MAL$2.00I The Michigan Daily LOCAL $1.5 I MAIL $2.00 No. 126. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1913. PRICA Ill , cnmNr a .wi!U "& V AN ni vilull BETTERS 1F ON ITS | THE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor.-Friday, fair and warmer. University Observatory-Thursday, 7:00 p. m., temperature 24.8; maximum temperature 24 hours preceding, 27.4; minimum temperature 24 hours pre- ceding, 17.8; wind velocity 13 miles per hour. SAYTC IN RELIEVED; LY 20DET SECOND NIGHT 0 sic, Costumes, ig Are Factors mitrarie Mary" of All Union Operas. Acting Makin Best and' DISASTER PREVENTS DANCE. FLOOD CHANGES TRIP PLANS. 0 I I Clever lines, tuneful music, pictur- esque costumes and setting, excellent acting, singing and dancing-this com- bination makes "Contrarie Mary" the best opera that the Michigan Union has yet staged At least, this is what al who heard it last evening are say- ing. If the initial performance of Wed- nesday left anything to be desired, that was fulfilled in the second show last night. All the little imperfections in- cident to even a professional "first night" had disappeared, and the whole productionwas polished and smoothed down to the perfect finished product. Robert Beck has produced a libret- to that is consistent in plot and full of satisfying comedy and amusing lines. Willis Diekema and Rowland Fixel have written some songs that will long be sung and whistled on the campus The members of the cast -aquitted themselves brilliantly agarn. G. M. Moritz, as the leading lady was pretty to look at, and wore some stunning gowns with good effect. Durward' Grimstead as Julienne was everything sinuous and alluring. Joe Turpin made a remarkable change from a me- diaeval dame to a modern devotee of the Tango. Paul Doherty danced with' his usual lightness of foot, and R. M. Parsons and Waldo Fellows scored with their songs. LawrenceRClayton, G. Ef. McConley and N. Wi. Reed did some clever character acting, and the students and girls and fat inn-keeper were just as good as the rest. In brief, :he whole show is a huge success. MANY NOTABLES WILL SPEAK Lack of Railroad Facilities Prevents AT CICAGO ALUNI BANQUET OrchestraFrom Coming. The washouts on the railroad, due to Glee Club Will Also Be Present at the flooded conditions in Ohio, prevent- Celebration of A ysociation's ed the Wright Saxophone trio from ap- pearing in time for the dance at the "I'll Be There" is the slogan adopt- Michigan Union last evining. Word . was not received from the musicians ed by the banquet committee of the until time for the dancing to begin, Chicago Alumni Association of the and most of the seventy-five couples University of Michigan, for their silver were forced to return home disappoint anniversary banquet on Tuesday ev- ed. { Z a Mechanical Engineers Unable to Visit Youngstown on Spring Jaunt, After having made all arrangements for the annual spring trip, the mechan- ical engineering inspection party may be forced. to change its plans on ac- count of the floods in Ohio. The visit to Youngstown, will very likely be called off; and although Akron is not so badly submerged, it is possible that the conditions will prevent the inspec- tion of the Goodrich Rubber company's plant in that city. Up to last night, 24 men had order- ed tickets for the trip, and it is prob- able that a few more will decide to go at the last minute. The party will leave next Thursday night. STUDENTS TAKE I Nine Blocks in Heart of Busine Section Suffered from Fire; $5,OOOOOO,0U Loss STUDENTS FAIL IN EFFORT TO BOARD RELIEF TRAII ening, April 1, at the LaSalle hotel. Judge Charles S. Cutting, who was granted an honorary degree in 1907, will preside as toastmaster. Pres. Har- ry B. Hutchins will speak upon the present condition of affairs at the Uni- versity and Dr. Woodward, president of the Carnegie Institution, will also give an address, Hiram S. Cody, '08, is preparing a moving picture show, consisting of some views of former athletic contests. A reel of pictures reproducing the Olympic games at Stockholm will also be shown. The Glee and Mandolin club will stop in Chicago on their way to the Pacific coast to be present at the banquet. UNION MEETING The trio were to have played at the annual Sphinx Triangle dance which will be held at the Union this evening. The committee in charge of the matter I announced last evening that the event will be held nevertheless. BANQUET FUNDS MAYI B E GIVEN TO SUFFERERS Women to Meet Today to Consider Abolishing Social Function and Devoting Ticket Money to Ohio Victims., o---. (Bulletin-11:00 P. M.) (Detroit News Service.) DETROIT MICH.-A wire received here from chief of police of Dayton states conditions there are greatly improved. Water is receding rapidly and streets are becoming passable. Death list'at Dayton is now placed at 200. Fires are under control and rescue work is proceeding rapidly. RELIEF TRAINS TO FLOOD SCENE Frenzied Students Seize Faint Hope of Reaching Homes; Impossible to Get Word From Families in Midst of Great Devastation, . - (Bulletin-By Wireless, 3:00 A. M.) DAYTON, 0.. (VI A. COLUMBUS)-Section of city 9 blocks long has been wrecked by the fire. .Buildings believed to have suffered from fire Include Court House, County Jail, new Y. M. C. A., Beckel Hotel, Callahan Bank, City Bank, Central Union Telephone Co. block, and others. The fire loss is esti- mated at $5,000,000.00. (Bulletin-Midnight.) (Detroit News Service.) DETROIT, MICH.