..THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Not just stylsh but correct in style To just offer you stylish clothing would be easy for us but would soon set you doubting the value of our store service. We study the difference between style and correct style so that you may feel secure in any selection yon may make here.I There is an individuality in the styles of Stein=Bloch Smart Clothes that pleases the critical buyer-=a glance at yourself in a Stein-Bloch Spring suit, before our big mirrors, explains why. Li*dcnm " A' c m tAfl Cm any , , t CET ONE OF OUR Telephone 716. ALARM CLOCKS and you will get to your classes on time Prices always right and all clocks guaranteed. New location. 111 EAST WASHINGTON STREET J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewekr DeFries' Art Store Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service and Pictures and Framing Good Worman 1223 S. Main Street " fWho Does the Best Kodak Finishing ? We can show you. Bring iu your film. Films de- nsveloped 10c per roll. Prints 3c up. CALKINS PHARMACY 324 So State Street § TUTTLE'S ON STATE STREET We Serve Hot Lunches Longfellow hirts Just arrived, a full assortment of sizes and patterns in both silk and Madras clths, of the Longfellow Shirt. They are made in negligee style with both starched and soft cuffs. Watch our windows for displays of this exclusive shirt, or better still, let us show you the entire line. TINKER & COMPANY Furnishers and Hatters 342 S. State Street Agents for the B. V. D. and Lewis Summer Underwear. "CONTRARIE MUSIC ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. LOST. Lost-White bull dog with harness, collar and chain. Answers to the name of "Duke." Phone 1166. 137 Lost--Wednesday, possibly at Ferry field, large Waterman Ideal fountain pen. Red and black conglomerate. Arthur Buckner, 210 So. Thayer, Phone 1816-L. 137 FOR SALE. For Sale-Fine fraternity house.. Best of locations. Suitable for 30. At a bargain and on easy terms for quick sale. Phone 315 or address D. Mich- igan Daily. 137 For Sale-Second hand 18 ft. Mullins canoe. Also new Mullins Canoes, cash or time. Orrin J. Wenzel, 636 So. Thayer St., 682-J. 136-38 Seniors! Seniors! Get cap and gown measurements taken at once so as not to dealy swing out. Mack & Co. 135-137 Parties for Normal students and friends at Harnack's Academy as fol- lows: April 19 and 26. May 10 and 24. June 7. We press by hand. Ladies' and Gen- tlemen's clothing carefully pressed by experienced tailors. C.JI. Kidd, 1112 S. University. Tu-Fri-Sun-tf Panama Canal Exposition. If you want to earn a big commis- sion and a free trip to the San Fran- cisco Exposition in 1915, send your name and address at once to Page & Co., 1315 Call Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. 139 Does your suit need altering? Altera- tions our specialty. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University. Phone 1530-J. Tu-Fri-Sun-tf Contrarie Mary Souvenir Scores and sheet music for sale at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf Open every evening until 9:30. Sun- days from 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30 only., Lyndon's Kodaks, films, filash- lights, 719 N. University. Sun Fri (ontinued from page 1.) would be able to carefully explore the stream from the power house to the Argo site. The call for students to aid in the hunt was issued yesterday morning by Pres. Hutchins after a conference with Mrs. P. Tessmer, the owner of the lo- cal boat livery. She agreed to furnish the university with sixty canoes, if students could be found to handle them. Notice was sent by the Pres- ident to all classes on the campus, and all those who could manage canoes were urged to appear at the boat house at 2:00 o'clock. The call brought about three times as many men as were needed, but ca- noes were provided for everyone until about half past two when every canoe was out on the river. The boats were paddled up to the Barton dam, where Prof. C. T. Johnston and J. W. Morri- son., '14, spoke for a short time, tell- ing of the nature of the work, and th manner in which it should be carried out. The canoes were lined up in three lines across the river, and then were allowed to float down the stream. The supply of pike poles proved inade- quate and many of the boat crews were forced to proceed as best they could looking at the bottom. A large water glass was donated for the use of the party, and it is expected that it will prove valuable, especially in the torch light hunt. The authorities had promised to close the big dam during the after- noon, but they were obliged to carry a heavy load for the D. U.. R. and so both wheels were churning all during the hunt. Several of the canoeists were spill- ed during the course of the afternoon, the rapids at the site of the old Corn- well dam proving too much. No acci- dents resulted. SENIORS NAMED TO SUPERVISE EXHIBIT. (ontinued from page 