THE MICHIGAW D.AILY. t if .f in style. offer you stylish clothing asy for us but would soon )ubting the value of our FFRTRNT JEWELERS AN]) STATIONERS PHOTOGRAPHY study the difference between and correct style so that you feel secur in any selection nay make here. re is an individuality in the, of Stein =Bloch .Smart Clothes pleases the critical buyer==a e at yourself in a Stein-Bloch g suit, before our big m-irrors, ns why. mitt, ApfcN&Company Jewelers, Stationers, Opticiaa ns, and Fraternity Jewelers. 207-211 WOOD WARD A VENUTE, DETROIT. is being intro ticed in many leading univerwities. It is essential in every college manis life that he knew how'to take picturEs. Can you conceive or a better opportunity than you now have to learn how? The Michigan stu-dent who fails to take advantage of this opportunity is making a great mistake. You can buy a Kodak from $3.00 up to $igo.oo, accordir g to the amount you want to invest, and any one of them will take good p~cture-. You canr r ut them, gocd ones, for icoc per day.. We furnl-lih theta fer ou better and cheaper than anywhere in the United States. LNDON I I if- 'MY~K~J Telephone 458 719 N. University Ave. I Just received: A. terns and coloring. tailorin g. Nobby Line of Summer Woolens of the newest pat- Get the Habit. Come where you get individual Dross Suits For Rent. F. A*, MYLES, :: 607 East William Street ; U LL:, 1.1 ji correctness in our Spring' IOU wzill find Summer Suits for men and a delightful lot of and ADS IN TillS COLUMN ARE TO BE Telephone 716 LOCKS and you will get .to y~o i r classes on time and all clocks guaranteed. New --'cation. 1 EAST WASHINGTON STREET L. CHAPMAN, Jewefe- A yrt Store RIeasonable Prices, l 4 Prompt Service and t lath Good Workmanship. I I i.St r e e PAID FOR IN :ADVANCE. ! FOR SALE. Canoe For Sale-Senior leaving in June. Joint use this spring. Call 1199-L. 138-39 Contrarie Mary Souvenir Scores and sheet music for sale at Sehaeberle & UNIVER"ItSITY NOTICE. Son's Music House. tfI ~Il 0 We press by hand.: Ladies' and Gen- tlemen's clothing carefully pressed by experienced tailors. C. 1. Kidd, ,1112 S. University. Tu-Fri-Sun-tf Open every evening until 9:30. Sun- days from 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lyndon's Kodaks, films, fllash- lights, 719 N. University. Sun Fri There wil be a meeting of the soph liit class Tuesday at 4:00 p. in. All sub-departmental committee chairmen of the erngineering depart- ment "exhibit, are requested to meet to- morrow afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock in room 241,, engineering building. Junior lit baseball practice Monday afternoon South Ferry field, :3:30 ~o'clock. Cercle Francals will not meet Mon- day night. Men's section of the Deutscher Ver- ein wiil hold its regular semi-monthly meeting Monday night at 8:00 o'clock. Martha Washington' Candy is the best. Fresh every day at the Universi- ty Pharmacy. Sun. Macdonald : -"American Universities and the World Situation." Tonight, "U" Hall 8:00 p. mn. 139 Old Hampshire Vellum, the latest in the writing papers at Fosters. (2) Hats, Caps, and Gents Furnishings young men, and even greater delight in our modest prices. -A U I visit should convince you. WADHAMS C) 9, COMPANY $15.00 to $30,.00 121-123,~S. Main St. 0i Who Does the Best Kodak Finuishing We can show y-ou. Bring in your fil n. Films de- veloped 10c per roll. Prints 3c up. CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 So., State Street Nine Michigan Graduates in Busrah, Arabia-4 medics, 2 engineer, 2 fits, 1 nurse.: Find out why at "U" Hall to- night. 139 Uq ---- --- .-- - .COX SONS & INING, New York GEORGE BISCiIOFF I MAKERS Or ... florist. .. ACADEMIC COSTUMES CHOICE CUJT FLOWERS AND PLANTS a+YcapAS, Gowns 8 Hoods for All Degrees. Ann Arbor, Miehigan ______________MACK & CO, Representatives I p WHINEY THE TR , TESDYTHE SAME GREAT SUCCESS AS PLAYED AT THE NEW AMSTERDAM THEATRE, NEW YORK I E TUTTLE 'S ON STATE STREET We Serve Hot Lunches I The Dryaaic senation o he Season The BY EUGENE~ WALTERS ADAPTED FROM THE WIDELY READ BOOK OF THE SANIE NAME BY JOhN FOX, JR. I w Shirts Prices: 35 =50 75=1,00=1.5 0 Seats now sellin g fuill assortment of sizes and patterns in both cl-)hs, of the Longfellow Shirt. They 'gee style with both starclhed and soft cuffs. -dows for displays of this exclusive shirt; or show you the entire line. A I I WhitnieyTheatr~e, Stra,,Ar2 I". ,, &. COMPANY ON E IGCHT OILY rS 342 S. State Street rd Lewis Summer Underwear. i HEN Eft MARY" Music I IN n Sale te I+ Rainbow" AT' Across from !Majestic ByA.a IE. THOMAS NHOTE-Mr. Miller will be supported here by the same superb company that appeared with him through- out the all-season run at the Liberty Theatre, in New York, last year. gr-m hought of' this before, thome might like a Score ;'" Prices, 50c,' ?5G5 $1,00,. $1,50, $2A0 ,Seat Sale Wednesday, April 23 I I WAMM " 2 w Iuy Your Suppiest T C I. I' I THE TUDETSTR Sundaes, Cigars, etc., etc. Anything You May Need. GOULDING &WIKEL, P rop rietors 1219 South Univer