-A score of Michigan students whose parents live in flooded districts made desperate efforts to board the relief train. The permitting only members of crew aboard was strictly enforced, and it is that none of the students were in the train when it departed. CALLED TO PLAN FLOOD, RELIEF Mass Meeting to be Held to Organize Student Volunteers to Aid in Reconstruction Work in Stricken Districts in Ohio. ID REGION SPONDST IRELESS CALL. us, Bucyrus, and Mt. Vernon tations in Order and Talk to Cal Plant; Water is Rising at Buckeye State Capitol. fter three days of -fruitless efforts ;et into communication with the I stricken cities in SOhio, success tned the endeavors of the wireless ator here yesterday morning and munication was re-established be- n the local station and Ohio State rersity at Columbus, Bucyrus, and Vernon, Ohio. e wireless from Columbus stated the broken aerial had been repair- and big messages could be expect- rom there. It was reported that storage dam there had collapsed, that the water was slowly rising ver the city. Bucyrus no lives were lost in the ., but the property damage could be estimated because of its enor- . The water was said to be slowly g down, and it was believed that worst of the damage was over in city. Vernon has been without com- ication with the outside world the time of the tornado Sunday, the wires were all blown down wind storm attthat place created agep amounting to about a half mil- dollars, but no lives were report- 'at, e big spark has been crashing almost unceasingly since the first reached Ann Arbor concerning food, but the tornado which swept igh Ohio last Sunday blew down ,erials of the stations there, mak- communication impossible with except the Marconi station at land. Messages have been re- d from points in Indiana, but un- esterday no renort was received, For the purpose of ascertaining what part the student body can play in the flood relief movement, a mass meeting will be held this af- ternoon at 4:00 o'clock at the Michi- gan Union. It is thought by those calling the meeting that this will be the best way to combine the individual plans which are being formed and thereby derive more benefit from them. Because of the proximity of ^the spring recess, and the fact that many students will find time heavy on their hands by reason of not going home, de- sultory movements were started yes- terday toward banding together the men who would like to leave for the stricken districts to aid in the recon- struction work. It is likely that many students will put in their vacation in this way, judging from the talk current on the campus yesterday. Others are planning to abandon home-going inl order to assist in the work. FRATERNITY FRESHMEN WILL HOLD ANNUAL HOUSE PARTY. Believing that the food which has, been ordered for the Women's League banquet will do more good among the sufferers in the flooded districts than it might in Barbour gym next week, s movement has been started among the women to abandon the banquet this year and to donate the proceeds of the ticket sale to relieve the famine strick- en sufferers in Ohio and Indiana. A mass meeting will be held at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gym to decide the matter. Dean Myra B. Jordan will preside, If this project goes through, women who have purchased tickets may have their money refunded if so desired. Those who contribute to the relief fund will exchange their tickets for tags to designate that they are fund contribu- tors. President-Emeritus James B. Angell declared that if the majority of the women wish to give up the banquet, it would be an ideal thing to do. President Harry B. Hutchins com- mended the idea, stating that the rep- utation of the unive-rsity would be greatly enhanced if the movement suc- ceeds. Mrs. F. N. Scott, prominent in Alum- nae affairs, said last night: "Since the alumnae are here as the guests of the students, the latter should hold the banquet at any cost. If the students wish to send money to the sufferers they should make some other sacrifice, perhaps by raising a special fund." "I have been quoted as heartily in favor of abolishing the women's ban- qiuet in favor of the relief fund," declar- ed Louise Conklin, general chairman of the banquet committee. "This is not the case, but as general chairman of (Continued on page 4.) Terror stricken by the ominous sil- ence from their homes and parents, and torn by the conflicting emotions of hope and despair that each new extra brought, many students were unable to stand the strain longer and have left' in a faint hope of reaching their hom- es. Although all railroads report con- ditions growing worse there have been many attempts to rush relief trains to the stricken districts, and the rail- road companies are furnishing free transportation to those who have rel- atives in danger. Old railroad men state that hope of reaching the scenes of the disaster is weak but the anxious students seized upon any hope and left for various points where relief trains were scheduled to start. The first relief train from Detroit,. which was scheduled to leave there at midnight, was the objective point of many; although it was freely predicted that roadbeds south of Toledo were in hopeless shape. Troop trains and I trains loaded with boats and provis- ions from Toledo drew more of the frenzied students and every possible chance was taken. At a late hour last night no railroad gave any promise of getting trains through, though heroic service is being performed in the knowledge that the lives of hundreds of sufferers hang on the success. H. C. Lange, '14, and Dwight Esta- brook '16H, both of Dayton, left last night in an endeavor to reach their, homes on the relief train from Detroit. Early in the day Lange received word that his home was destroyed, but no news of the safety of his family. Es- tabrook could get no word of any kind and the increasing terrors of the flood and fire ridden city proved too much (Continued on page 4.) the rule said (Bulletil-11:00 P. M.) Wireless stations at university and at Ohio State are handling all West- erni nion messages between the two points. Full reports of disasters at Columbus to The Michigan Daily are delayed because of mass of personal telegrams to be sent. -0o (Bulletin-Midnight.) (Detroit News Service.) DETROIT, MICJ.