THE MICHJGAN DAILY 1W R =1 I. ' The Largest and Most Expensive PictureEverShown 1! i tA HOES Our J. & M. Oxfords are exact reproduc- tions of the English Flat Last $14 Bench made Shoes, and sell for $6.00. See them. I "FROM THE MANGER TO THE CROSS" A Kalem Bibical Masterpiece Wagner ( Co State Street Sigrn of the BT White Sho a forest a n Uea iRoom Orders Taken for Banquets )rest Avenue. Phone 1238-J ant to start an appetite boom, let the children know you have a package of ,. gigIlk1 spiciest, ost tantalizing cookies ever made. In 1 Oc packages at all grocers. HOLLAND RUSK COMPANY, Holland, Mich. If Your Spring Suit is Made by Royal Tailors it will satisfy you in every particular. It will be made just as you dictate and guaranteed to fit perfectly. The 500 pure wool samples are waiting for you. le Campus Bootery 308 SOUTH STATE -1 The mmm Presents a film which has re- quired eight months of artistic industry to produce. TEN CENTS ADMISSSION FAREWELL RECEPTION WILL BE TENDERED TO FIRS. GEWORGE A farewell reception will be ten- dered Mrs. Minnie Spence George, swimming instructor in Barbour gym, Wednesday afternoon in the league parlors at the gym from 3:00 until 6:00 o'clock. All women who intend to come must notify one of the follow- ing before Monday night: Jeanette Higgins, Edel Ehrhorn, Margaret Kin- ney,, Romaine Bramwell or Miriam Hubbard. PROSPECT1VTE JUNIOR WONE+N DISCUSS ADVISORY SYSTEM. Prof. M. P. Tilley and Phyllis Dunn, vice-president of the junoa fits, spoke to the sophomore women at the Union yesterday on the junior advisory sys- tem. Work is to be started at once se- curing the names of the women intend- ing to make Michigan their alma mater next year so that the present sopho- mores can get in touch with them this summer. All sophomore women who wish to act as advisors to freshmen nextyear are requested to see Dean Myra . Jordan at once. The first 60 women handing in their names will constitute the advisory committee for next year. EVERYNAN IS RECEIVED WITH ENTHUSIASM. (Continued from page 1.) and Leo Carroll and Albert Easdale in their various parts. The proceeds of the performance will be devoted to the dramatic library of the university. MAKE GENERAL SEARCH FOR BODY TODAY (Continued from page 1.) Prof. C. T. Johnston; J. W. Morrison, '14, and Supt. of Grounds 3. H. Marks, who will have charge of the search. They will explain the manner in which the work is to be done, and the canoe- ists will be asked to separate into small parties of five or six, as more efficient work can be done by this method, than by the plan of forming a large line across the river. Every piece of clothing will be examined, as it is thought that the body is almost entirely covered by the shifting sands, and no clue will be passed. The water in the river was high and the current was swift all yesterday, so that practically nothing could be done. Only about 20 students were engaged in the hunt, and the condi- tions made the labor extremely -diffi- cult. The reward for the recovery of the body has been raised from $35 to $50. D~ otrell & Leonard ALBANY, NEW YORK - mAKERSO F r Caps & Glowns To the American Universities from the Atlantic to fhe Pacific. Class Contracts a Specialty l Service The J. W. Knapp mail order service is brought home to the customer wherever residing by means of samples and other merchandise in- formation which will be promptly sent upon re- quest. If there is anything that you find it im- possible to get in Ann Arbor; trimmings, dress goods, silks or laces, etc., which you desire to match, send to the J. W. Knapp store. The stocks of the J. V. Knapp store are unusually large and complete. Your request for samples will receive the same careful attention that a large order would receive. - Remember we pre- pay all charges on mail orders and guarantee satisfaction or refund your money. r New Spring Catalogue If you have not received one of our new spring catalogues, send us a post card with your name and ,address and a copy will be mailed to you immediately. You should not fail to get one of these catalogues. It pictures the 'newest styles in women's, misses', children's, and juniors' wearing apparel at wonderfully moderate prices. Anything you may order from this catalogue will be sent to you all charges prepaid. You may safely order anything from this catalogue be- cause we guarantee perfect satisfaction or re- fund your money MalI Order Makers of eeGymbloom"" Gymnasium Suits it we---®® "Gymbioam" gymnasium suits are not to be classed with the ordinary gymnasium suits. They are made on hon- or and according to in- dividual measurements. The all wool serge that goes into the famous "Gymbloom" gymna- sium suits is stem spong- ed, shrunk and spot proof. They are madel' under the most perfect sanitary conditions. We 7y have been supplyingl4 schools, colleges and universities for some years past. Any infor- mation that we_ can give you about "Gymbloom" gymnasium, basket-ball, bathing and swimming suits will -be gladly furn- ished you on request. I the Merchant that knocks anoth- r. He never gives one dollars' vorth for a dollar and usually has bout six prices. Buy your Clothes and Furnish- Jgs at the HART, SCHAFFNER & IARX Store. We have but 0 N E f Makers of "Gymbloom Gymnasium Suits IE, and the Quality is always Best. 9 aS to r e t e ? d o e a i a d v e r t s e d" 9 CRAL.MMO.REIUABLE STORE aranjc . 7.icts' Utz Clothing Store imnw of Hart, Schaffner & Marx clothes Episcopal Theological School CAMBRIDGE, MASS. The location ofiers un' qualled oppor- tunity for graduate work at Harvard University. For (atalogu e ad res s Dean Hodges. The State Savings Bank Wm I Booth, President Wm. Arnold, Vice-Presiden John C Walz, Jr., Cashier The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,000 Resourses $3,000,000 General Dunking Business Transaic d Officers: Chas. E. Hiscock. Pres., W. D. Harri- maa. Vice-Pres. M. J. Fritz, Cashier. So. Main Street Down Town U U mmm ... .._ ' I U GM herh CMaedie i Photogrampher We didn't believe it possible in 1912--but our range of designs for 1913 for College and School Portraits-=welI just come and see for yourself Make Appointments for Sittings, 619 E. Liber