?tHL MICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring 'Woolens Largest Assort mneet in the City Ready for Your Inspection, WILD CO. .311 S. State Street TSotTentnis Rackets eare agents for the H. C. Lu Slott~ed Throitt Tenni~s Rackets., We several new models worth looking at before reaking your purchase. TENNIS BLL ht & Ditson Championship, Ayers Celebrate d BTll;-Gocdrich Balls line Championship -Balls. All goods guaranteed. F lEB o o toeZ SIN ECU RE TYPEWRITERI S p rative wage and little OF ALL MAKES Good clothes create the For Sale -$1 5.00 up, i ession that you don't need :'o or Rent, . $2.00 up van 's assistance. . Appear a (3 1m1s. $5.00), IRE. DRELSS and let them TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES f >S. I Tgp srritintj an1d Sthiorthan,,9d Diete lem, D. VIRRILL L er Ba ve OR ~~Liberty Street' el52 (Copyrighted) Assemblies Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. kfew good spring dates left for rentals. The assemblies will miu. through vacatioii. ITHE MCIA AL Ifficial ne sapcr at ithe'Uiversity of IMich- Published every onn except Monday dur- ing the unniversity year. 7 l~tered at the postoffice at Ann. Arbo r, Mich- igan, under Acet of Congress of Mtarch 3, 1879. Offices: Second :lo,-Ann.Arbor Press Build- ing, Mlayrnard .Steet. Office flo.urs: I10to- :, 3P. m. ; 7 to to p;. ml. uInmess Manngr-i to 3 p. n4., Subscripition Price : By carrier, $2.50o; by mail, $3.00. Want A1d Stations: Press B-uilding; Quarry's Pharmacy UIniversity lPharmnacy; C. II. Davis, Cor. Packard & State 'hone : 1ell, g~o. Frank Pennell.. ... ........Managing !Editor Joseph ftouchard..........Business Manager SUNDAE, APRIL 27, 1913. Night Editor-Fussell H. Neilson. ANT ICIP'ATI'NG. Again have wve been given, a, hint of what may be expected of MiPchigan in the annual intercollegiate track meet this spring, by our showilng _ in the Penn relay carnival yesterday. Con- sidering the small number of men en- tered and the remarkable ;uccess at- tendiiig their efforts, te:W.olverines in their full strength should be strong contenders for the premie r bunting at the eastern classic nextK,, month. Lets say we'll be firs°t; v, e hv equal rights with the other fel low in. this regard. Congraitlitulon, tEami, on your work yester~day and what you are certain to do in the near future. MICHIGANDAILY OFFICERS !FER 1913-14 ARE ELECTED a State cor. Huron. R. S. 'LRING, Minister MORNING SERVICE AT 10:30 Sermon by Rev. Joseph Henry Crooker. -Young Peoples' Society at 7 Every One Guaranteed. Racket Restri gig a Specialty Wright and Ditson's Complete Line 100 Rackets to Select From Subject : Unitlrianism in Japan. K S Bookstore Speaker Mr. Shinji Olami. PRESIDENT ANGELL SPEAKS ON CHARGE IN JOURNALISM -0- "The era of personal journalism has passed," said Presidnt Emeritus James B. Angell, speaking at the Sigma Del- ta Chi annual banquet at the Allenel hotel last night. "The time of men of national fame as editors is over. The newus is the important thing today, not the men .who comment upon it." In a talk rich with interesting fea- tures, Dr. Angell,1 gave his "Recollec- tions and Advice" of the old days when lie wvas editor of the Providence Jour- nali, and the contemporary and fariend of Honorable Hlorace Greeley,- of the Tribune. Stuart Perry, '94-'96L, ownier and editor of the Adrian Telegrami, who spoke on "A Man's Own Paper," was elcted to honorary membership in the locakl c'haprter ot the fraternity. Prof. 14. E. Bunker, of the law' de- partment; Walter K. Towers, '10-'12L, of "The Am reianLoy";, and Karl, Matthews, '12T,, were, the other sek