THE MICHIGAN DAILY .te Line of S rin Woolens TUMCIA AL P Oicial newspaper at the University of Mich- - gan. ['icblished every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. *U. OF M. BOAT LIVERY -Base Golf I I La rgz;t A-,3 -t nent in the City R'la" y for Y our Inspctiio , H. WILD CO. 311,S. State Street' t.iitered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of Marcih 3, 1 879.. )iices : Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard. Street. -)ffice Hours: editor-Y to 3 p. m.; to xo P.'in. Business Manager-i to 3 p. m. iubsiPtion Price': By carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's 'Pharmacy:, University Pharmacy; C. HI. Davis, Car. Packard & State 'hone: Bell, 96o. i4 ?rank Pennell..............Managing Editor Ioseph Fouchard...........Business Manager For a Quiet Afternoon, or Evening I Track en nis GO UP THE HURON Most Complete Stock in the. City. Every Article Cuaranteed. W A H K ,Vrive rtyrte I Slotted n 't'hroat ' Y'e arc agen s for the . H C. Lu So hrittln i, kets V We e ovcra'. new u r ctls wo: t'h hok ir'gat rbcfore rnatk in y'iur'purchaste. TENNIS BAtLLS ight~SiE.'i°STvt & i~nlapo~i x~s l 'at1 ;(l(JaS Canoe Trips YPSILANTI - Twelve miles. Time, four hours. Total cost, including, rent of canoe, dray and $173 freight .................. ]LAKELAN D, and down the Huron, Thirty-five miles. Trime, one day. Total cost. including rent$20 of canoe, dray and freiglit I THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1913. Night Editor-Russell H. Neilson. I P99ow- Introduct' ; s f 4YPIDS silo vr1 :- c and modesZ'ty in sa 'u'~envIII) Lht1c (' aLll along h llk thlly TRODTI CTION. ("o :es ponden ee THlE iE.S, promptlIy WRI'rTEN. I I lieteri e 0. Love' 1). MorrilI, Dalmr -Lunch] Bell 582-J Q Liberty Street ' (Coprighcd)8 77 Call o,, :d 155 On Call Day or Nlight. Auto and Rag jage Livery. 30NORTH. MAIN STREET WRITE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL. Just think4 what the. interscholastic next week would mean if every high school in the state could enter a team! Phe interscholastic manager realizes he significance and is bending every effort toward swelling the list of en- ;ries. Let's help him by writing to the o0ys back tin the home town urging heir attendance. Ask them to write .he Michigan athletic authorities for Information. It won't take more than t minute of your time and may bring ieeded results. Even a one man team will be better than, none at all, and will prove a source of benefit both to he university and to the high school .,epresented. YOU USED TO. Ever sit on the little wooden bench gear the economics building and let your eyes wander up that big white hole near .he cannon-up, up to the ired, white and blue flag? Ever stop to realize that way back n knee-pants days, you'd rise from your school-room desk every morning with a lot of other little fellows, and l)ut your hand first on your heart and ithen on your head-and salute that lag? You didn't know much about what these words "one country and .mne flag" implied, but your childish ace wore a serious expression and our heart knew that there was some- .hing solemn andl important about ,hat ceremony. Since then you haven't given that lag much thought-have you? It's :seen on exhibition in labor parades, at ,)olitical meetings; and you've seen epartnient stores and hotels decorat- {d with it on days that you went to .he park or beach. But you haven't )laced your hand upon your heart and read, and saluted it, as you used to do, _nd as the students in foreign coun- ries do. Isn't that so? Well-the next time you sit on that ittle wooden bench near the econom- cs building, and let your eyes wander ip that big, white pole near the can- ion-up, up to the red, white and blue lag-salute it! ' Yes-put your hand an your heart and then on your head, imd-salute it! We dare you! I CAIIPICTS IN BRIEF. I Members of the Adelphi literary so- ^iety. will hold their annual smoker at the Union Saturday evening at 7:30 a'clock. No program has been arrang- ed but some of the members will be galled upon for short talks by E. J. Rosenberg, '13, who will act as, toast- master. Tickets are on sale at 25 UJ. of M. Boat House North Main St. By the Bridge P. G. TESSMER, Prop. Mr. Ii. J. Young, of the forestry de- partment, together with a number of forestry students has just completed the planting of a large number of western yellow, 'white and Scotch pine seeds in the nursery of the East- ern Michigan Edison company. This planting