L $1.50
MAJI $2.00
LOCAL $1.50
MAIL $2.0
XIII, No. 129.
A 1O-Strike!
of Miss Leah )Ioskowitz,
Gives Graphic Picture of
Conditions in
Diary of Troy Woinaii Depicts Rise
of Overflowing Rivers, -Hour
by Hour.
While the conditions in the flooded
district of Ohio are. not as severe as
were pictured last week, yet the actu-
al experiences of the survivors of the
disaster almost defy belief, according
to witnesses of the devastation
wrought by the waters. The state-
ments of Mrs. J. N. Zapoleon, a sis-
ter of Miss Leah Moskowitz, '16, who
reached Ann Arbor on Sunday after-
noon after a 33 hour automobile trip
from Dayton, and a letter received
here by a student from a relative in
Troy show that the conditions there
are beyond description.
Mrs. Zapoleon declared that more
than 50 people have been shot by the
militia for looting; seven big build-.
ings were burned, and the windows
were broken in all the stores and res-
idences in the city. There was still
2 feet of water standing in the streets'
when she left, and the principal dan-
ger now is from disease, lack of fuel,
and the lack of sanitary conditions.
All Were Warned in Time.
Two warnings were given to the in-
habitants of the city on Tuesday'
morning, and yet many people failed
to heed them, suffering as a result of
their heedlessness. The Miami river7
was the first of the three rivers at
Dayton to overflow, and was followed
shortly after by the other two
One hundred and fifty women, lodg-
ed in the seventh floor of the Beckel
hotel were saved by crawling a plank
to the top of the new Bank building.
The stocks of mnany of the larger
stores were swept into the streets,and1
precious jewefs, pianos, automobiles.
groceries, .and dry goods were min-1
gled with the wreckage of houses and
lifeless bodies in the, rushing torrents.
One hundred and six bodies are
awaiting identification in one morgue.
and 36 are placed in another. Refugees
are offered free transportation to any
part of the world.
The letter from Troy is written in
the form of a diary recording the
hourly progress of the rise of the flood
and its resultant disasters. Follow-
ing are some extracts from the vivid
Forecast for Ann Arbor-Tuesday,
fair and warmer.
University Observatory-Monday,
7:00 p. m. temperature 43.5; maxi-
mum temperature 24 hours preceding,
55.9; minimum temperature, 24 hours
preceding, 35.5; average wind veloci-
ty, 21 miles per hour; precipitation,
0.7 inches.
upstairs was O. and wife & D at their
upstairs windows calling for help. D.
says his wife is having nervous pros-
tration. C's chicken house just went
under the trestle and struck the trol-
ley making a big flash. Market street
is just a turbulent stream. Motor boat
just going for D. Can't get up town
to mail this, so might as well stop.
10:30. Thought it had abated. Rain
started again. Has risen eight inches.
T's house that was in the middle of
Peters avenue has turned over. Do
not know whether he got out or not.
e thought they blew up the Big 4
embankment but it was the water
that tore it away. There is a chasm of
100 feet there now. Close to the tres-
tle another small opening. It is just
foaming over the R. R. now. Looks
like the dam. Barn, chicken houses
and all kinds of buildings just float
down Grant street. There is six feet
of water in the cellar. P's yard and
ours completely inundated.
11:34. D's barn and carriage house
have been completely swept away..
The boats 'have been up and down the
R. R. and Market street but people do
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Two Men Students and Green Lake G
Drown Below Barton Dam
Sunday Night.
No trace had been discovered late
last night of the bodies of John Hen-
ry Bacon, Archibald J. Crandall and
Ella Rysdorp, the two students and
their companion who were drowned
Sunday night while canoeing on the
Huf-on near the new power dam.
Searching parties vainly dragged the
bottom and scoured the banks of the
stream yesterday from early morning
until the setting of the sun on the
tragic scene put an end to their
gloomy labors.
The search will be resumed this
morning by the police and parties con-
ducted by relatives of the victims.
Students have been asked to turn out
en masse to aid the searchers.
Police and a dozen .students were
John Henry Bacon, '15, Pontiac,
Archie J. Crandall, '16, Brocton,
N. Y.
Ella Rysdorp, Green
Mich., former member
1915 literary class.
of the
Hieks, 'l,
not get into them.
12:00. No stores open. Main street
looks like a river. S. is standing in
the water taking pictures. T's are
still crying for help, but when they
get a boat they do not seem able to
get into it, the current is so strong.
12:40 Took out 0, and ., and then
Mrs. D. and baby. Knocked out the
north side of D's upstais and carried
her into the boat; enough debris bad
been piled up against their house for
them to step on so that they could
parry her without jostling.
