IRE micifI(lAq AIty. i I 40tjutsys iut correct in. style To .just offer you stylish clothing would be easy for us but would soon set you doubting the value of our store service. We study the difference between style and correct style so that you may -feel secure inany selection yon may make here. There is an individuality in the :Myles of Stein =Bloch .5n art Clothes -that pleatses the critical buyer- ,=ia glance at yourself in a Stein-Bloch1 Spring suit, Before our big mirrors,' explains why. indelschmitt, Apfel&Co pn RITZff&B FRATERNITY JEWELERS AND STATIONERS L Lyndon U 11 Jewelers, Stationers, Opticlaans, and Fraternity Jewelers. 207-211 WOODWARD' AVENUE, DETROIT. CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY EN WRITE RAVING FOR AI)SIN TIS CLUMNARE O BGR[GORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETRoIT. MIc" At this time, when the school year is near its close and the "bunch" Rill soon be broken up, there are always a great many groups to be photographed and Ii just want -to suggest that it is a good plan to "do it now" before it is too late. Telephone 451 "'Always. on the Tell me when and where and l will ado the NIE OF OUR Telephone 716-d %LARM CLOCKS aari yolt will get to yo U oan timie always rilghlt and ail clocks ;uarated New .:ain I111 EAST WASHIINGTON STREL.T J. L. CHAPMAN1, Jew elk ics' AtStore es and Framg lan Street Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service and rodWokanhp PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. LOST. Lost-An "M" '13 pipe on Ferry field Saturday. Reward. Leave at Daily office. 158-159 FOR SALE. For Sale-One course ticket for the May Festival.' Second row, second balcony. Phone 1818-J after 3:.00 p. m.' 159 For Sale-May Festival ticket for Wednesday and Thursday nights. Enquire 928 Olivia avenue, phone 412-J. 159 For Sale--May Festival ticket for Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Sat urday nights. Front_ row of first balcony. Phone 455-L. 158-9- WANTED. Wanted-Graduate student and wife want to rent furnished or partly furnished ;house for school year commencing this fall. Telephone at once, 1257-L. 159-60 Reach ar-d "Ty Cobb" baseball goods at H. L. Switzer Co., 310 State. Wed Fri 5i'1 tf UTNIVERSITY CALENDAR. May 14-17-May Festival. May '14.-Baseball game with Cornell at 4:05 o'clock, Ferry field. May 15.-Engineering exhibit. May 16.-Tug-of-war, Huron river near the M. C. Station. May 17.-Spring games at Ferry field. My18.-Evening senior sing at the ~Union. May 20.-Senior sing. May 23.-Interscholastic meet at Fer- ry field. May 23.-Cap night at Sleepy Hollow. May 24.-Interscholastic, meet at Fer- ry field. May 24.-Women's May Day. Schools Make Interscholastic Entries. Sixteen schools-have entered teams in the interscholastic meet which will be held May 23 and 24 on Ferry field. There are 126 high school athletes on the teams already entered, which ex- ceeds the total entries in any of the former years when the meets were held. An artistic program, worth keeping will be treasured by your guests and bring back fond 'recollections mainy years after your party has beEn for- gotten. We make the kind that are worth keeping. The Success o Your Par, Depends Upon Your PR OCdR-AM S -------- 0 0a 0 0' We Make Old Hats New PANAMA, SOFT, DERBY or STRAW CLEANED AND BLOCKED THE BEST SHOE SHINE SHOP 301 1-2 S. STATE STREET N e xt to W agn er s TUTTLE' S STATIONERS, PRINT7ERS, BIN ON STATE STREET We. Serve Hot Lunches 11 2 South Main. 'Street Tennis shoes for fresh-soph contests. Campus Bootery, opposite Hustons. 158-161 When looking for a choice gift that no one else has, you may find it at Fosters, (1) For Music and all 'Musical Instru- ments visit Scbaeberle and Son's Mus- ic Hlouse. tf' Tennis shoes for fresh-soph con- tests. Campus Bootery, opposite 'Hus- ton's. 158-161 MAJESTICTHAR MATINtE TODAY Mort Singer's "'The Flirting Princess" 30"Pople - 30 Starting Tomorrow Matinee "A BROKEN IDOL" 30.- People - 30 Monday 001 A x BUFFALO NIAGARA E TO Ll ~---THEI - -- 1'ti5 . 4 - - -_--- -. - -- - _ _. STrl 11 KINEMACOLOR Motion Pictures Comning Soon TECHARMS OF OUR ,SUMMER SE pedyur vacation on the Great Lakes, t ze rost economaical and enjoyable out V p Nar matter .o ,what point you want to go, uase D. W e0iu Can Gopine Ste.'';ern operating to all important pc Diyser'lce between Detroit andD .-ialo, Miay 1st to NVovember 1st. Cl DerotI ard City of Cleveland IN, two o ih:e largest side wheel steamers in the :vso ue1t oSpebr t.DiybtenDto Ceead April I15th to Decem~cr I1s-, During July and August two boatsc ndCeeadeou araYaS.dyr ips weekly between Toledlo, Dir olt, Mackinac Island and way ports. DySover allowed at Alpena either c :ec~in on tourist tickets without addil cost. Daily service between Toledo, i<..:.ndn ur:. .:t-in-Ba3y, Special Steamer Cleveland to Mci~ lntWo trips weekly, Jtne 15~ Septei~nber 10th stoppingocnlyatoDett wery trip and Godeorich, Ont., every Mc up-bound a-d Saturday down-bou. . Special DayTrips betwvec n Detroit rnd Cleveland, During July and Au~ Tuesday, Wednesday, Th~ursday and S :rday out of Detroit; Monday, Wedne; Thursday and Friday out of Clevecland, RAILROAD TI C K"ET S AVA! BLtTick is reading via any line between Detroit andci afalo nd troit iandi Clevelond will be hon4 for transportation o-n D. k Cl;_1.iine S oinrs in either direction. Serd 2 Cent stamp for Lilusir Wtedaripl:etard Great Lakes Map. Address: L.. G. Lewis, G, P. A., Detroit, Mli~h. Philip H..MoMillan, Pres. A. A. Schantz, lice-fl'es. and GOen'! Mgr e~r~i & leelan tai oman y 17 IS STRAW HAT DAY. Are you preparedP If not show you Our Une of. Balch Price& Company's 11AD E Straw Hlats. Designed especially for young and so constructed ti-at they fit the head perfectly comfortably as a soft fiat. ---". ._.... TINKER & COMPANY 's and fHatters 342 S. State Street B jents for the B. V. D. and Lewis Summer Underwear. Press Builng--Maynard Street a, t ;a yt has. G '~ ABOLISHED dredup tobacco. ~> V ~ t5.cent tin he1 ls, 1 aV~ TN- LY CGO P" ANO CIGARFET; r ... Straw' MAY 17th HatD t The finest l ine of STRAW.HAT shown in the city. Don't take chances, get the b est, will offer a SPECIAL PR~ICE on at Michigenda, Culture, Koanzaland, Crimson Chest, and Awakened Rameses. WADHAMS COMPAP 1l *Y 5th SCORES AND SHEET MUSIC 121-123 S. Main S t. 1 6i : k3 7 :C8 YFYr.7L47 ;2 G dF LSFS m TOILET fSOAPS, SIIAVING SOAPS, ill necessities our spe= Cool Drinks at, Our Fountain for Univcrsity Pharmacy c Phone 416 1219 S. University OOUL DING & WI1KEL, Proa ri feather