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October 18, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-10-18

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DOOR $2.50I





ESS $3.00


No. 15.




_ i


night fair

for Ann Arbor-Thursday
and warmer, increasing
moderate southwesterly

Aggregation to Make Trip to Colum-.
bus is Composed of Twenty.
Three Men.
The last practice preparatory to
tackling the Ohio State aggregation
Saturday was held yesterday afternoon
and there was a slight improvement in
the calibre of the team work. There
was some slight scrimmage, though
not enough to hurt anybody, and a
long signal drill polishing off the few
surprises that have been prepared for
Richards, the Buckeye coach. And
now, except for a slight workout in
Columbus Friday, the work of prepa-
ration for the game is over.
Yesterday afternoon the Varsity were
sent up against a few select formations
labelled o. S. U. but judging from the
reports of Michigan scouts at the
Ohio games, it is entirely probable
that these formation could prove an
alibi. The Michigan hopes had no
great- difficulty in solving th Buckeye
puzzlers and this bit of hope bright-
ens up the dull horizon a trifle. But
there is a lot of difference between
mildly stopping alleged plays in sim-
ple scrimmage and putting a quietus
on these same plays in a game. Per-
haps the dubious line has taken a
.brace and really shown the true cali-
bre of the men who compose it, for if
these men actually play their best
there will be a world of difference.
Twenty-three Make Trip.
To those who are inclined to be a bit
superstitious the start* of the squad
rather lowers the odds on the Wolver-
ines, for there are just twenty-three
actual players .who are making the
trip. The squad is quite the largest
that has been taken in some years
and it's a sure bet there will be no
dearth of substitutions as Yost has
over two teams to trot out on to the
field at any time. Just who out of
the nearly two dozen will be picked
to start the contest is unknown as
Yost has decided to wait until Satur-
day to make the selection but it is
probable that the same lineup that
started against M. A. C. will go on
to the field.
Game is Crucial One.
To those who have been following
the team closely, the contest Saturday
is really the crisis of the entire sea-
son. If the team can come through
this game with a victory by a good
score a certain amount of confidence,
which is badly needed, will be supplied
and the last half of the schedule will
not appear as stiff as it does now. But
with Syracuse the week afterward and
then the two big games, a victory is
essential. And not only is the victory
cssential but what is more necessary is
that the teamfind itself. There is no
denying the fact that in the past three
games the team has not done itself
justice, has not been certain of its
plays, ofits power. The work has been
rather hesitant, the plays have lacked
the pepper, the defense has been rather
ragged, in short every man has not as
yet discovered his duties and learned
them. If in this game, the clock-
work play appears, the rest of the sea-
son is a mere matter of polish, but
if the play is still ragged, it means that
the worrying work of preliminary
training is not over.,
Will Be Hard Game.
There is another factor of the game

that is overlooked by many and yet
is looked upon with fear by those who
have made this year's football season
a study. The fact stands forth that
this will be the hardest game until
Pennsy is tackled. Yost knows this
fact and the hard workout of this week
bears testimony of the fact. Farrell
knows it and has told the team so and
t . . . . , -.. ., - V -- -ove - ett

University Observatory-Thursday
7:00 p. m. temperature 53:4; maxi-
mum temperature 67:3; minimum
temperature 35:8; average wind ve-
locity 8 miles.
Woolsack Holds Elections.
Elections of officers of Woolsack
held last night resulted as follows:
G. C. Grismore, chancellor; J. J. Ken-
nedy, vice-chancellor; and J. S. Kel-
ley, clerk.
Literary Dental and Pharmic Depart-
ments Show Gains Over
Last Year.
Accurate data compiled by Secre-
tary Smith shows that up to date 46
more' students have registered in the
university than were enrolled during
the entire 12 months of last year. With
the new second semester students who
usually number about 150, the total
increase for the year will be in the
neighborhood of 200.
The literary department alone shows
an increase of more than 120, while
the dental pnd pharmic departments
and summer session also show slight
Following are the latest figures:
Dept. To Oct. 1,'12 Year, 1911-'12
To Oct. Entire
Dept. 15, 1912 Year, '11-12
Literary ..........2271 2150
Engineering......1284 1292
Graduate......... 192 199
Law .............644 793
Medical . .....221 242
Homeopathic ..... 76 101
Dental...........255 232
Pharmic..........94 82
Summer..........697 652
With the necessary reduction for
students enrolled in more than one de-
partment, the net total up to date is
5628. Last year's total was 5582.
Wrestling, Boxing and Fencing to Take
ia Boost If Petition
Passes Board.
If a petition, now in the hands of the
Board of Regents, in favor of an ap-
propriation for wrestling, boxing and
fencing, is passed, a new branch of
athletic endeavor will be opened to
students interested in these sports and
for those unable to meet the stiffer re-
quirements of the major sports.
Last spring several hundreds of stu-
dents and.a number of members of the
faculty petitioned the Athletic associ-
ation to make provision for the en-
couragement of minor sports. The
Executive Board of the Athletic associ-
ationturned it over to Dr. May who
laid it before the regents, who con-
sidered it at their last meeting and re-
ferred to a committee.
Pending the action of the Board all
enthusiasts in these games are lying
low, and have begun no plans for a
'repetition of the various cup contests
held last winter.
Arrangements have been completed
by W. Scott Hopkin, '13 E, president
of the Engineering society, whereby a
greater number of free lectures will
be given under the^ auspices of the
society than ever before in its history.