ers. Prof. F. N. Scott, of the boa-rd in control. presided as toastmiaster. TI1CIIETS FQ,1110 , ANNUl1 11"V111 m s.1 "Iptatfnum ©rti"R4t Preferred by discrinmnatirg people for exquisite and eniduring beauty of tone, for abiolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. Stxz~dio 319 E. Hiroz 6. f Phorse 961-L Contrarie Mary"" Scores. and Music GRINNIELL BROS., l 2 E. Liberty St. :Che House that Saves you Money on anything you buy in the realm of Music. Coel,& ( Leonard CD /X SONS & VINING, New York rc Ctten. / }jW ; eoardMAKERS OF ALBANY, NEW YORK MmcFRS F ACADEMIC COSTUMES Cap & Gowns h Caps, Cowns a. Hoods r To the American Universities from E:s ID p e s for A ll Dhegla tirees.Paifc Class Contracts a Specialty MACK & CO ,Representatives LD QCO Jewel e r° 220 South Main St. akers of the Official Sigma Xi aind Phi Beta Kappa keys. lid -Gold, good weight fiiLe'y i-mhed and made a little than most of them. S&e the sailp (s, and leave ysours or- w for delivery after the initiation.f old & Co., Jewelers, 220 Main St. 'ocure your Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi l1 e) s from 'ts. erepair and refinish o'.d and brckt ii jeweclry. eplacing sets and making ne,-w gm. 1untings a .pccialty. .Maurice Toulme, '12-'14L, and A. R. Johnson, Jr., '14, were elected mana- ging editor and, buineiss manager,' re- spectively, of The Mcia Daily for 19J13-'14 at a meing_;i of the board in control of studlent pulic ,,ations yester- day morning. Toulme has been.i a member of the Daily staff for three and a half years, beginnng the second smstrof his sohmoeyear in college. Hie has served as reporter, night editor, and this year as newvs editor. Johnson has been iia imember of the business stafffo to yea1'rs, serving as assistat tadvertis>>,ingimaager ls year, and as advertising mniager this The only other matter of importance whiich was taken up at the board meet- ing yest.erday was the mnatter of sala- ries, which were placed upon a per- centage basis. I'LII A I I I Unique in Form. Unique In Flavor. Utni~ue In Quality. Suitable for All Dom GET A PACMAGE TODAY t qc AT ALL C HOLLAND RUSK CO VPANY, Holland Mich. -is MWatch re pairii g Conklin Fens alier Jewelry Co.j 534 308 South State Street VEET AS IT SOUNDS SERVICE BETTER CANDY THE SUGAR BOWL ' Best Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. Candy of all, ions. AT FINAL E.E i? 14JOlRO11' A. J. MVatteson, '14, A. A. Ruthstrom, '1t nd Kl. ,Tonouchi, '13, tied for the univer-sity chaminpionship in fencing Fiday afte;rnoon. The bouts were ex- citing, for the mefn were evenly match- ed, eachnmaking three touches.AMatch_- es have beeon sched'uled to take plae in the fenicing room of Waterman gym- nasiumn tom orrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock andl the title will be decided at that time. f-Lit We~atuen Hold Li~c1,on at Union F+iftiy wome(>n of the J-lit class dined at the Union yesterday noon. Maude Edwards talked on the relation of the college woman to the journalistic worldi. Phy llis Dunn sang, Irma Hoga- done, Franc .es Green and Julia Henning rep onided to toasts. This, was the last of the series of luncheons given by this class. Most of the tickets fr the annual Soph Prom which w\,ill"bIgiv ea at the Armory May 2, have been disposed of. The number will be limrited to 160, and those who have not pr"ov;ided them- selves with the pasteboards should do so at once. They may be procured from members of the committee. Refreshments will be served during the entire evening. Admission, cards will show those dances to be reserved for this, thereby doing away with any confusion. Fresh lit