1.) C. E. Wolfstyn, E. T. Lazear. Chemical-M. Taber, L. J. Paddock. Marine-L. A. Bait; chairman; H. S. Hewitt, W. M. Mills. Architecture; C. M. Smith, chair- man; H. Penny, H. Burgess, J. Thorn- ton, F. Klein. Forestry-D. C. Birch, 'chairman; J. H. Pottinger, R. H. Stock. Plans are being made which will make the exhibit the biggest event in the engineering department for some years. All of the departments are constructing special displays illustrat- ing the most interesting and instruct- ive features of each particular sub- ject. F Extensive advertising is being done all over the state, and it is expected that many out of town visitors will at- tend. It is probable that classes in the other departments will be excused for one day to enable all students to see the engineering exhibit. EMBALMING COURSE TO BE GIVEN BY MEDICS AND LITS Work in connection with the course in embalming which will be offered to students in the summer school will be divided between the lit and medical departments. The chemistrymwill be given under Prof. Edward Campbell, by Dr. Wm. Hale. The bacteriology and anatomy will be given in the med- ical department, the first under the di- rection of Prof Frederick Novy and the latter under the direction of Dr. George Streeter Telephone 458 [__ NEW STYLES U, t MANY STUDENTS SEARCH FOR LOST BODY. IN VAIN LYNDON 719 N. University Ave. Regal PHOTOGRAPHY is being introduced in many leading universities. It is essential in every college man's life that he know how to take pictures. Can you conceive of a better opportunity than you now have to learn how? The Michigan student who fails to take advantage of this opportunity is making a great mistake. You can buy a Kodak from $3.00 up to $i5o.oo, according to the amount you want to invest, and any one of them will take good pictures. You can rent them, good ones, for roc per day. We furnish them for you better and cheaper than anywhere in the United States. ShoesI aid Oxfords I uner Co. 108 S. Main St. Ii A Fellow can *be Proud of the HENDERSON I U_ I I Try Martha Washington the University Pharmacy. ery day. Candy at Fresh ev- Fri. 1913 Henderson-8 H. P., 4 Cylinders, Chain Drive, Big Tires-$325 Thegnan who rides a Henderson has a machine to be proud of. It is silent. It is powerful. It is long and low and easy riding. It starts with a crank instead of by peddling; and the feet are rested in comfort on foot boards. The college man's discrimination will tell him that the Henderson is by far the most desirable mctorcycle by reason of the advantages of its four-cylinder construction. And we predict that, among college men, the Henderson will win the great popularity it has attained among the wisest buyers of motorcycles. H enderson Motorcycle Co. 1158 Cass Avenue Detroit, Mich. Get your spring suit now. Style and fit guaranteed. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University. Phone 1530-J. Tu.-Fri.-Sun.-tf Beautiful leather bound books for gifts at Fosters. J Laws Hold Spring Party Tonight. Junior laws will hold their annual spring party at Granger's academy tonight. The music will be furnished by a saxophone quartette and the pro- gram includes many -seelctions from the Michigan Union Opera. Chaper- ones are Prof. and Mrs. E. C. Goddard and Prof. and Mrs. E. R. Sunderland. Tickets may be secured from members of the social committee at $1.00 each. Social Study Club Postpones Meeting. The scheduled meeting of the Social Science Study club, which was to be held tonight,, has been indefinitely postponed. 1 0 East Washington St Stofflet and Elliott t. Distributors for Washtenaw County COXSONS&VINING,NewYork CGA R R I C K THEATRE MAKERS OF DETROIT ACADEMIC COSTUMES The Scotch Star of star. Caps, Cowns & Hoods H A R R Y L A U D E R for All Degrees. With his London Music Hail Artists MACK & CO,, Representatives NEXT WEEK-LESLIE CARTER l 0 OU will find a delightful lot of I __ correctness in our Sprint' and Summer Suits for men and young men, and even greater delight in our modest prices. A «--f On Sale I visit should convince you. AT t1UnversitV lIbustc bouse Across frem Majestic 'TMHilwrx Mznayiny Dirvom W ion IiMam Man-aler VANDERBILT HOTEL 34M ST. EAST HTPARK AVE., N.Y. Subway Entrance $15.0 to $30.00 Sal At the focal point of the terminal zone, on the crest of Murray Hill, cooled by Southern breezes from the sea, artificially fed by chilled air, 600 sunlit rooms. Hats, Caps, and Gents Furnishings Have you thought of this before, The girl at home might like a Score ?" TARI Single rooms - - - Double rooms - Double bedrooms, boudoir dressing-room and bath Suites-Parloir, bedroom and bath Each room with bath, FF: - per day-$3, $4, $5, $5 e $5, $6, $7. $8 - r $8, $10,$12 - h * $10, $12, $15 Special rates for Summer WADHAMS & COMPANY 121-123 S. Main St. I U Buy Your Supplies at the UNIVERSITY PHARMACY U THE STUDENT STORE Fine Candies, Sundaes, Cigars, etc., etc. Anything You May Need. COULDINC & WIKEL, Proprietors on Satisfying. 1219 U1 mpmm