Through the aid of Prof. H. E. Riggs,
of the civil engineering department,
25 or more of the country's most
prominent civil engineers will lecture
this year. Some of these men will
come great distances to speak. Sex-
eral lectures will also be given on
the other branches of engineering.
Reports from the 75 men canvass-I

Aggregation to the South Takes Op-
timistic Attitude on Clash
With Michigan.
(Special to The Michigan Daily.)
COLUMBUS, 0., Oct. 17.-The Ohio
State football team is ready to enter-
tain Michigan^ on Saturday. Coach
Richards has his men in shape for the
big game against the Yost proteges
from Ann Arbor, and there is a deter-
mination' in the Ohio camp to give
Michigan the surprise of her season.
Richards has developed his team on
the system of playing two equally bal-
anced nelevens against each other in
scrimmage. The former Wisconsin
tutor figures that uner this unique
system a strong offense and defense
as well is built up, and no one depart-
ment of the game slighted or over-
emphasized. With the team primed
to the minute with no end of experi-
ence behind it, Richard himself hopes
to defeat the Wolverines.
Ohio's backfield will probably av-
erage around 170 pounds, and is com-
posed of four fast men, despite their
weight. Michigan's line is expected
to outweigh that of Ohio, but the for-
wards who wear the red and gray are
full of the fighting spirit that counts
in the battles and will endeavor to
outplay their heavier opponents.
The Ohio State rooters are ready to
entertain their friends from Michigan
and have trained a cheering section
that will be on the job every minute
in oppostition to the trainload of Mich-
igan supporters who will journey to
Columbus from Ann Arbor
The 0. S. U. Alumni Association of
Columbus will give a banquet after
the game, open to Michigan visitors.
One dollar a plate will be charged.
Saturday's Game With Hillsdale Be-
yond Grasp of Dopesters.
Light practice for the freshman
team is a thing of the past for this
week at least and the first year men
are being put through some stiff tours
of instruction each afternoon at Fer-
ry field. Scrimmage until darkness'
prohibited passing the ball was yes-
terday's program and the men are be-'
ginning to show the results.
Saturday's contest with the Alma'
eleven left the freshman squad in a
rather battered condition for tomor-
row's clash with the Hillsdale crowd1
and Coach Conklin will be forced to1
fill a number of gaps before the battle.
Rhoem, Gault, and Beechler were the
victimst whose injuries will most se-
riously impair the yearling's chances,'
the latter receiving a severely wrench-
ed ankle in the former melee which'
will keep him out of the game entirely.
Gault and Rhoem will probably appear
in the lineup but will be handicapped'
by injuries similar to that suffered by
Beecheler but of a nature not so se.-
The strength of the Hillsdale eleven'
cannot be determined with any degree1
of accuracy, unless their tie game with'
Detroit University is an indication of
strength or weakness but with the
crippled condition of the local team it
is safe to assume that they will have
their hands full when they tie up at
Ferry field.
Arrangements have been made
whereby the results of the Varsity-O.
S. U. contest will be announced at in-

tervals during the game tomorrow af-
ternoon and the suspense will be re-
lieved by means of the cheer leader's
A large number turned out for the
Glee Club tryouts last night, the com-
petition being particularly keen in the
bass section. There are a number of
openings for tenors, however, and any-
one wishing to try out for eother first,
or second tenor part may make ar-
rangements with Prof. Howland at the
School of Music. The first rehearsal
of the new club will probably be call-
ed the latter part of next week.

