THE "ICHIGAN DAILY A Go"ing Away? Vacation? Go away like a Prince. D ~You can do it' for a Modtrae price A suit shaped and du.ped to fit only Syou and tailored-to-tmeasure in accord 7 with your own ideas by our expert, t-- lorinen,°will coid ibute to ycur pleasure ~A and profit. Whitney Theatre, muon., Apr. 7 A. G. DELEMATER Announces ",I lipg q l~ ' I That-eery best girl st home has an eye for the fellow with s-mart tailored clothes.: It is none too early to order ~is you don't waqt to B disappt inted whien the train pulls out. ThCouts out- A PARISIAN VAUDEVILLE FROM THE FRENCH OF MARCELLE JAVIERIERE. Lyrics by MELVILLE ALEXANDER Music by ANATOL FRIEDLAND Produced by CHARLES SINCLAIR Suits to Order, $20 up Featuring that Famou~s Comedian J. Kid, Malcolm, KNx WILSO East Liberty' Malcolm Block Others prominent in the cast are: 1, Templar, Saxe,. Harry Pauli, Emile La Croix,' Vera Allen and Maud Williams. 01 Suria'Instruments and Mledicine Cases At LoasThazs.Cost+ Let us show you these gtoods-you mmay have therr at yoasr own price. THE REXALL DRG)TR F. C. EDRILL. Propriefer 2 So. Mat z Street Prescripia. ~pecioRifsts Sieats Now* Sellilng. Prices'35c, 50e, '75c, .$1.00, $1.50 , I wtLL REP'RESENT )IIIGAN I successful to date and last year it had AT WO!'MAN'IS CWNFERENCE. placed every graduate who had be- I come proficient in either shorthand, ti Winifred P. Mahon, '13, president of bookkeeping or typewriting in a po- Ui the Women's League, will represent sition before the pupil had received Michigan at the Intercollegiate, Stu- his diploma. dent Government Association con- ference in Madison, Wis ., May.,2 and j Does your suit dleed altering? Altera-, ins our specialty. C. I. Kidd, 11.12 S. rniversity.~ Phone 1530-3.1 Tu-Fri-Sun-tf Cotrell &Leonard ALBANY, NEW YORK C A aps, & Gowns To the American Universities. from the Atlantic to The Pacific. Class Contracts :a Specialty - hUM IITNEY THEATRE JOHN CORT WILL PRESENT Down Town "on Main t. ETER Street Wednesday, April 9th Pathe Feature Film in her greatest success I "ZAZA" Mother Admission " 10 e and Elaborate auction and an xcel len.t Cast I. I Monday, April 14th Great Feature Film. The Dayton Flood's Actual reproduction SCALE OF PRICES - 50-175--1.04 - l.50--2.10 Sale Thursday, April 3 Admission 100 p.MI 0ROE BISCI . .. Florist ,.". CE CUT FLOWERS AND "PLI Chapin St. Both Pha FFW ,.Ann Arbor Dye Works French Dry and Steam Cleaning ANTS Bell 628 204 E. Washington St. pflIS L R. WAHL, Manager. The conference will discuss the progress of student gover'nment in other universities and the relation of dormitory life to woman and her uni- versity work. *Wisconsin, Indian a, Ohio, Kansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa, Northwest- ern, Nebraska, University of St. Louis, Washington, North and South, Dakota, M~sscurl and NMichigan ar'e to be rep- resented. OILEJP(TAK{ER IS'TARGE'TFOR CUPIID'S ARCHERY PRACTICE Cupid shot one dart on St. Valen- tine's day, that caused more than the usual flutter. The seriousness of the little God's work was not discovered until yesterday, however, when it be- came known that Paul C. Wagner, 16E, had joined the ranks of the ben- dicts. Miss Eloise Case was the bride and the ceremony was a secret -until yesterday. & The groom will continue his course in the university. Until a short time ago Mrs: Wagner attended the Ann Arbor high school. IIE-verymian to Appear in LU Hall. (ontinued from page 1.) for her perfect use of the English lan- guage, and was selected to head thej New Theater Company of New York. She gave a complimentary perform- Sance to the students of the universi- ty of her husband's play "The. Ser- 'vant in the House"s at the Majestic' Theater in 1908. *CLASS HEADS PLAN UNIFORM HONOR SYSTEM. .