THE MICHIGAN DAILY r Political Platform Price andQuality H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street C THEM PCHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the 'University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mlich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. OfficeHours: Editor- to 3 p. n.; 7 to o p. in. Business Manager-i to 3 P. im. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quar.ry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy ; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 960. Frank Pennell.............Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard. ......Business Manager, Maurice Toulme..............News Editor C. Harold Hippler ............Assistant Karl Matthews...... ....Athletic Editor J. C. Eldredge..........Assistant ohn Townley.... . .,Music and Drama Leonard M. Rieser......... ...Files Who'll stay home and play us game o' chess' Gimme Club Notes. "Gimme a match, Gimme a light;" "The Gimme Chorus Works day and night. a I T E X T BOo; New and Secondhand BOOKS for all departm DRAWING INSTRUMENTS ENGINEERS SUPPLIES Loose Leaf Note Books, Fountain Pens, etc. headquarters. Make our Ct ail Goods rry a complete line of Sporting Goods, Gym Supplies "Qimme a nail, Gimme a puff;" You can't refuse, You can't be ruff. t- t- U) 0 ri WAH Ri Utiversity Book-stor+ But gimme the guy, What says: "Get me a dream For the dance tonight- A beaut-a scream." eehan & Co. It's Pjkpe 11 Bo 4 I. urgeons, at a, are the the world. e or Germ- os in Tailor- 'you either. le lerty Street d) TYPE WRITERS Newand Rebuilt - A Makes FOR SALE OR RENT O. D. MORRIL L 322 S. STATE ST. Local Representative, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Chubb House 209 South State Street Clean, Wholesome Board at per Week. Safe Drinking EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis R. Haller Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter..........Morris Millign Russell H. Neilson ..........Bruce J. Miles REPORTERS James D' Evlin.P ...Ernest R. Burton David D. Hunting...........J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF Adna R. Johnston..........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith.........Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett.....Circulation Mgr. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1912. Night Editor-Fred B. Foulk. MIXING. To strike that happy medium be- tween scholarship and outside activi- ties which results in the well-rounded man, was emphasized by President Hutchins at the Michigan Union din- ner on Thursday night. Right here in this connection, the value of the Sun- day afternoon gatherings at the Un- Ion would be greatly enhanced if those in attendance would break from the small group idea of mixing. Those responsible for the enter- tainments can furnish refreshments and a program but these are only in- cidental to the main function of the Union, namely, to establish a center for Michigan's social life and to foster the growth of all that is most valua- ble in Michigan spirit and Michigan ideals. These Sunday afternoon meet- ings offer an opportunity to each man in the university to rub shoulders with all the different sorts of men who make this university so preeminently cosmopolitan, to get a more just con- ception of the angle from whih they view life, to learn a great deal to his own advantage by observing just wherein the strength and weakness of 'these men lie, and by learning how best to adapt himself to them. The natural tendency for men who have been here a few years is to hunt up a group of friends and forget that there is anyone else present. The nat- ural tendency fortthose who are now here is to wait for the older men to make the advances. Both attitudes are wrong. The upper classman is not merely making things pleasanter for the underclassmen by going out of his way to be, friendly to hind, but is giving himself the most valuable training he can possibly get, in learning to make his personality felt by one who is a strangr to him. And the underclassman should re- member that the Michigan Union prides itself on being for "Michigan men everywhere," and the friendly ad- vances by any Michigan man will nev- er be anything but welcome to any other Michigan man,. A formal introduction to anyone at these gatherings is less necessar than a necktie on a nightshirt. Com- ment on the music to the man sitting next to you, whether you know him or not, or ask him if the Bull Moose are very thick in his part of the coun- try. Gettacquainted with himsome- how. Remembers that the success of; these meetings depends very largely on the attitude of the men who attend them, and that in taking the right at- titude you are helping to make the Union indispensible to the best inter- ests of the university. Observations of a Sad Cynic. Nothing but the leaden skies kept the quarter-back from going up in the air. 