It is av'ful. You cannot imagine
what it is like. Floods were never
real to me before when I read accounts
of them.
The colored people are in the trees
at Nineveh. Two men below us were
in trees all night. Two men who
went to rescue them in boats were
stranded and had to climb themselves.
Still raining.
Thursday morning. Old Mr. V's
house turned over twice. Almost over
:o the Big 4 now. They just found
his body frozen stiff.
P. S. No trains can reach here now.
University Women....... ...$475.00
Michigan Union............ 188.74
Union Guild...............142.27
Medical Department......... 125.00
Faculty Club ...............70.00
Chinese Club...............50.00
The relief fund for the sufferers
from the Ohio floods was increased by
about $200.00 yesterday as a result of
the collection taken at the meeting of
the Union Guild in University Hall
and the action of the Chinese Stu-
dent's club,
Prof, Walter: Rauschenbusch, of the
Rochester Theological seminary, spoke
Sunday night " i University
Hall at the Union service
on "The .Gospel of Gallilee
and the Age of the Power Machine."
After the service Mayor Walz, treas-
urer of the fund, outlined the plans of
the local relief committee and Prof.
J. P. Bird, secretary of the engineering
department made a plea for liberal of-
ferings. The collection amounted to
The Chinese students raised $50 at
a meeting and then sent this telegram
to Gov. Cox, of Ohio: "The Chinese
students of the University of Michi-
gan wish to express their sympathy
for those who have suffered in the re-
cent flood. They have telegraphed $50
to the City National Bank of Colum-
Pledges, approximating $15, with a
ticket sale amounting to $45 have
brought the total of the women's re-
lief fund up to $475. The ticket sale
for the Collegiate Alumnae reception
to be held Thursday evening will con-,
tinue in the library until tomprrow
night from 8:00 until 6:;00 o'clock'
each day.
The totals from the League houses
and the sororities are not in as yet,
and it is expected that the fund will
exceed the pledged $500 when these
are finally reported.
Senior Women Win Gym Contest.
Circumtances, not foolhardiness,
caused Sunday's tragedy. Fate lead
the canoeists to try to be among the
first to paddle on the -new lake and
fate caused them to attempt to launch
their frail craft in a spot never meant
for canoes.
Where the waters rush madly from
the turbines sluices is a dock and
stairway leading to the upper part of
the dam and lake that was built for
the reception of pleasure seekers who
use the row boat. A set of rollers
and a slide makes the portage of the
.z aft an easy matter.
Across the river bed, where the
waters run slow after dripping down
through the closed gate of the mas-
sive dam is another dock and a stair-
way leading to'the upper lake. This
was designed especially for canoes.
There is little water comes over the
sills of the dam. It is all needed to
run the machinery. Beneath it, the
Huron river flows on calmly, and
there a canoe may be landed or
launched with as much safety as can
be expected with a craft of its na-
The party did not know the prop-
er way to take. When they paddled
up the river in the afternoon, the ma-
chinery was stilled. The tailrace
with its smooth cemented sides prov-
d alluring and the canoe was guided
ud up to the rowboat landing without
my thought. The water was still.
Everything was safe. But the return
'rip was different. It was night and
:housands of incandecent lights were
clamoring for fuel. Hence the tur-
bines were turning and tons of water
poured down the tailrace transform-
:ng its calm surface into a whirlpool.
The canoeists could not appreciate
he force of the whirlpools from the
shore. They had made the passage
easily in the afternoon and they felt
ao danger in tr" ng it again. Then
came the tragedy.
Danger 'Signs Placed Too Late.
Safety had been provided for and
would have been assured in another
week. The company knew of the dan-
gers of the tailrace and they wanted
to forestall them but time was
swifter. The shadow of fate Crept in
and as a result three human lives
were swept away.
At the turbine station yesterday,
men tried to blame themselves for
neglect but failed. They simply could
not have anticipated. While the
searchers dragged and the crowds
hoped, the sign painters were getting
a rush order. And besides, the offi-
cials were considering a chain to
close the tailrace and iron bars to
block the sluice way. But again fate
was ahead, and so there were boats
braving the treacherous waters and
men risking their lives while tears
flowed freely in three homes.
A mere whim of
chance and
heroism of Archie Crandall saved
Jane Hicks, '15, from being swept to
her death along with her three com-
panions in the tragedy of Sunday
night, enacted in the raging torrents
of the Huron river beneath the floor
of the new power house.
For four hours she clung to Cran-
dall, standing in water up to her neck
'and watched John Bacori and Ella
Rysdorp slide to their deaths. Then
when rescue came she was dragged
to safety while her companion lost
his hold on the rope and was swal-
lowed up by the current.