baseball practice Monday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Cil IPS N BRIEF, The state board of examiners visit- ed the university yesterday upon the invitation of the law faculty. The board were entertained by the faculty, anid spent the day visiting the different cisses in the law school The party included Lincoln, Avery, '86L, L. T. Durand, '69L, Wesley Hyde, Chas. Nichols, and Clarence Lightner, '$3L. -0- Labelling of the trees of the campus will be started 'by the botany depart- ment wxithin two weeks. The label, which will be of sheet zinc four inches long by two inches wide,;xil contain both the common and scientific names of the trees. BOARDING HOUSES RESTAURANT 331 South Mi~ain St. Re-ular Dinner 25c Lunches. Home-made Pies.. Chicken Dinner, every Sunday. CA31PUS 'CAFE Why not board at a real Boarding' H~ous6? Meals like those at home. Cone to 911'N. University and be convinced. 110llo E. Huron St. WARREN -AGENCY ?206 National Bank Bldg. Phone 303-J. Special Bargains in desirable places for sale or rent. Life, Accident and Fire Insurance. We solicit correspondence or calls. $8ooo will buy one of the beautiful homes of Ann Arbor. Spacious grounds with fine shade, trees and shrubbery, new garage, Fine construction,, polished oak floors throughout.. Living room 15x27; dining room 15x18. Suitable for private family or can be adapted to needs of a sorority or ^fraternity. A beautiful location. L. D.. CARR, Agent, 17 Sav. Bank Blk. ANN ARSOft' HOME,"BAKERY, Distributor BU5IJS.NE5SDIRE3CTOIY REAL ESTATE ANDJ INSUJRANCE GAUNTLETT AND SELLMAN Bpal Estate, Fire, Health and Casualty Insurance Phone 180-L. FOR RENT. rt Ci I a I PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY 'ORDER NO 'MATTER 'HOW SMALL ON MAIN STREET CARDS - PROGRAMS *STATIONERY FO F SAMPLES GREGORY MAYER & THOM Co. DETROMT Mica A delicious, nourishing combination of milk, eggs and fin- est wheat flour. 10c the package at all grocers. Look for, the Windmill trademark on package and avoid imitations. HOLLAND RUSK.COfI'PANY, Hollaud Michig' THlEBEST JOHNSON'S CHOCOLATES WAGNER &CO. STATE STREET Are pleased-to announce that they are showing a comprehensive line of The' Ann Arbor Savings Bankf The Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $ 100,0'00O~~~ Resourses $3,000,000 blot5 ,S vings BDank' General Banking Busilness Transacted Ofies Ca.E Hsok re. .D8Ia'i Wm J: Booth~ President Wmn. Arnold, Vice-Presiden man. Vice* Pres. MI. J. Fritz, Cashier. I John C. Walz, Jr., Cashier ____________________r U-S B ERE CHOCOLATE SODA OUR SP ECIALTY DROP IN'AND TRY ITU Fifth Avenu, New fYork Reay-t-Wer Cothsfor Young Men These garments are especially. type-d to meet the requirements of Col- lege men. Expeot to find IexclSlsie_ fabrics and tai!Oori-l superior to any- 4 higyou h Iave seen and you will not be disappoi nted. The 1 Mechanics Bank 5 South Main Street Surplus and Profits $67,000 Ann Arbor Time Table Ltzhited Cars for. Detroit-7:12" a. m., and hourly to 6:12 p. in., also 8:1'2 p.mi. Local Cars for Detr'oit-5;40 a. in., 6:40 a. mn., and every two hours to 6;40 p. i,., 7:40 . p. 111,.8:40 p. mn., 9:43 p. mn., 4rrd 10:43 p. mn To Ypsilanti only. 11:15 p."im., 1:5p, m. 12:30 p. Mn., 1:00 a. in, Limited Cars for Jackson-7:46 a. im. and every two hours to 7:46 p. mn. Local Cars for Jafchson-5 :20 a.m., and FOR LADIES. AND GENTLEMEN- The cosiest dining room in town is Mac'k's Tea Room Dinners., lunches or refreshments. Rest Room in connection. Open from S a. in. to 5 p. in.; on Saturdays till 9 p. in. SECOND FLOOR MACK & COt. MAIN STREET J 4101=FOLK OCOLLAF IJIGH /N THE BAICK- fA