THE 31IChIGAN DAILY. Remind You ', E 11,I 1 o;, IN ADVANCE. Arglrm tn fteFr ry _______ _________________club vill b heild in room- 407 of the LOST. ci\ nnbidig ednesday eve~n- ___jgAt 7:30 ococ.The meeting txviii I , '--Bet e en corner of Twelfth and be called to order by Richard A. Ham- that Spring" is here and so are we with a complete- line of shoes for the season. Watch for Wednesdayf Specials at LMOR~E SHOE COMPANY' 119 SOUTH MAIN STREET Monroe, streets and Barbour "'Ym, Conklin self-filling pen." Call 1153 4 140 To,'12, wvho will give a talk oan CapLife and Camp-. Equipment," giv ing some interesting details on the Pad .ace of Sweets LET Frt-t~i h the Iee cree-ii ' .knd Sororities ON MAIN SRE T,(st--On north side of Huron St., be- work. C'arnot Valiton, '13, will speak tween Ann St. and N. Ingalls St., or en the subject of "Grazing Reconnais- on N. Ingalls between Huron and! sance." Cornwell. Pl., a cross and bead gar- net necklace. Finder please return Grad to R eceive Government Position. to 1027 East Huron St., and receive Robert H. Clancy, '07,-,of Detroit, suitable reward., 1t resent private secretary to --- -_r_. ix Doremus of that city, L os t-Slide rule on euron r M--. 'll ILau oned confidential secre- Return to A. N. Lair, 72, akettry',ldi F. Sweet, '74L, recently Hlall. Reward.. 143 ;po ili ed a:sistant secretary of the ___________- - Dpartmlenct of Comml~erce. Contrarie Mary; Souvenir Scores and I sheet music for sale. at Shcel A lai~sforCo iedoirsln Son's Music House. tf 17iX.aon for reg,3istr ation Pnext 4_______ _____ fall in thec combined lit-law and lit- Beautiful leather bound books for i medi1c courses must be handed in at gi:fts at Fosters. tteregi s trar's o "I ce by May 15. This _____________________________- a~ aplie tothesix year lit-medic FALL'S n acordace with the action FRESH EN FL FOR oth c re _-,ts and the lit faculty in m a "ontiiin? : that course for another FRIVOLOUS FASHIONSyear. -______ This year's classes have responded i'. iLESN'1-11 EVES to -the call of fashion more readily CLIN OETR UIES than any of recent years, and accord- ing to the State street merchants more. ElI3er P. Grierson, 112-11.4L, has left cap hae lredy ee sod tissea 1the university to accept a position caps have alrady aen old this sea with a large conistruction company in son than during all of last year. ; Detroit, of whichl he has been made The sale was particularly heavy last secretary. Be has, no intenations of w eek during the warm spell; not many resuming the study of law. of the "Saucers" making their appear- Grierson has taken> c ome new styles in Spring Shirts, with French Cuffs with collar to match.' VARSITY TOGGERY. SHOP 1107 S. University Ave, LADIE.5' Iroidery Collar and Cuff Sets at 61-4 EAST LIBE~RTY STREET fI and during the passing of the classes Ithe steps of west hall present a cred- ible imitation of a snow storm. Last year the freshmen were partic- ularly backward in securing the offi- cial headgear, but the members of this year's classes are show, ing the proper class and university spirit in almost unianimouly donning the dictume of the muse- of PaIs. Severl mrem~lbers of tlhe tudent counceil stated last night, as their, in- dividual opinion, that in view of the progressive spirit of the( class of 1916 in so fully complying with their duties in this regard,, there w.ould undoubted- ly be no confiscation day this year. Chips lQnittt ill F uriiish Muisic Fresh laws v ill hold their annual banquet at the Allenel hotel Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Professors Knowlton and B~ogle w ill represent the faculty, and V. C. _Miller will act as toastmaster. J. S. Crawford and H. C. Bogle will be the student speakers, and the class quartette will furnish the musical part of the program. Numerous "stunts" have been arranged by the committee, and the admission cards may be secur- ed from them for $2.00. Devin R utli c aes for Waingvton. Dean Karl E. 