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May 03, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-05-03

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XXIIX, No. 150.




Faculty Men Differi as to Advisability
of Gatherings of Freshmen
From All of the
Dean N. Cooley Who Stared Idea
Says lan Has Worked in
His Department.
Members of the faculty are not all
unanimous in their opinions on the
advisability of holding all-freshmen
assembles. Departmental gatherings
of first year men meet with the hearty
approval of the deans of the literary
and engineering departments, but
they are not so strongly in favor of
holding meetings for all university
"I am heartily in favor of freshmen
assemblies," said President Harry B.
Hutchins yesterday, "and I would like
to see some plan adopted whereby all
freshmen could participate in them.{
Departmental assemblies seem to be
the most feasible and would be a+
great aid to the men in meeting their
classmates, but general gatherings1
for all freshmen could probably be
held at less frequent intervals."
Dean John R. Effinger of the liter-+
ary department feels that owing to the1
widely varying conditions in the differ-3
ent departments, an all-freshmen as-
sembly would not be advisable. "I
am heartily in favor of asemblies for.
the freshmen of the literary and en-
gineering departments," he said lastc
evening, "and I believe these gather-c
ings would prove valuable in working
up a healthy class spirit and depart-I
mental rivalry. In the law and medi-t
cal departments the first year menl
are older and usually have had someI
college experience, so that a generalt
assembly could not easily be made tot
appeal to them. Meetings for the sen-v
iors, who have more in common, would1
in my opinion be a better plan. WhileI
University Hall is large enough to ac-t
commodate freshmen assemblies, thef
new Hill Auditorium will prove in-
valuable in holding university con-A
vocations as provided for by the sen-
ate council."
"Our freshmen assemblies have
been a splendid success," said Dean
Mortimer E. Cooley, "and after twoo
year's trial have proved their wprthi
both to. the students and faculty. I
do not see how better results couldv
be obtained by having all freshment
meet together. It would be very diffi-
cult to prepare a program whicho
would benefit and interest them, andA
In my opinion the time to try and in-b
culcate a real university spirit in them
should come after they know thee
members of their class."
Discontinue Dartmouth Medical Schoola
Dartmouth's medical school, theg
fourth oldest in the country, is to be
discontinued after the graduation of c
the class of 1914. The lack of clinical
work, due to the school's isolation in ae
little New Hampshire village, is as-t
signed as the reason for this action.s
The school was founded in 1798. s

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Fair,cooler
and continued dry.
University Observatory-Friday,7:00
p. M., temperature 73.8; maximum
temperature, 24 hours preceding, 83.0;
minimum temperature, 24 hours pre-
cedi, 54.0; average wind velocity, 8
miles per hour.
Scienists Granted Permission by
South American State to Carry
on Investigations.



1r. {

Word has been received by Prof.
Alexander C. Ruthven, curator of the
museum, that the government of Co-
lombia has granted the museum expe-
dition permission to enter the country,
and make its investigations. The De-
partment of State, which has been car-
rying on negotiations for the party,
has been notified that the South Amer-
ican government has instructed the
officials at the ports to extend every
courtesy to the expedition and to ad-~
mit their equipment and baggage free
of duty. The party will sail from New
York about June 15, returning some
time in September.
The members of the party will be
Prof. A. G. Ruthven,Prof. A. S. Pearse,
of the University of Wisconsin, and
Frederick Gaig, an assistant in zoo-
logy. Mr. Brandt Walker of Detroit
will finance the expedition.
The region to be studied is in the
Santa Marta Mountains, Colombia.
'Mr. M. A. Carriker, formerly a resi-
dent of Michigan and now owner of a
coffee plantation, will meet the party
at the seaport of Santa Marta with a
pack train, and take them at once to
the plantation which will serve as a
base of supplies. The party will be
prepar'ed to spend several months in
the study of the animals of the coun-
try, and will make an attempt to in-
vestigate the conditions from the sea
level to the summit of the mountains.
It is the intention of the expedition
to secure a large number of specimens
for the museum.
System as in Use at harvard Endorsed
After Discussion and Debate,
The Adelphi Literary society went
on record last night as unanimously
in favor of an honor system.
The formal debate on the question
was led by Werner Schroeder, '14, on
the affirmative, and Floyd Young, '14,
on the negative. A general discussion
of the question by the entire society
followed, the chief bone of contention
being the tattling clause.
The system which the society favor-
ed provided for the following pledge to
be written by each student at the end
of his bluebook: "I pledge my honor
as a gentleman that I have neither
given nor received aid during this ex-
amination. I have seen (x) cases of
cheating." If any cases of cheating are
observed, the class votes as to wheth-
er or not it wishes to continue under
the honor system. This plan has been
successfully used in Harvard Univer-

