THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 te Line'of Spring Woolens-.,! , Larg.zst Assort nent in the City ,Ready for Your Inspection, H. WILD CO. 3 11 S. State Streetl Pj~iMICHIGAN DAILY Ot'lcal 7ew.-i iI; rat thie University of Mich- I'rI~isl~d n vrN gaonin except Monday dr iIm , .i it 4ai ie postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich iga,, iunder Act of Congress of March 3 fice : St.Toncd floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- i.j.\ynard Street. Office l lours : Editor-r to 3 p. in.; 7 to 10 P. M. [usiness Manager-r to 3 p. m. Subscrii On Price: By carrier, $2.5o; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations : Press Building ; Quarry's Pharmacy ;" University Pharmacy ; C. H. Davis, Cor.. Packard & State [hone: Bell, 96o. Frank Pennell .............Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard........... Business Manager: TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1913. Night Editor-Henry C. Rummel. O, I The deep --poine colarnowv'hi cIn favo " d Base rTro,.ck Slotted Throat Te are agents for the TV. C1 LuSTotsd Ah-Y t Tennis Rackets. Wte ~several new modiels worth looking at h cfore making your purchase. fght & Ditson Cbai pouch ihtj(, es C hi Patt d Balls Goodrich Balls ding Chamnpionship Balls. All1 goodl-i guartzntced. g' .tN. 9to deszits' Goif e"n nl' a, -Most Complete Stock "In the City. Every Article Guaranteed. Bookstore 15 "' fo9 4 R/381~k COON &- CO., MAI(&IZS 77ROYKN.Y For Sale in Ann Arbor by Wagner & Co. 1 I at will S. ay prey sed nearly e times as long as the P'AN'TS. ou order Two pair of pants have Two suits in ONE0. DIeterle LOR Liberty Streett (copyri1gh() EI Yfir :^1yY:*A[VM! ®Ll1 , :. A WARNING. Ever read the printed conditions on your athletic admission book? One ofr these conditions states that the owner of the book will be called upon to ac- count for any, fraudulent use of the ticket, and will be subject to discipline by the university authorities on recom-E mendation of the board in control of athletics. We are repeating* this particular clause as a warning to the people who: are breaking it. The university and athletic authorities are co-operating in the apprehending of the wrongdo- ers, and their efforts are meeting with t marked success. And rightly so. For a sum, lower than that of any other university in the country, Mich- igan admits its students to all athlet- ic contests. Breaking one of the very rules which has made the blanket~tax possible is not only cheap, and inju- rious to athletics, but illegal to an ex-, tent warranting expulsion in addition to the forfeiture of the book. It is all right, certainly, to think a lot of the land-lady, and pleasant to watch the game in the company of your neighbor's daughter, and gener- ous of you to take along the commu- nity plumber or a high school friend, but it is not at all safe to do any of these things through the medium of forged tickets.' Some people have been taking long chances, and a fair percentage of these are certain to an- nex the penalty. The rule, which comes from the board of regents, must be enforced, or good-bye, blanket-tax efficiency. We hope that further pun- ishments will not be necessary. LDS IN TITS COLU31N ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN ADTANCE. I- / '' BOAT LIVERY U. OF M. Preferred "by discriminatig and enduring beauty of tone, of workmanship, for undoubted reliability, For a Quiet Afternoon or Evening Stuidio 319 E. Htzr oixt. Photne'961-LY I GO SUP THE HURON Contrarie Mary"" Scores and Music at GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St.. The House that Saves you Money on anything you buy in the realm of Music. Oni Call Day or Night. Auto and Baggage Livery. T q,,to n br300 NORTH IMAIN §T15i ET QUSINS & HALL I CUT FLOWERS IN SEASON 02 S. University BELL PHONE 115 1)E T15OIT UNITED~ LINES Aais Arbor Time Table Llutm' d Cars lfor Detroit-7:12 a. mn. and houirly to tit'.2p . m~, also 8:12 p.m. ]Local Ca.