'4 THE 'ICHIGAN DAILY y' Samplar UNIVERSITY NOTICES. 9 + ® ing Away Y"cation Meting of. Gar e vle business staff at 5:00 o'clock today. Go away like a.Prjnce. Senior lits' canes may be secured in Tappan hall from 4:30 to 5:00 Yozz can do it for a Modorate price. 'clock today. A su shapedand ed tofit on Girls' Glee club rehearsal at New- you ad taoiote~~t~nware in accord berry hall Wednesday at 4:00 o'clock. with your own'ideas by our expert tai- y rThere will be no meeting of the 7 lormeti, Will orit: i} uto ydut Plessure Women's League Friday. and profit. Meeting of Gargoyle editorial and That very bet girl at home has an art staff this afternc on, Tuesday, at Thatver bes gil a hom ha an 5:00 o'clock. r eye for the fellow with smart tailored clothes. It is noneto' earl to oder HURON'S DEADLY UNDERTOW it you don't want to B disappointed CLAIMS THREE MORE VICTIMS when the T-rain" ixl§Otut. (Continued from page 1.) Suits to Order, O up mighty undercurrent. Sole Survivor Tells Tragic Tale. "There we were in total darkness standing on some kind of a. stone shelf," is Miss. Hicks' story, as she 604 East Liberty Malcolm Block told it following her rescue. "Our cries soon. brought us together and we stood there-with the water up to our shoulders-holding on to each other. A few inches above my ram M "-h i'' A n , v~r o'khead was a cement floor. I could touch it. ' The boys told us to keep QFFI;CIAL PRINTERS TO TIE UNIVERSITY our mouths closed, but I didn't. I shrieked as loud as I could, hoping AND to make myself heard." PrInters of ;Stu dent Pu-blications "Bacon said he was going to swim __________around and see if he could find an opening somewhere. He jumped off See Us when you want somjthing line in Dance the ledge but the current brought him and Banquet Programs..~ back. Then Crandall tried it. But Press Builing Telephone 27 it wasn't any use. I began to shriek louder. Ella was crying and saying something to Bacon that I couldn't hear.", BMAY SIC FESTIVAL Wesstood there for ages. We 1 , MAY -M su 501b,1 " ; " V/'Lknew what was coming, but tried to Four Days Hill Auditorium Five Conoerts cheer one another by joking. It was sad business trying to joke and scream for help at the same time." iEiEL E ®1 ATi 1 f' @ i "Then Bacon said that he saw a RS V SE, W light. That rightened us because UNIVERSITY SCHOwOe thought he was going insane and '$U.00,R$2.00, o . "'awas seeing things. Ella cried more $3$0g1 00 and I shrieked louder. Bacon insist- Pre-Festival tckets must be exe auged olerwise d that he saw lights and swam out. - 'I've got it!' he cried, 'A trap Rescue Was Once Near at Hand. "We could see lights coming through a trap door. He pushed with W i, _,th 2W5 Cal- his might but the' door didn't Wo d . Wi2t " move. "Bacon came back to us. There is a blank after that. I remember be- coming aware that there were only three of us. Poor Bacon was the first to go. There was a splash and I knew that Crandall and I were -e C O V e r -alone. I'guess Ella didn't care much w®'ether she was rescued or not after Bacon" was gone." "Then I gathered all my energies and put them into one horrible shriek. Ages afterwards I heard someone tearing at some boards. The noise seemed to be miles away. Then there Somebody spoke and I answered. I don't remember what. "I have a hazyrecollection of grab- bing a rope and of somebody's tying it about me. Someone began to- pull. I felt myself leaving my companion. I reached for him but he pushed me away. Then I called to him to wait." The mechanics at the power house yesterday told that they had heard cries but had not been able to locate them. Several went outside the build- ing but found nothing Finally some- one telephoned for Operator Walter Yost. Plant Operator Tells Story. "I was at supper", said Mr. Yost, "when they called me., I hurxied to the plant and went right down to the cellar floor. I pulled up the trap door nearest the wall but found nothing. The cries continued and I.pulled up a trap door in another part of the floor". "Then I heard the cries of the girl. I spoke and the two answered me. I threw the rope in although I can't explain how it ever got to them. I pulled and dragged the girl up through the hole. In the meantime I kept talking to the man and as soon as I got the rope off of :her body I threw it back in. Nobody answered my calls." MissHicks was taken to the home of Operator Yost near the power house where medical aid was