-The relief train from this city carrying food, clothing, medical supplies and $20,000 in cash has left via. Michigan Central for Day. ton. None but officials were allowed to go with crew, although thousands filled depot and attempted to make their way to cars. Railway despatches ghe hope that train may be able to reach stricken city. Citizens promise to add $30,000 to subscriptions if needed. (Wireless-1:00 A. M.) COLUMBUS, 0.-1,500 people are clinging in branches of trees on west side. Many have been in this position 48 hours without food. Large num- bers, exhausted from famine and exposure, are dropping into waters. (Wireless- 1:00 A. M.) COLUMBUS, 0.-As waters recede streets are disclosed strewn with corpses of drowned men, women and children. Houses are being turned into morgues. West side of city still under water. Boats of every description-are being used in rescue work night and day. Many boats carrying survivors to points of safety have capsized. .(Wireless-Midnight.) DAYTON, 0.--Latest reports deny earlier messages that Loramie reser- voir had broken. St. Mary and Lewiston reservoirs are still holding and des- peraoe efforts are being made to strengthen them. Death list is now placed at 200. Waters are steadily receding. 0 (Wireless-Midnight.) DAYTON (VIA. COLU.BUS)-Communication between this city and outside world being established by U. S. Army signal corps which will relay messages to wireless station at Ohio State university. -0 (Bulletin--Midnight.) INDIANAPOLIS, IND.-Vagueness characterizes reports of flood condi- tions in Indiana today. Communication is cut off at central points in de- vastated territory. Scarcity, of news is partly assigned to exhaustion of newspaper correspondents after four days of superhuman efforts. a The Freshmen Kard Kiub will give its annual party and dance today and tomorrow. The dance will be given at Granger's academy tonight,and on Sat- urday afternoon the guests will attend the matinee performance of "Contra- rie Mary.". House dances will be held at the different fraternities on Satur- day afternoon, guests leaving on Sun- day morning. Soph Engineers Will Dance Tonight. Soph engineers will hold their sec- end evening party of the year at Pack- ard academy tonight. The dance is to be more elaborate than the former one, and a large crowd is expected. Graduate Publishes Book on Exercise. Woods Hutchinson, '84M, has pub- lished a book on"Exercise and Health" in which he shows the danger of over- exercise, and proves that too many athletic exertions may be even more -dangerous than none whatever. SOCIALISTS WILL HEAR S.W. BALL "The Class Conflict" will be the sub- ject of a lecture given tonight at New- berry hall at 8:00 o'clock by Sam W. Ball, editor and short story writer from Fargo, North Dakota. He comes as the third of a series of five speak- ers on socialistic subjects, who are brought here by the Intercollegiate So- cialist society. Mr. Ball, who is an able and force- ful speaker, is the author of the often- quoted statement that "every time there is a steel 'melon' cut, thousands of workingmen, who produced this enormous wealth, are given only the rind." MEDICS WAIT FOR ORDERS FROM COX, (Bulletin-11:00 P. M.) Ahprivate telegram received at Ann Arbor today and relayed toss, states that the water in Edgemont, a residence district, is three feet deep. Danger is confined mainly to business section of from Day- now only iat ! _-0- * Owing to the almost impossible traf- fic conditions throughout Ohio, the university medical staff which has been in readiness to leave for the scene of the disaster, has- not as yet received word to start. A corps composed of surgeons, nurses, and senior medic students with all necessary drugs, ap- pliances, and medicine has been held in readiness to start at a moment's no- tice. The first call for the aid came from Governor Cox of Ohio, and since then no time has been wasted in having ev- erything ready for a trip of indefinite (Continued on page 4.) (Bulletin-11:00 P. M.) According to the local weather bureau, conditions throughout flood dis- trict, as regards weather, are considerably improved; and fair and warmer weather is predicted. The passing of the cold spell will relieve suffering there, while cessation of rain and snow will mean a falling of waters. 0 (Wireless-Midnight.) DAYTON (VIA. COLUMBUS)-The plant of National Cash Register company is being dynamited as fast as possible to prevent spread of confla- gration. ---o (Bulletin-4:30 A.M.) NORFOLK NAVY YARD, NORFOLK, VA.-The Steamer "Advance" is disabled in a heavy storm off Cape Hatteras. Two ships bound in the same direction are standing by, but she has not yet sent out distress signals. The steamer belongs to the- Panama Railroad Co., and is northbound from the isthmus. A terriffic storm is sweeping the south Atlantic coast this morn ing.