THR MI HEMIHIGAN DAILY pring Woolens ;est Assortment in the C ity ILy for Your Inspection, CO. 3H 1S. State Street dr nsfor eni ac.h . C. Lu Slotted Throat Tennis RI~a(cets. We w nodul-, worth looking at before mak ing your purchase. TENNIS BALLS on Chan-pionship, Ayers Celebrated Baz:i;,Get drich Balls ipionsWp Balls. All goods guaranteed. A. N (do rCO. TEW I in a'hundred :;!ow how . Co.. t i8 bo ,;use they !PE MEASURE )iet TYPEWRITERS ' OF ALL MAKES For Sale - $1 5.00 up. For Rent, * $2.00 up (3 110s. $5.00) TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES Typewvrittnq and Shorthaand for .gerybod 0.; D, MORRILL (Over Balt- more Lunch.) Belt 582-J Libert j Street Lger'S AciNdenmy of D.kiicint emblies Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. I good spring dates left for rentals. The assemblies will THlE MICIGHAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress of March 3, x$79a Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor- to 3 p. i.; 7 to xo p. m. Business Manager- to 3p i. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; y mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy ; Davis and Konald's Confectionery Stre. Phone: Bell, 960. Frank Pennell............. Managing Editor Joseph Fouchard........Business Manager Maurice Toulme.............. News Editor C. Harold Hippler............Assistant Karl Matthews...........Athletic Editor G. C. Eldredge.. ........Assistant John Townley ........Music and Drama Harold B. Abbott ...............Cartoonist EDITORIALS Harold G. McGee Louis P. Hailer Howell Van Auken Maurice Myers R. Emmett Taylor Edwin R. Thurston x Robert Lane NIGHT EDITORS H. Beach Carpenter Fredl B. Foulk Morton R. Hunter Morris Milligan Bruce J. Miles Lester F. Rosenbaum David D. Hunting REPORTERS Leonard M. Rieser J. Selig Yelen Leo Burnett Fenn H. Hossick F. M. Church Carlton Jenks Charles S. Johnson C. 11. Lang Bernus E. Kline Will Shafroth Y. F. Jabin Hsu IT. C. Rummne! F. F. McKinney W. R. Melton Russell Neilson R. E. unningham BUSINESS STAFF A. R. Johnson, Jr...Advertising Manager Emerson R. Smith...............Accountant [arry E. Johnson:..... Circulation Manager Sherwood Field John Leonard Myron W. Watkins F: G. Millard WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1913. Night Editor-David D. Hunting. Important meeting of the Business stiff alt 7.-00 o'clock ths evening. Tfhis is for you, Mr. Practica Stu- dent,-just the plain, common-sense practical reasons why we should have an honor system. In the first place, it means a true average for the class. Are' you one o those honest, hard- working students on the margin of> passing or do you know of one of them? Aren't you in favor of a fair chance for this man? Then, also, aren't, you in favor of going into the examination room to write your paper yourself, without in- terference and interruption from the man on the other side of you, and having the satisfaction of having done it yourself? The privilege of policing the exami- nation room is not one generally sought after by the faculty, nor is it particularly pleasant for you to have an instructor walking up and down the room, casting 'suspicious glances over your' shoulder to see that you do not cheat the university-end more especially yourse]lf. And as long as it is the generally accepted attitude to try to beat the university, how effiient a. system do you think is possible? Let the students take over their ex- aminations. Why shouldn't they have charge of the rules of their own game? It's their game. WISCONSIN STUDENT COURT XIMEBELIS RESGN IN BODY. The nine members of the student court of the University of 'Wisconsin have resigned because the university regents expelled Daniel W. Crile,,who was accused of printing objectionable matter in an unauthorized publication. The court still had the matter under advisement when the regents took ac- tion. TIDE LATEST and the Best Motion Action LEi Down Town an ,Main RWA niest s I J e -- 11 Itn umn jortr6atI WATiCH OLD ft CO.Jewelers 220 South Main St. Street RS Wright and Ditson's Complete Line 100 Rackets to Select From .Jewelry for Mich- etc. Our Opticali Deparwment grinds lenses in a ui'z own shotp. Any Ions duplicated. Bripg your order for glasses here and get expert and prompt service. Agents for Shur-ons. Every One Guaranteed. ta Kapa Racket Restringing a .Spec~alty }{ { 1 _a , for the big white sign of Ann Arbor's best Motion Picture T'heatr e THlEATRICAL CIRCLE S. Bliss Starr Tonight A long heralded event occurs to- night when the Whitney offers Miss Frances Starr in "The Case of Becky." The play is said to be admirably adapted to Miss Starr's talents, her work having been characterized "as one of th~e greatest impersonations in modern drama."~ tot Mleh~astic. Frank Nortz and company in the comedy "Back to Wellington" are fea- turing the prezepnt Ma estic bill which closes tonight. Chas.., Sellars's mu- sical extra " «< .:a_'T!-. Cow and the Moon" opens t'he wecd - end run tomor- row with the regular matinee. (" 04 A UNICA I ION. (Ccl_. uwed Lfrin page 1,) period,' the instructor' hands out the questions and may make a few re- marks or discuss the purport of some of 'the questions. lie then leaves the room,, not to return until the end of the period set for the examination. During this period the student feels, at liberty to leave the room at any time, in fact most of them do, for it is quite the habit to go outside and chat or smoke; but nothing is ever said about *1e examination. Even in the exami- nation -room, it is net ncommon for one pers.on to conv-er se with another. The professors seem confident' that what each studenti does will be strictly honorable, and during my stay there I heard of only one ease where' that confidence proved to have been mis- placed. The student there is not asked to place upon his paper any statement to the effect that he has neither given nor received help during that exami- nation. lie is placed absolutely on his honor. There is no half way manner about it. The efficiency and success of the system is, no doubt, attributable to the fact -that the students under- stand that it is entirely within their hands and that it is "up to them" to make it a success. I see no reas~on why the honor sys- temi, if put upon the proper basis, should not be a success at Michigan and a benfit to every student. L. "L, WALTON,. '13L. S*txzdlo 319 K. lisz',& St,. « Contrarie Mary" Scores and Music The House that Savesyo Money on anything you buy in the realm of Mlusic, tf' //! fy ;I/ !f!///.,ma //!!1(m1-a( {{G 'F 76 5 1r Fiere the o4'0 f-I )ho9cos Preferred by discriminating people for exquiisite and enduring beauty of tone, or absolute integrity of workmanship, for undoubted reliability. Phone 961-IL .a filer Jeweiry Co. 1308 South State Street Phone 534 Makes of Fountain pens. Jewelry Repairing. Fine Watch and SET AS. IT SOUNDS I :RVICE 'BETTER CANDY THE SUGAR BOWL 's Best Confectionery. Ice cream soda de luxe. :Candy of all ,tions. 'E PAY ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO EVERY ORDER NO MATTER HOW SMALL ON MAIN9 STREET CARDS - PROGRAMS -STATIONERY WHITE SAMPLES GREGORY MAY[R & THOM Co. DETROIT, Mica' the most of it-s--moke Fai, 1-i .low ,,lop, 24 in. squacrec<