sum- moned. She was removed to her room yesterday and her parents notified. Her mother arrived a few hours later but returned to Detroit last night. HURON'S DEADLY UINRERTOW CLAIMS THREE M VICTDIMS (Continued from page 1) vas made their appearance on the sur- face of the water. The gruesome rel- ics of the fated canoe were eagerly snatched up by the morbidly curious ones. The massive gates of the dam were then closed and the "pond" partially emptied. of its contents. Police Chief Apfel and his assistants rowed under the arch, where the canoeists had been sucked 4n by the strong current, and dragged the bottom. After this had proved fruitless the searih was removed to the upper stretch of the stream extending to the old dam." In this part of the grappling th police were joined by several parties of students, who foolhardily set out on the gale driven stream in canes. Several of these "rescuers" gave up the fight against the wind after a few minutes. A number of students wad- ed up to their waists in the water along the banks. It was well toward evening when the search was given up. One of the searching parties this morning will be led by Jay H. Den Herdet, '13, a cousin of Miss Rysdorp, and James A. Danhof, of Grand Ha- ven, Mich., an uncle, who arrived in the. city yesterday to remain until the body is found. Will Searchl "Pond" Again Police Chief Apfel announced last night that although it is believed that the bodies. have been carried down- stream, the water again will be emp- tied from the "pond" this morning and a thorough search will be made under the power building before grappling is confined to the lower portion of the river. Arrangements were made last night for the services of a diver who will arrive today. The parents of all thevictims had been notified last night of the tragedy. The news was withheld until a late hour from the father and mother of Bacon, the former of whom is suffer- ing from heart disease while the lat- ter is seriously ill. Both ,are said to have been prostrated by the news. The dead youth was related to Prof. Jacob Reighard of the zoology depart- ment. Miss Rysdorp's parents were so overcome by the tragedy that theyl were unable to undertake the journey to this city yesterday. She was a stu- dent at-Michigan last year but had not beeh allowed to return to the univer- sity by her mother who feared that "something might happen to her." Be- fore leaving the university she is said to -have been engaged to Bacon. She lit, 1fL p Sam pl ar a SAMPLR i WHITNEY THEATRE JOHN CORT WILL PRESENT MRS. LESLIE CARTER I in her greatest success "Z A" A finishing courso in the best liked sweets-in the sampler you find them all. ' CAL KAN'S PHARMACY 324 south State Street -was teauilng school at Green Lake, where her father is a prominent den- tist, and had come here to spend the week end. Crandall's father arrived from Brocton, N. Y. last night. A Large and Elaborate Production and an Excel lent Cast SCALE OF PRICES 35- -75 - 1.00- 1.50-2400 Seat Sale Thursday, April 3 IAllI Stricai Instru entsI and MrdicOjn Cases At Less Than Cost ILet azs show you these oods-you rxay have therx at yoizr ownr price. IT E RE ALL R.UG STORE E C. EDSILL, Proprietor 1i So. Main Street Preserptilon Specielfets I ' ' r; w +2 Fi : .'7r . y P (r+I r c": t " } ^ , , y ,. _ E u d t j A WANT AD wa inerted in the. Michigan iDally, eitering reward for the return of a valuable Gold Watch. It cost 25c to insert the advertisement. The, Watch has. b . ea iioundand returned by one the Daily's reader. CASES LIKE THIS OCCSR EVERY DAY The busy little Dail Want-Ad does Into nearly every hoise in A n Arbor. It is out Z r Business ad I= gets the Result. The Want-Ad Stations are at. QUARRY'S DRUG STORE, .on State Street. UNIVERSITY PHARMACY, on So. University Avenue. DAVIS & KONOLD,C at Cor. Packard and State St-. was a tearing of boards in another direction. This time it was nearer. Down Town on Main Street y t Ca ~O Prices: 35-5O-15-$1,OO-$1,o Seat Sale Wed., Apr3 2 Feature Film WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2nd The Lost So Admission Watch tor f S100 . A good bSlipon" is just the ticket for this time of the year-damp, wet and wind seem to go right-through one! These Rubberized Slipons keep out the penetrating wind and keep your body the right temperature. PleAn and KegiLn Shoulders. L1ght Ica weIjjht and not expensive, $5 to $15. CLTiiiF4 NG ._ I23 E.LBERTY 51 moswam