'I II' MICHIGAN DAILY. - _ . -----W--*. I mind, r. .0 that Spring is here we with a comple shoes for the season, and soare te. line of PYAi?.11Y111-TS (:OI01W!AN TEA N (' LOS" S 'ORE.i (Cc.ntin.iihd fro-A page 1.) and Hendeson1. In the seventh the pea ches tied_ the cont when with Cor- ^ey and enetsonl the ,eacks and tocutL Shieehy diro-7 pped Harison's high oine. Thewiningrun camne in the ninth, l~uhit wakedand Howr~l hit one to larrise~n whio retired Lugh;?itt at secod. Seehyhit advancing- Corey, wlho vw.as running for Howard at third. Frcma there he co untced when Hutchins i FRENCH PLAY HAS_ DRESSREHEARSAL Final dress rehearsal of "Les Four- beries de Scapin," the annual French atch for Wednesday ,Specials SiC LORE SHOE COMPANY 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET } Peii.ape ofSwcs Down Tow LET F u r i i s h t h e I l e e C re ia k r x ' t ONMAINDTRE let one get past h~im. The tabulation follows: APBRiH PO A E Gini if..,.........300 o1 0 HTarrison 2b.......4 0 0 2 5 0 '.ic Dorter e .......3 1 0 2 0 0 iut1Ch1iins G.........4 0 1 9 1 1 Hedrsnlb .......4 0 1 10 1 0 Co',i n tr3b......... 4 0 1 1 0 2 Lottwden rf....... ..2 0 1 0) 0 0 C'orley p...........4 1 0 0 3 1 l ?i.nt ;s s....4 1 1 1 1 1 Totals........5..32 3 G 25'12 5 '4)ne out when whinning run was scored. [,[ V OC 71 T ypewriter RepmI.rrigPb 1361-11L I will meet or beat any price Made oni a typewriter, sat,--Or 'ental. D. F. WOODWARD Ann Arbor Saviangs Rank Bldg. Second Floor Annu Arbor, Mich. 200 Souzth Stated Streot Gives Clean, Wholesome Board at $4.00 per Week. Safe Drinking 'Water. Lunches 25c IDinr ers 5~c C. C. Freenai 01.i, ProprIetor MEIN'S E5 U NSIG Spring Un~derwear Galore "B. V. D. '' 'Poro'kit'", " Twinitex'", 'Coope's'' Some new styles in Spring Shifts, with French Cuffsj with col'ar to match. ,VARSITY TOGGERY SHOP 1107 S. Ualivrsify Ave. 5I B( si If '1 [LehyIf......5 1 1 6 0 ,aker ss..........2 1'1 03 eof ...............1 1 00 Lser 1b........4 0 0 10 0 ,egersec...........4 0 1 6 1 "( erri..f ........4. 0 0 1 0 r.uIan ^m2b ........ 3 01 31 u-hitt 3b.........30 1 13 aribeau p .......3 0 0 0 -2 Joward ...........1 0 0 0 0 'Corey......... ...0 1 0 0 0 Totals..........33 4 6 27 10 . fit for Baribeau ,in ninth. G 0 0 C C c play scheduled for Friday evening, was srun off last evening at the Whitney theater to bursts of laughter and ap- plause from the privileged ones who witnessed it. Nothing so funny has been done here in a long time, and the play is bound to make a huge hit. M. Albert Hurlburt, in the title role of Scapin, occupies the center of the 'stage most of the time, and gets the 'greatest humor out. of his rogueries. In his efforts to have the two young lovers secure the girls of, their choice, he manages to mix everything up beautifully. But when the irate fath- ers discover that these girls are the very brides they had selected for their sons, all ends happily. The whole play -is full of a robust sort of gayety that carries the audience with it. Some of the scenes are irre- sistably funny, as when Scapin gets one of the fathers done up in a bag. Then he manages to extract a large amount. of mponey from himj by telling him that. his son is held prisoner on a Turkish galley, and that the captain demands a large ransom. The father tries helplessly to understand why his son ever ,went on the galley. As the fun comes from the, situations, one does not need to understand. French perfectly to enjoy it all. !.?.