ONLY MORNXNG PAPER IN ANN ARBOR q f AK%! ; r% e fin" Daily READ DAILY BY 5,000 STUDENTS. Vol. XXII, No. 141. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1913. PRICE FIVE CE COARCH SHIFT POSITIONS FO GEORGIA CAME Hughitt Will hold Down Third as Baker Has Been Selected to Take Care of Shortstop. JOHNME LAVANS WILL NOT TAKE PART IN TODAYS GAME Michigan Expects Stiff Opposition From invading Southern Team. Once more Coach Branch Rickey will send a new combination of Varsi- ty diamond artists into the field when Michigan meets Georgia this after- noon on Ferry field. This time the coach has shifted the infield and as a result every position of the inner de- fense will be taken to care of by a different man than appeared in the Wesiiern Reserve game on Saturday. "Johnnie" Lavans is still unable to play, and Coach Rickey has called Ba- ker from third to look after the short- field. Hughitt will be sent to .third McQueen, who played at second base against Western Reserve, will be shift- ed to first, owing to the fact that How- ard is out of, the game temporarily because of an injured knee,while Dun- canson will be sent back to his old post at second base. Michigan concluded her practice for the Georgia game yesterday after- noon when the coach put his charges through a little real competition. The Wolverines are expecting the same kind of opposition which Georgia put up in the last game at Athens when the southerners held the invaders to a 2 to 2, 11 inning tie and are on edge for the contest. Georgia will use the following line- up: Jimm lf, McWhorter cf, Hutchins c, Henderson 1b, Covington 3b, Erwin rf, Harrison 2b, Corley p, Morris p, Hitchcock p, Clements ss. Michigan's lineup will probably be: Duncanson 2b, Baker ss, Bell ef, Sisler If or p, Webber rf, Rogers c, McQueen 1b, Hughitt 3b, Quaintance p, Bari- beau p, Metcalf p. FORDIS CHOSEN VARSITYMAGR Howard W. Ford, '13, is the new stu- dent manager of the Varsity baseball team. Ford was appointed to suceed Vere L. McCarthy, '13L, resigned, at a meet- ing of the board of directors of the athletic association held yesterday af- ternoon, by a unanimous, vote of the board. At the same time the board formally accepted the resignation of McCarthy, which was presented at Monday's meeting, but was held over until yesterday. Manager Ford will assume his new duties at once. JUDGE MURPHY TO SPEAK AT UNION MEMBERSHIP DINNER> W. C. Trible, '13, Waldo Fellows, '14, and Midnight Sons' Quartette- Are on Program. Circuit Judge Alfred J. Murphy will be the principal speaker at the Union membership dinner tomorrow night at 6:00 o'clock. His subject will be "The Educated Man and the Public." Judge Murphy is one of the best known lawyers in the state. Norman Reed, '13L, will preside as toastmaster and, in addition to Judge Murphy, will call on W. C. Trible, '13, for an account of the Pacific coast trip of the glee and madolin clubs. Waldo Felows, '14, is on the program for "stunts." The Midnight Sons' Quartette, which scored such a decid- ed hit on the glee club trip, will fur- nish several numbers. The tickets for the dinner are lim- ited to 200, and the committee reports a ready sale. They may also be ob- tained at the desk in the Union. There will be two more regular membership j TIWEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor--Wednes- day, showers and cooler. tnliersiiy ; bservatory - Tuesday, 7:00p.n.tmprtr 70.0; maxi- mumz terrpe;rature, 24 hours preceding, 78.3; minimumn temperature, 24 hours proceding, 34.3; average wind ve- locity, 11 miles per hour. SOPH PROM TO lBE INFORMAL. Comnmitc&, Decides That Flowers Mast Be Oiiitted. This year's annual Soph Prom will be informal. No flowers will be al- lowed and the question of carriages will be left to those attending, accord- ing to the final decision of the com- mittee which met at the Union last night. As planned, the grand march will start promptly at 9:00 'clock, ending in the figure 1915, at which time a picture will be taken. Finzel's or- chestra will feature "Contrarie Mary'" music, as well as a "sophomore med- ley" which has been arranged for the occasion. Refreshments will be served at times stated on the admission tick- ets. Members of Six Classes Will Turn Out En 311;sse to Clebrate First Annual Cane NEAR IA 6A f[E iN A BODYO Custom of Cane Carrying Was First Started at Michgan in 187. Walking sticks as senior emblems will make their official debut this af- 3 JTRAPPED PROWLER I., 1411 amin Shoots at Negro Peeper Sprung. SUSPECT IS TA 3N Bf POLICEI PUSH BALL IS READY FOR USE. COUNCIL PROVIDES THIRD TUG-O'-WAR Student Body Establishes New Event in Spring Contests For Bantam Weights. Caught by an ingenious burglar trap, By a ruling of the student council an unknown negro, who was peeping | at its meeting last night, a third tug- in at the windows of Hilary