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April 22, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-04-22

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No. 140.





Weeks Search For Victims of
rton Dam Accident Ends
When Two Boys Discover
Last Body.
ers Had Never Stopped Work-
g From Time of Drowning
Until Sunday.
three weeks search for the vic-
f the Barton dam canoeing ac-

Forecast for Ann Arbor-Cloudy and
warmer with possibly showers.
University 'Observatory -Monday,
7-:00 p. i., temperature 50.8; naxi-
mum temperature 24 hours preceding,
57.7; minimum temperature 24 hours
preceding, 29.1; wind velocity 8 miles
per hour.
Every member of the Comedy club
intending to try out for a part in the
play for next year is urged to attend
the meeting of the club this evening
at 7:30 o'clock in the Cercle Francais
rooms. This is the first assembly of

ED r E rE
Representalive e
O ne [ 17,Fli S ito1'Y 4i l
With Snt
Subb &ninte of Vl , Presidenit l
Presen pan i&~ Aoptin
Representative students in the var>
ous dGpartnlts on the campus are al-
most unanimous in andorsing the ac-
tion of the class presidents in prepar-
ing a definite plan of taking examina-
tions under the honor system, for the
reason that the change contemplated
is one which begins with the students
themselves, rather than with the fac-
"It must not be foisted on the stu-
dents by the professors," said Selden
Dickenson, president of the senior lits,
?ast night. "It must come from with-
in; it must grow and be cultivated, not
built artificially. When the proper
high sense of individual honor has
been developed, methods of punishing
o _en.,ders work out of thir own ac-
"The honor system will do more
than any one thing toward making the
student body ready for self-govern-
ment. There will be no need of the so-.

V I d~ rthy, '131, Forced to Give
iUtside Activities on Ac-
count of Press of
University Work.
Aidorson, 'B;E, Htoward Ford,
B, aiid Hubert Muckley, '13L,
o 'I T:iding Candidates.
Vere L. McCarthy, '13L, manager of
the "<r ,ity baseball team has been
oblged to resign his position on ac-
c(unt of unforeseen press of college
work. McCarthy submitted his res-
ignation at a meeting of the board of
directors of the athletic association
yesterday afternoon, but it was decid-
ed by the board not to allow the res-
ignation to go into effect until his suc-
cessor is appointed. It is probable
th a new baseball manager will be
appointed at a meeting of the board
called for this afternoon.
"The amount of work I am carrying
in order to graduate requires so much
tim," said McCarthy last evening,
'that I find I must give up my outside
activities. This was entirely unfor-
seen by me, and needless to say I re-
Bret eery much that I cannot contin-
ue in the office to which I was elect-
No action as to McCarthy's success-

was closed Sunday morning the semester, and it is important that

vhen Paul Wolf and Edwin Staeb ac-
idently discovered the body of Ella
ysdorp. While canoeing among the
earching parties they noticed a string
oating on the surface of the river
bout 100 feet below the Whitmore
oad bridge. They investigated and
iscovered it was attached to the wo-
van's clothing.
The authorities were notified but
ould not raise the body until the
and had been shovelled away. Miss
.ysdorp's father took charge of the
emains and accompanied them to the
mily hbme at Spring lake yester-
ay afternoon.
Miss Rysdorp, Archie Crandall, '16,
nd John Bacon, '15 were drowned
a Sunday, March 30 when their
anoe was sucked into the turbine
ues at the new Barton dam. Jane
icks, '15, who was the fourth mem-
er of the party was rescued by Wal-
r Yost, an employe of the water
lant after she had stood in water up
> her neck for four hours and watch-
I her companions slip from sight.
Since the tragedy a search has been
)ntinued that proved baffling for
ver two weeks Two divers made at-1
mpts to recover the bodies without
iccess and large parties of students
orked day after day without locating
te three. The university sent profes-
ors to direct the work and the entire
impus waited in suspense. Rewards
ere offered for the recovery of the
)dies and last Tuesday afternoon,
acon was found. Searching by torch
ght the same night, the body of Cran-
all was discovered and the efforts
ere then directed toward finding
iss Rysdorp. By shutting off the
ater at the new dam, the river was
wered Sunday and the shallow water
ade the discovery rather simple.
The University Y. M. C. A. Busrah
)mmittee is carrying on an extensive
impaign to raise money in addition to
at received Sunday evening at the
.th annual S. C. A. meeting for the
edical and industrial project in Bus-
,h, Arabia. It is estimated that the
st of supporting the mission during
e year 1913 will approximate $2,600,
bicb,, with the notes outstanding,
ings the total needed to $4,000. Of
is amount, $980.50 has already been
By means of a systematic campaign
e committee expects to reach every
te in the university and to raise the
eded amount of money by the end'
the -week. Each department has
general chairman as follows: dental,
',E. Brown, '13; medical, W. E. For-
the, '13; engineering, Edward How-
1, '13; homeopathic, Harold L. Mor-
s, '13; literary, Clare Searls, '13;
id law, O. L. Smith, '13. There are
5 committeemen and each have been
signed 20 men for personal inter-

