THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY replete Line of Spring Woolens Largast Assortment in the, City Ready for Your Inspection, H. WILD CO. 311 S. State Street Throat e',a i+ We are agents for the f3: C. Lu Slotted Thlr'oL Tennis Rackets. We ,ve several new models worth looking at before making your purchase. 'right & Ditson Chair pionstip, Ay~ers C(- ic rate d Ialls,Coodrich Balls siding Cbarnionship Balls. All good. guaranteed. HE d IME%0-19AM* ABookstolre 'TRUST If you TRUST in me I will tyou so that peop'e will put 'RUST in you. Dieter'lo ILOR Liberty Street (copyrighted) rTYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES For Sale -$15.00 up, For Rent,- $2.00 up (3 MOS. $5.00) TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Tjjpm:rifnpand Shorthand for ,,eryhjody 0. O. MORRILL (ov er JU ntore Lunch.) 4A Bell 562-.J r Gal e'kx! r 550 On Call Day or Night. Auto and Baggage Livery.. THE MICHIGAIN DAILY Ofilcial newspaper at the Univrsity of M.ich igan Published every; morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Eintered at the pstflce at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congrss of March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor. Ann lrvr IPres Build- ings, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-i to 3 p. 1n. 7 to o p. in. Business Manager-: to 3 p. m. Subscription Price: By carrier, $.5; by snail, $3.0. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's pharmacy: Iuniverit Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard & State Phone: Bell, 96. Frank Pennell:........Managing lEditor Joseph Fouchard........... Business Manager TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1913. Night Editor---Lester F. Roenbaum. AN 1 NTERSCI I LASTi C WEEK. Down at the Universty of Illinois the biggest week of the entire year is interscholastic Week. The visiting prep athlete sees the university in its gayest colors, with three days crowded with such events as the Interscholas- tic circus, conference ball-games, ten- nis finals, glee club concerts, the an- nual high schao o(ratorical contes, the Illinois-Wisconsin track net, May- pole dances, stunt shows, and a multi- tude of other things. Ile gets such an insight into the life of the institution entertaining him, that he is almost certain to come back to its walls as a student when h is preparatory course is finished. While there is time, why not elabo- rate on the entertainment which we have given the high scool athletes of this state in the past, to the extent of making our returning Interscholastic equal to or even in excess of the Illi- nois mleet in magnitude? Why not an Interscholastic Week here at Michi- gant? In all probability we will have Cap night as a nucleus for this entertain- ment. But if we are to impress our guests to the right extent we will have to go further. An out-door concert by the musical clubs will help a lot. An all-senior sing could be arranged. Stu- dents owning automobiles should ar- range tours abut the city for the vis- itors. The fraternities have an ex- cellent opportunity to entertain. In" the meantime, let's help the ath- letic authorities with their plans. Let's see if we can't increase the list of entries. ,Let's do a little consistent boosting. And when the event arrives it will be well to remember the reasons which led the state officials to take the meet away from Ann Arbor in 1911 in order that it won't be lost to us again. NOT'1EI ENGIISIl SCI: E'IiISF TIALKS HERE Ii JfS AFTERNOON _________________t Dr. William McDougall, of Oxford University, England, will lecture this afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in the eco- nomics lecture room on ""Te Revision of Social Psychology" He came to the United States to dedicate the Phipps Psychopathic Institute at Johns Hop- kins. Hle is well known for his book on "Social Psychology," and his more recent work, "Body and Mind." He comes to Anin Arbor as the guest of Prof. R. M. Weiley. Gradl Gets Goverment Position. Mr. Clay Talman, '4L has recently been appointed Chief Law Officer for the U. S. Reclamation Service. For the last eight years hie has been prac- ticing law in Nevada. I CAMPIUS IN BRIEF. Engineering society will eect of- cers for next year at 7:00 o'clock to-t night in room 311 of the engineeringk building. Members who wish to vote muust bring their membership cards. -o- Cymbaline, Shakespearian tragedy, was given in the public recital by Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood's class in Shak- espearian reading, last night at Sarahj Caswell Angel all. More than 40 students took part in the production. The next performance will be given by the class at the same place on June 5. The play will be "As You Like It." Edward C. Freeland, '41, leaves for St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada, this af- ternoon to taine upl the onti acting business of his father who dieI last Thursday. lie expects tor r tun to I schcol next fall. --0- A. H. Goldman, '16, not C. C. Gold- man, '14L, as was reported Saturday,I ascalled to Cle.veland by the death of his father. -0- An informal dance will1 bw given by the Catholic Students' Club at S.. Thomas hallI Wednesday vecing", April 30 at 8 :20 o'cleck. Admission will be by membership ticket. Invitations to an "A' 'Home" for Friday afternoon, Mlay 2, have been sent out by Mrs. M~x 'Winkler and Mrs. E. A. Boucke, to the memrbers o . the Deutscher Verein. The society will be entertainedl at the home o," Mrs. Winker. -0- A. F. Jlurlburt, instructor in the French department has been granted a leave of absence for next. year.. Mr. Rurlburt has not made definite plans for his vacation as yet. -0- Tennis rackets and ic-cream cones will be the net results of the first; ten- nis party of the season at Palmer field, Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Jun- ior guardians are urged to bring their freshman charges to witness the con- tests. A schedule is bing made out, the complete annen nceAnen t of which will be published later. ALU)NUS COACHES ('OLGRAI)O )E BAT1ING( TEAM TO VICTORY John Gutknecht, '12, who now is con- nected with the University of.Colorado, coached the debating teams of that in- stitution which recently defeated the universities of Kansas and Oklahoma in the annual triangular debate. Gut- knecht was a smeber of the Varsity debating team that defeated Chicago in 1911 and was also n the team which vanquished Northwestern in 1912. RIOTio'oS LA N VORD R OUS S'IUDENTS AND) INSTRIUCTR, Ten students and a university in- structor failed to quell an intoxicated landlord on Monroe street last night, and the police were required to restore order. rThe excitement occurred near State street about 6:00 o'clock, when the boarding houses were pouring forth their patrons, and an interested crowvd witnessed the proceedings fron the street. Con trarie Mary Souvenir Scores and. sheet music for sale at Schaeberle R Son's Music House. ,f Preferred by discrimninatin'g people for exquisite and enduring beauty of tone, for abfolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. mom= Every One Guaranteed. EveryOne uaraneed. Racket Restrliging a Specialty &t~sdio 319 IC. Htxvru St. Phon~e 961-L Wright and Ditson's. Complete Line 100 Rackets to Select' From Contrarie Mary"a Scoraes and Music at GRINNELL BROS., 120-122 E. Liberty St.' The House that Saves you Money on anything you buy in the realtu of Music, 4Y i #: ~CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY IGF SAM PLES GR GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROIT, MICH We leave julst received an order of dlial bathe csap mbicb latbeis Wc well in hard water. 5c cakes unscented;:ioc cas scented' '%iili al- 111o11.' Illso jergenl Violet Glycc rite; ioc a cake, 3 fcr 25c. VAI DOR)EIN'S IPharmacym IlEI HOUSE OF STANDARtD QUALITY I S University oe- il~atintrait1 nn Arbor Txia o 300 NORTH MAIN STREET a9 USINS & HALL CUT FLOWERS IN SEASON 02 S. UnIversity BELL PHONE dI5 DWTAO T UNITLI LINES Aunt Arbor Time Table Llftult4id Cars for Delroit-7:12 a. m., and ]hour ly to 6,:12 p. mn., also 6:1' 1p. mi. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. nn., 6:40 a. w., and Lavery two hours to 01;40J p. m.. 7:40 p. in , 3.4i+ p. mn., 9:45 p mn.. aind 10:41 p in l' o Y p- ilanti only. 11.1: p in., 12:15 p. mi. 12 :30 p. in., 1:00 a.m. Limited Cars' fr Jaeks ou-7 :40 a. m. and every two h:ours to 7:46 p. mn. Locid Cars for Jackson-5:20 a.m., and eve:'ry two hours to 9:20 p.m., 11:15 p.m. Designers of en's. Clothes HENRY & CO. 711 N. University ANNOUNCEMENT GO TO a S'aRI"s Burchfield & Co.'s For the best T ir gSei-vice to be had. Anywhere'. In makig Dress Cl,'lie ;we~ aknowledge no equal, and prove our sipi-iority i;. every instance. Ann Arbor Dye. Works French Dry and Steam Cleaning Bell 628 204 E. Washington St. L. R. WAHL, Manager. CO X SONS & PINING, New York s MAKERS OF ACADEMIC COSTUMES 4a Caps, Cow~s & Hoods, for All Degrees. * / MACK & CO , Representatives TUOTTLE'S ON STATE STREET We Serve Hot Lunches Z'4 incA Trot - 2:gnch Back For Sale In Ann Arbor by Wagner &Co. "Sam" Burchfield & Company 106 East Hluron Street PACKARD ACADEMY Loading Place For Private Parilies' BRegipners' Dancing 'c..ass every Friday evening. 7 to5 o'clock. Advanced ('laass every Mornday eveniing, 7 to 8 o'clock. Pri sate Lessons by aploinrtinnt. C9J% 1 Phone 1 8664 Residence 570-L f tr i edeC, brated 1912 se and American Restaurant ' rooms reserved for partes and ladles and ;men. Is. Stats.Itt. 'Chop Suty I 1Remember! That for the want of a nail a shoe was lost. Nail your thoughts to- gether with -Dads" lunches. C., P. banroft 722 Monroe St. GN R I K T E T E EPop. Priced? Mat,-Wed. 25c to $1.50. 200 Orchestra Seats at $i 00. Begiunning Mlonday Nighlt, Apr. 28-Nights and. Sat. Mat., 25 to $2. 200 Orchestra Seats at $t so. "Old Wine, Old Books, Old Friends-and Old Plays, for Real Joy." After a Brilliant New York Season. One week of Rich Merriment preentng heowom ost dlihtulcde f l ie fMi.s Tusel l n at hsprded old t as.... MShusel is redern quea er"c smiths cda y n Tsa h tes..a.....nd perform" e ofv'The Andoryhe rwfNthtewYoungermpandias'iheth givesCenuine peasuret iiiddle generation of our theatre has lovers of high comedy." -New York known."-Boston Transcript. Globe. (H. T. Parker.) (L~ouis Sherwin:.) WEEK OF MAY 5-A Cheerful Comedy of Optimism MR. UEBF SIIUi3RRT PREjSIINTS W&L H0 % *aEq&% (RO E)~~iE le. tIThe Road to HappinesS"' By Lawrence Whitman %cD o ld[Hoppe's Former Store] Liberty St. Troy's Best 2 for 25c Collars 11 Fresh Candies "MACS" FAMOUS C~4RACKER JACK Have You Tried Us?2