- -.A . ., r £ . Td ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR I Th~o ; :; }.: ; v .. !p A ...- Vol. XXIII, No. 149. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1913. _ -.___ _ .____ PITTSBURGERS PRESENT GAME IN TWO INNINGS Contest, Which Appeared as Pitcher' Battle is Won by Michigan's Long Distance Hits; Score 6 to 1. BARIBEAU GIVES EXCELLENT EXHIBITION OF PITCHIIN( Game Is By Far the Best One Seen on Ferry Field llis Season. Two innings caused the downfall o Pittsburgh in yesterday's game, and spoiled what looked like an air-tight pitcher's battle between Harenski and Baribeau. In those two innings by the judicious use of three baggers and home runs, coupled with an error or so and a pass, the Wolverines garner- ed six runs and left the smoky city team far in the rear, they only boast- ing of one little marker. It was by far the best ball' game on the home lot this year and Barlbeau gave a very pretty exhibition of pitching. It is a mistaken idea to believe that the smoke eaters cannot play ball. Ex- cept for a couple of ordinary misplays their fielding was above average and their general team work was far above that of other teams seen here this year. A peevish gent with the name of Herenski essayed to twirl for the visitors and he had the stuff. He only allowed Michigan seven hits but he made the fatal Merkle of allowing them to be bunched where they count- ed. Baribeau allowed as many bing- les but le scattered them over the en- tire game and was never really in danger. With men on bases he work- ed with better effect and his twelve strikeouts seems to indicate he had something on the ball. It was perhaps the best game he has pitched since the Penn contests last spring and shows that he is rounding into form early. Varsity Makes No Errors. In the fielding line the Wolverines put up a beautiful exhibition and play- ed an errorless game, there only being one play that could be questioned. The team seemed to have plenty of fight and their hits were long, the seven swats bringing a, total of seventeen bases which is some slugging. Sisler as usual picked the spot light circle by slamming out another homer, while Rogers, Webber, and Baribeau each hit for three sacks. The game had one feature that was not missed by the rather small crowd. A Mr. McKean appeared as an alleged umpire, but only a generous and gen- ial sense of humor, coupled with a vivid imagination could yield him any praise in that role. His work was re- ally lamentable and Pittsburgh seem- ed to be the victim of his practical jokes. His work, if such it could be called, on balls and strikes was a striking advertisement for some opti- (Continued on page 4.) MUSICIANS TO GO TO DETROIT. Musical Clubs Will Give Concert in City Tonight. The Michigan musical clubs will give a concert at the Knights of Co- lumbus hall in Detroit tonight at 8:00 p. m. The temptation scene from "Contrarie Mary" will be presented, with the parts taken by the original cast. Admission is $1.00,including a dance, which will follow the entertainment. Tickets may be had at Grinnell's mu- sic store or at the hall tonight.- Howe's Pictures Presented Last Night Long heralded Lyman H. Howe, un- der the auspices of the homeopathic1 hospital guild, gave one of1 his renowned travel lectures in3 University Hall last evening.' Several of Mr. Howe's photogra- phers were present at the Ohio floodsi and these pictures were an extra fea- f THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Friday unsettled and cooler; moderate west h'erly winds. University Observatory-Thursday 7:00 p. m., temperature 69.0; maxi mum temperature 24 hours preceding s 79.0; minimum temperature 24 hour preceding, 46.8; wind velocity 9 mile per hour. Names Chairman of Committee. Charles Webber. '14, has been ap C pointed chairman of the rooming an employment committee of the Michi gan Union for next year, by Presiden Edward G. Kemp of that organization f LASS BASEBALL t TO BEGIN TODAY Double header to be Staged; Fresh vs. Soph Lits and Fresh Laws vs. Pharmies TO CALL GAMES aT 4:0 P. M. A double header will open the inter- class baseball series this afternoon on south Ferry field, when the soph and fresh lits will take a whirl, and the fresh laws will stack up against the pharmics. The games will be called at 4:05 o'clock. Much interest is being shown this season in the teams and the prospects point to the class fans seeing some high class ball. The men on the nines are for the most part players of some experience and have been working out their stiff joints for the past two weeks. 