-IVERSITY NOTICES, Meeting of the General Senior Re- ception committee in Tappan hall at 4:00 o'clock today. Senior engineer baseball practice at Ferry field at 3:30 o'clock today. Fresh lit baseball practice at Ferry field at 3:00 o'clock today. Aero society business meeting to- night at 7:45 o'clock., in' room 314 engineering building. Payment for the graduation invi- tations recently ordered by the senior laws will be received in the lobby of the law building this morning from 9:00 to 10:00 o'clock and from 11:00 until 12:00 o'clock. Junior lit baseball practice at 3:00 o'clock today at South Ferry field. Timre toLeae When you discover you are not dealing with ,a one-price store, it's time to leave,. A concession in price may look like a bargain. lIt is not. It means the first price was not the real one,.It means you may get a second or third reduction, if you are persistent. Haggling is not the modern way of doing business. Our Line of famous Society Brand Clothing for Men is all marked in plain figures. You get the rock-bottom price At the Start WVithout argument, without quiesflon Nve give you honest cloth-' ing anld full value for your mnoney. $15.00 - $25.00 J.F WU 1TH1Co HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD DRESSERS d3 IThe New Spring Models are now being shown at Hiay ley's Mfllinery, 206 E. Liberty Hair Goods; a Specialty Phone 1 390..1 A Fellow can be Proud of the HENDIRRSO f 1; **lRan for H-oward in the ninth. Georija .... ....00000120 0-- M ichigan......20 00 10 0 01- if -4 Summaries: Two base hit-Me- Queen; struck out-by Corley 10, b IBaribe vu 6; base on balls-oft Corley 3, off aribeau 2; hit by pitcher-Ba- ke], owden; passed bal-Hutc hins; loubic play- ribeau to Sisler tc =lutghitt.; stolen bases----Covington, Sheehy, Sisi, Rogers; sacrifice hit- Ilow drin; tm-I:0 mieM~ 1913 Henderson-8 H. P., 4 Cylinders, Chain ;Drive, Big; Tres-$325 The roan who rides a THender'mon has a machine to be proud of. It. is silent. It is powerful. [t is long and low and easy riding. It starts with a crank ifistead of by peddling; and the feet. are re~ted in comfort on foot boards. Thie co'lege mi~n's disciirnination will tell him that the Hendermon is by far V-.e most desirable motorcycle by reason of the advantages of its four-cylinder' construction. And we preditt,th~at, among co*16ege men, the Hende*rson will win the great popularity it. haii attairied amongt tte wisest buyers of motorcyc es. Henderson otorOcycle Go. 11658 Cass Avenue Detroit, Mich. Stoff let, and Elliott 1 10 East Washington 5t. 'Distributors for Washtenaw County 1%0OMET1HI1NG NEW Als I1 T[IS COLUM31N ARE TI' I PAll) FORl IN ADVANCE. LOST. Lost-Small black Spaniel near Ferry field (female). Phone 1789. 14" L s-A Park ier Fountain , pen. Left on index files at Library. Reward if returned to JTones, 445 E. LUniversi- ty. 142x y ;. WANTED oast, in its 1prfoctior, with a richl go din brown color; never burnt, wvays readyto serve. 2 Minutestwimn before serving, improves the licious flI vor.- 10c the packag;e a'all grocers. Holland Rusk Company Holiand, 1Nioh. ANN kARBOR HOME BAKERY, DISTRIBUTORS in the class-room a vi c camnpus are only won by training. Fit y oursc' '- 1 souncethat's in you and you'llb1Ca'eo 'v'floP~r Dehcim;'Ly s-i 0ef_- .to :-- Thscz:nCCCA C ~IC t row thin i.wfcte---Studeiits to inspect the best 425.00 byeycle made. See it'at H. L. Switzer Co., 310 'State. Thur. Fri. Sat Tennis Racquets and balls (all kinds). H. L. Switzer Co.,. 