THE MICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, ILD CO. 31:1 S.. State StreetI .w ~NI ORS Dis drawing near when you will need VISITING CARDS all the latest styles$ Work Guaranteed Cards.......... ..$1.50 mnPlate..................90 IAN (O~ CO.kstore [IAN . C~o ooas o business business t inspire proposi- Street ,.j Aca.demn y a~f D ncin~ ery Wednesday and Saturday Evenings." g dates left for rentals.I THlE MICHIGAN DAILY' Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann ,Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office kours: Editor-' to 3 P. i.; 7 to to p. m. Business Manaer-i to 3 p. m. Subsczipton Price: By carrier, $2.5; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard & State Phone: Bell, 96o. Drank Pennell.......... .. Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard......... Business Manager Maurice Tloulre.............News Editor l C. Harold Rippler...........Assistant Karl Matthews....... ...Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge ............Assistant John TIownley...........Music and Drama Harold 13. Abbott ............... Cartoonist FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1913. Night Editor-Fenn H. Hossick. YOUR NIGHT, FRESHMEN! Remember, Mr. Freshman that to- night is your night. If you haven't worn a gray cap this year, get one this morning and blossom out. Wear it all day. Then tonight get away from us- ual Friday night pursuits and join the. Sleepy- Hollow procession. It's your last chance to do homage to some of Michigan's best traditions. You'll nev- er regret your participation in Cap Night. It offers innumerable benefits. Further, its your duty. Make it a good night-as good a Cap night as any Michigan has known in the past. OUR PART. If there was such a thing as a key to the Michigan campus, literally speaking, we are certain that the In- terscholastic boys would be welcome to it. W6~ are as glad to have them as we hope they are to be here. Michigan offers many attractions at this season, and the few days of their stay should be happy ones for the prep visitors. It is up to all of us to help entertain these boys, many of ,whom, we hope, will be future sons of the University of Michigan. In our so doing, the permanency of the Interscholastic as a Michigan institution will be insured. *DS IN TIlS COLUMN ARE TO B1 PID FOR IN ADVANCE. LOST Got-Leather note book and briefs al- so Martin's Pleading.' Reward. H. R. Schradzki. 894-. 165-6-67 Lot-Monday afternoon at D. J. C. waiting room a black and white col- lie dog, answering to the name Joe. Ten dollars reward will be paid for his return. Dr. II. . Britton, Ypsi- ianti, Mich., phone 222-. 165-6-7-S Lost-Note-book i~ library. Reward offered for notes in note-book. 1224 Washtenaw. L. Feldman. 167-68 Lo st-Betweeni Kappa Kappa Gamma house and campus or on campus pair of glasses in case. Summerlin, Grand Rapids, on case. Call 390. Reward. 167 Lost-On Ferry field MVay 9, baseball glove and pair of shoes. Finder please call 402-. 167-68-6 Lost-Small open face watch with in- itials on back, between S. Ingalls and S. 5th or on street ar line. Phone 550-J. Mrs. L. P. Hall. 167 IA Vest- Pocket Kodak It is not entirely our fault that we sell so many Vest Pocket Kodaks. Ptople see the pictures that their friends take with these little cameras and w'ant one for themselves.,- If you have a used kodak that does not suit you we will make you a liberal offer for exchange on a better one. Come in and talk it over with us and. let us do your finishing. Calkins' Pharimacy 324 SOUTH STATE STREET M. { i State Street WA K' UNIVERSITY IBOOKSTOREZS Main Street I I L l fi Uatin. Preferred ~by discriminating people for exquisite and enduring beauty of tone, for absolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. Stixdle3195I. Hwrost S#. VISITING CARDS Phone 961-IL I1 ii /F if MAJESTIC ""ODIVA" "Awakened Rameses" Music 'at Reduced Prices. Score Books $1.50 I Time's Flying-==See to it NOW--the Matter of your MATINEE TODAY' 1 GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty S. CARDS- P1OG AMS -STATIONERY r, WRITE GREGORY MAY R & THOM CO. DETROIT. MICH 3.M Ul :k Correct styles=--Price and Workmanship Guaranteed Seniors rah, coo Jewelers 220 South, Main St. ffcial Sigma Xi and Phli Beta 'Kappa keys l Iweight, finely finished and made a little hen. Se the samples, and leave your, or after the initiation. ., Jewelers, 220 'Mafn St. