THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. ._ . . s t L _ 1 _ fi The Past? No! The Future? No! The Present? Yes!' Cu, rent style is the only style. Its is what you want at the time you want it. We supply it, in our tailored-to-measure elcthes. You'll be happy with it. Get it. WHITNEY THEATRE, TU ESDAY THE SAME GREAT SUCCESS AS PLAYED AT THE NEW AMSTERDAM THEATRE, NEW YORK APRIL 22 The Dramatic Sensation of the Season I The Trai' of the Lonesome Pine, BY EUGENE WALTERS ADAPTED FROM THE WIDELY READ BOOK OF THE SAl1E NAME BY JOHN FOX, JR. Prices: 35=50=75=1.00=1.50 Seats now selling ,,,,.. I-i SHIRTS TO ORDER J. Karl Malcolm, East Liberty Malcolm Block k ould It Be Worth 25c LEAVES SOON FOR' BUSRAH MISSION Miss Minnie Holzhauser, '13, who has just finished three years of train- ing in the homeopathic hospital, will begin her trip to Busrah, Arabia, May 24. She will work in a hospital there under the direction of Dr. Bennett, '04M. Previous to her training here, Miss Holzhauser spent two years at North- western University. She will make a brief farewell address in University Hall at the 55th annual meeting of To,You 7' """10.00 UW7 GETS IMPORTANT FEDERAL POSITION Prof. J. W. Glover has been ap- pointed expert special agent of the Bureau of the Census, to supervise the preparation of a special volume of the 1910 census. The book will contain mortality tables for the Unit- ed States for each registration state and various large cities of the coun- try, something that has never been undertaken by the government. Prof. Glover has also been appoint- ed to act as collaborator to the direct- or of the Office of Public Roads. He will prepare several monographs on the subject of evaluation of securities and various methods of issuing gov- ernment road bonds. It 'is the pur- pose of the federal governmentpto spend large sums of money in assist- ing the states to build public high- ways and in this connection, he will see that the bond issues conform technically to the conditions present- ed. SEVERAL POSITIONS FILLED. Union Committee Give Out More Than 25 Jobs During Vacation More than twenty-five jobs were given out during spring vacation by the Union employment bureau. There was a steady demand for students to do temporary work and in fact there were more positions offered than there were students to fill them. In the main, the work was for pri- vate families about town although some was offered by'business hous- es. At the present time the bureauI RDERS DELIVERED All Surgical Instruments and Medicine Cases At Less Than Cost Let us show you these goode-you may hawe them at your own price. THE REXALL DKVO STOKE E. C. EDSILL. Proprietor 122 So. Matz%. Str-eet 1'reser-lPtlom SpeciamllstsI USE OUR PJUONE 'NEW DRUG STORE AN UP-TOrIHE-INUJE PLACE TO GET' YOUR Soaps, Towels, Toilet Articles P WANT AD was inserted in the [Ichigan Daily, offering reward 3r the return of a valuable Gold Vatch. It cost 25c to insert the dvertisement. The Watch has een found and returned by one ie Daily's readers. Prescriptions Promptly Filled Sugden Drub Co. 02 S. STATE ST PHONE 1v f -Jf ~O2 . STTE T PhNE 114- %SES LIKE THIS OCCUR EVERY DAY he busy little Daily Want-Ad goes into early every house in Ann Arbor. It is ut for Business and It gets the Result. The Want-Ad Stations are at [ARRY'S DRUG STORE, on State Street. ilVERSITY PHARMACY, on So. University Avenue. VIS & KONOLD, at Cor. Packard and State St. YEMENT OF CAMPUSTO BE - COMMENCED. Jontinued from page ,1.) ration on the large tunnel,, will connect the power-house e campus, has already been A large shaft is now being i the northeast corner of the near the Waterman gymna- om which spot the tunnel will ated, being driven toward the lant. The heaviest part of this ill be done by a travel ling nd- chain drag, and by this t is expected to complete the usiness by July 15. The engi- i charge are now