(Continued from page 1.) nor received any assistance. The professor was absent from the room the entire hour. Another class went on record in favor of the honor system yesterday morning when Dr. Carl Parry's class in labor problems 'unanimously adopt- ed a motion calling for a statement by each student at the end of his blue- book that lie has received no aid or information during the examination. A clause provides for the reporting of any infractions of the system but does not require the student to mention the names of those seen violating the rule. DiEC L tIRES HIGH SCHOO)LS MUTSTl B3EIDEMOCRATIC. (Continued from page 1.) bureau which had been started in connection with the commercial- de- partment of the school. It has been ThIe &qabloam i Girl Estimates Cheerfully Furnished on Special Gymniasium and Basket Ball "Gymbloom l\ l4 l 4/;^. _. ' 1,-*- F // 7 bathing, Basket Ball, Gymnasium and Swimming Suits Nleasu rements Suits Insuring a Perfect DeCh. LA AND i AU~f0IE II 1 EA CW' NSUtffRSj 4 AFTER LICENSE Q yN.96 I Fit. Every Suit Positively Made to Individual I 4 } BUSINESS !DIRECTORY BOARDING HOUSES RE STAUJRANT 3l31 South Main St. ~Regular Dinner 25c ches. Home-made Pies. .iken Dinner every Sunday. CAMPU'S CAFE not board at a real Boarding House? MVeals like those at home. [e to 911 N. University and be, convinced. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE GAUNTLETT AND SELLMAN Boa Estate,. Fire, Health and Casualty Insurance The "Gynmbl ooni Girl" has b~ecome famous throu ;bout the country as standI- ing for perfection in gymnasitug, basketball, bathing and swimming suits. To the great number who arc familiar with the excellent qualities of these suits, this little talk is not necessary. To those who have not investigated all the claims we have made for these -suits this message is especially intended. CGymbloom Suits are m~ade under perfect sanitary -conditions. They are carefully made, by expert tailors, according to your own individual mieasure- ments. Wrhy(10 we emphasize indlividutal n-easurements? Because in~ the various trying positions necessary in the best athletic exercises the body must have the most perfect freedom. cGvmbloomn suits are sold all over the United States. Write for more detailedr information than it is possible for uis to give in this small space, All inquiries receive promp~t and careful attentions. iGymbloom- Suits are Made on Honor" 110 E. Huron St. Phalle 1$0-t. WARREN AGENCY 206 National Bank Bldg. Phone 303-J. Special' Bargains in desirable places for sale or rent. Life, Accident and Fire Insurance. We solicit corresponidence or calls. r $8ooo will buy .one of the beautiful homes of Ann Arbor. Spacious grounds with fine shade trees and shrubbery, new garage. Fine construction, polished* oak floors throughout.' living room 15X27; dining room 15xi8. Suitable for private family or can b~e adapted to needs of a sorority or fraternity. A beautiful location. L. D. CARR, Agent, 17 Sav. Bank Blk. I Extensive Mailx a tore that does as it edi'erfjses' etW APP 0 C5NhALMIQI.REIJABLE STORE~ LAfKSifNG . MlCfi. i Order Dept. TlOR tRENT. i L J .i OIL ----------- A good " Slipon" is just the ticket for this time of the year--damp, wet and wrind seem to go right through one! 'These Rubberized Slipons keep out the penetrating wind, and keep your body the right temperature. PI1e.,r ~d Rf4t Jl8 Shoulder. Light In weight anid not expensive. $5 to $I5. C LOT 1- #1G FUR NIii N G S HATS e 123 E.LiBERTY ST. ANN ARBOR mICt1.