This afternoon Michigan and Cor-
nell will hook up in the annual dual
track meet held this year at Ithaca.
Press reports from the Wolverines
state that Trainer Farrell marshalled
his 19 charges safely into the New
York college town, and has his men
in the pink of condition for the fray.
Whether Michigantcan repeat the
showing made against Cornell in the
indoor competition held at Ann Arbor,
without the service of Captain Haff is
a question. It is expected by Wolver-
ine backers, however, that the Maize
and Blue athletes will take the meet,
though probably by a close score.
There are several events in which
Michigan is sure of taking points,
while in a number, Cornell's chanc-
es are the best. But on the whole,
paper predictions seem to point to
Michigan as the winner.
Mir on
Prof. J. R. Allen Writes That Capture
of Constantinople is Necessary t
to Peace.
According to Prof. J. R. Allen, whoq
is at present in Turkey, organizing andt
building Robert College near Constan-I
tinople, it will be necessary for thet
Bulgarians to tak Constantinople be-t
fore an actual settlement will takeN
place. The letter to Dean M.E. Cooleyt
follows in part:t
"The war situation is still a veryr
complicated one, and it looks quite
probable that before an actual settle-i
ment it will be necessary for the Bul-
garians to take Constantinople. N.w
that Adrianople has fallen thD Bul-
garians are bringing all their forces
and siege guns up to the Chatadjad
lines, and with this increased force it
is quite possible that they will break
through the lines. Already many of
the Turkish families are moving out
of Stamboul into the country, fearings
that such a thing may happen. If it
should happen, Constantinople will
probably be made an international
port, and the last foothold of Turkey
in Europe will be gone. The govern-
nent is still very active in its mii-
;ary preparations, but is tremendous-
y handicapped by lack of money.
"We are suffering now very much
or lack of coal, oil, and other supplies
that have been declared contraband of
war. At present I am paying $7 or $8
per ton for coal that is not worth oer
5 cents, but we are keeping every-
thing running in the hope that some-
hing will happen before the end of
his month."r
The letter which was dated April 8,
vas received a few days ago. As condi- i
ions have not changed much since 3
he letter was written, it is expected D
hat Prof. Allen will be able to carry w
mt his plans for leaving for home the C
niddle of the month. W
A. J. Matteson, '14, A. A. Ruthstrom, 5
13E, and K. Tonouchi, '13, will again w
ry to break the tie in the university s
encing tournament at 11:00 o'clock
his morning in Waterman gym. The i
hree men tied for first place three ci
imes by each man winning and losing e

ne bout. If they cannot reach a de- T
ision in one bout, they will decide it n
y the best two out of three.E
If present plans which are under Ci
:onsideration by the Mu 'Phi Epsilon s
:orority materialize, that organization u
will be housed in a larger and more
rodern residence than the one which tc
hey occupy at present at 925 south i
tate street. Owing to the lack of d
oom there are now about 20 members ti
ho are forced to room in rooming n
ouses which makes the change Am- 1
erative. No definite location has been t
ecided on as yet but an attempt is cc
eing made to secure one near ti 0st
ampus and thee School of Music.