0 The winners of today's battle, be- tween the literary men, will play the victors in the contest between the sen- ior and junior lits Tuesday and the tean coming out with the long end of the count in the fresh law-pharmic game will meet the victors in the sen- ior junior argument which will be de- cided Thursday. COSMOPOLITANISM DISCUSSED AT ANNUAL CLUB BANQUET Dr. Angell and Pres. Hutchins Speak on Michigan's Contributio.ns to Race Problem. Dr. James B. Angell and President Harry B. Hutchins are delegates to the peace conference at St. Louis at the present time, but I feel that their pres- ence here tonight is doing more for international peace than it would in St. Louis," said Regent Junius Beal at the annual banquet of the Interna- tional Cosmopolitan club last night at Newberry hall. Representatives from 24 countries were present and enjoyed a menu of oriental dishes, cooked by Chinese stu- dents. Musical numbers were furnish- ed by Kenneth Westerman, '13, Mark Wisdom, '13, and Marten Ten Hoor, '13. Dr. Angell said that the relation of one race to another is one of the most important questions of the - day and that the presence of so many foreign students at Michigan is contributing greatly to the solution of this problem. President Hutchins stated that there were two reasons why Michigan is the most cosmopolitan college in this country, that it is democratic and that there are men here whose reputations draw students. Other talks were made by Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, and William Welsh, '12. Prof. J. P. Bird acted as toastmaster. 'SENIOR LAWS WILL BANQUET A T ALLENEL HOTEL TOMORROW An invitation has been extended to all members of the law faculty by the senior class to attend its annual ban- quet, avhich is to be held tomorrow night at the Allenel hotel. Dean H. M. Bates of the law department and Profs. Evans Holbrook and R. E. Bunker will represent the faculty on the program, and five members of the class will also speak. Tickets for the dinner are sell- ing for $1.50 and may be obtained from the banquet committee. - Y t- ,7 s sY ~ d -. tI -n NINETEEN MEN TAKE TRIP FOR CORNELL MEET Michigan's Tiack Squad Leaves to BLN rlen Oi'&itricl CON EST' oam Face Athletes of Eastern Will C'oinpete at Obcrliin Tn114)lglit; School in Contest Leased Wire Rcpoos For Tomorrow. The Daily. CAPTAIN HAF GOES U'T MIHIGAN PITTET 1 &I) A6 NS' WILL BE UNABLE To RUN. SIX OTilER 5CRi04LS IN MEE'I Light Workout Held Yesterday After- Professor Tieblood Highly Comm uds noon; Lamey and White Oratiion of Wolerine leigte Show Good Form. for the Competion. With strong hopes for a victory, Michigan pr nasix Trainer Farrell packed 19 men in the other schools in the Northern Orator- pink of condition on the 9:30 Michigan ical League contest at Oberlin, Ohio, Central train last night bound for Ith- tonight by Percival V. Blanshard, '14 aca, the haunt of the Cornell track For the first time in the history of warriors. In addition to this number, the league contests, of which Michi- the crippled captain was taken, and gan has won the lion's share, a girl is Varsity Manager Dennison in charge competing. Among the 23 entries in of arrangements. By the planned itin- the university contest last semester erary, the Wolverines will strike their for the right of competing for Michi- journey's end this morning and willgc work the kinks out of their muscles oil gan the league contest, there was the Cornell track in the afternoon. also one girl entered. Not convinced by the trials held The speakers,the schools which they Wednesday afternoon, that Lamey the represent, and their subjects, are giv- half-miler, and W. H,.White, the high- e i e order in which they speak. jumper, would not when in shape, LutheIH. Gulik, Oberlin college, show enough stuff to warrant being ,The Fight for Modernis"" Alvin C. carried "Steve" Farrell gave them both a last chance yesterday. His confi- Rice, Wisconsin, "The Toll of Indus- dence in them was justified when Lam- try;" George Gordon Glick, State Uni- ey romped over the half-mile distance versity of Iowa, "Slaves of Tradition;" in close to two minutes, and' White J Howard linshaw, University