THE MICHIGAN DAILY. - ..A...I r uts GOOD SEATS STILL UNSOLD FOR OPERA aazd afs have our entire line of STEIN BLOCH Suits and vercoats on display and would be pleased to show you Models prices $ to $35oo- hempeia ts the new shapes, soft and stiff. All $300 Schmitt, Apfel & Company ... . ....s...r... 0 0 " d 0. .. c) V Who Does the Best Kodak Finishing ? We can show you. Bring iu your film. Films de. veloped lOc per roll. Prints 3c up. - CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 So. State Street TUTTLE'S Many good seats still remain unsold for the three coming performances of "Contrarie Mary," according to infor- mation given out by the Whitney the- ater box office last night. The seat sale will continue today and tomorrow betweeV. 10:00 and 5:00 o'clock. The attendance at Wednesday night's show did not come up to the mark set last year, but last night's perform- ance was somewhat better as compar- ed with Thursday night of last year. It is expected from the advance sale that the total attendance will exceed that of last year, when the gross re- ceipts amounted to more than $5,000, and the net receipts about $2,000. The net receipts from "Contrarie Mlary" will not give as large a profit to the Union this year a§ compared with former performances because of the added expenses of production. More than $4,000 has been expended by the management, the increase being due to a great extent to the elaborate costumes and special scenery which was necessary for this year's opera. ADS IN THIS COLUMN ARE TO BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. WANTED Wanted-For next year, furnished house for club of 12 or 15, preferably with board. Phone 990-J. 125-28 FOR SALE. . For Sai e-Must ssll boat livery and all equipment on account of ill health. Good bargain. Call Paul G. Tessmer. 126-27 LOST. Lost-Taken from library Wednesday the 26th, one grey chinchilla over- coat, belt, silk lined. A reward of $5.00 if returned to Union. 126 We have the best goods at lowest prices, for anything in the realm of music. See us before purchasing. Grinnell Bros. 120 and 122 E. Liberty street. 125-132 Don't buy new razor blades until you have to. Bring your dull blades to us and we will put them in better condi- tion than new ones. Our electric au- topatic grinder will put a keen edge on any blade. WISCONSIN TO ACT ONFRATERNITY BILL Recommended for immediate pas- sage by the educational committee in the Wisconsin state legislature, the Anderson bill for the abolishment of fraternities, sororities, secret organi- zations, or chaptei's of any character at the University of Wisconsin was brought before the assembly for final action Wednesday. Subsequent to exhaustive investiga- tion and deliberation, the educational committee of the lower house voted five to three in favor of recommending the bill to the assembly for immediate passage. This decision, coupled with the up-state sentiment urging the adoption of the legislation, bids fair for the ultimate enacting of the bill in- to law. The general sentiment in the state legislature seems to be that there is too much extravagence at the univer- sity, and the recent enactment of Sen- ator Ackley's anti-prom bill, which provides for the abolishment of the Junior Prom until further action is taken by the state legislature, indicat- es the attitude of that assembly toward the anti-fraternity bill. Will Reduce Price of Block "C" Seats. Seats in block "C" for the May Fes- tival will be reduced tomorrow from $4.50 to $4.00. These seats will be disposed of at $1.00 to holders of pre-festival tickets. There are still some choice seats left in blocks "A" and "B." These are selling for $6.00 and $5.00, respectively. For pre-festi- val ticket holders seats in these blocks will be sold at $3.00 and $2.00, respect- ively. Jeffersonians to Hold Election. Jeffersonian literary society will hold its last meeting before spring va- cation at 7:15 o'clock this evening in its room in the law building. Officers for the coming term will be elected and preliminary tryouts for the inter- society cup debating team will be held. Webster Will Pick Cup Team Tonight, The Webster society will hold try- outs for its cup debate team this even- ing at 7:30 o'clock in Webster hall. The subject to be debated is: "Resolv- ed: that the presidential term of office should be extended to six years and that no president be eligible for re- election." Seniors. Have your cap and gown measure- ilents taken at Mack and Co. at once. No deposit required. 125-127 Contrarie Mary Souvenir Scores and Sheet Music for sale at Schaeberle & Sons Music House. tf ANY MAKE We also sell any make Notice!I Irving F. Schleede 340 S. State St. . "" NEW STYLES For some time past the amateur prints made by one assistants have been very poor at times. This feature has been entirely eliminated and you w the old time service that you know is right. It is this right kind of work that makes us the lea while others try to follow. Remember, Films (any size) only roc, Prints 3c up. Development, Extra Size Velox Prints, Flat Drying. Fountain Pen pa' H LEYUA We Repair Your Pens WHILE YOU WAIT Amateur Photographi Regal Shol and Oxfords -0 ON STATE STREET O.runer aQ Co. 108 S. M&In St. We Serve Hot Lunches t Designs in ur windows for displays'of the newest creatiops Knitted and Imperial Four-in-Hands and Bow Ve also have a new assortment of Silk Hose in I Fancy Patterns. 1 RAPPOLD HINKLE WIRTHLIN SCHUrIANN-HEINK MURPHY AM'ATO GRISWOLD SCOTT STANLEY STOCK MAY FE HILL May. 16, I. o mpany 342 S. State Street H. L. Switzer Co., 310 S. State St. RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE tf NTRARIE MARY" MUSIC On Sale rch 26, 8:30 p. m. Seniors. Have your cap and gown measure- ments taken taken at Mack and Co., at once. No deposit required. 125-127 Open every evening until 9:30. Sun- days from 9:30 to 12:30, 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lyndon's kodaks, films, flash- lights. 719 N. University. Sun&Fri $3-$2.-$1.50 Pre-Festival Tickets may be returned, otherwise $6.00- $5.00-$4.50. $1.00 Sale begins Saturday, Parch 29. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC THE CHORAL UNION CHILDREN'S CHORUS THOMAS ORCHESTRA REQUIEM LOHENGRIN MEISTERSINGER LAUS DEO WALRUS AND THE CARPE uln at W= verst~ f 8icbousc Tess Building Maynard Street Across from Majestic CLOCKS and you will get ht and all clocks guaranteed. 111 EAST WASHINGTON Telephone 716- to youi classes on time New location.. STREET J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler BITTER SWEETS A Srictly Modern Offering of Candy Favorites in Old Style. Calkins' Pharmacy, 324 so. STATE St. Prevents "running over"-slipping and strain on ankles. e Can't work loose. Double -Wear Rubber Heel is stretched over a key-plate in changing. Hence must be of finest soft cushion-like rubber. inferior rubber will nottstretch. Out- wears two pairs of common rubber heels. No Holes-No Nails Won't deposit filth on the rugs or harm the highest polished floor. For all-around .' - comfort and economy, get fitted out now- 50c a Pai "While You Wait"r JOHN H LAMBERT FIRST CLASS SHOE] REPAIRING 613 E. William Street * - S -obe~a - a - ne .wmenon er , Easter CIoth Get Your Easter Hat We carry the very best Ready-to- Wear Clothes for Men and Young Men. Prices, $15.00 to $30.00 AT es' Art Store s and Framing, tin Street Reasonable Prices, Prompt Service and Good Workmanship. WADHAMVS & COMP. See Our Windows. 121-123 S. Main A I WHILE THEY LAST GOOD LOOSE LEAF DINDERS WITH FILLER FOR 15 c University Pharmacy, satisfying Toilet Articles Candies GOULDING-& WIKEL 1219 South Proprietor: University Ice Cream Sodas 7 Ice Cream Sodas