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May 01, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-05-01

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Vol XXIIL No. 148.



20 MSudents T'uni ut to Organize
New Veniture, and Many Sign
Pledge ard,;Officers Were
Feasibili(y of Undertaking Discussed
By Many L'romineut Men Who
Vieiy Project Favorably.
Nearly 200 students turned out at the

Chicago Trip Postponed to Enable
"Contrarie Mary" Troupe to Wit-
ness Freshman Obsequies.
In order to allow the men partic-
ipating in "Contrarie Mary" to witness
the cap night ceremonies, on May 23,
the special train bearing the produc-
tion to Chicago will not leave Ann Ar-
bor until midnight. The aggregation
will reach the "Windy" city Saturday
morning, May 24, and performances
will be given in the afternoon and ev-
ening, probably at the Illinois theater.
Arrangements for the Chicago ap-
pearance are progressing, and a lively
interest in the project is predicted on
the part of the Cook county alumni
and friends of the university. Chicago
has always proved a profitable city for
college productions, and inasmuch as
Michigan has the fourth largest num-
ber of alumni of any university, who
reside in Chicago, an enthusiastic at-
tendance at both performances is ex-
Homer Heath, manager of the Union,
and Philip K. Fletcher; '13E, general
chairman of "Contrarie Mary," will
make an advance trip to Chicago on
May 10, in order to perfect arrange-
ments for the production. At this time,
they will witness the show to be givenj
by the Black Friars of the University
of Chicago.
A block of tickets for the Chicago
performances will be put on sale in
Ann Arbor. Students in this way
will be given an opportunity to pur-
chase tickets for themselves or out-of-
town friends who wish to attend the
show. 4

mass meeting at the Union last even-
ing which was called for the purpose
of organizing the Boat club. The offi-
cers of the club were elected and
pledge cards signed by nearly 100.
.H. S. Hulbert, '14M, was made the
head of the new organization, G. B.
Duflield, '14E, was -elected vice-com-
modore, M. R. Hunter, '13E, secretary,
C. P. Quinn, '13, treasurer, and Prof.
J. E. Reighard, faculty representative.
Prof. W. P. Lombard, of the medical
department, was present at the meet-
ing, and spoke on the good that the
new organization can do for Michigan,
following the talk with a practical
demonstration of the means to be used
in resuscitating a drowning person.
"Go into the project for sport's sake,"
he declared, "not as a grandstand pro-
duction, but where each individual
plays the real sportsman. Water sports
and crew racing are gentlemen's
sports, and I urge you to get into them
for sports' sake. It will give each of
you men a chance to develop yourselv-
es so that you will be enabled to face
the world, and when placed in a tight
position, how to save your strength so
that it can be used to the best advan-
tage, Personally, I am mighty glad
that the movement has started here,
and the plans for the new club augur
well for the future of aquatic sports
here. It is a big boost for Michigan."
H. W. Wilson, '13, called the meet-
ing to order and explained the purpose
of the gathering to those present. Fol-
lowing this G. B. Duffield, '14E, gave
a short history of the work done, and
explained the action of the committee.
M. R. Hunter, '13E, spoke on the pos-
sibilities of the organization, both
from an athletic and social viewpoint.
G. B. Patterson, '14E, set forth the in-
ducements the new club holds forth
to the student body, and H. S. Hulbert,
14M, talked on the future possibilities.
"The work of marking the danger-
o'us places in the channel will com-
mence at once," stated the commodore
after the meeting. "The officers of the
club will make a personal inspection
of the river on Saturday morning, and
the engineering students who have vol-
unteered to help in the work will be
asked to commence operations the firsti
of the week." The ensigns will also
be appointed some time-before Sunday,
and it is expected that work on the
plans of the club house will ne started1
at once.
Sickness Calls Verein Thespian Home,
"Koepernickerstrasse 120" lost an-I
other member of its cast yesterday
when Ernest Gehrke, '15, of Detroit,1
was called home by the serious ill-
ness of his father. It is not knownI
whether he will return this year. His
part, that of "Stremple," will be taken
by Erwin Hartung, '14.
Women Play Tennis at Palmer Field,
Refreshments will be served at thet
first tennis party of the year at Palm-t
er field. tomorrow afternoon at 4:001
o'clock. The junior advisors are re-f
quested to bring their freshmen charg-
es. The contests are open to all uni-
versity women.t
Club Leaves on Tour of Inspection.
When the D. & C. steamer, "City of,
Detroit II," leaves the Wayne streett
wharf in Detroit tonight for Cleveland,
the first step of the 1913 spring jaunt
of the Commerce club will be inaugu-
rated. The twenty members of the
club will be entertained by MichiganI
alumni during their tour of inspectionc
of the industrial concerns of the "For-