all members turn out Plans for the
next year's production will be discuss-
ed, and only those members present
will be allowed to try -ut for the play.
Represents Michigan in Inter-state
Peace Contest to Be Held
Friday Night.



Michigan will be represented in the
Central Inter-state Peace contest at
Goshen, Indiana, Friday,, April 25, by
Paul Blanshard, '14, who won the
Michigan State Peace contest at Ypsi-
lanti last month.
There will be representatives of five
states competing in this contest, and
the winner will go into the national
contest against the winners of the
western and eastern inter-state con-
tests. Last year there were only two
inter-state contests, and the year be-
fore, only one, which was the national
contest; but this year so many more
colleges are represented that three
divisions have been made.
Ray B. Weavr, of Carroll College,
will represent Wisconsin, and E. A.
Hollowell, of Earlham College, is the
speaker for Indiana; but the Ohio
State contest was not held last Fri-
day, and it is not yet known here who
won. Pennsylvania will probably also
be in this group, rather than in the
eastern section.
The western contest will be held in
St. Louis May 3, Illinois, Iowa, Missou-
ri, Nebraska, and South Dakota being
the states represented. New York,
New England, Virginia, and the Caro-
linas comprise the eastern section.
Blanshard will deliver his oration,
"The Evolution of Patriotism," in Uni-
versity Hall Thursday morning at
10:30 o'clock; and will leave that af-
ternoon, accompanied by Pro'. T. C.
Trueblood, for Goshen.
The student council committee on
disciplinary measures will report
back to the council at a meeting
which will be held to-night in room
302 N. W. at 7:00 o'clock. This com-
mittee has had. charge of deciding on
the punishment to be meted out to
any who may he found guilty in the
council investigation of the J hop
A committee on cheer leaders, which
has been conferring with the athletic
association, will also report back to-
night. Dates for cap night and the
spring contests will probably be set
at tonight's meeting.

called paternalism if there be a finely or was taken by the board of direct-
sharpened student conscience. The ors at yesterday afternoon's meeting
The personal responsibility engender- other than to agree that the resigna-
ed by putting a man on his honor and tion should not be accepted until a suc-
trusting to his word as a gentleman cesso ; is appointed. Under the con-!
cannot help but operate strongly in stitution the right of appointing a new
the moulding of better citizens for the' baseball manager lies with the boardj
university republic." of directors, and it is believed that a
erner W. Schroeder, '14, declared successor will be chosen at this af-
that the main trouble with the present ternoon's ieeting.
systm is that few faculty men care to As has been the case in other in-
make themselves policemen. As a re- stncos of this kind, the successor to
suit, this puts a premium on cheating, the resigning manager may be chosen
he said, because no student will volun- from among the men who ran against
tarily appoint himself inspector of his him in the election by which he receiv-
neighbor's conduct, however much ed his office. Bruce E. Anderson, '13E,
theating he may see. As to a reform, and Howard Ford, '13, were McCar-
he says: thy's opponents last fall and it is prob-
"This can be remedied by an honor able one of them may be chosen to fill
system which -laces the responsibili- ihe position. It is also possible that
ty with a man's fellow student's where the board will appoint Herbert Muck-
it belongs, and not with the instructor. ley, '13L, who has served as a mem-
We want to arouse public opinion on erb of the 1912 baseball committee
ahis to such an extent that'cribbing' and has been working with Manager
will be looked upon as an offense McCarthy this year. It is conceded
against tradition and public morals. however, that the choice lies between
A strong sentiment can be created these' three men.
here, and it will do the work." j
"Bubbles" Paterson, '14E, Frank C. MICHIGAN INTERSCIIOLASTIC
Gibbs, '131 , and other engineers do MEET TO BE HELD MAY 23-24.
not believe that conditions -in their de- -
partment arc bad enough' to warrant About 25 Inquiries Have Already Been

