PAPER IN Th y pu :. ? d £ *' 't - x .r' ''a , yr 0 C READ DAILY BY 5,00O STUDENTS. ARBOR PRICE FIVE CENT No. 146. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, PRIL 29, 1913. UDOR RULING ES WAVE *; OF UNEASINESS 1 udent Patronage of Saloons Has Noticeably Fallen Off Since Order of License Com- mittee of Council ALOON CIEN AND CITY MAY UNITE IN TEST CASE OF LAW ecretary Shirley Smith Says No Def- inite Action Has Been Taken by University. THlE WEATHER HAN. J I orecast for Ann Arbor-Tuesday, generally fair. University Observatory - Monday, 7:00 p. in., temperature 47.0; maximum temperature, 24 hours preceding, 50.0; minimum temperature, 24 hours pre- ceding, 35.0 average wind velocity, 21' miles per hour; precipitation, .19 inch- es. TRACK MEET WITH CALIFORNIA IS OFF Word Received That W estern Atletes Will Not Stop Here on Way East. CORNELL MEET PROBLEM NW TO TRANSFORM CAT HOLE INTO :titi t A oni mittee A ppoints Profs. Wch tuid Hotig lo Report on Possibihty of 3o-vemlent. spy. h yP ED YL.J}Hyl 6 WILL 0 o f OR BESIf P LI 1 I iAt iupi i n Se itui.. 17 I LL TO AISK F( OR ORINANCE PROT)I I)E 1MEA '17INSPEC V1,0R A .wave of uneasiness prevails among students and saloon keepers since the order issued by the license committee of the city common council Saturday evening forbidding the sale of intoxicants to students. A falling off in patronage was noticeable in sa- loons yesterday due to the fear of stu- dents becoming mixed up in arrests that may follow at any moment at the instigation of backers of the prohibi- tion of student drinking. Students are greatly concerned because it is inti- mated that the state law will also be enforced energetically in Ypsilanti,De- troit and elsewhere throughout the state. The saloon men met to discuss the situation Sunday, and it is said that they have determined to fight if any arrests are made. According to a report read before the city council last night by Chairman Sink, of the license committee, all of the 29 saloonkeepers had received li- censes. "In taking out these licenses the sa- loonkeepers have accepted our order to observe the student liquor law as well as other saloon regulations," said Chairman. Sink. "If they violate the law, they will be prosecuted." Alderman Lutz, a member of the li- cense committee said: "I have been in the employ of the university for a number of years, and find it difficult to distinguish between students and oth- ers. I realize the difficulty that con- fronts many of the saloonkeepers. But they must obey the law. It is up to the university to do something to help matters." It seems to be a consensus of opin- ion among the members of the license committee that they will be upheld by the city common council if a fight should develop, and they unite with the saloonmen in welcoming a test case to determine the constitutionality of the state law. "I am in favor of the enforcement of the law, and since this affair has been stirred up, I believe that something will come of it," said Alderman Rash, a member of the license committee. "Arrests of saloonists in whose places students are caught drinking may fol- low. These arrests may come at the instigation of certain organizations in this city. In fact the students violat- ing the state law either here or in De- troit or elsewhere may be the cause of prosecution of saloonmen." Secretary Shirley Smith, of the uni- versity, admitted that the university had not begun any definite action to- wards co-operation with the city au- thorities. He said: "I know of no new discipline to be inaugurated and cannot say anything about such, as it is entirely without the province of my office. I will say, however, that it appears to me that an unusually large number of students go over to Detroit. This fact impressed me on several occasions." VARSITY TO EET COLONELS TODAY. Amid the bustle of preparation for the Cornell dual meet at Ithaca, on Saturday, news has been received at the athletic office that California's track team will not stop to condition at Ann Arbor en route for the Eastern inter-collegiate. The cause of Cali- fornia's negative decision is supposed to be a financial one, as the stop over at Ann Arbor would mean considerable extra expenditure. Added to this sudden shattering of ais dream of the California meet, Trainer Farrell is worrying over the set-back his chances for whipping his squad into shape for Saturday's tilt with Cornell are receiving at the hands of the weather dispenser. lie has no line on the out-door abilities of many of the athletes, and will probably find it imperative to run off trials, either -oday or tomorrow, and then slow.up the pace on Thursday, to rest the men, chosen for the Cornell competition. When the relative chances of the two teams are discussed, the Wolver- ines appear to be the favorites, part- ly on a comparison of indoor records, and partly on performances of last year. Craig is picked to win both the high and low hudles, but when it is re- membered that having little opportun- ty for outdoor work, one