THE MICHIGAN DAIL :te Line of Spring. Woolens Largest Assortment in the City ]Ready for "Your ;Inspection, 1. WILD GO. 311 S. State Street1 SENIOtR S!, The time is drawing near. when you will need VISITING CARDS We have. all the latest styles. Work Guaranteed and 100 Cards........... ..........$1.50 .ards from Plate...................... .90 KEE AMf oostorets DURAGEMENT ni grow tired and r:e r arness is mia% ;y lgs are Grit and, you of anyohole. Liberty Street Bl 8" ftlir~s Acs dmy of Dencing ssemblies Every Wednegy, and Saturday Even4ngs. w Stod spring d~ates left~ for rentlals. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at~ the University of Mich- igan.- Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Alich- igan, under Act of Congress of Marh 3, 179. Offices : Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing Maynard Street. Office hours: Editor-i, to 3 p. m.; 7 to TO p. tn. Business Manager-i to 3 p. m. Subscription Price: By carrier, $.5; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard & State Phone : Bell, 96o. Frank Pennell .. ............Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard.......... Business Manager WEDNESDAY',,MAY 21, 1913. Night Editor-IHenry C. Rummel. "BEST EVER." For a straight year we have watched a board of editors slaving away day and night across the hall from us, ii the making of the 1913 Michiganen- sian. Today the public will get its first glimpse at the results of that la- bor, and we predict that opinion will unanimously declare it th best year- book in the history of the university. We confess that the appearance of every annual in the past has been the signal for a "best ever" comment from this paper. At the same time we sub- mit that the constructive progress1 which the book has made year after year in spite of the rigor of the pace, fully warrants complimentary criti-I cisms and boquets.; In presenting congratulatons to the Michiganensian editors on the success of their labors, we wish to warn theI campus that there have been instancesc in the past in which year-book editions have been completely closed out, and that "the early bird catches the worm"1 doctrine may prevent disappointmentsI for some this year. Students are fast beginning to realize that the best wayI to preserve Michigan in their memo- ries is to purchase all the Michigan- ensians issued during their undergrad- uate life. The increase in sales each year warrants this conclusion. The 1913 Michiganensian is not es- pecially in need of editorial boosts on our part. It will sell itself. We are, however, anxious that the available books find their wray into the hands of those who will value them as they should be valued. J CAMPUS IN BRIEF. * -Senior lit invitations were not all disposed of yesterday at University hall. About 250 remain and all seniors who have not yet obtained their invita- tions will have the last chance to do so from 3:00 to 5 :00 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon, May 27, at the S. L. A. window in University hall. -Professor F. N. Scott, of the rhet- oric department, has accepted an invi- tation 'to deliver the commencement day address at the Milwaukee-Down-- er College in Milwaukee, Wis., on June 18. Harry E. Martin, 14E, was called home Sunday by the drowning of his younger brother, Kenneth Martin. Mr. Martin's home is in Ilay City, and he will not return until Sunday. Nominations for next year's senior law councilman were made yesterday by' the second year law class. The nominations are L. K. Wood, E. W. 1-aislip and J. P. Helm. The election will be held Thursday afternoon from' T E M PLE - H EATR E WEDNESDAY, THE 21st A Thrilliug, Blood-Freezing Presentation of "The Moollshiner's, Last Stand" Correct styles--Price and Workmanship Guaranteed Time' s Flying--~See to it NOW--=the Matter .of your State Street W IYA . H 'S UN.IVERSITY BOOKSTORES Main Street With an Exciting I .I ..... INDIAN -SUPPLEMENT Red Paint and the Tomahawk Pictured Throughout. THE TEMPLE Wednesday, the 21st Admission lc a Pathe's Drama 1IVatium P~ortraits Preferred by discriminating people for exquisite and enduring beauty of tone, for absolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. VISITING CARDS SenXiors! atuidio 319 IM. Hwirear St. Phone 961-L ~4 COO. J0 o MinSt cers of the Official Sigma; Xi anzd Phi Beta Kappa key-s. d. Gold, good weight, fii~ely finied and made a littlej an most of them. See th~e samples, aid leave your or- for delivery after the initiation. Id & Co., Jewees, 220 Main St. The. T e:Ann Arbor Savin~gs Bank Capital Stc ck $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Bank R sourscs $3,000,{000 