THE MICHIGAN DAILY Now is the Season for, JUNIOR LITS AND ILAWS WINTOI Ihile Serge aind Flannel DAY r .1 M-1 R 0 U Ii We have a l fti e pat~e:-n,,,ho-wn by mo-t wco'. n hovse;:. I t will 13 to your advalttagc to0s, c 114c. m. 1h(~ y ale prC( d rnght, ai d v% her Mah oljuimJ (tls ua tic u :e, itlc fit cid -t5 le is assu~red. Wle ai c : lip NNii g a f£rcSt~nii n.e B tie Serge at tAcilt-Iiiee dollar,-- f 'Ill (L( t( s~ . I3(p iI and gee the liive. Inspired by the dignity of their sta- tion, two senior lit baseball players did not undego physical examination, and as a result there was only one class game on South Ferry field yes- terday afternoon. Seven wrathy sen- for lits watched the game go to the juniors by forfeit while the junior laws took their near grads into camp ANNUAL VARSITY CUP DEBATE TO BE STAGED FRIDAY NIGHT. Adelphi and Jeffersonian literary and debating societies clash in the an- nual university Cup Debate on Friday evening for the possession of the De- troit Alumni cup, which is emblematic of the campus forensic title. Both teams have already vanquished the other society of their respective department on this year's question, "Resolved, That the presidential term be extended to six years, and that the incumbent be ineligible to re-election." The debate this year will be staged on a more pretentious scale than us- ual, the event being scheduled for University Hall instead of the law building, as formerly. METHODISTS AM) VARSITY CLASH TODAY. New Lots of Rubber SoledOxford's for MenansWo eng. The Satisfactory kind I have sold here for the past seven years. New 0L tionH3119 ItE". Liberty St. Ihave no connection whatever with any oter store. i Just Received: J: Karl Malo 04 East Liberty Smt. Malcalm Block 11 to 5. The seniors were prepared for a real battle and the juniors took them on for five innings, the score resulting to 1 with the '14 men on the heavy m'nd. Thornton, working on the slab 'er the juniors, allowed his elders only four hits, while the near senior bats- men found Forman for ten safeties. In th'e senior-junior law batting fes- ival, the offerings of Lanigan, the seniors' box artist, proved to be the liking of the juniors. Nelson, who worked after the former's retirement, Lared but little better. The backing behind the senior twirl- ers was of a ragged variety, while the juniors were almost errorless in the hield. -Hippler, working behind the bat :with the juniors, proved an efficient mate for Spencer. S' i I r, 'I tI ) r he 1iLhtcst. rmo-t nourasihng ad s: i i-fac' cry f< d fcr breii~aat all othrer metiis. IOC theI it1a r lt rall gWocVrS'. i void imii a- ;tye X itdiii' on the,,package Albyt UJ' P 0 eCt](n. land Rusk Comrpany, . Holland, Mich. Ann Arbor IHome Ba cry. nisIributois ,r , -New class in shorthand this week at 'le School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- vrersity Ave. 15 1-2-3-4-5 (Continued from page 1.) to have a good afternoon's work on their hands. So if dope is worth any- thing, the two games with the visit- ors should rank high. D~aribeau will probably pitch for the 'Wolverines as it is his turn, and he should be in good shape. That will save Sisler for Saturday in case a strong come back is needed. The Michigan lineup will probably remain the same with either Black or Corey working the left garden and Sisler on first. That combination looks like Michigan's best and if they bump up against a strong team, the ragged work that has cropped out in the last few games should disappear. Syracuse will perform here today and then will go to Lansing for a game w ith M. A. C. They will return here Saturday in order to give,.one of the two teams a chance to even up: De- spite. swing out the game today will start at 4:05. REG~ISTRATION FIGURES SHOW 51,805STUTDENTS. (Continued from page 1.) a loss of 19 but the freshmen class has 26 more