Polls Will Open at 7:30 A. M. April 29,
Members Must Show Tickets
in Ordert o Tote
Engineering society will hold their
annual election in room 311 of the En-
gineering building April 29 at 7:30
o'clock. Members must present mem-
bership tickets in order to vote. The
candidates are: Pres. R. H. Braun, C.
B. Pfeifer; Vice Pres. Leslie Del, A.
T. Ricketts; Cor. Sec. W. H. Schom-
berg; Rec. Sec. Fred Van de Laere, S.
B. Douglas; Treas. B. C. Budd, D. W.
Taylor; Lib. A. B. Frederick, C. J. Tay-
lor; Registrar W. C. Case, H. F. Hut-
zel; Membership Co. T. G. Abrams, C.
W. Howell, T. N. Noble, George Wiley;
Member executive com. 0. W. Hall, S.
R. Wilson.
An effort is being made to obtain
an out-of-town speaker for the ban-
quet which will be held on April 30.
Talks will also be given by several of
the faculty. Tickets are 75 cents, and
may be obtained in the Engineering
society room any time today.
First Annual Walking Stick 'Assump-
tion Day to Be Held
Senior lits, engineers, laws and
dents will combine tomorrow after-
noon and evening in the celebration of
the first cane day in the history of the
university. The main features of the
day will be the attending of the Mich-
igan-Georgia game, an entertainment'
by the musical clubs, and the first all
senior sing of the season. The entire
celebration will be informal.
Seniors of the four departments,
who proudly swing their canes on sun-,
ny afternoons, will assemble at the
Ferry field gates before the game at
4:05 o'clock. They will then enter,
the grandstand in a body, where a spe-
cial block of seats will be reserved for
them. After the game the seniors will
advance up State street in an informal
group, after which they will disband
At 7:15 the seniors and their walk-
ing sticks will again assemble at thet
campus band-stand, where the musical
clubs will be ready to entertain them
with an open-air concert. After the
close of the entertainment by the mu-
sical clubs, the senior cane wearers
will join in the first all senior sing
of this season.
It is expected that this informal cel-i
ebration will establish the custom of;
wearing canes as a senior emblem as
a Michigan tradition on a firm basis
as well as set a precedent for future
Junior lit women will hold the last
of their luncheons at the Union Sat-
urday noon A program of toasts is
being prepared and special musical
numbers will be featured. Mrs. J. R.
Effinger and Mrs. Mortimer E. Cooley
are to act as chaperones. A dance will
follow the lunch. Tickets can be pro-
cured from the committee before Fri-
Speaks-to Y. W. C. A. Members Today.

Members of the Y. W. C. . will hear
Miss Lucy Pierson speak this after-
noon at 5:00 o'clock in Newberry hall
on her w ork in the large cities. She
is field secretary of the national board
of Y. W. C. A. directors.