facing the y of getting the enormous 'om the Michigan Central sta- the place where the tunnel is Y. 3. C. A. HAS MANY POSITIONS. Employment Bureau Has Chances Offered For Summer Work. University Y. M. C. A. employment bureau. has carried on an extensive campaign fcr summer work. The fol- lowing requests for men have been made: Three machinists in Cleveland; several machinists and draftsmen in Freeport, Illinois; 12 men for factory and clerical positions at Akron, Illi- nois; two firemen at $2.50 per day; two chauffeurs at $2.50 per day and 15 farm hands at $2.00 per day in Freeport, Illinois; men at $2.00 per day for factory help in Wells, Mich- igan~ Toledo, Ohio, Kalamazoo and Gladstone, Mich.; 10 in-xp srienced men in Menominee, Michigan; men experienced in auto factories and ma- chine shops in Peoria and Bradley, Illinois, and in Detroit and Cleveland; Miss Minnie Holzhauser, '13. the Students' Christian association to- morrow evening at 8:00 p. m. She will sail for London in the "Atlantic Transport" and spend three months there studying tropical diseases,, after which she will continue her trip to Bus rah. Miss Holzhauser has a three year contract atz$600 per year, butshe is making preparations to stay for life, SOCIALIST W11f. GARVER GIVES SHORT HISTORY OF MOVEMENT "The Socialist Movement" was the subject of a lecture by Mr. William L. Garver, the noted socialist, in New- berry hall last night, under the aus- pices of the Socialist Lyceum club. Mr. Garver gave a brief sketch of the history of the movement from its beginning. In characterizing the or- ganization, he said: "The accusation that the socialist advocates class struggle is false. Our chief mission is to eliminate class, but before this can be accomplished we must first recog- nize that they exist." A large audience attended the lec- ture. in Detroit, Indianapolis and Cleve- land. Over 100 jobs were placed during spring vacation and 55 men were kept busy the entire time Seventeen men worked the entire vacation week at a lumber camp near Whitmore Lake. FIUSSERS HAVE CHANCE AGAIN TO CATCH "LOCALS" FOR YPSI Owing to pressure exerted by farm- ers along the car line, the D. U. R. has been forced by the state railroad commission to again run local cars between here and Ypsi. We Cannot Conceive Words that Will Fully Ex- press the Clothes Values We are Offering at has several unfilled positions. All students who are seeking work of any nature whatever are urged to re- gister at the Union so that when an opportunity offers itself they may be reached as soon as possible. There are representatives of the committee at the Union every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday from 4:30 to 5:30 o'clock, but information can always be obtained at the desk if a commit- teeman cannot be reached. MA JESTIC e COW and MOON" MATINEEOf TODAYP. COMING MONDAY NIGHT "MISS NOBODY FROM STARLAND, ORIGINAL PRODUCTION A s IoS You cannot go anywhere in Washtenaw County and duplicate the Style, Quality and Selections of Materials that we have for our customers. The latest fabrics are to be found here, and as to the style-you tell us how you want it made and we will do the rest. You are not limited when you come to this store. ALL Suits Overcoats X17.50 NO More Less Satisfaction Cuaranteed oI ills Co. d. About ii alt tne distance one good farm hand at $30 per month en tryvers d, and it is 10 miles from Cleveland; 12 men in n o time before the Battle Creek Sanitarium; graduate ill be in operation. engineers for several good positions 216 S. MAIN Near Mack's amy leIV, A good "'Slipon" is just the ticket for this time of the year-damp, wet and wind seem to go right through one! These Rubberized Slipons keep out the penetrating wind and keep your body the right temperature. Pleifn ind Kag azr Shoulders. Light Ira weigiht and not expensive, $5 to $15. (, g 23LIBERTY ST. ANN AfDPfl A .K-