THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -p lIete Line- of Spring Woolens: Largest Assortmrent in the City Ready, for Your Inspection, H. WILD',"CO.' 311 S. State Street ThotTennI~is Rackets We are agents for the H. C. Lu Slotted Throat Tennis Rackets. We have several new models worth looking at before making your purchase. TENNIS BALLS Wright & Ditson Cha mpionship, Ayers Celebrated Balls, Goodrich Balls Spalding Championship Balls,. All goods guaranteed. SHEEHAN ( O oods tre s PEACE Clothes made to rightly ay rival the peace oft a ienry Clay.7 Dieterle 'AILOR Liberty Stre~t' (Copyrigh ted) I !TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES For Sale - $15.00 up, For.Rent,- $2.00 up (3 mlos. $5.00) TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Typ wrlllnqandl Shorthand; for I.vryb0(.y 0. D. MORRILL (over Bat- w~re Lunch.) d -Ii -i Call Takxi -^ 1550 On Cal Day or Night. Auto andiBaggage Livery. 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. 4ntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hlours: Lditor- to 3 P. i.; 7 to =o p. mi. Business Manager- to 3 p. i. Subscription Price: By carrier, $a.o; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy. Univerit Pharmacy; C. H.. Davis, Cor. Packard & State Phone : Bell, 96o. Frank Pennell..............Managing E'ditor Joseph Fouchard.... ....... Business Manager THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1913. Night Editor-James D'evin. ALL FRESHMAN ASSEMBLIES. 'When a man enters the university, he has more or less difficulty in get- ting orientated. He was not only en- tered an entirely new environment, but he has entered it at a time when his ideas of the world are changing fundamentally, and his attitude toward life is becoming more and more sei- oils. There are pertain individual prob leins which each man must work out for himself. There are other matters in which he can be aided greatly by an advisor of the right sort. And there are problems of a less personal na- ture which are common to most of the men in the first year class, or at least to those in the first year class in any particular department. For some time the engineering freshmen have been having the bene- fit of regular assemblies, in which they are given an opportunityP to meet with men who can give them the ben- efit of a viewpoint which is backed by the test of practical experience Why not give the freshmen in the other departments an opportunity of this sort? The new Hill Auditorium wil offer an excellent place in which to hold such assemblies, and we doubt if anything could be inaugurated here at Michigatn which would prove more popular or beneficial. Wlee Club Sings inIetroit Friday. The university glee club will travel to Detroit, Friday night to perform at a concert and dance given by the uni- versity club of Detroit at the Knight's of Columbus hall. The affair is open to the public. During the evening two features of "Conharie Mary" will be reproduced. One~will be the song of Waldo Fellows and the other the temp- tation scenle and friar song. PIansltard to lDeliver IPeace Oration. Percival V. Blanshard, '14, Will de- liver his Northern Oratorical league oration in a. public rehearsal this morning in U~liyersity hall at 10:30 o'clock. Is s bject, "Cris tianity apnd the Social Cisis,"' is the one with which he won the university contest. Blanshbard and Prof. Trueblood leave this afternoon for Oberlin, where the league contest will be held Friday ev ening. Senior Diplouta Fee Must be Ppid. The diploma fee of $10 is now pay- able by all seniors and must be paid before Saturday noon May 3, in order to be graduated in June. The teach- er's diploma fee. of $2 is also due at this time. Cards should be filled out at the office of the secretary or reg- istrar of the different departments. MAJESTIC New ShowTOA Starting TDY Deave's Manikins Uncle Tom Cabin AND A Big Vaudeville Matinee 'a 3 P.1 MR May Install Automatic Telephones. Definite action on the telephone sys- tem to be installed on the campus was not taken by the regents at their recent meeting. However,t the univer- sity authorities are seriously consider- ing such action during the coming summer session. Owing to the in- crease in rates demanded by the Bell telephone company the university deems it advisable to- put a private' branch exchange in operation on the campus. This new system is to be automatic which means there will be no central operator and the numbers will be automatically called for by the person using the phone. Dr. Parry Cuves Economic Lectures. Dr. Parry gave his first lecture on "The Labor, Problem," to the class in Economics 2, yesterday afternoon. The second and last lecture, on the same