After three months of vacillating ex-
ile, the tango came into its own- at the
hands of the Michigan Union dance
committee at its meeting' Sunday af
ternoon. Hereafter five numbers will
be devoted to the tango every
Saturday night. Tango music will be
played for these dances, and on these
occasions only,, the committeemen and
chaperones will look on in an uncon-
cerned manner, while the joysome
frolic goes on unabated.
All except the stipulated dances will
be waltzes and two-steps. No tan-
going will be allowed at these times,
but the rule will not work vice versa,
as other dances will be permitted dur-
ing the numbers reserved for tangoes.
The ban on the so-called "clutch-
hold" has not been removed. Danc-
ing of this kind will be frowned upon
even more vigorously than in the past,
and radical efforts will be exerted to
eliminate any dances listed as objec-
tionable in any way.
According to the men in charge of
the Union dances, the change of atti-
tude in regard to the tango came about
as a natural result of altered student
sentiment. , It is pointed out that
where this dance was only an inno'a-
tion when it was barred, and conse-
quently not practiced by the majority
of those attending the weekly affairs,
it has come to be a more or less estab-
lished institution, and as such deserv-
es recognition.
The dance committeemen assert that
the tango was never disbarred for any
moral scruples, but rather on account
of the inconvenience it entailed to the
other dancers on the floor. With the
present compromise, it is expected
that both the tangoers and those not
so affected will have the largest
amount of enjoyment.
"Confiagratins and Means of Their
Prevention" will bethe subject of a
talk by Mr. J. K. Freitag, '90E, this
afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in room 348
of the engineering building. Mr. Frei-
tag, who was formerly assistant engi-
neer at the World's exposition in Chi-
cago, is now with the A. B. Robbins
Iron company of Boston. He is also
the author of the books, "Fireproof-
ing of Steel Buildings" and "On Fire
Protection". The lecture, which will
be illustrated, will be open to the pub-
League Plays Postponed Until May 25
Tennyson's "Falcon" and Juliet
Tompkins' "For the First Time" will
not be offered at the meeting. of the
Women's League this week as schedul-
ed. The plays will be presented at the
annual election of officers to be held
May 25.
J Engineers Still Collect Dues.
Junior engineers will collect class
dues tomorrow from 8:00 to 12:00
o'clock in the Engineering society
rooms. At the "pay day" last week
nearly $60.00 was collected.

Committee Decides to Devote Five
Numbers to the Erstwhile
Barred Amusement at
Saturday Parties

"Clutch-hold" is Still on List
Strongly Forbidden


a change. "There is no pressing need
over here, except possibly in a very
few classes," said Gibbs, "and I don't
believe an honor system in exams is'
necessary . I am, 'however, in favor
of a universally applied honor system
such as that at Leland Stanford, where
honor is in the very atmosphere, and
the absolute trust which is placed in
each student no one ever thinks of
J. J. Kennedy, president of the sen-

Received ro State High

Michigan's interscholastic track and
field meet will be held May 23 and 24.
These dates have been made final and
arrangements are being rapidly com-
pleted for the holding of the meet on
these dates.
"We.have already received about 25
nquiries concerning the meet," said
interscholastic Manager Carpenter

ior laws, and J. L. Crane, '13E, think last evening. "Our prospectuses will
he system should be of a repressive be ready to send out this week, and
nature and a pledge required as well j after that time we expect the entries
as the reporting of violations to a stu- to begin coming in. The entry lists
dent honor columitece. "This is ady nill be open until May 13, ten days
an honor system," admitted Kennedy, prer ic the meet.
"rut more lie student ontrl and -
that is jut how the exa:s should be Lr a (et Foroign Position,
conducted. If exams are for the good '. .:. B.S., '97P, was recently
of the students, they should be allwed oint'd chief chemist with the "As-
to control them so as they shall b 1- sc: acion Productores de Azucar" of
(Continued on page 4.) Rio Pieras, Porto Rico.

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I Wednesday,
Window in

Annme.1 P1ay oii *tC Cercic Freencais
a IN
New "hitney Theare. Friday, April 25

Thursday and Friday
Theatre Box Office
Prices, : 50e, 75c, $1.0

.H.--10-12; 2-4

75c, $1.00


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