is part of the work in the laboratory course in silviculture.About 7,500,000 seedlings- are expected from this planting. Mrs. W. P. Lombard will receive university women at, her home at 805 Oxford Road from 3:00 o'clock until 6:00 o'clock tomorrow. She will be assisted by Mrs. H. R. Lloyd, 'Mrs. C. W. Edmunds, Mrs. M. P. Tilley, and Miss Gomberg. -0- Senior women will be taxed 50 cents for senior play expenses. This amount should be handed to Florence Swinton, Agnes Green~, Viona Cole- man or Agnes Parks, before tomorrow. -_0- Senior invitations for the lit de- partment will be distributed at the S. L. A. window in University hall to- morrow and Saturday between the hours of 10:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00 o'clock. Orders for extra paste boards may be placed. St-sdle 319- M. lHtzroirv St., Phoe 91- _ Contrarte Mary" cores and Muise at GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St. The House that Saves you Money on anything you buiy in the realm of Music. CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY ING WRITE SAMPLES GRLGOPY MAYR & THOM C°. DETROIT. MICH We have just received an order of that bath soap vwbich lathers so well in hard water. 5c cakes unscented; ioq cakes scented ' iith al- mond. Also Jergen Violet Glycerine; roc a cake, 3 for 25C. VAN DOREN'S Pharmac THE HOUSE OF STANDARD QUALITY jjulainumi~ Preferred by discriminatirg people for exquisite and enduring beauty of tone, for ab~olute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability-. I & HALL An Arbor Time Table SEASON ~.University VL ftoid Cars r5 #o r vo13-7:12 a m. and hourly to 6:1' P. La.. also5:1:2 . al. Local Cabs br Dv j ii-5;4 tt. iW., 6:40+ a. j m., arnlI uery two hour-, Lo 6;40 p, in-.7:40 p. m , n 1o 9:-i; p rn . and 1,J:45 p -m I'O Y"g-itaui Illy. 11.1 p. in.,'12:15 p. Mn. trnltied Cas for Jackm n-7 :46 a. mn. and !E' ' ry btu bours o7:46'p im. Ix ("!IC,.rs for ,hickson--5 :20 a.m., and ever 1y tw"o hours to 9:20 P.M, 11:15 p~m Designer of Meng's Clothes THLEAITRICAL CIRCLES. PAHO NE 1 15 ANNOUNCE MENT GO TO Inl " rchfield & Co.'s Frank McIntyre who as a cor.Ac op- era comedian has achieved the success of his career in "Oh! Oh!f Delphine!" during the past seson in New York will arrive in Ann Arbor May 20, and will devote most of his summer to writing the music for a musical comn- edy,, the book and lyrics for which have. been written by Percival T. Moore and Brandon Hurst. Comedy Club Entertainment. A small audience of invitd sts was enjoyably entertained last even- ing by the Comedy club in their pre- sentation of two one-act plays. "The Hooligans" was ably given by Arthur Cohen and Clarence Nutting. The sec- ond, play "How, the Vote was Won" was suite amusing. Miss Rizer de- serves special mention. Her poses were interesting and her gestures full of meaning, Miss Moskowitz also played well. Norman Hackett was present and gave a talk about the future of the drama at Michigan. He said he looked forward to the time when Michigan Uniquxe in form, w'ith flavor differeit,-better thran anuyting you have ever tried. At all Grocers. 10c per Package. HOLLAND RUSK COMPANY, - -HOIL/LAND, MICHIGAN Ann'Arbor Home Bakery,. Disfrlbutors HENRY &- CO. 711 N. University For the bet t 7 ilur~"q Sci'rcc( to be had Anywhere. In nm iki ig l C ' lo h, wvakiiowledge tno aqua), and prove oui sn -l,,fli i }i. every iiu:,atnee. Sam" Burchfield& Companyt 106 East huron StreetI sr ~ u~ssx a - ,.r~va .a ''- ' -- a . I ._ --_.___ /... -; j ; -11.. : ,._ Leading Place For Private Parties' Beinners' Dancin, Cluss every Frida-y evening. 7 to 8 o'clock.' Advanced u~u v*-ry i~y evening, 7 to 8 Aiuck. Prai'law t esysons by ap"Ulntirneut., tents and may be obtained from the 1, sh~ah boast of an endowed theater as committee. Princeton does today. Dha, 1850.J Resider rice 570-L "i I edecorated 1912 ese and American Restaurant te rooms reserved for parties and lades and lemen. 1 3. Stat. St. Chop.Stusy Remember ! That for the want of a nail a shoe was lost. Nail your thoughts to- gether" with "Dads" lunches. I I 11 I ' C. P. 'Bancroft 722 Monroe St. oCDonald's [Hoppe's Former Storel Liberty St. cigarette Alo f one pound t' jars with w,; Byron said Society consists of bcores anxd the bored. What a change he could have caused with a big red *tinof Velve t nvr=dl momenCt Iin adthusa. the stupid,# '°c Notabun rbite to mristmtn nchne12 ' I Troy's Best 2 for 25c' Collars Fresh Candies "MACS" FAMOUS, 'CRACKER JACK Have You Tried U,;