THE MICHlIGAN DAILY. 1 d f / {') l , , . , , , , .. , r 4 ti YI1 1, f F J: PERFECTLY, SHOD00FEET are a necessity to women in' these days. No woman who wears our footwear need ever be ashained of having her feet show. Our shoes are modeled on1 the most approved lasts and finished with a grace and style not to be denied. The wear- ing of our shoes stands for classy dressing so fair as the feet are con- cerned, and an inspection of them will prove it. The Homne of P ligree Shoes I ME IMTR01T is a mighty nice city, and Rayl's is the nicest place at which to buy When y-ou diiscovcr you are not dealing with a one-prie store, it's time to leave,. A concession in price may look like a real bargain. It is not. It means the first price was not the real one. It Yn-eans you may get a second or third reduction if you are persistent. Haggling is not the modern way of doirg business. Our lines of famous a to Leave I s / ATHLETICS Society Brand Cloth ing foir men I G-ol ore Shoe Cornpany 119 So. Main St. 1 -tm KodmaksCutlery, F'ishing T'ackle and- General Spre Goods is all mar~ked in plain figu-res. You get the rock bottom price At the Start WVithout argument, NNit h ut quest ola we give you honest clohic-, and full uadue for your money. $15.00 - $25400 . . \ ? 4 1( n _ s 1 ? Pac of Sweets Dori Tow'n e-rkd Sororities May We Serve You'd-Ra) Is has been deiUg it for 38 years and ought to know how. Films Developed, l0cc a' roll (an~y size.) Michigan Students are Entitled to 10 per cent Discount. Bring Ad. with you. mom@" E1 I J P. WUEiRTH (CO,, HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD DRESSERS The New Spring Models are now being shown al E r Hyley's Millinery, 206 E. Libert3 IHair Goods a Specialty Phone 1380. If you want to start an appetite boom, let the children know you have a package mompummumom mwwwww li ..".0 Typewritr ejlaz-rlz ig Phome 1361-L r I Will Ineet oartleat any price toide on a typewriter, sale or rental. ^"- , i T. BRAIL comU I A "UJ Cor. Woodward and Congress 11 D. F. WOOD WARD d A rb r Savgng s Bank RBldg Sece a+ FlOOr Ann Arbor, Mich. IF .1 ,..., . - , ' ,.. Can't be beat. In 1 Oc packages at all grocers. HOLLAND RUSK COMAPANY, - Holland, ils Ann Arbor Home Bakery, Distributorse I ZOX03S30izth Sate street I Gives Clean, Wholesome Board at $4.00 per Week.' Safe Drinking Water. Lunches 25c Dinners 35c C. . racnam~n, Proprietor If Mataylq c%;)c Il-n F t sk McP2~rLLJ' 340 iTAST t .PARKAVulE. IY SrdwyEntmrne roy, At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the crest of Murray H-ill, cooled by Southern breezes from the sea, artificially f, d by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. TARIF tingle rooms - . Double rooms - - Double bedrooms, bo-,Aoir d°ress>ing-room a::d bath Suites-Parloir, bedroomn and bath -per day--$3, $4, $5, $6 ® S$10, $12 e t $10, $12, $15 Special rates for Summer Each room with ,balC: A a. _ I ADS IN TIlS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID) FOR IN ADVANCE. WANTED. Wanted-STUDENTS desiring to make GOOD MONEY by selling an article of real merit, write us at once. Eas- ily handled spare time. Owasco Sup- ply Co., Box No. 225, Auburn, N. Y. 146-7-8 FOR SALE. For Sale-A canoe in good condition- two paddles-one seat. C. A. Swain- son, 332 East Jefferson. 146-7-8 For Sale-For $30 Mather canoe, 17 ft. built to order, with equipment cost- ing over $100. Copper air tanks, mahogany decks and cane seats, etc. Tel. 1683-J. 146-7-S LOST. Lost-Log, log slide rule in vicinity of~ engineering building. H. T. Cope, 615 E. University. Reward. 148 Lost-Pearl set pin, form of Hebrew letter "Mem." Reward. N. H. Gold- stick, 615 Monroe, 1894-L. 148 Martha Washington Candy is the best. Fresh every day at tihe Universi- ty Pharmacy. Contrarie Mary Souvenir Scores and sheet music for sale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf The great Howe travel festival at University Hall tonight at 8:00 p. m.. Prices 25, 35 and 50 cents. 148 TICKE