'Guthe, of the graduate rlplils R'cital Wednesday. Adv-anced pjupils of the voice and pi- ano depairtmn ts of the University School of Music will appear in public recital Wednesday after noon at 4:15 o'clock at the LUni vesity School of Music. The public is cordially invited to listen to thIe following musicians. :lolcenaie.4, No. 2 ......, Chopin Heleny \Vhedon Widmung ......... ...... Schumann Mildred lBarchus Polonaise, Op. 44 ............ Chopin Ethel McGregory. Thhe Eagle............. McDovell Etude..................... Godard Mary Murphy Come, gentle night........... Elgar Mrs. A. E. Tracy Concerto, D minor, 0O). 22, Wieniawsky (Second -anid'Third movements) Dorothy Barthoff (A) Mendoline .............. Debussy (1t) Printemps Nouveau....Vidal Eleanor Hornby Quartet, G major (Koechel No. 387) .M.. . .o.. . . .. . . . R czirt (Third and Fourth Movements) Mlarian Struble, Thelma Newell., W. Votruba, 1H. pus. The Lark .......... Clinka-Balakireff Elora SnyderI Kreisleriana, Nos. 1 and 2.. Schumann1 Carrie Staggs (A) At Dawning....... .... CadmanI (B) Yeoman's Wedding Song .... .... ........Poniatowski i Chase Sikes Variations on a theme of Schumann, Op. 9.....:............... Brahms Catherine Westervelt Ihave no connection 'Whatever with I_____ any olie .r store.* A FI~~rcan be Proud of the 1 Q\V...)Y . I - w 1913Z Hondorson-£1 H. P., 4 Gy~iIders, Chain Drive, Big Tires-$325 The mhan w ho rid baElenderson has a machine to be proud of. It is silent. It is pnowerful. It i is long and low and easy riding. Itstaris with -a crani, 1nste ad or by peddling;- and the feet are rested ins comfort on ro, boi rds.i The co 1(,:e ;nuri's disciiinination will tell him that the llenderEon is by far tli e mn).t desirable motoreycle by reason of the advantages of its four-cyli'nder construction). And we orediet that, amng~ co 'lege men, the Henderson will win the greati popularity 't5 hai attained rumor) ; bhe wisest buyers of motorcyc'es. 5 rson torcyce C o. 1153Ds as Aan ce Detroit, Mich. Ho 1(E I S. Pinney& Co*. WHERE A DOLLAR DOSS ITS 'DUTY ppetite boom, let the children. know- you: have a package of 1 d epartmenlit, eft yesterday afternooni for Washington, D. C., where he will -M attend the annual conyention' of the National Academy of Science, of which In 100 packages at all grocers. x le is a member. He is expected to re- - - - Holland, Michigan turn to Ann Arbor Friday night. Stoffset and Elliott 110 East Washington St. Distributors for Washtonaw County IS iL..,_., 6=amm=m 1 Dni-rmmon9 ea are taking orders for caps and gowns, for Swing Out Day, Etc., (May, 8th,) and can save you many steps-, being across from the ew Audi2toiuM+ Caps ,ad Gowns for all Departments. Quality and Price Guaranteed. odeposit reuired 'ithorder, f f4, _, . .. s: ! , 4 ' , 1, :'% ', aef x ..,? a a f . .r 3 ' t !? , 'a fC t Ave. ; 8 wss, :, .rz ' . Y '. wY . r t n _...: - .. _ e . ,_.,.._,._, .,'x'ax353 Fi37y iring GoodsaeArvnDly Each day brings new assortment of the nobbiest spring clothing for young men. Easter corms early and you will have to think of your4 Easter clothes sooner than usual. Look over our large stock before purchasing, fewr Fall and Winter Sits and Overcoats at sac- rifice prices. Relioni , Figel a