Y{G8-Prealdent Gent ral Banking. Business Transacted Off lcerss:Chsai. E. Hiscock,, Pres.,-W. D. Hasa- seas, Vice-Pres. MA. T. Fritz, Casilcr ._ -1:30 until 5:30 o'clock at which time one of the three nominees will be se- lected, --Fresh pharnmics will be the guests of Parke-D~avis and Company, of De- troit, tomorrow, when they will make a tour of the company's mammoth plant. The smoker which the class had planned to hold in Cascade Glen tonight has been called off on "account of the trip to Detroit tomorrow, and in its place the nmembers of the crass twill attend the Prescott club smoker to be held at 7:30 o'clock this evening in the chemistry building. . --J. 11. Wilkins, Jr., '14, who re- turned to school last Saturday morn- ing from his borne in Denver where he had been called by the serious ill- ness of his sister, Mrs. Paul Coo ley, was forced to rturn home when he received a telegram Monday noon that she had passed away that morn- ing. It is not known whether he will return to school here next year or not. -Chances for the recovery of D. A. Hag .-edorn, '14M, who was stricken wvithi paralysis in one side of his body last week, were much more favorable last evening. Yesterday he was able to speak and to move his afflicted side. -Waldo Fellows, '14, was elected president of the Cercle Francais for 1013-'14 at a meeting of the society Monday night. The other officers elect- ed at this time were: vice-president, Alice Cornwell, '14; treasurer, Clyde 'Nicolson, '13; and secretary, Gertrude l eimecke. '14. --Junior dents will hold their last dance- of the year at the Packard academy tomorrow night at 8:30. Dr. and Mrs. 0. B. Barnes will chaperone. -Druids and their feminine friends journeyed to Whitmore Lake by spe- cial car over the Ann Arbor road yes- terday afternoon, where a dinner- dance was held. About thirty couples made the trip, returning late last night. For Music and all Musical Instru- moents visit Schaeberle and Son's Mus- ic I-ouse. tf When looking for a choice gift that no one else has', you may find it at Fosters. (1) Can Offer You Better" Shoes for Less Money REMEMBER WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD s Full line of wooden bath sandals ABE LEVY, Prop. Opoi0PotOfc Tennis Shoes and Slippers "205 N.Main Street u Neuat Wm. Arnold, Johnt C. Waiz, Jr., cashier "Awakened Rameses" Music at Reduced Prices. Score Books $1.50 GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St. CARDS.- PROGRAMS -STATIONERY WRITE {EGREGOPY MAYER & THOM C. DETROIT, KICH ' The Star Shoe Sor ....__ . Procure your P~hi Beta Kappa and Sigma" Xi keys from us. -We repair and 'refinish old and broken jewelry. Replacing sets and making.'rpew mountings a specialty. ig Pen alarms Weatch repairing Conklin pens t il D - l f 7 _i- j, j Halter Jewelry CO. mxe 534 308 South State Street_ THE SUGAR BOWL bor's Best Confectionery: Ice cream luxe. Candy of alt scriptions. WE PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERT ORDER 310 MATTER flaW SMALL- -ON MAIN rpTRiEET THE BEST JOHNSON'S .CHOCOLATESH I Fixing Up the Room The most appropriate decorations are the College pennants. Ask any Fatima Smoker. In dividuaJP With each package of Fatima you tta pennant coupon, 25 oflwhich securq a hn some felt pennant-C-olleges, Universitima and Frateral Ordes( 12x32) -selecilon of 1 15. U Sl Y7 B EE ~ . CHOCODLATE .SODA OUR SPECIALTY DROP IN AND TRY IT It is said "there is nothing new under, the sun," but our garments finished with silk braided edges are not only new but are the last word in Sartorial elegance. Let us Show 4'ou. WhXJN--qR &_,O. FOR LADIES .FL AND" GEN TLEME N .....r" :. "t .' r. The DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor Time Table BaWkI 105 South ?4IB Stet ..,- Surplus ad Profts $67,000 Utmsed Cars. for Detroit-7 :12 a. in and - hourly to 6:12 p. mn.. also 8:11- p. Mn Loea1 Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. mn., 6:40 a mn., and every two hours to 6;40 p. mn . 7:40 Spannm8,0p. m., y.45p im., and 10:43 p m To 1Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p.,im., 12:15 p, m. 12:30 p. n., 1:00a.. m,, Limited Cairo for Jackson--7:46 a. to. and ty *ad Main S ts. every two hours to 7:46 p. im. remlent Plae fotr Your Local Cars for Jackson-5 :20 a.m., and Basking every two hours to 9:20 p.m., 11:15 p.m. The easiest dining room in town is Mam's Tea Room Dinners, lunches or refreshments. Rest Room in connection. Open from S a. m,. to 5 p. im.1 on Saturdays till q p. m. SECOND FLOOR I MCH. & cO MAIN STREET &VORFVOLK'}iew H-IGH IN T'HE ,B. fCC.VJAD LOW IN FRON"T I fort-5c 1Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc., Makers