* --TJ1E NICYUIGAW DAILY. I MWA The Latest. Styles in Soecralt is a mighty, mice city, and, Raylls is the nicest place at which to buy Spring Suit. Here's Your New 'I, II I I Gilmore Shoe Co. ATHLETICS 119 So. Main Ste Kodaks,Cutlety, Fishing Tackle and General Sporting Goods Here in any one of the fifty beautiful fabrics and colors that slow the joy of Spring tiine. Here' in st) les that will :eL tl e pace for the next twelve months. Here in the unapproachable craftiwan.l4 i ta gots wvith Society Brarrd. True, fadeless blues, restful greys, becoming browns an i endleis variations of these three. Soft fronts and lpels, sng shoulders, body- tracing lines, new fabri&..-_clothes that aror~sq a wave of approval at first sight. Come and sce. OF&'Z7uffA HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD DRESSERS TH E ROME OF YNRE SHOES V Z,:.%a ce of Sweets DownTown LE'T Jrurnui hthe Ise CVrearm aknd Sororities ON AIND&TRIMCT May' We Serve YoU?- Ra% is has becen d ing it for 38 years and ought to know how-.]Films Develop cd9 10C a roll (any size.)* Michigan Students are Entitled to 10 per scent Discount. Bring Ad. with you. I IThe New '"Spring Models are now bing shown at Hayley's Millinery, 206 E. Liberty Hiair Goods a Specialty Phone 13 90.] y C d Y) . i'.r""__ rr l -_'° rr _: 1 1 '.r L P I I ryPewri*.r RePairilPhn-eI11- 1 will mneet or beat any price made on a typewriter, sale or rental. D, F.,WOOD WARb} T. B. R AY L Aft o. Cor. Woodward and Coniress. 209 Souzth State Street Giver Clean, Wholesome Board at $4.00 per week.. Safe Drinking I Water. Al Arbor Savings Bank Bldg, SecondFloor Annm Arbor, Ml~rh. . EMPDlO)YMEHNT BJJ EAIJ the Jarge number of positions now on Its MANY POSITIONS OP'EN.), fl le. The committee is 'keeping an of- fice( hour from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock trouble is beineg experienced .Moiiday, Wednesday and Friday after- emnployment bureau of the noons each week, at which time appli- n union in securing meni.io to 1111 cants for jobs may receive -attention. i N-MIADE CLOTHES To Your Order WeV have received a. Fine Assortment of Spring Shirts, in latest patterns, with stiff or soft cuffs and collars to match. MAJEST1C New Show Starting Matiee Today Entire Change Program Late of ",Way Down East" Roach & MclCurdy in their famous characters, ",Hi Holler" and ,The Town Constable." The Prune Center Cut-ups Edt SAWYER Daring Sensational Aerialist D.Is"° Galore 1107 S. U. Ave. I a ie Ann Arbor Press, -OFFICIAL PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY m AND~ 'rnters of Student Publications, See Us when you want something fine in Dance and Banquet Programs.. :ss Building Telephone 27 Jos. Hughes &:o. in a One Act Playlet. Special Singing Features Two Girls and Piano I x ~ QR CJtY REVITIES, City is. B1 .,wtified t More than -2,000 shrubs and trees havo bee i trans- planted to lawns of fraternities and, residents in the city within the last month by the class in landscape de- si gn working under the supervision of Prof. Tealdi. The Civic Improve- m~ent association intends to continue this work. in the fall, and aro booking. orders. -o- Phones DUte for Probing: The Bell telephone system is due for an inves- tigation by a committee working under the supervision of the Civc Improve- ment association. The committee pro- poses to make a study of the local telephone service with the view of suggesting improvements. Police F",neh Cauine: A bull do- said .to r sidle at the Xi Psi Phi frater- nity attackeod Edward Kern, a mail carrier, wh' (lleivers mail at the house. The postal authorities have announced that if the vicious dog is not kept securely muzzled, no mail will be delivered to the fraternity house. . The canin has a police record of long~ standing, and has been the bane cf the police department. He attack- ed a spaniel a few days ago in fron' of the fire department, and. prosecu- tion of the owners did not follow ow- ing to the failure of the old city ordi- nance relating to the harboring of bull dogs to cover the offense. This at- tack it is