THE MICHIGAN DAILY cal Platform is ht Price and Quality . H. W iId Co.. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street ot all Goods ry a complete line of Sporting Goods, 'Gym Supplies Shan & Co.' mim It 's pipe THE fIICIIIOAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-r to 3 p. m.; 7 to 1o p. in. Business Manager- to 3 p. in. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.5o; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; Davis and Konald's Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96o. Frank Pennell..........Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard ..........Business Manager Maurice Toulme..............News Editor C. Harold Hippler .............Assistant Karl Matthews..............Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge .............Assistant John Townley............Music and Drama Leonard M. Rieser ...................Files EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis R. Haller Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter . Fred B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter ..........Morris Milligan Russell H. Neilson ..........Bruce J. Miles REPORTERS James D' Evlin ...........Ernest R. Burton David D. Hunting...........J. V. Sweeney BUSINESS STAFF Adna R. Johnston...........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith ....... ....Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett........Circulation Mgr, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1912 Important meeting of business staff at 4:30 p. m. today. TOOT, TOOT! Going to Columbus? Press reports say its a critical situ- 'ation for Michigan. Down at Ohio: State they're all on edge for the big game of the year. The Buckeye school has one of the most powerful teams in its history. In Richards, it has a coach with a reputation for getting results, and with one ambition-to beat the Wolverines. Ohio State rooters by the thousands will work for that win. Ohio State alumni will flock into those bleachers from a thousand miles around. As an offset Michigan must get a big delega- tion down to Columbus. That excur- sion train should be packed. There is no reason why it shouldn't. A per- sonal sacrifice is a sacrifice for the university. The team wants your support. Mich- igan wants that game. If you have to -look up an ola clothes man. Set your alarm clock. Certainly-. We're going to Columbus! The tall and uncut for you frosh. This is 1916 DAY in the Colyum, and we're going to bawl you out fierce. Early Sale in Suit-Case Labels. He went out for the glee club, He went out for the team; He turned in Gargoyle jokes that Were a perfect scream. There was no college honor For which he did'nt try- BUT he forgot to study (!X?!) Goodbye, old man, goodbye! -G. C. E. Chief Gazabo-You will find that your history class meets in room 202, T. H. Know where that is? Branded One-Sure. That's in that red brick shed-Tammany Hall. -D. D. H. Don't Kid Us, You Little Rascal. Deer Cintillater: Kin u tel me wy thet barber at the n. e. corner of the campus don't put up his barber pole? -First Year Gent. A promising member of the 'steen class squatted in front. of a door in the corridor of U. hall for fifteen min- utes, waiting for the elevator to come down and take him to the fourth floor, N. W. t4 WAH R'S UiMversity Bookstores It Is Eesy to Recognize a. jpbotoorapNz TEXT BO6 New and Secondhand BOOKS for all departme DRAWING INSTRUMENTS ENGINEERS SUPPLIES Loose Leaf Note Books, Fountain Pens, etc. headquarters. Make I8t'.adio 319 M. Hurotn lt. Phon ton BroB's Thirty I By courteous treatmen t of t] in the Realm of Music" we have1 die west. We solicit your patr< She ORIN NELL Bh I r ublic U eed. of his environ- m with culture ,e and he is a esn't respond. e clay by the the book he hes he wears. TYPEWRITERS New and Rebuilt - All Makes FOR SALE OR RENT O. D. MORRILL 322 S. STATE ST. Local Representative, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER Y WRITE FOR SAMPLES M. CO. DETROIT MCH. et ' d- L HALL ned and Pressed....... ....$.75 ed .................. . .$:25 Cleaned and Pressed$... .. .75 Pressed ........... .. . ..... $. 