'iEMICH(IGAN( DAILY. I Cilmore Shoe Co. o-o-0_--0_._.----0---o a CITY IN BRIEF 0 0-------0--0--0-0-0-0--0 The amendment of the ordinance re- lating to the harboring of bull dogs was passed by the city common coun cil last night, which makes it unlaw- ful to permit bulldogs to go at large unless held by a strong leash and properly muzzled. The city common council last night fixed Thursday, May 29, as the date for 'balloting on three phases of the prop- osition, for the city to purchase the water plant. Women will be permit- ted to vote. patrol today, the police department in- tend to make a determined effort to i catch speeders who have been defying the traffic regulations of late. A num- ber ,of suspects have been listed, and will be wratchied. -0- The membership committee of the Civic Improvement association adopt- ed a proposal last night to ask the va- rious fraternities to join the associa- Ionl as cooperative bodies, and have representatives present at the meet- ings of the organization. This action was taken with the viewv that frater-' nities were interested in the welfare here's Your New Spring Suit 119 So. Main St. r THE HOME OF PINGREE SHOES Here in any one of the fifty beautiful fabrics and colors that slow the joy of Spring tine. Here in sty les that will set the pace for the next twelve months. Here in the unapproachable craftnian!:ip tl at gos with Society Brand. True, 'fadeless blivEs, restful greys, becoming browns an I Luciles variations of these three. Soft fronts and lapels, snug shoulders, body- tracing lines, new fabrics--clothes that arouse a wave of approval at first sight. Come and see. J. F.WUERTH11C04. I. I, i ri' fin n if it -o- t:1 the cty With the advent of the new city autok here.. since they have propertyI 1, , 1 / HEADQUARTERS' FOR GOOD DRESSERS Li I I Free! Free! Free!Fr" The New Spring' Models area Hayley's Mi llinery, Hair Goods a Specialty now. being shown at 206 E. Liberty Phone 1390-J. A PAIR OF $6 1TO $7 TROUSERS absolutely free with every suit. order beginning Tuesday, May 6th and con- ti u n ni This is' an unusual offer at this time of the year but owing to the fact that we have just opened our new store at 209 E. Liberty Street we are taking this means of advertising our clothes, Palace of Sweets Down Town LET TRUBIfEY Fwurdxl i the sae Crar Attenation to Ire ter-nit! anrd Sororities ON MAIN $TRE 11 1z . .. . - Typewriteer R epqwArfrxg Phone 1361-L I will meet or h"eat any price made on a typewriter, sale or rental. D. F. -WOOD WARD Ann Arbor Savings Bank Bldg, Second Floor Ann Arbor, Mich. e.. All suits made for you at popular prices. and fit guaranteed. workmanship ... .. 209 Sovuth. State Street $17.50 to $256'00 :_ Oiver Clean, Wholesome Board at $4.00 per week. Safe Drinking Water. The. Quality Tailors Lunches 25c Dinners 35c C, C. Iree m ,.n. Propr etor I I F--N.m hvmnn ... . . ....,,,.e. l I 209 EAST LIBERTY ST., Home Tel, Bl'dg. E. _C. FLANDERS, Manager., Formerly Mgr. Woolen Mills' /o Mo QUALITY" is a mighty nice city, and Rayl's is the nicest place at which to buy i min "M .m ATHLETICS I I GET THAT TICE NOW Kodaks,Cutlery, Fishing Tackle and General Sporting Goods FO0R THE Big aIL teresU May We Serve You?-Ras Is has been doing it for 38 years and ought to krow how. Films Developed, 10C a roll (any size.) Michigan Students are Entitled to 10 per cent Discount. Bring Ad. with you. New illAudiorim aFour Days-Five Concerts Cours'e Tickets$4050, $60 SIngle Tickets. (after.ay)$10,1., For Further Information Call at University S chaol of Music. T. B. Fmm.AY L &-Co. I- Cor. Woodward and Congress q L m2mvRNMWwQm mw6vxmavQ3Q= 6, w" V Our Spring Goods arerriving all I Each day brings new assortment of. the iiobbiest spring clothing fir young men. Look over our large stock before purchasing. AA few Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats at sacrifice prices. ____________onlin, Fi I