310 State. Tues Thurs. Sat ti Old Post Office Block. The Tailor for Particular Men. Kollauf. Phone. 3.183-L. tf Old Hampshire Vellum, the latest ini the writing papers at Fosters'. (2) Contrarie Miary Souvenir Scores and sheet music for sale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf Reach and "Ty Cobb" baseball goods CIVIC ASSOCIATION ISSUES LEAFLETS FOR DISTRIBUTION Pamphlets boosting. Ann Arbor are being prinited by the Civic association for distribution with the general cata- fogues of the university. Essential statistics of the city are giv- en in detail; and the booklets are il- lustrated by pictures of campus views. and ' scenes of Ann Arbor. Too Hold Receptions for Women,, University women will be egtertain- ed, this afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00 o'clock by the following hostesses: Mrs. Shirley W. Smith, Mrs. R. B. lHowell and Mrs., E. C. Case at 1706 South University avenue; Mrs. Jos- eph L. Markley, Mrs. James Glover and Mrs. Edward Jcnes at 1816 Ged- des avenue; Mrs. A. E. Jennings and Miss Tseo at 1824 Geddes aveinue; Mrs. F. C. Newcombe and Mrs. H. P. Thieme .t" 9 Geddes Heights. Forestry )leii to. Aplpraise tit Pontiac. A letter has just been received by Prof. Filibert Roth of the forestry dc- partment, from the ex-mayor of Ponti- ac, asking for several forestry stu- dents to appraise some timber land of his in the northern part of the state. Several of the post-graduate men will probably be recommended. Library Clock Has Suring Fever,. Derangement of the works in the campus clock which for the past day or two has. caused. considerable irreg- ularity in classes, has not yet been lo- cated. investigation has revealed nothing wrong with the "striker," and still the library timepiece continues to strike with no method in its mad- ness. The clock surgeon will diagnose the ck again today and promises to locate the cause of the fitful symptoms. Unique in form, with flavor different,-h~etter than anything you hiave ever tried. At all Grocers. 10c per Package. HOLLAND RUSK COMPANY -. HOLLAND, MICHICAN Ann Arbor Home °Bakery, Distributors 0 3 Delightful Days M Commencing Matinee Today 3 P, M. The Musical Comedy with 'the Cabaret Johnny and. Ella, Galvin and 20 - Good Looking, Gingery Girls - 20 LOTS OF FUN, MUSIC AND (COSTUMES The Cabaret is a Large, Gitte~ing Cafe, not far from Broadway QI Tiiere are lots of people, lots of light, plety of food and a little to drink, a b.itlconiy from A hicli the gay youths with girls peer down on other gay youtuis who lr-tve (tlbey thin'. ) prdttier There is a piano nnn a violin in n, nd others, who 11*violate the law as to cruel and unlusual punishimets... (L And thre is 'the Iproprietor-a smiling, blonde man, p'luip anid hospitable-tr% ing to keep Q-xerN one on' the tight side of. the line. of convention.. .,[In the Cabaret you will find a merry crowd that "warits a gcod time-and makes, sure of it- I I .11.1 at H. L. Switzer Co., 310 State. Wed. Fri. Sun. tf I; ( COX SUNS & VlhINO, New York MAKERS OF ACADEMIC COSTUMES Gaps, Gowns & Hojds for All Degrees. MACK & C0, Representatives o Sprih'4Coo'i ae Arivig Dily Each day brings new assortment of the nobblest spring clothing fir young men., Easter 'comes early and you will have to think of your Easter clothes: sooner than usual. Look over our. large stock before purchasing. A few FaIl and Winter Suits and Overcoatsat sac- . .xifice prices, _____ ____ ____ __ R uleConlin, Fiegel' on.