Expect 800 Students Including Univer-
sity Girls to Make Trip to
Not only will the male student body of
the University of Michigan be well
represented at Saturday's game
agaist Ohio State at Columbus, but
among the rooters will be numbered
a score or more of the fair sex, who,
defying all tradition, have secured a
block of seats for the game and prop-
erly chaperoned, will travel to Colum-
bus on the special rooter's train which
leaves Ann Arbor Saturday morning.
Arrangements for the special train
have been entirely completed, and
those students who wish to make the
trip can get their tickets for trans-
portation and for the contest at the
Athletic association office at any time.
Up to date nearly three hundred paste-
boards have been sold, and the athlet-
ic authorities expect fully that many
more will be sold today. An effort is be-
ing made by private enterprise to se-
cure a parlor car for the use of those
who desire it and if the plan is put
through especially comfortable accom-
modations can be secured. In order
to secure parlor car accommodations,
ticket holders must sign up in Athlet-
ic office before 5:00 o'clock today.
Students who desire to make the trip
are asked to note the details of the
trip once more. The train will leave
the Ann Arbor depot at 7:00 o'clock
on Saturday morning, will travel over
the Toledo and Ann Arbor and Hock-
ing Valley roads, and will reach Co-
lumbus at about 12:30. Returning the
train leaves Columbus at 7:30 and is
expected to reach Ann Arbor at mid-
The block of seats which has been
reserved for Michigan students is sit-
uated directly in the middle of the
stands and will give an unobstructed
view of the battle.
Features Review of President Angell's
New Book "Selected Addresses."
by Prof. A. L. Cross.
Featuring a review of President-
emeritus Angell's new book entitled
"Selected Addresses," by Prof. A. L.
Cross, the Alumnus will make its first
appearance of the year temorrow.f
Nine of the eleven addresses of the
venerable educator which were se-_
lected for publication, fall into
two groups. Five deal with the
problems and aims of state uni-
versities and four with the ques-
tions of diplomacy and interna-
tional law. The other two are con-
cerned with "The Influence of the
Lawyer Outside His Profession," and1
on Prof. Henry Simmons Frieze.
The address of Prof. Felix E. Schell-
ing, of the University of Pennsylvania,
on "Humanities, Gone and to Come,"
before Phi Beta Kappa last May, is
also contained in the number. The
Chinese Student conference which oc-
curred in Ann Arbor from August 30
to September 7 receives a brief write-
Soph Boilermakers Win Initial Clash
in Interclass Games;
Score 6-0.
Sophs 6, juniors 0, was the final
score of the game yesterday afternoon

between the two football teams from
the engineering department. From
the first kickoff both teams resorted to
the old-time line-bucking and end-
runs, kicking and forward passes being.
seldom used. In the second period,
the sophs began working the ball down
the field with consistent gains through
the line and on the twenty-yard line,
perfected one of the very few passes
tried during the game, Haddan tossing
the oval to Lyons who galloped over
the last mark for the lone score of
the game.
The second game on the inter-class
schedule will be played this afternoon
at 4:05 o'clock at which time the
junior and soph lits will settle their

Below is the list of boarding
houses using boiled water, re-
vised up to date. If your board-
ing house is not in this list yet
keep on asking until the keeper
of your eating place serves you
with boiled water.
McCain's, Green's,Swartout's,
Hurlbuart's, Wuerth's, Chubb's,
Tuttle's, Cutting Cafe,, Pretty-
man's, Linda Vista, Benjamin's,
Walker's, The Pines, Paris Cafe,
Brennan's,Lumbert's, Freeman's,
Merkel's, Club Lunch Room,
Cobb's, Wolverine, King's, Chap-
man's, Park's, McKay's, Dakin
House, Ottmer's, Campus Point

* * * * * * * * *








Two Hundred Convives Witne
Hear Elaborate Program 0
fered by Members of
Student Boy.

Cafe, Kidd's,


$ * * * *


Uni ersity Senate Issues Memoral
Laudatory of Late Economics
Professor's Merits.



