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May 04, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-05-04

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m r







rsity, Edison Company and Civic
AssociationJnite to Take
Precauions Against
el Lights and a System of Buoys
May be Placed in Huron
as Safeguards.
ring that the Michigan Union
lub, with only meager funds at
posal, will be unable to properly
ard the Huron river against any
ng accidents, the university au-
es, the Edison company and the
association have decided to unite
forces and take measures which
reclude the possibility of any
ings on the river.
exact means which will be used
not yet been decided upon, but
btedly a system of buoys, and
ly channel ligl.ts will be put in-
The Edison company and the
ssociation have both agreed to
out the plans decided upon by
versity. No action could be tak-
s week because of the absence
sident Hutchins from the city,
is expected that action of some
ill be decided upon the first part
week, and work commenced im-

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Sunday,
showers and cooler.
Univerity Observatory -Saturday,
7:00 p i., temperature 72.0; maximum
temperature 24 hours preceding, 81.5;
minimum temperature 24 hours pre-
ceding 57.0; average wind velocity, 9
miles per hour.
Students Wire Thanks to Wilson.
A telegram was sent to President
Wilson yesterday by the Chinese Stu-
dents' club, expressing the gratifica-
tion of the members to the United
States for her leadership in the form-
al recognition of the young republic.
This action was taken by the club with
a unanimous vote at its regular meet-
ing last night.


?'HS krerqu~i..c-rrsnr tcAiA
T.- __~4,5eA~tF~._ . mrrru£
Lr'' r.th

Medic Faculty Men Go East
Drawn east by the annual meeting
of the Congress of American Physici-
ans at Washington, D. C.,' over May 5,
6, and 7, and of the American Medical
association on May 6 and 7,, many of
the medical faculty Will spend the first
part of this week in the east. Dean
\. C. V-ughan will read a paper on
"Prowtin Poison" before the Congress
of American Ph1ysicians May 6.
lluthstromn Wins Fencing Title.
In the university fencing tournament
wvhich was decided yesterday morning,
A. A1. uthstrom, '13E, was given the
decision over his two opponents, A J.
Matteson, '14, and K. Tonouchi, '13, by
winning one bout from each. The oth-
er two tied for second place. In order
to' win this tournament eighteen bouts
were necessary before the finals were




Big Red Team Revenges Itself For
Past Defeats by Rolling p pEighty
Points to Xichigan's
Poor Showing of Craig and Kohler
Adds to Embarassment of
ITHACA, N. Y., May 3.-Cornell's]

Undergraduae Body Endorse Proposal
and Student Sentiment in
Ceneral is Favorablo
to Batherings.

Freh Engineers Enthusiastic
Innovation in Their


for protection was empha-
on Friday evening, when
id a girl in a canoe narrow-
an accident similar to the
ost the lives of three peo
the spring vacation. Both
>f the canoe had gone up
ind were returning about
k. They brought the ca-
he chute at the left bank
and launched the boat in
Blow. When they had gone
e of the gates of the dam
ind on the return trip the
of affairs existed, but the
ater was much greater,
urrent to swirl around al-I



caught in this, and
efforts of both' the
ought it around and
down the stream.
were thoroughly
pray, and a tip over
>y a narrow margin,
d that both would
ie girl had not been

"Big Red" track team took pointed re-
venge for past cinder path beatings
by Michigan this afternoon. Under a
broiling sun, the fleet sons of Ithaca
rolled up a total of 80 points in the
twelve scheduled events, leaving the
Wolverines on the small end of the
score with 28 to their credit.
From the first event to the last Cor-
nell led all the way. The wearers of
the"red cornered a total of ten firsts out
of the twelve events, leaving Michigan
to be content with two firsts, and what
she could pick up in'the way of sec-"
onds and thirds. In fact the Michigan
team, which had earlier in the season
administered a beating to Cornell in
the indoor meet at Ann Arbor, fell far
below expectations, and even the Cor-
nell supprters were disappointed at
the showing of the Maize and Blue.
Contrary to press dispatches which
were sent out on the eve of the meet,
Captain Waff, Michigan's star quarter
and half-miler, did not participate in
the meet. Had Haff been'able to run,
the scoring might have been different,,
but 'Cornell would have won just the
Michigan attributes her defeat to
bac luck surrounding the staging of
the meet. Captain Haff injured a ten-
don in the trials before the Maize and
Blue team left Ann Arbor,, and was
prevented from running. This was the
first bad bresk in Michigan's fortune.
The failure of Kohler to win first in
the shot put anrd Craig to show in the
hurdles, was another thing which the

Yearlings Turn Out 400 Strong
"Pow Wow" Held up River
Last Night.

at Michigan Representative Falls For
First Time to Carry off Premier
honors in a Contest.