-sN or Detrot-5;40 a. mn., 6:40 a. nn., and euv(,ry two hours to 6;40 p. in., 7:40 P. 111 u), 9:545 p. mn., and 10.45 P. im To Yp-ilanut only. 11:15 p. in., 12:15 p. in. 12 30 p. 1n, :06a. im, L oitieed Carsi for Jaecson-7:46 a. m. and Cvery two h ours to 7:461p. im. Loells 'i ars fir Jackson--5:20 a.m., and every two hours to 9:20 p.m., 11:15 p.m. people for exquisite for ab~'olvte integrity Canoe Trips fr hours. Total cost, including rt of canoe, dray and $1.7 fight................... IKLAND, and down the Huron, Tirty-five miles. Tine, one day. Ttal cost. including rent $2"'i ofcanoe, dray and freiglit "G U. of M.L Boat House Noth Main St. By the Bridge P. G. 'IESSMER, Prop. well. 152-157 For Sale-A new Savage Automatic 32 caliber pistol for sale, or will ex- change for a, good folding Kodak. Call "Mac," 783. 152 LOST Lost-Amethyst set for cuff link. Rer- turn to R. C. Spinning, or phone 1505. 152 Beautiful leather bound books for gifts at Fosters. For :Music and all Musical Instru- nments visit Schaeberle, and Son's Mus- ic House. tf Tennis Racquets and balls (all kinds). H. L. Switzer Co., 310 State. Fri. Sat. Sun.-tf New class in shorthand this week at the School of Shorthand, 711 N. Uni- versity Ave. 151-2-3-4-5 il. .. tinu. rn __ w 1f~ortaft VAN DOREN1'S Pharmacy THE HOUSE OF STANDARD QUALITY ;;m- CARDS- PRO GRAMS-STATIONERYS WRITE FOR SMI4PLES GREGORY MAY[R & 111GM Co. DETROIT. MICH We have just received an order'of that bathi op which latlhers Fo well in hard water. 5c cakes unscented; ioc calies scenited 'aitli al- mond. Also Jergen Violet Glycerine; ioc a cake, 3 for 25 ., Designers fMeng's Clothe HENRY & CO. 711 N. University If you want to start an appetite boom, let the children know you have a package of WANTED. ANNOUNCEMtoNT amf1l t:O TO eiCo.'s For the best Thilorb g & rv'we to >;, ad Anywhere. in m'iki:)ig Dress Clo' 1h,- w ak io ,,:icdge no equal, and prove our supcriaui i y in eaver, iistance. Wanted-.Agents, $3.00 a day guaran- teed. One student made $50 clear in five days at Battle Creek Spring Vacation. Phone 1792-L for appoint- ment or call 815 S. State evenings. 151-2 Wanted-A lady of teaching experi- ence to travel this summer, selling encyclopedia. Call 600 E. Liberty St. 150-1-2 Wanted-Four men to work in Canada this summer under the leadership of a man who made over twenty-five dollars per day last year. Salary and expenses guaranteed. Failures need not apply. Call 600 E. Liberty St. at 4:00 p. m. 150-1-2 FOR SALE. Can't be beat. In 10Oc packages at all grocers. HOLLAND RUSK COMPANY, - Holland, Michigan Ann Arbor Home Bakery, Distributors I KAN-MDE COTHS To .Your , KAIINMADEorder New class in shorthandt the School of Shorthand, versity Ave. New class in. shorthandt the School of Shorthand, versity Ave. New class in shorthandt the School of Shorthand, versity Ave. this week at 711 N. Uni- 151-2-3-4-5 this week at 711 N. Uni- 15 1-2-3-4-5 this week at 711 N. 'Uni- 151-2-3-4-5 We have received a Fine Assortment of Spring Shirts, in latest patterns, with stiff or soft cuffs and collars to match. i Sam "Bturchfield Company VARSTYTOCRY SHOP 118. V. ID.'s" Galore 1107 S. U. Ave. i06 East fluron Street PACKAD ACADEMY Loading Place For Private Parties Beinners' I) in n('tlas c:-cry IFriday ev nmu 7to~o'clockl. Advanced 01svf ry Mld y eV('1ntg -toto'clock. Pn'rialE:Lessoi by :apj uintut: tL New class in shorthand this week at For Sale-I offer my residence, 1009 the School of Shorthand, 71J. N. Uni- Cornwell Place for sale. Wirt Corn- versity Ave. 151-2-3-4-5 one 18604 Residence 678-L lecorated 1'912 and American Rostaurant )oIns reserved for parties and ladles ean n. Statt. COra 8loy That for the want of a nail - a shoe wa~s lost. Nail your thoughts, to'- gether with ",Dads"' lunches. C. P.oBncroft " DN'I Dou Lieg t a c t < - q p to 0. °o . iC\\ > sC a ~s a~ ~ ,°"Z cxet e - a C1'm a e1 i y e' llV c A,'1,' 5 nY 722 Monroe St. [Hoppe's Former Stare] Liberty St. 50, Trouy's Best 2 for 25c Collars I Fresh Candias Ij"MACS" FAMOUS CRACKER JACK Have You Tried Us