THE MICHIGAN-DAILY. AD,_ Tll CLUN RETOB Should See Before n Going on Your Spring Vacation. Women's High so a full line of Grade Shoes and Rubber Soles at ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. FOR SALE. For Sale-Must sell U of M boat livery and all equipment on account of ill health. Good bargain. Call Paul G. Tessmer. 130-135 LOST Lost-One dancing pump betweenl Packard Academy and. South Uni- versity street. Finder please call 1764-3 133 We press by hand. Ladies' and Gen- tlemen's clothing carefully, pressed by experienced tailors. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University. Tu-Fri-Sun-tf G11 ORE SHOE COMPANY TO GIVE EXTENSION LECTURES. Neighboring Towns Select Faculty Men for Talks Next Week. Eight faculty men have been se- lected to deliver extension lectures during the coming week in various parts of the state. Prof. David Fri- day will speak on "An Ideal System of Municipal Taxation" tomorrow night at Grand Rapids. Prof. R. W., Bunting will address an audience at Three Oaks on Wednesday evening on "Conditions Prevailing in the Mouths of School Children." Prof. E. D. Jones and Pref. P. S. Lovejoy will both appear - in Pontiac Friday evening, Prof. Jones speak- ing on "Recent Progress in the Art of Business Administration" and Prof.I Lovejoy on "Forestry in Michigan." The same evening Prof. A. F. Shull will lecture at Pentwater on "Heredi- ty;" Prof. L. A. Strauss at St. Joseph on "The Poetry of Browning;" Prof. C. S. Berry at Fenton on "The Edu- cation of Backward and Brilliant Children;" and -Prof. A.aA. Stanley at Grand Rapids on a subject not yet se- lected. Prof. Stanley will again speak- in the same city on Saturday'evening. Timre. to Leave When you discover you are not dealing with a one-price store, it's time to leave. A concession in price may Iqok like a bargain. It is not. It means the first price was not the real one. It means you may get a second or third reduction, if you are persistent. Haggling is not the modern way of doing business. Our line of famous Society Brand Clothing for Men is all marked in plain figures. You get the rock-bottom price At the Start Without argument, withoutt question we give yoti honest cloth- ing and full vaiue for your money. X15.00 - $25.00 J. F. W UE RTH CO. I I (UJALITY SHOP Formerly 119 SOUTii MAIN Wmn. P. Purfield, inc. ,. I P..lace of Sweets Down Town LET TRUVBEY Furnish the Ice Creo.m Attention to -Frar.terniltes alitd Sororities ON MAIN STREET *; Contrarie Mary Souvenir Scores and Sheet Music for sale at Schaeberle & Sons Music House. tf SEVERAL POSITIONS ARE OPEN TO GRADUATES IN NEW YORK. The Michigan alumni in New York have announced that several positions HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD DRESSERS ifoc The New Spring Models are now being shown at -layley's Millinery, 206 E. Liberty Hair Goods a Specialty Phone 1390.j SENi itLITS IIAVE LARGEST I. are open to Michigan graduates in PLAN TO USE PROCEEDS OF ewri*er Repairing P'hon. 1361..1 ! will meet or beat any price made on a typewriter,, sale or rental. that city. Two responsible places in old law firms are open to students with good credentials from Dean Bates. Opportunity is given for sev- eral graduates to enter an advertising office with a chance of promotion to field positions as heads of branch of- fices. A health office with' training in municipal sanitation is also wanted! In a New Jersey town, and an import- ant electrical manufacturing firm of- fers a good position. D. F. WOODWARD ivings Bank Bldg, Second Floor AnnArborMich. Le ChuzIbb .HouAse,' 209 South Stat. Street Gives Clean, Wholesome Board at $4.00 per Week. Water. Safe Drinking +C. C.Freeman. Proprietor 1914 LITS AND ENGINEERS TO HOLD ANOMALOUS DANCE Plans for the Junior Jamboree, to be held at the Armory Friday, April 25, include music by Finzel's band of De- troit, highE class catering service, and specially designed programs. Instead of the regulation