The University Senate has issued a
memorial in commemoration of the
late Professor Harrison Standish
Smalley. It contains a short sketch of
his life and an account of his contribu-
tions to the literature of economics.
The following excerpts from the docu-
ment show the great value the uni-
versity placed on his services, and
how deeply his death is mourned by
his fellow teachers.
"In the death of Doctor Smalley....
the Senate is called upon to mourn the
loss of one of its most effective teach-
"Doctor Smalley was a inember of
the teaching staff of the University of
Michigan from nineteen hundred and
two until the time of his death.... In
the fall of 1911 he was appointed Pro-
fessor of Political Economy, which po-
sition he occupied at the time of his
"Doctor Smalley was regarded by
his coiifreres in the university as a
man of exceptional ability as a teach-
er. He possessed that rare quality of
orderly classification-a quality that
showed itself in his writings as well
as in his class room presentations. It
was this gift of purposeful. analysis
and clear exposition that gained for
him the large influence which he ex-
erted upon the student body....Wheth-
er regarded as a teacher, or as a per-
sonality upon the campus, the univer-
sity has sustained a great loss in the
death of Docto Smalley."
"It may be proper to add in this
connection that among the papers left
by Doctor Smalley is a manuscript
volume entitled "The Corporation
Problem" which its author intended
to publish in the near future. It shows
that care and presentation, both as to
form and matter, which marks all that
he wrote; and those best qualified to
speak, feel that it would: be a decided
loss to Political Science if it cannot
now be published.
"It is fitting that the Senat should
spread upon its minutes these words
of appreciation of the life -and work
of him who has gone, and tender to
Mrs. Smalley apd to all friends its
sincere and heartfelt sympathy."
Tryouts for candidates who wish
to take part in the annual play which
the Cercle will give this year, are be-
ing held daily in the Cercle
room in North wing between
2:00 and 3:00 o'clock. "It is neces-
sary," said President Cyril Quinn last
night "that we find out who is the
new material on the campus this year,
which has any conversational ability
in French, and which wishes to partic-
ipate in the activities which we are
going to conduct this year."
The play will be named shortly as
several of the more popular comedies
of Moliere and the classic writers are
under consideration.I
The next reunion of the Cercle will
be held on Monday evening at 8:15
o'clock, when a program will be given
in French and plans for the coming
year's activities will be gone over.

When student, professor, and
ident met in a common body an
common ground at the initial me
ship dinner at the Michigan
last night, all formalities and
were cast aside, at what was o
the greatest union get-to
Michigan men have yet had. It v
evening marked by good fello'
real spirit, and true relations be
faculty and student.
"I look forward to the time
every university man will be a
'her of the Michigan Union,"
President Harry B. Hutchins.
course, men come to this univ
with scholastic work as their
purpose, but no one should dev
his time to books alone. Some
dents come here for athletics,' ai
athletics. In the long run, this
fall short and are disqualified.
is a medium somewhere aloni
line. It should be every man's
pose to come to live a college lif
to associate with univ -rsity men
"I am proud that I can say I
live in Michigan and that I grad
from this university. At Mi
men have the opportunity to
others from nearly every c'v
country of the world. That is a
ucation in itself."
"Stand well in your studies,"
tinued President Hutchins, "joi
Union, and meet men. You must
first of all to be a man among
This is the way to train yo
for your life's work. We can all
here at this common meeting :
I believe in the Michigan Union
I congratulate you for your e
and results of the past and fo
prospects of the future."
Two hundred Michigan men res
ed with cheers and applause t
speech by the President. The
gathering held forth in the sp
dance hall, and never before has
an elaborate program been offer
occasions of this kind.
Edward G. Kemp presided as
master, and followinga few int
tory remarks, called upon E
Thurston, '14L, who proposed a
to the president of the United
"Self-government by Students'
outlined by Louis P. Haller, '13L
represented the student body. Hi
gested a plan whereby the Boa
Regents, faculty, and student bo
cooperation, could greatly inil
student affairs. His point was th
Student Council should be given
power to enforce laws which
ready had the authority to pass
Noted Playright is Present
Avery Hopwood, '05, the noted
wright, was called upon by Prei
Kemp. "Michigan men every'
are always looking towards the
gress of the Michigan Union," sat
Hopwood. "It is an institution
should have the support of ever
versity man. I am greatly pl
with the college spirit displayed
and think that it cannot be bea
Clem Quinn and Walter St
members of "Mimes," the Mi
Union opera club, presented a
sketch entitled, "The Attendance
mittee in 1950." The act was gi'
good style and was received
great applause. As the cone
number, Hal Talmadge and "Bill
liams, assisted at the piano by'
dy" Wilson, presented a cleve

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