subject, will be given tomorrow after- noon at 2:00 o'clock in the economics lecture room. Knights of Columbus Initiate Tonight. The Knights of Columbus Will confer the third degree on a, numbe~r of candi- dates at their hall tonight. A banquet will be held after the initiation. Stu- dent members of the order are request- ed to attend, Wright and Ditson's Complete Line. 100 Rackets to Select From Every One. Guaranteed. Racket Restritiginrg a Specialty lof workmanship, for undoubted reliabili ty. fl I ' ' Vn ver-sily I~fgvBookstore Sixidlo 319 E., Hu roulh t. Phona 961-1, P _^ r e '" Contrar e Mary"" Scores and Music GRINNELL BROSs,. t E. Libi ny St.Y The House that Saves you Money on anything you buy in the realm of M1usic. CARDS - PROGRAMS - STATIONERY brWRITE SAMPLES tNIWFGREGORY MAYER &THOM Co. DETROIT, MICn We have just received an order of that bath e p v 1,1(b lathers ,o well in hard water. 5c cakes unscented,; mcc akes (entc d aitL al- mo~nd, Also Jergen Violet; Glycerine;-Jac a cake~, 3 fcr 25c. VAN DRE'SPharmacy THlEHOUSE OF STANDARD3 QUALITY I Preferred by discriminatixg and enduring beauty of tone,j iI~latn rra people fu r Exquisite foi ab. o",hite itegrity7 Arb ' TaxicabCon. - W W - 300 NORTH M u W \/WuUWW Nw Nwrm MAIN ,STREET & HALL CUT FLOWERS IN SEASON DETROIT UNILD LINES Ann Arbor, Time Table Limited Cars for (Detroit-7:12 a. mn. and hourly to 0:12 p. in., also 8:12 p. mn. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. mn., 6:40 a. in-, and every two hours to 6;40 p. mn., 7:40 p. mn., 8:40 p. mn., 9:45 p. m,, and 10:45 p mn '11o' Ypsjil anti only. 11.15 p. mn., 12:15 p.mi. 12:30 p. um., 1:00a. im, Limited Cars for Jackson--7:46 a. mn. and every two hours to 7;463 p:. . Local Cars for Jackson-S :20 a.m., and every two hours to 9:20'p.m., 11:15 p.m. *UflivCIsity UNIVERSITY NOTICE S. BtELL ,'PRONE ,115 s ANNOUNCEMENTj Samu" Burchfield & Co.'s All sophomore girls, who ;wish to be. junior advisors next year, should send a card to Mrs. Jordan at once signify-. ing their desire. Fresh lit baseball practice at the fair grounds at 3:00 o'clock today. All candidates report at the gymnasium for physical examination between 10:00 and 12; 00 o'clock. All candidates for "J" lit baseball team report to Dr. May today for ex- amination between 10:00. and 12:00 or 2:00 and 4:00 o'clock. Choral Union ushers report tonight at 7:30 In University Hall for Lyman Howe lecture. Senior engjeys must pay al1 class dues before day . They may see ei- ther the treasurer or the finance com- Inittee in the second floorr oridov today. TilE NTRJVAI J 1VUS, 0"o r.Wives," A notable cast hAs been chosen by Jos. M. Gaites for his presentation of "Our Wives," the famous comedy of "Sex," which comes to the Whitney theater tonight directly from a four month's run at the Cort theater,Chlca-' go. Heading the company is Henry Kolker, leading man of the New Thea-, ter company two seasons ago and per- haps the most popular matinee idol in the country. HENRY & CO WnvwGARRICK THEATRE An AboVDe Wrks E T R 01T Annin AbrDeRussells--Oinlis Frenph Pry and Stec.m Cleaning Cfjilcdy Comup,-ny in @*1i S2@ 244 E. Washington. St. i heRias ~.14. WA#IL, Manauer. "She stoops to Conquer.", Original Now York Company HENRY& CO.711 N. University Designers of Men's Clothes For the best Tailoring ,Service to be had Aizywhere. In making Dress Clothes we aknowledge no equal, and prove our superiprity in every instance. eof "Sam Burchfield & 'Com pany 106 East Huron Street PACKARD ACADEMY Loading Place For Private Parties Beginners' Dancing tlass every Friday evening. 7 to 8 o'ciock.I Advanced Class every Pouchy evening, 7 to 8 o'clock. Private Lessons by appointment. Phone 1 880-J Residence 570-L m Where Pfau Ti and Gro . w are equal tedecorated 1912 iess and American Restaurant 'vate rooms reserved for parties and ladles and i 1 ,: a. state St. Chop-is y Remember That for the want of a nail a shoe was lost.. Nail your thoughts to- gethier with "Dads" lunches. C. P.- Bancroft WACNER &CO, vehient O~f I " Ages, 'income~s and intellects vary, but al men' may, enjoy in common the uncomn- mon pleasure of flavor, withno burn or bite to rmar its-sa JUST RECEIVED--another of tl'e preva ilirg Pencil Stripes in blue. shipmett grey and f722 Monroe St.J mc onal d [Hoppe's Former Store] Liberty St.. Come in and look them over, yogi will fnd it woz th your while. Have you noticed thle "class" to the :wits we are turning out this season? If not, inves- tigae, aid }-ou xNil want one of ibti... i 'f a+ *=ounlce A 100 I All garments tailored right here In Ann Arbor. Troy 's Rest 2 for 25c Collars Fresh Candies State Street Tailors lAbo 4m Foge ;r i 'p*ujq. Ii I "MACS" FAMOUS CRACKER JACK * You Tr s Vs