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Thursday,
generally fair.
University Observatory-Wednesday,
7:00 p. m., temperature 60.0; maxi-
mum temperature, 24 hours preceding,
67.4; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 36.0; average wind velocity,
4 miles per hour.
Come on take a trip to the Sahara.
The lid is on and'the bibulous por-
tion of the student body changed from
ordinary mortals to dromedaries as
the clock tolled ten last night.
Contrary to the expectations of the
city authorities, there was no demon-
stration. The students failed to put on
a torch light parade or any other cel-
ebration. Quiet reigned in the down
town district although the saloons
were not deserted. There was quite a
throng of sightseers out during the
early part of the evening, but that was
as far as it went.
However, the lid is on. A canvass
of the proprietors of saloons last night
failed to locate any who did not strong-
ly affirm his intention to live up to th
letter of the Warner Crampton law
and refuse to sell liquor to students,
from now on. Futhermore all of th'em,
had their new licenses and they point-
ed at them and then at the stubs of1
their check books as a proof of their
There were no officials in evidence
last night other than the usual police-
man on the corner. Prosecutor Burke,
on whom will fall the job of prosecut-
ing any violations of the law, was out
of town and the other interested par-
ties could not be located. -
Tie Unbroken in Fencing Tournament.-
A. J. Matteson, '14, A. A. Ruthstrom,t
'13E, and K. Tonouchi, '13, tied for thet
third time yesterday afternoon in theE
university fencing tournament. Pre-t
vious bouts were held last Friday andi
Monday afternoons,but no decision re-
sulted. Another try to settle the score1
will be made on Saturday morning at
11:00 o'clock. If a decision. can notc
be reached in one bout, the best twoc
out of three will decide it.
Dr. Angell Will Speak to Foreigners.t
Dr. James B. Angell will talk to ther
Cosmopolitan club at their banquet to-
night on "The Reciprocal Relations ofa
the Foreign Students and the Universi-
ty." He Will also speak tomorrow ev-
ening in the Baptist church at the
guild banquet.1
Craftsmen to Hold Dance Friday.i
Craftsmen will give their last dance
of the year at Packard Academy ont
Friday evening. A three piece orches-l
tra will furnish the music. Treasurer1
and Mrs. R. A. Campbell will act asE
chaperones. l

Chemnical Society Will Meet r~oiight
The May meeting of the Michigan
section of the American Chemical so-
ciety will be held ths afternoon at
4:15 o'clock in room 151 of the chem-
istry building. Asst. Prof. D. M. Lich-
ty of the chemistry department will
demonstrate a method for the distil-
lation of mercury in a sealed vessel.
Asst. Prof. S. C. Lind of the chemistry
department will give an address on
"Chemical Reactions Under the Influ-
ence of Radiant Energy."
Eight members of the local chapter
of Sigma Delta Chi, national journal-
istic fraternity, will leave for Madi-
son, Wis., this afternoon for the pur-
pose of attending the second annual
conclave which will open at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin tomorrow. They
are Lee A. White, '10, of the Detroit
News, Frank Pennell, '12-'14L, Jos-
eph Fouchard, '15L, Fred Foulk, '13-
'15L, Felix Church, '14, Walter Staeb-
ler, '13, Leo Burnett, '14, and Loren
Robinson, '13. The Michigan chapter
hopes through these delegates to be
able to land the 1914 convention for
nn Arbor.
The Madison convention will be ad-
dressed by some of the biggest men
in the newspaper world. The fraterni-
ty, the only one of its kind in the coun-I
try, now numbers on its roll, the fol-1
owing universities: De Pauw, Kansas,
Michigan, Colorado,Virginia,Washin*g-I
ton, Purdue, Ohio State, Wisconsin,t
Iowa, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Missouri,.
Texas, Oregon and Oklahoma. It is4
now in its fourth year. r
1914 Opera Books Due at Union May 4.
Books for the 1914 opera will be re-
ceived at the desk in the Union lobby
up to 6:00 o'clock Sunday evening,
May 4. Several books have been hand-
ed in already, and it is known that a
number of men are busy completing
their manuscripts preparatory to en-
tering them in the competition. The
committee in charge announces that
the complete book and lyrics will be
Fresh Engineers Will Dance at Union.
Fresh engineers will hold their last
dance of the season at the Union Fri-
day evening, May 9. Dancing will begin'
at 8:30 o'clock and continue until 1:00
o'clock. The program includes five
tango numbers, spot light dances, and
a quartet- will sing. The chaperones
will be Dean and Mrs: M. E. Cooley,
and Professor and Mrs. J. P. Bird.
Tickets are selling for $1.00 and are
limited to 100.
hill Auditorium is Nearly Completed'
Work on the Hill Auditorium is now t
practically completed. Decorators aret
working on the large stained-glass
sky-light, and a few men are still em-1
ployed in fastening down the remain-
ing seats. The vacuum cleaners are
expected in a couple of days to com-
plete the general house-cleaning.