programs, 30 page "memory books" will be used with a space for an entry at the end of each dance. Lits and engineers combine for the affair, featuring it is "a social anomaly." Tickets are limited to 200 couples and will go on sale after va- cation at $2.00 a couple. GERMAN PLAY FOR LECTURES Proceeds of the presentation of the "Almenrausch und Edelweiss" by the Munich players last Tuesday night and the lecture given by Prof. Tombo of Columbia, last month, may be giv- en, to cover the expenses of a seriest of lectures on "Modern Germany," scheduled to be given in Ann Arbor next year. Plans for this are under consideration by the Ann Arbor Stadt-, verband, under whose auspices the play and lecture were given. The proceeds amount to a sum of $200, half of which may be used for.i the purchase of slides to illustrate the scheduled lectures. These slides will eventually become the property of the extension lecture bureau. Cupid Captures Cosmopolitan. The engagement of Miss Pearle Stoner, of Valparaiso, Ind., and Wil- liam M. Johnston, '13, secretary of the Corda-Fratres Cosmopolitan club has been informally announced. Johns- ton is a prominent leader in cosmo- politan activity both on the campus and in the international field. Seniors Must Order Caps and Gowns. U E - - - - I- NBER OF C.AES ON C Senior lits who have not yet order- ed their caps and gowns are request- Senior lits have placed the. ed to do so at once in order to have order for canes to date, 155 m them for the senior swing-out, May "8. of the class having signified tl Only 211 have thus far put in their tentions of purchasing walking orders and if the delinquents delay The order placed by the senio ordering 'until after vacation, the neersis.for 150 canes, only f gowns will not arrive until after the n is o es, only f swingoutthan that of the lits, while t1- i out. and dents have ordered 128 canes respectively. This gua Old Hampshire Vellum, the latest over 500 seniors taking part in the writing papers at Fosters. (2) cane day parade. At theNwStorl 614 East Liberty Street is the place to buy your Toe1s;T ins, r., tdy rn ide sheets and pillow cases, sheeting, table linen, hosi, silk gloves, lad ie's and children's vests, underwear, aprons, bed spre corsers, Zion City laces, embroidery, handkerchiefs, Light Dry Gc and Sundries, etc. Call and get our prices. We can save you mo T. ST Pironey & Co. THE STOR.E WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUT' A de Clothes with Hat or Cap to Match Spring styles in Neckwear and Shirts Underwe r . "Oskn~ tex" Uy "Coopers" A RSITY TOGGERY SHO P 1107 S. University Ave. Whitney Theatre,Th u rs.,April I I MAY MUSIC FESTIVAL Days Hill Auditorium Five Concerts RESERVED SEAT IICKETS NOW ON SALE SEATS ON SALE' TOMORR 0 w . George COh a's UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC $3.00, $2.00, $1.00 Festival tickets must be exchanged otherwise add $3.00. he Ann Arbor Press ® OFFICIAL PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY AND Printers of Student Publications Great Play I I Ain See Us when you want something fine in Dance and Banquet Progvams. J S Building Telephone 27 .i ;TIC :v- ; a COX SONS & VINING, New York MAKERS OF ACADEMIC COSTUMES Caps, Cowns & Hoods for All Degrees. MACK & CO, Representatives I The real substantial success of the year, New York laughed aloud for six months, all Chicago ubborn Cinderella" NEE XRE PcM Ay GREAT RICHARDS has a stitch in its sides from laughing. The laugh is on you if you miss TUTTLE'S ON STATE STREET We Serve Hot Lunches Prices, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1. 00, $1.50 Spring Coods are Arriving Daily Each day brings new assortment of the nobbiest spring clothing fir young men. Easter comes early and you will haveto think of your Easter clothes sooner than usual. Look over our large stock before purchasing. A few Fall and Winter Suits and Overcoats at sac- rifice prices. Reon Reu e, Conilin, FR 4 t Co