20 ?ressed ............... .... $.o S. STATE ST. CONFESSING FAITHS. f1, 11 All Work Pressed by Hand f D LIGHT MEANS OOD E YES Whatever ideal have been treasured, whatever drams have been dreamed in behalf of the Michigan Union, were realized last night. If the Union has ever meant anything or if it is ever to mean anything, that was attained at the membership dinner. The ideal was realized when our president, an hon- ored alumnus, and a student, each in turn made a confession of faith. It was no ordinary gathering. Emotions of no ordinary intensity answered the behests of democracy. A president, removed from his "boys" by arduous administrative du- ties, embraced a golden opportunity, and formulated as never before his ambitions, to an audience never more eager. An alumnus, who but seven years ago was an under-graduate har- assed by the same doubts that sur- round the present generation, returned to taste the unbrided fellowship of the collegian, to receive a whole-hearted, unstinted, Michigan Union welcome. Rather do the words of President; Hutchins-"I look forward to the time when every university man will be a member of the Union"-take the form; of a prediction than the expression of a hope. Iowa Men Meet Tonight. There will be a meeting of Iowa meni at the Michigan Uniontonight to or- ganize the Hawkeye club. This year there are approximately 50 Iowans en- rolled in the university. Ye Frosh on Rush Day. Half a mile, half a mile, On up the Huron; Just at the break of day, All on their quiet way, Froshmen-one hundred. Fifty frosh, forty miles, Into Detroit; All on the night before, Safety to them. was more Than all class honor. Ten o'clock, twelve o'clock- Those in Ann Arbor Who, in the love of peace Cared not for class relief, On slept three hundred. -H. R. H. No thanks, not tonight. Wait till we get to Columbus. ALUMNI PLAN TO GO TO PENN. Grand Rapids Association to Send Special Train of Rooters to Big Game. Members of the Peninsular club, of Grand Rapids, are planning to send a special train of Michigan rooters to the Michigan-Pennsy football game at Philadelphia, November 9. The pros- pectus of the trip including the itiner- ary is already out and the promoters of the excursion are planning to make a big success of the enterprise. It is reported that Regents Beal, Hanchett, Leland and Sawyer will make the trip with the club. Governor Osborn has also promised to make the trip, and it is intimated that the governor elect of Michigan will con- sent to accompany the club. Sixty dollars is the price of a ticket which will cover the entire expense of the trip, including an opera after the game. It is believed the Detroit- alumni will take up the same plan and have a train of their own. "PAINTED WINDOW" STARTS. YEAR WITH BUSY PROSPECTS The new school publication "The Painted Window" is having' a decidedly successful circulation, accoding to the business manager, Guy L. Woolfolk, '14. The magazine has been enlarged and improved since last year and the public seems to appreciate its high- er standard. Woolfolk is decidedly pleased over its reception by the pub- lic. The next number promises to ap- pear on November 5. When the best girl of the man that KNOWS HOW gets a treat, its a box of Huyler's Candy. Phone 57.. Another Year Ahead of Him May it be a happy one-may he always have Fatimas. .With each package of Fallima. you get a pennant co&pon. 25 of which aecwe a handsomee felt pennant-Clie" . .?tnto.,g~i*andFra#enalOrdu, (12x32)-Kecuon of 115 Gas 1111 M 11111 '2'isl niejvO Individual p Verticle and Reflex are the The Proper Place to' Take Your Lady Friend for dinner, luncheon or refresh- ments is Mack's Tea Room Combines seclusion with culinary perfection. Service ala carte. Open 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., on Saturdays till 9 p. m. Orchestra Saturdays. SECOND FLOOR MACK & CO. MAIN STREET The closest bosom friend you have couldn't stick closer to you than the non- bulging bosom of a "DONCHESTER" L lal No Shadow Engineer's 'Drawing Lamp. ARR LW Evening SHIRT $2 to $3 Cluett. Peabody & Company, Makers GAS COMPANY I OPODY CARED FOR AND CURED anti- AVE 921 UNIVERSITY of Phone 9891 DETROIT UNITED LINES Ann Arbor Time Table Limited Cara for Detroit-7:12 a. in. and hourly to6:12 p. n., also 8:12 p. mn. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. m., 6:40 a. in., and every two hours to 6;40 p. n.. 7:40 p. ni., 8:40 p. in., 9:45 p. i., and 10:45 p. M To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p. mn., 12:15 p. M. 12:30 p. tn., 1:00 a. m. Limited Card for Jackson--7:46 a. m. and every two Hours to 7:46 p.,in. Local Cars for Jackson-5:20 a In., and every two hours to 9:20 p. in.,.11:15 p. m. Mr. S tu ren Our fall stock of oultings and over- s . coatings in now complete. You will find all the new weaves and colorings in our line and we will be pleased to show thern. We make gar- ments that satisfy. J W The Bankl All garments made In our own shops. WAGNER f CO. Stat. Street Il II " Y