of these racs would deplete his strength, it seems safest to concede him only first. Sew- ard, Bond, and Lapsley should garner six points for Michigan in the sprints. Haff is expected to meet with no troub- le in again vanquishing Bowser; the colored quarter-miler of Cornell, and Jansen should fill the shoes of Carver by winning the half-mile. Jones of the opposition will of course win whatever distance event he chooses to enter, which will probably be the mile. flaim- baugh is good for five points in case a two mile race is on the program, and Kohler is booked to cut a wide swath in the weights. Sargent is the only other Michigan man who seems sure of his place. Trainer Farrell is paying much time to the development of a broad jumper, as in the past few years the university Waring is jumping close to 22 feet, and (Continued on page 4.) three days rain but it is expected that it will be dry enough by this afternoon to allow a snappy game. The lineup that will face the Colo- .els is still a matter of doubt. Ken- tucky did not put up a hard battle against Michigan on the southern trip but dope has it that their team has been strengthened and they hope to make the score closer or if possible even up the count. If Sisler does not pitch he will probably play at first as Howard is still lame. Sheehy and Ba- ker have almost recovered from their bump and will probably be in the game so that Michigan should present i strong front, although. Rickey may take the occasion to try out a few new ones. According to dope, Quaintance ought to do the hurling, saving Ssler for Thursday when Pittsburg, an un- known but reputed strong club is here. It may be possible that the day be too chilly for Quaintance who is a warm weather hurler and Baribeau may be sent against the gentlemen from the south. The matter is a question of doubt and any one of the three ought to be in shape after a long rest to grab the game. The game today will be called at 4:05 with Michigan's lineup probably the same as the Georgia game. "Ajiun Arbor Water is Pure," says IDean V. C. Yang- han. The transformation of the old "Cal Hole" to a Creek amphitheatre be- came a possibility when the sanita- tion committee of the Ann Arbor Civic association met last night. A special committee consisting of Profs. E. D. Rich and W. C. Hoag was appointed by Dean V. C. Vaughan of the medical department, chairman of the commit- tee, to report on the condition of the hole with the view of beautifying it and turning it into an outdoor gather- ing place similar to the amphitheater of the University of California, The sanitation committee is also busy with an ordinance to be present- ed to the council for the provision of la e Studen t ilterec s in Dra- dr tieCo,; c Prize . Offer.t WIv-EI iM UST BE lT UDE N rr 1$ THlE ONLY lRESTBI(1TION. if teig Drama Sbi ied is Net Chos- clb For itsanmAl Producton a Mi5 Will lie Vii'en. in order to stimulate campus inter- est it o dramatics, and especially in drama writing, the Comedy club at a meeting yesterday afternoon xotcd to hlye a prize of $100.00 to the student writing a play tlt is accepted by the club for its annual production at the Whitney theater next fall. In the event that no local drama is selected, the club will give a prize of $25 for bhe best written playp. Absolutely no restrictions are plac- ed on the writers by the club. The on- iy requirement is that the author must be a student. The play may be of any uariety, and the subject matter is not specified, so that the production may be written on any topic. The awarding of the prize was piac- ed in the hands of a committee con- sisting of Professors A. H. Lloyd, F. N. Scott, and 1L. A. Strduss, of the fac- ulty, and Manager A. U. Cohen and Catherine Reighard, of the Comedy ('lub, The minor detail of the award- :ng aud rules to be followed wvere left to thle committee anid wviii be announe- cd later. In the event that the bet play can- not be given at the annual production of the club, it will be produced in Sar- Ah Caswell Angell hall beior the members of the club and their friends. E N(G 1N EUEIN(G E XHUII iiJN T I) d.E'7 STA TEWIDE A0)VERTRSiNU Invitatioins to be Sent to .Alumni; Visitors to Receive Sou. venir Books. In nccordance with the seniment on the campus a -::inst tise duplIkalien f elections to senior honorary so- cieties, and to guard against their con- centration in the hands of a few; and, believing that the centering of the in- terest of the mndi. idual wiihin nar- rower limits will result in an increase ef his efciency nl make for the bet- ArMient of these societies as a whole, Michigama will elect its members for the coming year in the following en an nr: Twelve men will be intiated on the second Wednesday in May, and within ten days thereafter the organization will be ompleted for the ensuing '_r by the election of th rteen others. Undergraduate juniors of all delart- tun ts will be eligible wvho have had at least three years of collegiate work, imnd not less than one yt ar of such at Michigan .. No mpmiber of' iigamnua shall ac- S uO'br hip i. any deiartmental ~., mor ocet, or accept or retain ebri n a organizatin of a somniar nature ard purpoes Mdichigalull. Rz EM "'N F V.M uxfloss R A %E Iada '12, 1) G iber, '11 and tolwd 5, Idesm 2I4 Are Not E'nrolled as 3iembers. Y V YET BE AhLE TO QUALIFL A reicn of the hat of noninees for1 Michigan lUnen oices, for the 1913- l914 college year was made nscossar3 -Iesterday, wuen i: was di covcred that three of the men mntmcI to run were :ot members of ll.