makers will leave Ann Ar- bor by special car at 7:40 p. im. Tick- ets selling at $1.25 may be procured from members of the committees. Why pay more money when you can buy all the latest popular songs& and mnusic at teni-cents per copy. Mando- lins, guitars, and all musical instru- ments at vcry lowvest prices consistent with quality. Grinnell Bros., 120,-2 E. Liberty St. 160-172 Can Oiler You (Better Shoes for Less Money REMEMBER WE ARE LEVER UNDERSOLD Full line of wooden bath sandals AEI'I Prop.'Opst otOf~ Tennis Shoes and Sippers LV, !'C.205 N. MeaIn Street, CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY FOR GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROIT. MICH , - _ . f ! "" . , t f ...- ; , ' 6 4 ,. rte.. ' l _ 5 r .ri .,wh a ;- - . b ..- (a t _ i 1 \. 4 a t . _ ; ;' / xf l x A , YY // - d Sit - /i , \ , ; 1 h . l , f r z Fero s+ a i 1 r sl ^k ii tl _ ;.' . 7.r[ I Z ' "Y iT/ i .; 1 -01 E x .f' J.' \\tl1j 11 , jil /,!/ jigir( 11 1 % 18 /%/ l !% / / l .I I ij% H lil ill 1y11 , i r I fJ 1 .,: _ j / q cif I . f k ° ? y G; 1 ! l/l f! / r i l f J f, /// J //, ':r.;,r I ' 'l'. '; .--= /i ; ;, ' f/i _ t, 7: 4) U ler Jewelry .Co. I 308 South State Street ET AS IT SOUNDS tVICE BETTER CANDY $E SUGAR BOWL Conf ectioniery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all 1i "i ,. I [H La ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY ORDER NO MATTER NO0W SMALL ON MAIN STRLET THE BES TEBSJOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES Here the Coqern Hero Comes If xou can't be the "hero,"" make ffhe most of it-smoke a Fa i a . 60 Ratima couIpons will secure a f Titec satin pillotw top, 24 in. square, decorated,' wit/i hand. wmrely painted flowers- 12designs t . Ctfa~rom-. Afr 154 2~i3tXJ7cz~4re4P 7 S 1Y B L E CHOCOLATE SODA OUR SPECIALTY DROP IN AND TRY IT It is said "there is nothing new under the sun," but our garments finished with silky brAided edges are not only now but are the last word in Sartorial elegance. Let us Show you. The cosies~t dii ing moom n toxIN1 is A E IH W IH ,D E NITE1D LINES Time Table as Curs for Detroit- ,ly to6:10 p. Mn., also 8:10 Th~e Farmers and Mechanics Bank WAGER &CO. Sta Street Tailors 101-103-105 South Main Street tupitaI $100,000. Surpips and Profits $61,000 Mack's Teai Room D~inners, lunches or refresl mnint. Rest Room in connction. Open from 4 a. in. to 5 p. 111. on Saturdays till 9 p. tn. SECOND FLO2 MAIN STREET POINTED AR ow ~COLLAR . for 25 ts. CIuett, Peabody & Co.., Inc. ican1