At Meeting Last Night Players Decide
to Turn Down $200 Offered
By the Athletic
Ifusicians May Affect Reorganization
if $800 is Given to Defray the
Expense of Upkeep.
The board of directors of the ath-
letic association yesterday afternoon
voted an appropriation of $200 to de-
fray the current expenses of the Varsi-
ty band, but at a meeting of the band
members last evening it was decided
not to accept the appropriation.
This action was taken by the band-
men because, it was their belief, that
to accept this money would mean the
defeat of their object which has been
to secure a permanent maintenance
and a trip each year with the football
At a special meeting of the board of
directors yesterday afternoon, man-
ager Max Stanley, representing the
band, presented the views of the band-
men who have been holding out since
last fall for the assurance on the part
of some campus organization that the
band will be put on a permanent basis.
The board of directors has the pow-
er, with the approval of the finance
committee, to make appropriations not
to exceed $200.00, and after hearing
manager Stanley's report, voted $200
to the Varsity band. This action was
taken in view of the fact that the band
had played ,at the football games last
fall and, if the appropriation was ac-
cepted, Stanley agreed that the band
would play at Saturday baseball games
this spring. A provision was made in
the appropriation that this money was
to be used to defray the expenses
which athe band had incurred during
the present year, and that $50 of this
amount be reserved to cover the initial
expenses of the band at the opening
of.next semester.
Manager Stanley, at the band meet-
ing last evening, notified the members
of the appropriation. After much dis-
cussion, the bandmen voted not to ac-
(Continued on page 4.)

Dean Ho f Does Not Think New Ruling
Will Affect Enrollment
of Students.
I do net think the raising of the tu-
ition in this department will have any
appreciable effect in lowering
the number of dental students," said
Dean N S. Hoff of the dental depart-
ment last night. "Michigan's dental
college has a high standing and the
additional cost will probably not de-
crease the present enrollment."
The recent action of the board of
regents in raising the tuition in the
dental department to $65 for resident
students and to $95 for non-residents
came as a surprise, for three years ago
the tuition was raised to the present
amount, and the second increase was
However, as the present registra-
tion in the dental college is nearly as
large as can be accommodated, some
check on the constant growth of stu-
dents was thought necessary.
Social and Civic Exhibit on Display,.
Twenty-two charts, illustrating the
practical benefits to be derived from
proposed social reforms have been
sent to the sociology department by
the Chicago School of Civics and Phil-
anthropy, and are now on exhibition in
the upper lecture room of Memorial
hall. In order to accommodate those
who cannot visit the exhibition during
the day, Memorial hall will be open
on Wednesday and Friday evenings
from 7:30 to 9:00 p. in. At the end
of the week the charts will be sent tc
another city.
. f
Pittsburg Aggregation Meets Varsity
on Ferry Field This Afternoon ;
and Stiff Contest is Expected
by Fervid Fans.
Sisler or "Brute" Pontius May Be Usedt
to Guard First Base in 'lash
Scheduled for Today.f
In an endeavor to make the three
games this week a clean sweep of vic-I
tories, Michigan will tackle Pittsburgx
on Ferry field this afternoon. The
"Smoke Eaters" have the reputations
of a good team, though a late start in1
training has made their early gamess
a trifle loose. If the visitors have im-
proved this fault there will probably
be a tight contest as they are partic-
ularly anxious to take Michigan'sc
"The Wolverine lineup probably willc
be the same that started the KentuckyI
game, as this combination looks like a
bread winner, both from a hitting andc
fielding standpoint. Baribeau will
probably be called upon to .performi
inasmuch as he has not worked for
some time and should be in good shape
while Sisler and Quaintance will bel
saved to worry Case on Saturday. It1
is a question as to whether Sisler or
Pontius will play first base as "Brute"
is showing some class in fielding and
his hitting is picking up in good style

