THIE 3ICILIGAW DAILY. PERFECTLY SHOD FEET are a necessity to women in' these dlays. No wolfanl who wears our: ' footwear need ever be ashlamed of having her feet shlow;. Our sho-: are modeled on the most approved'( ~lasts and finishied with a grace andi 5 ' fJ style not to be (denied. The wear - ti~ying of our shoes stands for c&assy l dressing so far as the feet are con- J /. cerned, and an inspection of themi will prove it. - The Home of Pin gree Shoes Shoegoman .9 So. Main St. a: Palace of Swcees Down Town ,MAS IN TIS (COLUMN -ARIE TO 111E I'AIl FOR IN A1DVAN1:CE. E uc-STDNSdesiring to make GOOD M1ONIEY by selling an article ofreal maerit, wvrite us at onc-e. E'as- iilyhanled spare time. Sup- l)Co., Box\ No. 225, Auburn, N. Y. 146-7-8 FOUN D ha cb ,- O n er ma haveit by calling J.J.P P' ;hne1703 :. 146 FOt SALE. ~>; ~e- cno itn r-o(Tdcndiion1- twopadle--neea. C.A. Sin<7i- iFor :iide--Violin and Mandolin, in first (lsscondition. Call Wismner 1597- L.68 Packard. 146 ForSal--~orX30 Marthier canoe, 17 ft. bitto order, with equipment cost- igover $00 Copper air tanks, mhog anyV decks and cane seats, etc., T(,c. 1683-..146-7-8 V1( (cies and lincidents atth owe Trvel Petival, University Iflall, ThuMda, y1. lBenefit Homepath-r . ics I'o I osiaguld. Prices 25, 3>5 an1,l 50 cents. 16 The Lymnan Foees travel festival at Unziversity Ffall, 'Thursday evening, Ma.1, 1913, for benefit of HQrneo- pthic hospital guild. Price 25, 35 ands 50 ents. 145 PROFUILLEN T ,.,_... C , u ; 1 li , l o iii Rm'lini. fr..'lroesr oh I.Aleo tem- chica niern eatet h ;ii.1, 191, wl etr oCn ror twobers ollegewhicis ituated on a fortifie hill, fre milesfront Costan 1i1l1; hecli c hchi edw Societ is a ll m'arked, in plain figure. You get thne rock bottom At the Start Xi ~ho:Ut fagLunient, withot q iuestion we give you honest cloth in anad full ualue for rour money. I $15.00 - $25,00 Wheno ou dsc Vyou arc not dealing lwith aoneprice sto re, it~itme to leave. A concession in price maty look ilke areali1 argain, iis rot It means th ; first price was nob the reaL ow. IL weans you mnay get a second or third redluction if yol ar c iersistent. lhaggling i not tho modern way of doirg business. Our lin 01fa,mouIs Brand Clothing for Men LET 3..W U ERTH spCO. - -ADQ AR ERS FOR GOOD DRESSERS The ew S ,pring Miodels are now, being shown; Fa'urrishl the IleCe~r Atterlt~oi'n to Ir atel-ralies eh. nuiSororities ON MAIN S7R ELT at ri,- a hteirRep.-O T1 xiPho C' 1361-Lj or beat any Price made Oil a type'wcter, Sale or tental. I) .WOODWARD Bank Bldg. S-con"d ]Floor Ar.. Arbr. Mi the univeity1[} itriwthe opeing s.c3cool nextfall. hie inl of B 209 So-uth State Slrcet Gives Clean, Wholesome Board at $4.00 per Week. Safe Drinking Water. Xtl.f' I . ( 'M Eti . SA C MAN W I3L L , s 25c C. Frx-euiarxa.rxa Dinners 35c'. The "Mag ie mnemoial,a large mir-~ .Afrfrel fiilpo mor fourc by five feet in a six inch vyadPnm aa omsin frame,;?has finally arrived, Funds for wl eive n lutrtdletr to3- tis tribuite to the late janitress of ngto ot mrc"in "Room Pobu ymwr aie medaey1k18S: th(New<1L'eer itbildingP"if 'C). ifter the Christmas vacation by the InsekngothlcurPof . HIeayley's M ifliery, 206 E. Liberty H air GosaSeilyPhone 1390-.J yr- A.. V. . C ~o.'