of Ill- leared the bar at 5 feet, 7 inches ;,r'I-----r;. aT1 i 5 x f .) without apparent effort. None of the other track men worked at a hot pace, the trainer figuring that they would be in better trim for Sat- urday if given the benefit of a two day's rest. 11. Smith was out with{ the hammer for a short time, and made. some throws that if repeated in the meet should put him up near Kohler !11 the finals. Haff's case does not seem so gloomy as it did at first glance, and Farrell is beginning to count upon him to be back in condition for the inter-colle- giates, if not before. With this star out of the meet tomorrow, the doped out results will have to be changed, but Michigan still appears to be the iuois, Liberty and License; Burns, University of Minnesota, "'PThe Significance of the Women's ove- ment;" P. V. Blanshard, University of Michigan, "Christianity and the Social Crisis;" and 1Henry l. Wells, North- western university, "The Patriotism of Progress." Before leaving yestetrday, Blan- shard had a final public rehearsal. Prof. Trueblood declared that the speech had never been given as well, and that he entertained high hopes of again winning the league contest. Prof. Trueblood accompanied Blan- shard to Oberlin. Arrangements have been made whereby The Michigan Daily will re- favorite in the calculations. ceive a special report of the contest The entries for the Michigan-Cor- tonight by a specially leased wire ser- vice, and will publish an exclusive 100 yard dash-Seward, Bond, (M). account in Saturday morning's issue. Reller, Ingersoll,. Phillipi, Cozzens,Van Winkle, Mehaffey, (C). FRESH WIELDERS ARE IN 1"O1L 220 yard dash-Seward, Bond, C. S. White, (M); Reller, Ingersoll, Phillipi, Twenty-Five AIen Compete to Fill Van Winkle, Mehaffey, Cozzens, Ben- Four Places, nett, (C). Freshmen racket wielders are work- 440 yard dash-Jansen, (M); Coz- ing over time in order to decide who zens, Snyder, Cornwell, Spates, Ben- will win the four places on the fresh- nett, Chapman, Van Winkle, (C). man tennis team. There are 25 men 880 yard run-Jansen, Brown, Lam- entered in the contest and each aspir- ey, (M) ; Jones, Snyder, Burgdorff, ant must play three sets with each of Chapman, Beckwith, King, Brown, his 24 rivals. Spates, Cornwell, McGolrick, (C). The youngsters are displaying some Mile run-Haimbaugh, S. M. Smith, first class material and from the re- Brown, Lamey, (M) ; Jones, Brown, sults thus far, there will be many men Burgdorff, Ward, Beckwith, Finch, Mc- hovering at the top. With the advan- Golrick, (C). tage of this season's preliminary train- Two mile run Haimbaugh, C. M. ing the youthful "servers" will be in Smith, Lamey, (M) ; Speiden, Finch, better shape to fill out any vacancies Ward, Cadis, Hart, Brodt, (C). that may appear on the Varsity team 120 yard high hurdles-Geene, Mc- next year. Nabb, Craig, (M); Whinery, Shelton, Beale, Beebe, Stamwood, (C). PLANS FOR NEW DETENTION 220 yard low hurdles-Craig, Greene, HOSPITAL NEAR .COMPLETION McNabb, C. S. White, (M); Phillipi, Shelton, Whinery, Castenada, (C). Plans for the new detention hospital Pole vault-Cook, (M); Halsted, will be completed within a month or Van Kennen, Milton, Clark, McCredie, six weeks, and then the actual work (C). on the construction of the building High jump-Sargent, W. H. White, will be started. (M); Brodt, Castenada, Warner, Han- Some time ago, the city appropriated rahan,' (C). $25,000 for the erection of this hospital, Broad jump-Ferris, Waring, (M); placing the supervision of the plans, Whinery, Van Kennen, Lynch, Warner, administrative work, and general con- Brodt, Wood, (C). trol in the hands of the university au- Shot put-Kohler, H. C. Smith, (M); thorities. When finished the building Kanzler, Coffey, McCutcheon, Eyrich, will be located back of the psycho- Lahr, (C). pathic ward. H am m er throw- Kohler, H.S. Sm ith,(; n B i , ___ 1i (M); Munns, Bannister, MeCutcheon, Detroiter' Speaks to Law Siimdends, Davidson, (C). More than 100 students of the law _-- department attended the lecture given Seniors Laws Hold Last Dance, by Mr. Hal H. Smith, of Detroit, in the The senior law class held its final law building yesterday. "Compensa- dance of the year last night at the tion Acts and Their Relation to the Union. About 75 couples were chap- Law of Torts" was the subject of Mr. eroned by Prof. and Mrs.' Durfee. Smith's address.