But either way it is a prohibition bet
that the first sack will be well guard-
The game will be called at 4:05 and;
unless another bingle fest develops the;
supper hour should not be long de-l
layed. The length of most of the mid-
week contests has been the one bad
feature of them, so an endeavor will be
made to run the games off in short or-I
der, though the players would rather
possess a fat batting average than a
similar frame.
Detroit Lawyer to Speak Here Today.
Hal. H. Smith, of the Detroit bar,
will deliver a lecture on "The work-,
men's compensation law" in room C
of the law building at 2:45 o'clock thisi
afternoon. The lecture is open to the1

Final Trials of Candidates For Cornell
Meet Held Yesterday, .and
Sixteen Men Were
Trainer ."Steve" Farrell Will Give Hs
Men a Brisk Workout For
Ithacan Contest.
Marred by an accident that may de-
prive Michigan of the services of Cap-
tain Haff, for the remainder of the
track season, trials were held yester-
day that settled the question of the
makeup of the squad to hook up with
the Ithacans on Saturday. Sixteen
athletes are booked to take the jour-
ney with a possibility of two more
being tacked on to this list, as a re-
sult of further trials today.
It is consistent that the hoodoo that
last year put Gamble out of the
running while captain of the track
team, should see to it that Haff should
not get by safely for competition in
the inter-collegiates, to say nothing of
the interspersing dual scraps. With
Haff it is a repetition of his old troub-
le with a tendon, which now bids fair
to keep him from the cinders for a
long stretch. Trainer Farrell hopes
that treatment pf the right kind may
meet with good results, and is by no
means convinced that he is out for
Haff's absence will necessitate some
important changes in the arrange-
ment of the team, as Jansen will have
to be shifted into the 440 from the
half-mile, and Brown from the mile to
the half. As it now staAds only one
man is being carried in the half mile,
but there is a possibility of the repre-
sentation here being fattened by the
presence of Lamey. This runner was
in poor shape for yesterday's trials
and was granted an opportunity to
show again today by running aganst
time. White the high jumper will also
be afforded a last chance to show
enough merit to make the trip. Two
broad jumpers are tQ be carried, des-
pite the mediocre showing made in
the trials, when neither could touch
22 feet. It is in Cornell's weakness in
this place that the reason for their
choice is found.
In the hundred yard dash trial a'
heated battle sprung up between Bond
and Seward, that ended in a dead tie.
Seward had the edge on his taller
rival in the 220 leading him to the.tape
by a matter of inches only. Lapsley
ran third in the hundred yard event,
and White took this position in the
220. The times in both races were
good, hitting ten seconds flat in the
century dash, and 22:1 in the 220.
Craig and White finished first and sec-
ond in the low hurdles, whie ever the
high sticlis Green asserted supremacy
over McNabb. All four men are to be
Nothing unexpected occurred in the
other events in which trials were held,
although in consideration of Daskam's
work with the pole indoors he might
have been looked to for a place. .ie
has not been living up to his past work
out doors, and for that reason, Cook.
alone will compete with the Cornell
vaulters. Haimbaugh Iran in the mile
in the trials, but will not be in this
race at Ithaca, as the two mile is
enough for any man to take care of in

one day. No weight men were out in
suits yesterday, but Smith as well as
Kohler will be used in the shot and
hammer against Cornell.
With only today left for putting the
finishing touches, on the preparations
for the meet, Trainer Farrell will be
forced to work his men at top speed,
and give them tomorrow only for a
rest. In spite of the set backs receiv-
ed from poor weather conditions,
"Steve" hopes to have his proteges in
good running trim by Saturday.
The men picked to make the week
end jaunt to Ithaca are: Haimbaugh,
for the two mile; Craig and C. S.White
in the low hurdles; Sargent in the
high jump; Kohler and H. Smith in
(Continued on page 4.)

New Barton Dam'

The view of the new Barton dam also gives a good idea of the straighta-
way above the gates where the Boat club propose to hold their inter-
class races and aquatic carnivals. Swinnming races will also be held in the
lake above the gates, and a diving raft will be furnished by the Boat club,
possibly even before the club house is built. -
Fresh [its Piay Class hues
7:45 A. M. TO 5OO P. M.

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