The ill-fated canoeing party, con-
sisting of Crandall, Bacon, Miss Rys-
dorp and Miss Hicks, was homeward
bound when the tragedy occurred.
The canoeists had come up the river
to the power house; the girls had
disembarked a hundred yards below
and the men had carried the canoe
up to the lake. After canoeing about
Ella Rysdorp, '16:
waiting at the scene of the 'tragedy
early yesterday morning with row
boats, grappling irons and pikes to
begin the work of dragging the "pond"
under the power house where the ca-
noe capsized. The rains of the night
before had swollen the stream, which
was agitated by a brisk gale. By 9:00
o'clock the party had been augmented
by students and others, some anxious
to help, others eager to satisfy their
Operator Walter Yost of the Edison
plant, who rescued Miss Hicks, re-
moved the trap doors in the bottom
floor of the building directly over the
current. The wheels of the machin-
ery were thrown on full force in an
4ttempt to agitate the current so that
anything at the bottom might be
brought to the top.
Morbid Scramble for Souvenirs.
At once splinters and pieces of can-
(Continued on page 4.)
Diary Tells of Flood's Havoc.
"Rain began with our cessations.
Monday almost steady downpour.
Could not go home from card party.
11:30 p. m. Monday levee broke and
Tuesday morning M came pounding
on the door to get us to come over
while we still could. Raper street
knee deep with -water.
Our house is still high and dry. K.
heard that the reservoir had burst. If
so there will be six feet more of wat-
6:23 a.m.Market flooded to within four
feet of R. R. The R. R. up to Market
looks like the canal. Both the T's are
sick and the water is up to the win-
dow sash. The little house between
Market and Peters Ave., is washed off
its foundation.
7:00 a. m. It is on a level with D's
floor. Walked down to R's across
yards. sidewalks submerged. It is
terrible down there. We heard an
awful cry for help. No boats are
available. People are crying for help
through megaphones. All the whis-
tles and church bells sounded alarms
all night.
7:15. Can't see the R. R. now. D's
are entirely cut ,off. K. saw a house
flounder in the water. Kyle building.
yard is flooded. Just now they blew
out the Big 4 embankment to relieve
us but .fhere was as much water be-
low as north of it. Not a person in
Winding up the class relay series,
two races were fought out yesterday
afternoon for the championship of the
!iterary and law departments. The
fresh law victors forfeited to the jun-
.or literary winners the right to the
.:ampus championship.
Contrary to current rumor, Trainer
F'arrell allowed candidates for the
Varsity to take part with the excep-
tion of Capt. Haff, who was barred on-
ly because of an injury to his thigh.
In the first race for the law title, the
seniors, succumbed - to the speed of
the freshman. Following this contest,
the junior lits proved their right to The senior women won the Fourth
the literary honors for the second annual inter-class gymnasium meet
time. The forfeiting of the culminat- last night by a score of 111 points.
ing race by the fresh laws saved the The freshmen women took second
junior lits the trouble of repeating place with a score of 109, while the
their efforts. Fast time was made by juniors and sophomores trailed in
the new campus champs, but as the with scores of 99 and 87 respectively.
time was not recorded in some of the The meet consisted of rope climb-
other matches, there is no basis on ing, jumping and a relay race. The
which to judge the relative merit of winning class will have their numer-
Archibald J. Crandall, '16.
the lake they decided to .*return
Bacon and Crandall carried the
canoe down th'e stairs running along-
side the power ;house and placed it
in the "tailfdace" in front of the build-
The girls were timid about getting
back into the canoe. Their fears were
laughed away by the men and soon
all four were seated in the frail craft.
Bacon, the last one in, had barely
seated himself, when the canoe seem-
ed to have been lifted into the air.
The next moment the four were
caught in the powerful current which
swept them mercilessly under the
arch beneath the building. After a
few moments, they found themselves
standing on a ledge protruding from
a cement wall. Behind this wall the
turbines were pouring forth their
their speed.
With these relays, work in the gym
will be abandoned by all but the pole-
vaulters and high jumpers, as Far-
rell has announced out door practice
for his track warriors this afternoon.
All candidates should provide them-
selves with locker slips at the ath-
letic. office and present these at Ferry
field club house.
als engraved on the silver cup and
also a banner.
Miss Helen Vanderveer '16. ,took
the individual honors with a score of
46 points. Other high point winners
were: Alice Barnard, '16, 45 1-2;
Helen Hilliker, '13, 44 1-2; Ruby Hall,
'16, 43 1-2; Jean Scott, '14, and Mar-
ion Hubbard, '16, were tied with 42 1-2
points each.
John Henry Bacon, '15.