} Uni fl. The men are: Mack Ryan, '1, ncminated for law ice-presidont,Q.O. Cilcert, 'M4M, nam- BOAT CLUB TO BE, RANZED 4 Constitution For New Organization Has Been Drawn Up and Will Be Presented at athering Wednesday Night, {WIG'CE RS TO BE ELECTED ANDI INSTALLEDI AT MEETING Purpose of Club is to Promote Aquat- cs, Start Nucleus For Crew and Prevent Accidents. Everyone interested in tha formation and establishment of the Michigan Un- ion Boat club is urged to attend the general mass meeting to be held at the Union club house on Wednesday ev- eaing at 7:00 p. m., when the club will be formally organized. The constitution' drawn up by the .aembers of the committee will be sub- a itted for approval, a list of nomina- -ions for the offices, will be submitted Iind additional nominations may be *uade by those present. Election of elficers will follow and the men select- d will be installed immediately, so hat the club will be placed on a bus- ness basis. Pres. E. G. Kemp, of the'Union, will reside at the meeting and Chairman -. B. Duffield, '14E, will give a brief aistory of the work already accom- ,Aished by the committee. M. R. Hunt- ,r, '13E, will tell of the possibilities of he club, H. S. lHurlbert, '14M, will ,utline the prospects of the organiza- the club, and G. B. Patterson, '14E, will 4pcak on the inducements offered to .lemnbers. Tie purposes of the club, as outlined n- the constitution are to promote :uuatic sports, start the nucleus for' t university crew, to exert every ener- ,y possible towjird prevention of acci- .ents and the saving of life on the riv- a meat inspector. "I have seen fowls affected with tuberculosis being sold in stores in this city," declared Dr. A. S. Warthin, at the meeting last night. -I have been asked to examine a num- ber of such diseased specimens in my laboratory. People ought to know ::hat fowls that have their livers re- inoved are rather suspicious. In viev of our protection to the meat men, they are quite in sympathy with the movement." In connection with the city water question, which is being handled by the committee, Dean V. C. Vaughan had this to say. "The water supply ,f Ann Arbor has always been un- justly abused. We have watched the purity of the water the last 20 years, and in all that time there have been only five cases of typhoid fever trace- able to infected water. Nearly all of ,hem occurred in 1894. The water is inalyzed at least once a day. - doubt whether there is any other city of this size in the country that has as pure a supply as we have." HI. WA RTIHIN TO I RESIDE AT MEETING IN WASHINGTON Will Aemnpt to Organize American Braiicli of Medical Museum Association. Dr. A. S. Warthin of the medical de- partment, president of the Internation- tl Association of Medical museums, will preside at the meetings of this hody in Washington, D. C., May 5. He will also deliver two lectures. It is the purpose of Dr. Warthin to Inaugurate a movement that will lead to the organization of an American >ranch of the society and also an imerican Museum of Medical Re- search. His lectures will be "The Age and Incidence of Carcinoma" and "A Study of Heredity in Cancer as Shown by the Records of the Pathological Laboratory of the University of Mich- igan from 1895 to 1913." THIRSY ORAL MAY OW BRINK AT DAMPU FOUNT After standing for almost a year as an ornament, and a memorial to thirsty mortals, the mid-campus water- ing station, erected by the class of 1911, will bubble today from all four spouts. Although the pipes of the mnausoleum' hae become rusty, and cobwebs numeous, Supt. James H. Marks states conclusively that at last the sparkling water of the Huron will quench the campus thirst. The monument was erected late last summer and connections were not made in the fall on account of the im- practicability of using the drink-fount during the winter. In order to call the attention of the residents of Michigan to the big ex- hibition to be given by the engineer- ing department May 15, a vigorous and extensive plan is being inaugu- rated. Invitations will be sent to alumni in all parts of the state and to the members of the state legislature. An announcement has been placed in the Ray Festival bulletin, describing the exhibit, and calling attention to the display as a feature on the campus. As more than 30,000 of these circulars have been distributed, th'e number of cut of town visitors is expected to be ar;rf. Advertisements will also be zlae'ed in the iDetroit papers. One of the fea u!s of the exhibit, will b the :rs.ntation of 20-page souvenir booklets to all visitors, which in addition to explaining the iarious exhibits sill also give a his- tory of the engineer:ng department. with ontlines of the m:ethods and id(als of the college. fl'I JITS FOR CER Ai PLAYV hAVE CMODl SA LE XTESTEiIIAY Tickets for "Koepnickerstrass 120 the Deutschr Verein play, met ith a heavy advance sale yesterday. They ,ere picd on sale at V\ ahr's book ;tore whe, they will be e every af- 'ernoon until M-y 9 from 4:00 to 5:00 o'clock. In a geier;,l wa hefarce is ready for the beards but duri the final re hearsals special emphasis will be put on detals. As~ide from presenting in- teresting bits of Gernma life a careful- ly constructed plot and clever lines the play is of real literary merit. Emphasis is being put on costuming and staging, which }will agree accu- rately with the period represented. Juii r Enineers 1i)n Tnight Junior engineers will hold the last dinner of the series which they have given throughout the year at the Un- ion tonight at 8:00 o'clock. ei as a nominee for medic vi c-presi- ar, and by establishing regattas, to dent, and Robert S. idesn, '142, who 3romote the ocial interests of the was proposed to run for the combined Jnion and student body in general. departmen vice-presidency. Mombership in the new organization According to the Union constitution, vill be of three different forms. Mem- o nommnatons can be n abe by the ers of the Union may become active :nmnittee after I last Saturday irn nembers on the payment of an annual \pril. For this rea:on, even should :embership fee of $1.00. Thosenot he amen named join the Uniom, they ligible for active memberships may "ouid still be incii ible to enter the >ecome associate members on paying election. \nother technicality in the he fee of $1.50. Any member may :onstitution which almost preclude, >ecome a life member by paying $10. ompetition for the three men is the The government of the club will be ;tipulation that all men ligible to run vested in a board of directors, consist- 'or oflices be reere as memlers. ing of commodore; vice-commodore, A the Union before tie second week in ,ecretary, treasurer, three ensigns, a 1Pril. faculty representative, and the presi- "Such a situation nover occurred (Continued on page 4.) before in the his ery of the Michigan Undon ," said 1omer H'eth, la'age . o that organization lst nihit. "The i ommnations were nde without care- 'Il referee to the Urnion enrolmt list on the part of the nlmminating c::m- nittee. The chairmn o' the conmit- :e , Gor urge, was re:cently oaII- Will Not Be Able to Furnish Students A cut of town, and ts f6cit combined Proposed Summer Course . with th earliness required in an- This Season. touncing the nominations, caused tlhe nistake." REASON FOR ACTION IS UNKNOWN y 'One provision in the Union con--- sitution, the three mon hit by tnh The proposed summer training uling may yet b:e able to rtin for the'r :;ourse for university students aboard espctive oices. if they beome United States battleships and armed nenmiers of' the Union, anl presrt a cruisers has been withdrawn, at least etin signcd by 2' m'emere o tha or this year. Hon. Joseph Daniels, cody .before the second Wednesday in .ecretary of the navy, has notified eir ae may be maIe an ex- 'resident Harry B. Hutchins to that eption, and thleir names placed upon ffect. The reasons for the action are the ballots. By the sane provision mnknown here, but it is inferred that n oi in:tumet, othr men may be the plan will be put into effect next plae.d in , ruuning by petition. summer. Mack Ryan, on:, of the students af- The:scheme contemplated a trip of ecld, :as oA been in school for the eight weeks aboard the ships of the la. er fe return ed r-cently1 fromr linle, in a cruise from the coast of in Sa:katchewan country, and ex- Maine to the annual autumn target remed Ils intention of nclte;rin the practice at Norfolk. It was not known la- depar t during summer how many men would be accepted ahoelt :Ran was one of the nominees from Michigan, although it was believ- for the presidency of the Un:on last ed that the offer would be limited to year. mechanical, electrical, and marine en- The withdrawal of the name of Q. 0. gineering students. Gilbert in the medic deprtmcnt, as Capt. C. C. Marsh, of the naval de- wol as that of Ryan in the law schol, partment, was in Ann Arbor during leaves two men in the running in each the spring vacation in connection with of the two races, In t01e combined de- the plan, but owing to the untimeliness partament contest, however, the rmov- of his visit nothing definite could be al of Robert S. Ideso2n as a candidate arranged then. Capt. Marsh was not tees only S. Spencer Scott, '14 , in then aware that the plan would be the running. abandoned. nes to Tackle Kentucky State 'stitution on Ferry Field° Diamond Today. Y AND BAKER WILL PLAY from nearly a week's rest, the nes will tackle Kentucky State 'y field this afternoon for the battle of the year with the Col-' nd the first of three games to