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank an,,j Capital Stock $300,000, Surplus $100,000 DB~ r Resourses $3,000,000 Id V~aPrs~enGeneral fBanking RBusiness Trax sacte d Offids, ha. E Hscoipre.,W. . ar ller man, Vice-Pres. M. J. Fritz, Cashier, 'hi Bleta Kappa and Sigma Xi 'keys from us. SWIMMING CONTEST SATURDAY- NIGHT WANTED'! Local Swimmeors to Enter Silver Cup Trophy KIN EMACOLOR Films D'Art NEXT MONDAY Opening of Summer: Season Reach and "Ty Cobb" baseball goods ;it H. L. Switzer Co., 310 State. Wed Fri Sun--tf Old Hampshire Vellum, the latest in the writing papers at Fosters. (2) When looking for a' choice gift that. no one else has, you may find it at Fosters. (1) The Star he t r ,.. Can Offer You Better Shoe for Less Money REMEMBER WE ARE NEVER UND0ERSOL D Full line of wooden bath sandals Tennis Shoes and Ssippers ABE LEVY, Prop. Opposite Post Offk 205 N. Main Stree ~' lNI Il ,-~ # / '" 1 .-r 1 CA ~ F: a, yC ,' ' %'; e r > ' IllI A0 and n ish old and broken jewveir. making new mountings a specialty. Watch repairing Conklin ilis !r Jewelry Cor. 308 South State Street Why. pay more money when you can buy all the latest popular 'songs, and music at ten :gents per copy. Mando- lins, guitars, and all musical instru- ments at very lowest prices consistent. with quality. Grinnell Baros., 120-2 E.' Liberty St. 160-172 Special Notice to Students. who wish to earn money during vaca- tion days, We have the greatest money making proposition in the country. Perfectly legitimate and produces the best finiancial results for time expend- ed of any proposition before the pub- lic. Pleasant occupation meeting cul- tivated people. Earnest workers want- ed everywhere. Will give choice of territory wvhile it lasts. Come in and see us on Saturday. Apply A. P. Wig- le, 516 Union Trust Bldg. 166-168 !-;ie 11 VICE AS IT SOUNDS BETTER CANDY SUGAR 'BOWL eat Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all s. Y ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY ORDER NO MATTER NOW SMALLI ONi MAIN STREET THE BESTr JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES Fixing up the Room The most appropriate decorations are the College pennants,.,Ask any Fatima Smoker. %TM 5 v With each package of Fatima trou Oetd pennant coupon, 25 ofwhich secure a band some felt pennant-College, Universities and FraternalOrdes( 12x32) -welctionof t115, for In dividueI 0 S Y B L CHOCOLATE SODA OUR SPECIALTY DROP IN AND TRY IT it is said there Is nothing new under the sun," but our garments finished with silk braided edges are not only new but are the last word in Sartorial elegance. Let us Show "IAou. The DETROIT UNITED.LINES ,Mechanics Bank Ann Arbor Time Table 5 South Main Street j -.. Surplus and Profits $6,000I Limited Cars for Detroii-7:12 a. mn and hourly to 6:1? p. mn., also 8:12 p. mn. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. mn., 6:40 a mn., and every two hours to 6;40 p. in, 7:40 ;dea p'lmn, 8:40 p. yin . :5pi,,and 10.45 p in d~nS~il&Ba'ro Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. Mn., 12:15 p. iM, ___________________ 12:30 p. in., 1:00 a. u1. Limited Cars for Jackson-7 All a. w. and and Main fts. every two fours to 7:46 p. m. nient Place for Your Local Cars for Jackson-5 :20 a.m., and anking every two hours to 9:20 p.m., 11:15 p.m. AC N ER & CO. Stage Street Tailors -: ut FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN The cosiest dining room in town is Mack's Tea Room Dinners, lunches or refreshments. Rest Room in connection. open from 8 a. mn. to 5 p.mi.; on Saturdays till 9 p. mn. SECOND FLOOR "MACK & CO. MAIN STREET LA SALLE."'" A NEW LIGHTWEIGHT, DEEP PO IN T E D - -. . WICOLLAR rfor 25 eta. Cluct Peabody & Co., Inc.. Makers of Arrow Shirts