student's than last year's freshman class. The totals of the different depart- ments are as follows: When your Rubber Soled Shoes need bring 'them here for a SATISFACTORY will not be disappointed. ¢ s\ . Re-soling, job,. You U All Surgical Instruments air :{ todwk 7 and' deicine Cases rous-, ers Af:,)solxztely F HL. E E At Less Tlhan Cost Let tzs show you thvese goods-;you rxmay have therm at yozr O WrA Price., "! E. C. EDSILL, Propritoeor 122 So. Main Street Prescriptionb Speciedists AI AN with every suit order for a short time only, merely to introduce our made-to=your~~measure clothes. We pride ourselves on our wvool -ts, the quality of which is unsurpassed. Our workmanship is perfect; we guarantee you perfect fit and can convince you by a trial order, that you can save from $10.00 to $15.00 on every suit made to your measure. Ai Suits, a c for you at' S 7.50 o 25.00 1911-12 1912-13 Literary 2153 2378 Engineering 1281 1325 Medic 241 222 Law 793 669 Homeop. 101 81 Dentj 231 25-9 Graduate 229 267 Summer Session 1194 1324 Grand Total 5099 5805 Registrar A. G. Hall has estimated that the students travelled in a direct distance more than 3,000,000 miles in getting to the university which is a gain of more than 400,000 miles over last year. Ann Arbor Dye Works French Dry and Steam Cleaning Bell 628 204 E. Washington St, L. R. WAHL, Manager. 34 M ST. EAST T PARK AVaE.,n.rnY At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breezes from the sea, artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. TARIFF: Single rooms --- - per day--$3, $4, $5, $6 T'M Hilliard Double roms -boudoir5,$6, $7,$8 Ian yi gDirector dressing-room and bath - $8, $10,.$12 Wagltonit lMaryAiIIl Suites-Parloir, bedroom and bath " $10, $12, $15 Manager Each room with bath Special rates for Summer f {' rkl.c ' Quallty Tailors 209 E. Liberty Ste, Rome Tel. Bldg. andx be Ltter done. Mind bright u as c dollar--quick as a flash. ) That's how K ? : V.5 C. FLANDERS, Mgr. Formnerlyq Mg . The IWooly', IlhttsCo. i i I- Motto: Hy" II1IJ t itC 0aa3ed With.Any tfivr EStore ... 1I THAT TICKET 0O will hlpl you: It is so cheerful, whole some rond satisfying a drink. Good for both body and Lr-:n. Demand the Genuin-- if-ecSubstitutecs 3 ver THE COCA-COLA Co. e an ATLANTA, GA-. 'CkL F TH E j ;Nr Um Whene you see Arrow1 of Cca think a-Cola. 0 .0 Four Days-Five Concerts :igleTices(after May ) $1. 'Furthecr I.,cformaflon Call at University School of Music. 1. i1 PlANS FOi SAFETY GF Ms Ruth butts Carson, '93, late itOAT ll Is. of 1lo rence, Italy, gave tw~o lectures yeserayafternoon in Sarah Caswell (Continlued from page 1.)}nlli11 all under the auspices of the. the Bartoii dain as sooni as the o~lncials -Women's league. The subjevcts of the of the Boat club have fiisheil their le"°ctu2 r"^e'S were "Color in Dress," and insp cti n of the dang i'o s pl~ cs on 'aii1tLnr s of Italy in Color." is eto oft ed p rispax nthe course. Prof. Williams announced New class in shorthand this week at that he would furnish blue prints of the School of Shorthand, 71.1 N. Uni- the river for the mnen to mark so that vrsity Ave. 151-2-3-4-5 the committee will be aided in locating the spots. Vicee-comemodore Duffield stated that thewok f inspection i New class in shorthand this week at woul becomletd w~hina wek. the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- wudversifty "irye. 151-2-3-4-5 ,r, Ask. to see our Special Narrow Weave Blue Serge N 9194 Think of the wide range of choice, then too, consider the advantage of having clothes made to your personal measure by our famous Chicago tailors, F D. V. PMCE& CO., honestly construct- ed, authentic in style and lasting in service. You"IR find, it to your advantage to co*me and .select, your pattern and leave your measure. Prises range from 28.0 up. Cic~esHatsan Toggery+ I1 2 3 E. LIBERTY de to Order at $25.00