With cheers,; speeches, a bonfire and
the support of nearly 400 engineers,
the inauguration of the "Pow Wow,"
up the river held last night was a
huge success. Mingling business with
play, a report was read by Chairman
L. R. Hyde, of the class policy com-
mittee, favoring the adoption of the
honor system by the first year engi-
neering class by a vote of ten to one.
Prof. H. C. Anderson, Messrs. F. B.
Finch, B. F. Bailey and W. D. Moriar-
ty were the faculty representatives
present at the gathering and each
made an address commending the
first year men for their fine display of
spirit. These were followed by short
talks given by various members of the
class in respone to the call of toast-
master Everet T. Judson.
At the conclusion of the festivities
the "snake dance" was formed, which
lasted until 'the Michigan Union was
reached, where the freshmen dispers-
Union Maintains Open House Today.
The usual Sunday afternoon open
house will be held at the Union this
afternoon. George P. McMahon, '16,
will give a vocal solo; Waldo Fellows,
'14, will render a piano solo and hits
from "Contrarie Mary", David Cohn,
'13, will give a reading, and Charles
B. Sikes, '16, will render a vocal solo.

Percival V. Blanshard took third in
the Northern Oratorical league con-
test held at Oberlin college on Friday
night. First place was won by A. C.
Reis, of Wisconsin, and G. G. Glick.
of Iowa State, was second.
"The contest Friday night was the
strongest in the history of the league,,
said Prof. T. C. Trueblood last night
in commenting on the Northern Ora-
torical League contest, "and, in my
judgment, the decision was the poor-
est. It was clear that the contest lay
between Michigan, Iowa, and Wiscon-
sin and that is the order in which the
audience expected them to be named."
Prof. Trueblood expressed the great-
est disappointment that Percival V.
Blanshard, the Michigan orator, had
failed to land first place, and was em-
phatic in denouncing the decision
reached by the judges. He declared
that a majority of the 1,500 people
present placed Blanshard first, and
were not backward in so expressing
"Nearly all of the teachers of public
speaking who came with the men
from other schools," said Prof. True-
blood, "congratulated Blanshard after
the contest, and expressed to me their
conviction that he had won. He had
never spoken so well before, and had
the audience with him all the way.
(Continued on page 4.)

accident occurred on the
f the river from where the
were lost this spring, and
e the lighting company had
r the canoeists to get their
the stream.
ction with the placing of
on the river, the authorities
ake several regulations for
)f the boatlovers. The city
been asked to establish a
asurement for canoes, and
ed that this measure will

Freshmen assemblies for each de-
partment, instead of similar gather-
ings for all the first year men in the
university, meets with the hearty en-
dors-ment of the undergraduate body.
Student sentiment seems to be that
the departmental assemblies would
prove the better method for getting the
newcomers acquainted and could be
conducted so that they would be more
interesting to the .freshman than the
all department meeting.
"I am an enthusiastic supporter of
assemblies for the freshmen, "said
Rolfe Spinning, '13, chairman of the
senior advisory committee last even-
ing, "and feel that the gatherings
should be made departmental. The
different classes do not have much in
common their first year and ' their
cooperation and interest could be eas-
ily aroused through their department.
The work of the senior advisors for
the past year would have been materi-
ally lessened had we had some way to
get the men all together at the same
time and talk to them as a body. As-
semblies for all the freshmen might
be held three or four times a year, but
I believe that the best results can be
obtained from the departmental gath-
"There is no doubt in my mind of
the advisability of holding freshmen
assemblies," said Clem Quinn,'13, "and
in fact several plans for such gather-
ings have already been drawn up. I
think that owing to the different lines
of interest between the departments,
each class should have its own meet-
ing. Occasional assemblies for all
the freshmen in the university might
be held, but I feel that the men could
derive much greater benefit from
gatherings of a strict departmental
Members of the freshmen engineer'
class are enthusiastic over the as-
semblies as they have been conducted
for the past year in their department,
and do not feel that they would be
as successful if open to all first year
men as the unity of interests would
be destroyed. The class as a whole
has shown a great interest in the
weekly gatherings according to Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley, and there are few
(Continued on page 2.)