said, was to a great extent influential in pushing through the new amendment to the old city ordinance enacted by council last Monday night The carne dog' went on a rampage re- cently and. destroyed a crate of egg: in front of a Main street store, and killed an inoffensive feline. -0- Collect Data on Water Plant: A comn- mittee of the Civic Imnprovement asso- ciation is collecting data on the wrater situation. The report of the city engi- neer has been verified, and the infor- mation obtained is expected to have an important bearing on the balloting for the purchase of the water works which occurs this month. Old Hamnpshire Vellum, the latest in the writing papers at Fosters. (2) New class in shorthanfd this week at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- versity Ave. 151-2-3-4-5 igSpecial Sale of No. ,2A Brownie Cameras Wt di ~s a4 n~cri ing we v ill ha-%e pI.ced oC sal(, 5o bI id nexv No. 2A lBrov'xit. i: ulinar at $3.00 euch. Th e C mrt ras + ie 1?c .i i\+ 1S the vusy best v-'dte of the wbo)l- Ko('ak ltue. 'fln( n1-ul~e piCtle~-2Y2,, y q~q, l avt un~i- v rsal focusw, u'the sf-eed fi mn and art, guapited. to Pix jEr fect a0 iti(ii ii. Wi~li1t acb C< n- r will c(, i ,:v, flt i t to allow at ail v time witi iv o7 ec3 e(ar, $2.30 (piovidit g ul-e ostall( is in (-asonably g cd (T'ee) to wa- d the f tirciase (f as y Kodak. Buy ore of thcse as d lesiu la w to tale ;ccd'pctrtns Lunches 25c A" Fellow can be Proud of. the 19 13 Htsa rs:n-° H P. 4 Cyl'ndrc,Chn Dr've, Big Tires-$325 The man who )ridesa Uuesnb ara iu.i to be pr'o"Id of. It is ]llent. It i 'powerfu'll. 1t i lot),m low and easy riding. Itstmrts +with ~t't crn- ~t(2,Ud ofi by edlng; nd the feat 'are re4 ,te( in ntmoritoa foot 1-dl £he colege vuin' di~ii i~nnat1! will t) nthlat the iRender, on is by far th e tstdeuabe otrce yrc'a-on of tthe advaatagcs of its four-clind er coniistruci tionC. And we pred'cictta, mn clee t Lhe H'enderson will win the great popularity it !. at'u taind ann h ietbuyers or ))motorcyc'ea. 1158O Cass Avenue Detroit, Mich. St oflet and fElliot 110 East Washtiigton St. Dh--t' butt) s foar Washtenaw County I Cecil WNeston--Louise Loon Refined Entertainers Extra Added Feature WOOD'S ANIMAL ACTORS flon keys! Dogs! Ponies! FUN GALORE!I Photo Plays of Quelity Coming Monday The Flirtillg Princess 30 == People- 30 OPENING MONDAY NIGHT ,Idiva" will soon be here Sume Season starts May 2 Dinners C. 0, ree.nP-oprietor . ,.. .. . IJTelaplione 458 ADS IN TIS COIL2IIN ARE TroHu'' PAID) FOUlUN ATVA C . LOST Lost--Note book. Reward if returned to 3. S. Crawford, 1038 E. Huron.t Phone 1854-L. 153-4 Lost-An A K Phi fraternity pin bear- ing J. E. B. on back. Finder calll 1855 and receive reward. 153-41 FOR SALE. , For Sale-I offer my residence, 1443 Cornwell Place for sale. Inquire of Wirt Cornwell. 152-7 WANTED. Wanted--Students to inspect the best .$25.44 bycycle made. See it at H. L. Switzer Co., 310 State. Thur. Fri. Sat.. FOR RENT. F~or Renti5 room house suitable for' fraternity or club house; corner lot,I spacious grounds, rent- reasonable. 418 N. Division St. Apply to W. H. Butler, First National Bank Bldg. Tues Thurs. Sat tf For Music and all Musical Instru- ments visit Schaeberle and Son's Mus- ic House. tf' New class in shorthand this week at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- versity Ave. 151-2-3-4-5 719 N. University Ave /i , ; .. N r; .i; r Jfp ! J :. < { . ,... COX SONS & YINING, Nv MAKE{RS Or ACADEMIC COSTU Caps, Gowns & H. for All Degre MACK: & CO, Represen1 CARRICK THEATI WILLIAM HO0D GE In his triumphant success The Road, To Happiness New Class IN SHORTHAND is being organized' This. Week' at the I School 'f Shorthand 711 North University Ave. Stud~ents are estV eciafly wanted to enroll I I- . ydC.{H4hti_7L"t:: ;itL > c:7.: : :,Y L9CK WAWM00 FF- I -- mo m Ir r aly " S .4 a r _, ac asbirngs new assortment o1 the nobbiest spring clothing for L.ook over our large stock before purchasing. A few Fall and. young men. Winter Suits and Overcoats -at sacrifice prices. % _________Reule, Conlin, Fiegel C