'A text-book on oral surgery is ad- vertized. Probably some fem medic course. Tom Lovell should be a good bil- liard player-plenty of Hinglish, y' know. Columbus discovered America, but it may be difficult for some jovial Amer- icans to discover Columbus this ev- ening., ROMANCING IN PERU. Third Plate. The Adventures of Two Kindred Souls by Sir lleeza Nuther. Down, down into the deep, dank depths darted the ball of yarn which Cliff Ca'stile dropped over the cliff in our last installment. Oh, horror of horrors, what if it hit some poor, un- suspecting guy on the head? And it did! The Royal Kink of Peru was picking turnip-blossoms in the hang- ing gardens below, and the ball of yarn hit him square on the top-piece. But his head was rubber, so the ball of yarn hitting it, bounced back up the dank, dark cliff to Cliff who dexter- ously copped it. And it was well; there was not such another ball of yarn in all Peru! Elated over his luck, Cliff Castile asked the B. 0. a R. fem named O'Har- rigan out for a sody, but on the way to the sody joint a terribul thing hap- pened unexpectedly-. (Dark stuff in our next.) The Belmont Collar Brigade. Sophomores at Illinois are sporting class canes this year. Toot! Toot! Heah comes my train. Charlie's Barber Shop is now open at 619 E. Liberty. tf Student girls or boys desiring pri- vate dining-room in desirable location' near campus, with sitting room lava- tory, and separate entrance may ob- tain quarters for 12 or 16 people at 1317 Washtenaw, Phone 543. 16-18 Charlie, the Barber has moved to 619 E. Liberty St. tf Piano lessons: Terms reasonable.. Special attention given new beginners. Graduate of Detroit Conservatory of I will refuse, I will be ruff-, Beauts and dreams Ain't plenty enuff. ThirtyV By courteous treatment of t in the Realm of Music" we have dle west4. We solicit your patro GRIN NELL HIR Eat rf ~ Reserved Seat 0 SHORAL UNION C CARDS PROGRAS &TTO.ERY GREGORY MAYE g&THOCM. CO. The Forest Lawn Lunches for Autosists a specialty. For Informaflon call 1238-J It #s Ee,,.sy to Recojgnizoe e Qjhotogtwapbz Stud)io 31$1 M. Huzron. St. Phc C. C. Fraaen~s:a.ns, Proprietor NNOUNCEMENT GOTO I'> Burlfeld .& 'Co.'s est Tailoring Service to be had Anywhere. r Dress Clothes we aknowledge no equal, our superiority in every instance. Burchfield & Company 106 East Huron Street First Choice 75 Wednesday and Thursday Second Choice, .50 Friday and Saturday: Next Choice, 25 On and after Monday THINK OF IT2! Schuman-Heink, Flonzaly Quartet, Werrenrath, Full ton Symphony Orchestra, Tina Lerner, and The May Festival with the Choral Union Chorus, the Theodore Thomas Orche and a lot of star soloists. Tickets for Winter Concerts with reseive. seat, $3.2 $3.75. These tickets may be exchanged for May Festiva serve seats later by paying $r.oo to $3-.oo. ALL SALES AT University School of Mus Ann Arbor Taxicab C On account of fire we have moved frsm 114 North State to ouI location at 300 North Main Street, being fully equipped we ask patronoge for the coming year. For prompt and quick service cal taxies on leaving car. Also your Baggage Delivered to all parts of the city by our new auto truck on call day and n RATES Single Passenger . . . -. 5oc To and from Parties $2 00 a co Two or more.... . 25c each By the Hour.. . . . . From 10:30p.m.to6a.m.50c strai't Trunks . . . - . . 25c a Restaurant 709 N. University Ave. Music. Call. 825 S. Division St. 161 aut open, after having undergone some remodeling and impro the premises, based always on the same principles of re arid Gexiln Fod '%zeted Cooks and ict Clem nmlhLesL s epends on a strong and resourceful mind; but a strong and re- ing on a strong and healthy body. .d whengood and rich blood is circulating in our veins. e blood: Easy to answer! From the food we are consurning. .d well prepared and well served will constitute the ingredients wild up a strong constitution and a sound mind and will bring ,d handled by the first man who calls himself cook is the poison ' in our system. If you don't feel that poison now you will feel esults of the affection of your stomach will make you a slave and~ other medicines. offer high-class cooking and high-class service at popular, prices inspection to allvisitors. "Redman" collars now, Wagner & Co., State St. in stock. 16-18 The largest and finest stock city. Goodyear's Drug Store. in the 3 tf Charlie, the Barber has moved to 619 E. Liberty St. tf If you want a good stand in take. her a box of Huyler's candy. Agency 214 Main St. 16 Charlie's Barber Shop is now open ' at 619 E. Liberty.. iz ooper & Co. )D MEAT ne killed fresh Also the best poultry. All DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor Time Table Limited Cars for Detroit-7:12 a. m. and hourly to 6:12 p. m., alsos:12 p. m. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. i., 6:40 a. m., and every two hours to 6;40 p. in., 7:40 m., 8:40 p m., 9:45 p. n., and 10:45 p. in To fpsilanti only. 11:15 p. i., 12:15 p. m. 12:30 p. Mn., 1:00 a. m. Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. m. and every two hours to 7:46 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson-5:20 a m., and every two hours to 9:20 p. in., 11:15 p. m. Have you'noticed that college styles"sare not a matter of. buttons,' fancy flaps, etc., but rather of plain rich effect and individualty. Thvt is the kind of clothes we make. A All garments made In our own shops. WAGNER & CO. s E Try us in St. It