Cleveland Aggregation Overwhelmed In
Comedy Staged on Ferry
Field Ysterday
Score of 12 to 1 in Varsity's Fvork
Comes Through Weakness
of Opponents.
An expectant bevy of fans gathered
at Ferry field yesterday in great hopes
of seeing an air tight ball game. The
contest was scheduled to start at 3:00
o'clock and sharp at that hour an ag-
gregation of young men pranced on to
the field wearing the Case uniform.
But at the end of the first inning the
hoax was discovered and it was proved
that the aggregation of obl-iging young
men had plenty of nerve, an entire
lack of ability, and an excellent smat-
tering of, Greek and Latin that really
proved they were from Case. But as
far as playing baseball, they cleared
themselves by an 'absolute alibi and
the catcher by a lullaby. The expect-
ant fans sent for opera glasses, choc-
olates and programs and sat down to
watch the comedy that was being stag-
ed. And except for one incident it
was a comedy. When the curtain fell
the blackboard said 12 to 1 but it didn't
mean anything.
The untoward incident that marred
the otherwise perfectly good comedy
was an injury to Sheehy, the Michigan
left fielder. In the second inning he
beat out an infield hit and in so doing
he slid to first,caught his spikes in the
sack, and suffered a severe sprain. of
his right ankle. He was carried off
the field and sent to the hospital where
an X ray was taken of the injury.
Although it was feared for awhile that
his leg was fractured, the latest re-
ports have it that it was only a sprain
but this accident will keep him out of
the game for some little time.
Strictly speaking, Case had the
worst team that has been seen on Fer-
ry field this year. They couldn't field,
they couldn't hit, and they didn't know
baseball, and they failed even a good
practice for the Wolverines. Sisler had
been saved particularly for this game,
but he entered into the spirit of the
piece and consented to play the lead-
ing role. He held the Cleveland de-
mons to one lonely scratch hit which
by a lucky turn and an error was cn-
verted into a lonely run. With any sort
of luck he would have pitched a no hit
game but at that nobody got jealous
over the tally. He struck out sixteen
of the visitors, stole four bases, got
two hits, and scored from second on a
sacrifice hit, thereby stealing Mr.
Cobb's thunder, that is all but the hold
out stuff. Hughitt did the heavy work
at third and handled some hot ones
with the dexterity of the visitors strik-
ing out.
One Kemp starred in the comedy
role as catcher for the Clevelanders.
The Wolverines started stealing bases
on this individual and by the time the
game was over they had pilfered six-
teen sacks, and would have taken his
glove, mask and uniform if the police
had not interfered. The Wolverine
sprinters never hesitated on the chalk
lines and slid from sack to sack like
a Mississippi steamboat hitting the
sand bars. His battery mate, Deceiver
Smith, worked very hard, but then one
has to work hard when he endeavors
to get away in a ball game with only
a glove for a disguise and a sieve for
a team.' Twelve errors were chalked
up against the Ohio whirlwinds and
(Continued on page 4.)

or consideration within ?.
Rules for the canoeists to
probably be enforced, so
will be eliminated in every
llows a. list of rules for the
hose who are in the habit of
ieir spare time on the river.f
I tight places, the paddler
'k from his knees. This is -I
e Indians used.
r hang on to the gunwales
boat starts to tip, only the
hould lean, and the others
t should remain perfectly
ntinued on page 4.)

Wolverines claim as a bad break of
luck. Haimbaugh was also expected
to win the mile-and in' fact, many
things were expected of the Michigan
men that did not mnaterialize.
In only two events did Michigan
score in anything like the expected
manner. These were 'the high jump,
in which Sargent took first at a height
of 6 feet 2 inches, and White took
third at 5 feet 9 inches, and the ham-
mer throw in which Kohler won first
with a heave of 150 feet 7 inches. In
the other events, Michigan simply fell
It was disappointing to Michigan
(Continued on page 3.)

o1030 Communion Service.
12: 10 "Underground Rome," PROF. F. W. KELSEY. Stereop-
tican. Men's Class.
6:30 C. E. Meeting.
Friday, May 9-Annual C. E. Banquet




Church, 7:45



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