Word. Reecived Fron t SateSnatr
TIhat YrnchP:,e Act A wats
S ISh fUO01tm
S n A'toeEtath
(Thx ernoi',
H r-Ing {GoeriorasSigaure Bill 11ill
Be Presencd to tho e ole
in Fall of 1914,
Harry B. Rtottschaefer of the eco-
nones department received a letter
from Senator Vordier of the 2:ichigan
legislature yesterday, assuring him
that the franchise bill was passed by
both houses. It is practically certain
that the governor will sign the meas-
ure. Having his signature, the bill
will be submitted to the people in the
November elecion in 1914.
Immediately after the fall elections,
agitation for the enfranchisement of
students was started by W. H. Hamil-
ton and Mr. Rottschaefer. The presi-
dents of the various political organi-
rations of the campl~us were called to-
gether, and an or -anization was form-
ed. At first it was intended to secure
immediate er ranchls<:aent, if poss-
ble, by the ordinary procedure of a
bill through the legislature. This5
method was found to be unconstitu-
tional, and a new bill was originated
which proposed to submit the question
to the people whether an armendument
to the constitution should be made or
Representative Murphy of Denton
ilarbor consented to introduce the
bill in the house; but it was consider-
ad better to have the bill pass the sen-l
ate first. Senator Verdier offered to
put it before that body. It was intro-1
duced in January, and when it finally
came before tre senate, it was amend-
d'and passed to include members of1
he legislature while in session.
It -came before the house only a
short time before adjournment last
(Continued on page 4.)r
3r. Elsie S. Pratt of Denver, Colo, is t
4pioanted Lhysician For r
With the appointment of Dr. Elsie S.t
ratt, of Denver, Colo., by Dean V. C.
aughan, plans that will assure Mich-t
gan a satisfactory and complete in-1
irmary,are brought near completion.
)r. Pratt will be physician to the1
women of the university and Dr. H. H.
ummings of the medical department
ith Mr. C. B. Stouffer, Homeop, '13
ill look after the health of the men
tudents. Funds for an infirmary hos-
ital have not yet been secured from
he board of regents, but temporary
'eneral offices on or near the campusS
ill soon be obtained and the new
ystem will be begun next fall.
By action of the board of re-ents
ast November a tax of $2.00 per stu-
ent will be impose 'on all students
ntering the univerty in October.
this ar:icunt will be used to purchase.

edicines for all who present them-
elves for any sort of medical treat-
nent, and will cover all expenses to
he student unless visits by the phy-
ician to his or her home are required.
he charge for all such visits, eitherh
ay or night, will be $1.00 each and all
uch fees will be turned over to the

The method of tryouts for the an-
nual production of the Comedy club
for next year is to be editirely differ-
ent from that used in previous years.
The tryouts for all those who wish to
become members of the club will be
held the latter part of this month,i
d vii consist in giving selections
fromsom mberndrama.
rts will be assigned to all intend-
ing- tctry out on May 28. The thespi-
;ls iil then be allowed a few days to
stdy the parts, and the -final tryout
wil be( held on June 2. All those suc-
cessfulJ in this affair will be made
memersof the club and will be eligi-
beto coipete with the members for
parts in the fall.
Everyone in school is eligible to com-
pete in the tryouts, but eligibility
cards vill have to be made out before
he successful contestants may be-
come members of -the club.


Lw Txv rler (Jutelasses Rivals
Pitches Cohorts to
7 o . Victory.

Varsity Star Will Endeavor to Ke
Season's Record of No
Defeats on Home
Rickey Will Use Same Line
Today as Used in Thurs-
day's Game.




- - - -~ 1\ I' 3 1
In the two opening games of the
interclass series the soph lits and the
fresh laws were the winners over the
eres li -and pharmic teams by the
soeof 6-5 and 17-1 respectively.
heburriters had an easy time in
connecting with the offerings of all
three of the pharmic's pitchers, and
!cam hed aroulihithe bases at ran-
n. n the othe band, Ferguson of
the awshad ft he btters entirely at
mercy, and backed upsby a strong-
er eight than tie pharmics had on the
field, he pitched the youngsters to the
easy 17 to 1 victory.
The soph-fresh lit game was a dif-
ferent tale. Carpenter of the '16 ag-
gregation and Tolles of the '15 nine
boh twirled good games, the former
having a shade the better of his older
rival. The freshmen outplayed their
opponents and went down to defeat
through a mistake in judgment, when
they jerked Carpenter in the fifth after
he 'had filled the bases to let Clancy
try and pull his men out of the hole.
The new twirler failed to locate the
ruober before he had given , free trip
to three batsmen, forcing in the three
runs that made the balance of a 6-5
3 ore in favor of the sophs.
Bsoth teams played fast and heady I
ball throughout the contest, but the
youngsters were the best bet of the
two until their fatal misstep in the,
fifth. For the '16 men Matson behind
the bat was the star. The husky lad's
legs to second kept the sophs in check
at many timcs, and he was also strong
with the willow. Shutes was the star
.ase runne of the game, the stocky
fr 3hman plunged around the bases
ce;in gthem of their protectors in
regular football style. He never hes-
tated to buck a baseman off the line
Shen the man was the least bit in his
Sonior Laws Hold Banquet Tonight.
Senior laws will hold their annualI
k,-quet at the Ailenel hotel tonightl
t 6:00 o'clock. Members of the law
aculty and class will speak. Tickets
re selling for $1.50.l