house, jumped from a porch roof and made his escape last night while bullets from the revolver of C. D. Benjamin punctured the air about him. The police took a suspect, whose name they withheld, to headquarters later in the evening and questioned him. He was later released, but the officers say that he may be rearrested, if suspicion fastens the offense on him. That the "peeper" was not captured is not the fault of Mr. Benjamin. For! several mornings he had noticed that1 of-war was provided for the annual spring games which this year will be held on May 16 and 17 during festival week. Committees to take charge of the contests were announced at the same time by Pres. J. E. Hancock. The new tug-of-war will be open to bantam weights and only men under 135 pounds will be allowed to pull on the opposing teams of 60 men each. The council also changed the point system so that the side winning any one of the tugs for heavy, light, or bantam weights will receive one point a ladder which he kept at the rear of the house had been moved to the porch. After some careful thinking, he con- cocted a trap. He put the ladder in its usual place and then bored a hole Ihrough the well into the kitchen. -next he tied a string to the ladder and ran it carefully through the hole and into his bed room. Here he attached a tin pail to the string and perched it on the head of his bed. Just after Mr. Benjamin had dozed off, forgetful of burglars and traps, the tin pail hit him on the chest. Imme- diately he took his revolver and went to the kitchen door. He looked out. A big negro was standing on the porch roof, peering in a second story window. "Throw up your hands!" The negro jumped wildly from the porch and ran while Mr. Benjamin fol- lowed rather gingerly because he was sans shoes and fired at the fleeeing figure. He missed the prowler who disappeared over a back fence. Hilary house was thrown in an up- roar and it took some time to convince the young women that there was no to count on the final score for the games. In the past the heavyweight tug has counted two points, while the winners of the lightweight contest ob- tained but one. I ternoon and evening in the celebration danger. However, the arrival of Ser- of the firsts annual Cane Day. Six geant O'Brien with Patrolman Myers classes, senior lits, engineers, laws, and Kuhn assured them and they be- dents, pharmics and homeops will par- came reticent. ticipate in the festivities which will include attending the Georgia game in NOTfED SOCIALIST TO SPEAK. a body, and a concert by the musical _ clubs in the evening, which will be George R. Kirkpatrick Will Talk on followed by singing by the combined the "National Crime." classes. It is expected that over 600 men will take part in the cele-bration. George R. Kirkpatrick, of New York, Arrange Program for the Daya will speak in Newberry hall Saturday The complete program for the day is evening under the auspices of the In- as follows: At 4:00 o'clock in the af- tercollegiate Socialist society,on "War, ternoon seniors from all departments the National Crime."Mr. Kirkpatrick is which have adopted the canes will best known as the author of "War, meet in front of the Ferry field gates What For?" an anti-militarist book and will attend the Varsity baseball of which more than 50,000 copies were game with Georgia. A large block of sold within 30 months after its publi- seats has been reserved especially for cation. them and no one but seniors with can- Mr. Kirkpatrick is professor of po- es will be allowed to occupy them. litical science at Rand's School of So- After the game the, seniors will ad- cial Science in New York City, and is vance up State street in an informal known throughout the country as a body and will disband until 7:15 Chatauqua lecturer and debator. Al- o'clock in the evening when they will though not a regular speaker on the assemble at the campus bandstand to course of Lyceum lectures season tick- hear the concert which will be given ets on that course will admit to the by the musical clubs. Following the lecture.. concert Richard Simmons, '13L, lead- er of the glee club, will lead the near 1Eiigineer Alumnus Lectures on Fires, grads in a monster all senior sing. Mr. J. K. Freitag, '90E, spoke on The sectond installment of senior "Conflagrations, and Means for Their, law canes will be given out in the Prevention," in room 348 of the engi- corridor of the law building this af- neering building yesterday afternoon. ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. - The talk was illustrated with a num- Canes Held Sway Long Ago. ber of lantern slides which Mr. Frei- Although the custom of carrying tag has collected. canes is a new one to the present gen- eration of Michigan men, walking Union Has Jobs Open For Students. sticks, similar in some ways to the The Michigan Union employment present senior emblems,, were carried committee has a number of odd jobs as far back a 1872. The canes carried for students which have not been fill- at that time were long, straight and ed because of a lack of applicants. about two and one-half inches in All students who are looking for work thickness. They were not polished of this nature are urged to call at the nor were they finished with silver'Union today from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock. "trappings" as are the sticks used at f present. Initials of the owner and "U. of M." were carved upon them and Last Chance to Use You it was the fad for students in the old- ,en days to have their friends also carve their initials. E. E. Calkins, '84P, of this city, has one of the old canes in his possession and among other initials are those of Dr. V. C. Vaughan, dean of the med- ical department. Tonight at Union The pushball which was split open during last year's contest has been repaired and will be ready for use again this season. Committees for the spring games were appointed as follows: General chairman, W. Scott Hopkin, '13E; Pushball, H. Wilson, '13, chairman; S. S. Dickinson, '13, Rolfe Spinning, '13, and Lester Keliher, '14; Tug-of- war, G. F. Brown, '13E, chairman; G. C. Paterson, '14E, W. Drury, '13E, and H. J. Trum, '14E; Relay, R. L. Mayall, '13L, chairman; J. Coolidge, '13, D. K. Strickland, '13P, F. Lawrence, '13M, and D. Stauffer, '13H. ACTORS IN CERCLE PLAY ARE HOLDING DAILY REHEARSALS Dean Effinger Talks on Play; Seat Sale Will Continue Today. Rehearsals for "Les Fourberies de Scapin," the annual'French play to be given Friday evening in the Whitney theater, are being held every day, and the play is progressing rapidly. M. Talamon, as director, is in charge of the finishing process. In the title part of Scapin, M. Al- bert Hurlburt has one of the best broad farce roles in the French drama. Misses Guilford, Shields and Helmecke play the parts of the two girls and the nurse. M. Talamon and Cyril Quinn. are the two fathers, Robert Tannehill and Mark Wisdom the amorous sons, and Loren Robinson and Waldo Fel- lows the servant and the valet. Fol- lowing the French custom, the ushers at the play will be women, members of the Cercle Fracais. Dean John R. Effinger lectured on the play yesterday afternoon, discuss- ing the life of Moliere, the importance of his work, and the plot and charac- ters of the play selected for this year. The seat sale for "Les Fourberies de Scapin" began yesterday, and will continue today from 10:00 to 12:00 and 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock at the ticket window in University hall. The sale will be held at the box office of the theater Thursday and Friday. The prices, as usual, are 50" cents, 75 cents and $1.00. To Exhibit Drawings of Orson Lowell. Drawings of Orson Lowell, which are to be exhibited in the Memorial building have been received by the Ann Arbor Art association. The col, lection will be open to the public the latter part of the week. Orson Lowell is one of Life's prin. cipal artists, and the collection will include the originals of some of his best known drawings. A series of preliminary sketches will show how many of the subjects have been devel. oped. TO GIVE CONCERT. IN DETROIT. Combined Musical Clubs Will Hold Entertainment May 2. Detroit will be given an opportunity to hear the combined Michigan mu- sical clubs in a concert ouMay 2. Fear that the proposed concert in Toledo would not prove a financial success, resulted in a decision not to give the concert in that city. The personneltofthe clubs has been almost doubled since the Pacific trip, and about 42 men will be taken to De- troit. The clubs Vill probably ren- der the same program as they did on the western trip, featuring songs from "Contrarie Mary." The concert will be given in the Knights of Columbus hall. Another "home entertainment is be- ing planned by the glee and mando- lin clubs. The date has not been set but will probably be about the time of the spring interscholastic meet. Dean. Effinger Will Not Go to De Pauw Owing to press of university duties Dean J. R. Effinger, of the literary de- partment, will be unable to attend the inauguration today of George Rich- mond Grose as president of De Pauw University. TWO TEAMS TO BE ENTERED AT PENNSYLVANIA Athletic Authorities Will Send Varsity Two Mile and Freshman Mile Squads to East DECIDE TO WITHDRAW ENTRY IN VARSITY MILE CONTEST. Kohler and Sargeant Will Be Taken to Compete in Field Events. From the outcome of the trials in the Varsity two mile relay, and the freshman mile race yesterday after- noon, the athletic authorities have definitely decided to send teams to compete in these events at the Penn- sylvania field day. It was further de- cided that the entry in the Varsity mile would be withdrawn, because