?1.v dj~~~0m, r, ciO 4* 'ohim O1\ r t . ~ ~\c~" ~ C VG ,j ,. -C .JIJL _ I0 FYor c aity I Delicacy 34th-S7. ETATPARKAVE ., N.Y At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breezes fr om the sea, artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. %wmen of the univer"sity. The mi11rror s to be huing in tteeat end of thie loc ker room, Maggiesc favor-1 itehut Thie following insc lliltion is engraIIVedl ona silver plate:' In memory of te faithful services of Margaret Johnson, as janitress of this gymna- sium dubring the years ?1906-1912, the c.ollee girls have placed this' token of' their affection.I ~. ~ L*'~L~ U.. t ~k ~t L (~i~~i5'J LU prove intcreFing to ithe necas minca as vwell as to the older men ." Manyi of the pituestht will b , showrn by Mr. Alford toightl, have been obtained only after years6 of trav- el in the unbeaten tracts of South. IAmerica. -TA RIF Single rooms - - - S Double rooms - - Double bedrooms, boudoir dressing-room and bath IISuites-Parloir, bedroomn and bath Each room wvith bath - per day--3, $4, $5, $6 # ' $5, $5,$7,$83 9- $3$T10, X2 h ' v $10, $12 $f 15 Special rates for Summper ICTUIN5O NEW 1 U lpoI l toch wJ th Ivor different,-better tlian anything yon have evei r id t all Grocers. 10c per Package. Arbor Home Bakery, ]Distributors T A ILOR'S R CJRE~S SEATAS RO'TfO BE LEV1 ;inaugiration of Scheme 'h)('(Uu1 i .Are IReceived4. is a mighty nice city, and Rayl's is the nicest place at which to bu-y # announce the arrival of the new Woolens for Spring and Summer. 95 Fort St., West Detroit a a week's vacation in tihe campus clock~ regular duties, and rs will again be con- lectures. Mr. J. Hf. lock -physician, has iy and promises to esome wvorks either W. inery includes three me which strikes the quarter hour, and d ol h out of order. Iting', Ph.C., '10, 1.S. ntly made pi-ofessor Land Assistant State rth Dakota Ag-ricul- suirprised his Ann toe announcemn-(Tt of Miss Annabelle Me- The wedding; took. cof the bride's aunt ith only the immledi- I -A block of seats for s;emmor S_ with ,canes will niot Tbe referved tt he ae ball game- with Keuky State thi afternoon, Last w eek, the athleticauhrte nnorunced that such aim. additilon to senior prhiieges sCorned fible, and'lt that the promaoioin of :teschaeme would rest ithtdei orVS:07classes,. The aC~Pthlt' authiorities futr 1 an21- nonceLT fd that ,th1e p]roposed pt ?lan w 1old be gi 7ven a ltryout as 1,sQoonas the Sen- iors wished1. 11The Kentulcky State game Cth1:,,after"- nloon as tJ lhave"senhe inaugura_- tion of the netw seior isinction, bt the commit13tt eeic6 harge have delaye 21cd 1t'CC'niO~'the eral pe inguti l ut com- m:ent alit'Suze stion it regard to the schemneha benofrd y ohr m-1embers of the clas. The iew ddiionto tm eirlr gamle on husdy Kodaks,Cutlery,Fis I T C Ic Goods KA N AD1)C LOT H ES To Your. We have reeceived a Fine Assortment of Spring Shirts, in latest patterns, with s'iff 'or soft cuffs and collars to match. "S. V. D.Is" Galore107S U.A . May VWe°Serve You?--Rag Is ha~s 1_, I (1 i i 3 years anid ou ght to know how. Flms Deccpcd, 10c a roll (ainy :size.) Michigan Students are Entitled to 1 prcent Discount. Bring Ad. with youk. I I t' m OFFICIAL PRINTERS TO TUE UNIVERSITY AND U Ba rZ1% R A Y&O U See Us when you wrant somethinig line in Dance and Banquet Praograms. Coro Woodward and conress Press Buildifng Telephone I I U a 9 Umm U LU asmsfimum or r, n gii eArrv Eachday brings ew assortment of the nobbiest spring clothing for yo ung men. Easter comes early and you will have to think of your Easter clothes sjooner thanusal Look over our larg e tock bfore purchasing.A fewe FaIl and' inerSits and Overc-oats at~ sac- rifice prices. _______ _______nin,F