Sisler, Michigan's heavy-hitting port-
side heaver, is slated to oppose Case
on the Ferry field diamond this after-
noon in an endeavor to keep the sea-
son's record of no defeats on the home
lot untarnished.
Whether Sisler will succeed or not
will depend on the brand of baseball
that Case puts up. The plucky little
Cleveland team usually displays first
class ball playing on Ferry field, and
it is possible that there may be a warm
battle before Michigan finally takes the
contest. Case comes to Ann Arbor
with five veterans on the team, among
which number is Belchonbek and
Kemp, veteran battery men, and Fran-
cy and Oschlager, reputed heavy hit-
ters. The Cleveland team confidently
expects to give Michigan a tough ar-
gument for supremacy.
Coach Rickey has hit upon a combi-
nation that he thinks will stand the
racket after the past several weeks of
experimenting, and it is probable that
the lineup he will send against the
visitors today will not differ from that
used in Thursday's game except as to
first base.
Case will use the following combi-
nation: Bradley or Bagley, rf, Francy
cf, Kemp c, Ochschlager 2b, Stuck ss,
Clemens If, Beckman 3b, Belchonbek
or Smith p.
Michigan's lineup will undoubtedly
be: Cory or Sheehy lf, Baker ss, Bell
of, Sisler p, Rogers c, Webber rf, Me
Queen 2b, Hughitt 3b, Pontius lb.
Prof. Albert E. White's class in Met-
allurgy will leave this morning on-the
6:57 train for Detroit to visit the lead-
ing industrial companies in the city.
More than 80 students will avail them-
selves of the opportunity. The party
is expected to return on the five o'clock
Among other plants the party will
visit the Ford Automobile Company,
the Detroit Steel Company, the Michi-
gan Seamless Tube Company and the
Michigan Malleable Company.
Parts will be cast for the senior
women's play next week from the wo-
men who are taking the course in
Dramatic Technic under the direction
of Prof. R. D. T. Hollister. There will
be a meeting of the class this morning
at 9:00 o'clock in room 302 W. The
characters are to be selected by the
dramatic committee under the super-
vision of Professors L. A. Strauss and
Hollister. The play will be presented
during commencement week.



Cheer up, you one-o'clocker! The'
solution to the problem of keeping
awake these drowsy, droning after-
noons, directly after a rather injudi-
ciously sized lunch, has been discov-
Mr. W. D. Moriarty, instructor in
English in the engineering department,
noticed that his 1:00 o'clock classes
had a powerful tendency to contract
noditus capitorium. Becoming dizzy
from the wave effect of rising and
falling craniums, he tried the experi-
ment of holding recitations on the
lawn, The innovation worked like the
patent medicines which were put out
of commission by the pure food law of

June 30, 1906, were supposed to act.
And as a result, his 1:00 o'clock class-
es have regularly asembled in a shady
spot near the engineering building.
Everything is informal. Some sit
in Indian fashion, while others at-I
tempting to get real near to nature,
try the Walt Whitman method of
sprawling out at full length. But all
signs of drowsiness are minus quan-
tities. And, better still, nothing dis-
tracts attention from books, not even
the better half of the literary depart-
meat, parts of which loiter past not
infrequently. And when such attrac-
tions lose their charms, it can surely
be truthfully said that "knowledge has

No longer will hundreds of student]
iave the opportunity to while away
he warm afternoons by disporting

zn civrsty trsthcselvs in the cool confines of the
The board of regents is endeavoring "old swimmin' hole," near the ancient
o secure a building for the infirmary miii race. The Edison company, for-
n which to take care of all sick stn- mally decreed yesterday that the de-I
ents, but thus far nothing of this na- xotees of the limpid depths must for-
ure has been accomplished. Begin- sake the place where Michigan stu-
lng next summer a tax of 50 cents dents have for generations been ac-
er student will be imposed on all en- customed to their daily plunge in the
ering the summer school session to Huron.
ver medicinal expenses. The men Fearing a repetition of the
tudents will be allowed to choose ci- recent catastrophe, the compa-
her of the two men doctors. ny decided to allow no risks to

be taken which will place the blame
on them, and so the formal action de-
clares that no swimming will be al-
lowed below the Barton dam.
In accordance with the new decree,
the season was officially openecd yes-
terday afternoon in the lake. Two
lone freshmen, unable to endure long-
er the effects of the warming influence
of old Sol tramped up the railroad to
the dam and enjoyed the questionable
honor of ushering in the season. -
"S-s-sure the water's g-g-great"
they exclaimed as a reporter accosted
the pair returning with dripping hair
from the scene of their "dip."

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