of the poor showing of the runners in recent trials, and the stiff competition to be met with in this distance. All official times taken from the two mile trials were kept under the hats of the timers, but as unofficial reports give Haff a mark under two minutes, and four others were hot on his heels, the average struck must have been close to the desired two minutes. Haff, Haimbaugh, Jansen, and Brown fin- ished in the order named, and, barr- ing accidents, will run in the big event. Lamey finished fifth and will be taken along on the trip as substi- tute. Freshman trials were. run off imme- diately after the Varsity problem had been settled. As trainer Farrell had a long confab with Director Bartelme before the decision was made to carry the youngsters to the East, it is prob- able that their time for the quarter, while better than Saturday's, did not measure up to the standard of three minutes and 30 seconds This was the mark set as qualifying for the trip, but perhaps was overridden be- cause of the belief by the Trainer that the men can run at a faster clip in actual competition. C. Smith led the freshmen over the' 440 stretch, closely followed by Ufer, Gore Lyttle and Catlett. A substitute' will also be taken with this team which insures the presence of Catlett on the trip. Only two men are certain to make the trip to compete in the field sports. Kohler and Sargeant will undoubtedly be carried, and there is a possibility that a broad jumper will be taken. The athletes will leave for the East Thursday night at ,7,:30 o'clock over the Ann Arbor and Pennsylvania roads. Postpone Dental Society Meeting. The regular meeting of the Senior Dental society scheduled for last night was postponed until Tuesday, May 6. CLASS HEADS ADOPT HONOR- "SYSTEM DRAFT Plan Finally Evolved by Committee Comprises Best Points of Sehemes of Other Colleges. A WRITTEN PLEDGE WILL BE REQUIRED AT END OF EXAM. Committees From Each Class Will Modify Plan For Use of Department. The first draft of a departmental plan for taking examinations under the honor system was adopted by a board of class presidents, which met at the Union yesterday afternoon. The plan will be modified to suit the par- ticular needs of each department, and- will then be submitted to the several classes for ratification. The scheme is the result of a thor- ough analysis of such systems used in representative colleges throughout the country, and combines the best points found in all of them. The com- mittee, under Ralph M. Snyder, '13L, chairman, has made a careful study. of the methods used in the Universities of Texas, Cornell, Princeton, the Car- negie Institute, and the New York State high school system, and has evolved a composite plan which it considered would adequately meet conditions here. According to the program adopted by the board, the presidents of Ell the classes in each department will amend the outline as they think necessary, using the present plan as a basis, and then report, back to the board. Each president will then appoint a com- mittee of members of his own class, and all'th committees in each depart- ment will meet and together work out in detail a final plan which will be turned over to each class with the recommendation that it be adopted. If- a majority of classes in a de- partment accept the plan, it is to be considered that the honor system has been officially adopted by that depart- . (Continued on page 4.) SENIOR RECEPTION OFFICIALS CHOSEN Work on the 1913 senior reception commenced in earnest yesterday, on the announcement of the various com- mittee chairmen with their commit- tees by general chairman Leonard Waterman, '13M. As is the custom, the senior recep- tion chairmen met last week and the general officers were apportioned ac- cording to the rotation system, this be- ing the medics' year to lead. The following are the officers and committees: Leonard Waterman, '13M, general chairman; D. S. Birney, '13L, general secretary; Morton R. Hunter, '13E, general treasurer; Howard Wilson,'13, general auditor. General arrangements-Chairman, Harold McGee, Miss Grace Hull, T. Gilbert, D. W. Krankshaw,, C. Allen. Decorations - Chairman, Dexter Reinhart, Miss Harriet Carroll, J. Otte, R. Cluell, R. Boonstra. Invitations-Chairman, W. R. Mc- Clure. W. Mahon. Music-Chairman, Norm Reed, Stan Mills, H. A. Schuck. Reception-Chairman, Walt Fiske, Miss L. Brown, J. Bowerman, P. Weis- man. PROF. DE MURALT WILL ACT AS CONSULTING ENGINEER. Prof. C. L. de Muralt of the electri- cal engineering department, left last week for Germany, where he, will act as consulting engineer on the work of the electrification of the .Stadt and Ring Bahn at Berlin. He expects to be gone until the middle of next month. During his absence his classes will be conducted by Mr. W. Wines, ur Season Ticket to the Single Admission, 65 Cents