-4-Jl , L $-.-0 FLAIL $2.00 The Michigan. Daily -MAIL $2.00 No. 124. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1913. PR~ICK wlV. ,' ~} INAL TOUCH i8 GVNTO UNION OPERA xcellent ReTarsals Presage Finished First ight Production of "Coltrarie Mary." OME GOOD SEATS ARE LEFT FOR FIRST TWO EVENINGS.l Prof. Strauss Thinks Annual Will Prove Great success. Show I TIHE WEATHER MAN Forecast for Ann Arbor-Wednes- day, snow and brisk north winds. University Observatory- Tuesday, 7:00 p. m., temperature 28.0; maximum temperature 24 hours preceding, 46.4; minimum temperature 24 hours pre- ceding, 26.0; wind velocity, 10 miles per hour. Precipitation, .74 inches. EXHIBIT OF ILLUSTRATIONS ATTRACTS MUCH ATTENTION The exhibit of original drawings and, magazine illustrations now on exhibi- tion in Memorial hall has already been visited by 1,500 students and townspeo- ple, and it is estimated that 500 more will see the pictures before they are taken away at the end of the week., The drawings are the property of the Society of American Illustrators, and are here as a loan to the Ann Arbor Art association. Window Display Features Music Cover Knight Templar and rampant charg- er flourish their silver trappings amid rolls of Union opera music in the win- dows of the Root music house on May- nard street this week. The display is is fashioned after the picture on the music score. REGENTS PROVIDE APHARMACY COURSE, DAYTON ENGULFED BY FLOOD; RECEIV E WORD.-FROM OMAHA (2:00 A. M. Bulletin to T'[he Michigan Daily.) (Detroit News Service.), Unofficial reports from the territory surrounding the flooded city of Day- ton state that the number of dead will total'to 5,000. Telegraphic and tele- x phonic communication is entirely cut o ff, but the last word from the stricken city stated that the water was ten feet deep in the streets, and the buildings were collapsing, while the flood was sweeping the bodies of the dead through the streets. (1:00 O'clock Bulletin to Michigan Daily.) (University Wireless Service.) (Received from Notre Dame University Wireless Station.) Reports from South Lend, Indiana, state that a 35 foot wall of a power dam has given way, paralyzing business and traffic. Many are reported to have lost their lives. SENIOR LAWS BREAK PRECEDENT Class of 1913 Decides Not to Give Portrait as Memorial.' A custom which has been followed by senior classes in the law depart- ment for twenty-two years, that of leaving as a memorial the portrait of some faculty hiember, is to be broken by the class of 1913, which has voted to provide some other commemoration of its career at the university. What form this will take will be decided upon at the next meeting of the class. The first law class to leave a memo- rial of a faculty man was that of 1891 which presented a picture of Prof. Wil- liam P. Wells who died that year. Each succeeding class has presented a painting of some member of the lav; faculty. These portraits have been placed in the library and other parts of the law building. BRIDGE FIENDS PLAY FOURTH ROUND IN °UNION CONTEST. The next to the last round in the Uhion auction bridge tournament will be played tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The final round will be played a week from tonight at which time the winners will be announced. . About 25,couples have been entered for the tournament and C. H. Royon, '13L, and J. J. Kennedy, '13L, are now leading. Prizes for the high men will be announced this week. WOMEN WILL HEAR DR. ANGELL SPEAK I1 Plan of Placing Students on Honor to Develop Character First Adopted in 1819 at Virginia. SYSTEM IS FOUNDATION OF STUDENT LIFE AT PRINCETON Clause Providing For Reporting Cheaters Has Proved Objectionable. of HONOR SYSTEM NAUG ORATED BY JEFFERSOI When the cu-tain goes -up for the initial perfornance of "Contrarie Mary," the 1913 Michigan Union opera, at 8:15 o'clock tis evening, it will be far from the usual first-night show that will grace the boards at the Whit- ney. Long rehearsing has practically per- fected the production. The practice' held at the theater last evening went through more a oothly than the reg ular opening performances of former years, and the show proved so enter- taining to the rather multitudinous au- dience of critics present that every number was caled back for encores. The second dty of the ticket sale for the general public resulted in another large block of admission cards being sold. Seats for t1,e Friday night and Saturday afternoor performances have been practically sold out, but there are still many pasteboards undisposed of for the performances tonight and to- morrow night. Tlhs genev~i sale will continue I~- vr itney box office all .is week. "This year's opera is bound to be a success," said Prof. Louis A. Strauss, chairman of the senate committee on dramatic organizatioas, following last evening's rehearsal. "I am especially, pleased with the music, which is unus- ually effective, ani he environment provided by the book is also a contri- bution to the gener l excellence of the production." HOMEOPS TO HOLD ,LECTION FOR NEW BASFIBLL MANAGER Student Council in Vesponise to Peti- tion Changes ITEthod of Selectkion. DAYTON STUDENTS FEAil FOR PARENTS' SAFETY IN FLOOD. Lack of Reports From Stricken City Causes Consternation Here. The breaking of the levee, which had been holding back the flooded waters of the Little Miami river, at Dayton, Ohio, yesterday morning has caused consternation and grave fears among the students hailing from the stricken city. 'ecause of the breaking of the telephone and telegraph wires, none STUDENTS FROM NEBRASKA HEAR RELATIVES ARE SAFE. Answers to Telegranms of Inquiry Show First Fears Are Unfounded. Reports from the students living in' the districts in N'ebraska that were affected by the tornado and fire show that although many of the homes were in the danger zone, no injuries to the relatives of Michigan students.have oc- curred. Telegrams were sent to Oma- ha immediately after the news of the New Three Year Course Will Lead Degree of Pharmaceutical Chemist. of the students have been able to com- disaster reached here, and returns to municate with their parents, and all were received yesterday afternoon. APPOINT TWO NEW PHYSICIANS A new three years course in pharma- cy leading to the degree of pharmaceu- tical chemist, was provided for by the board of regents at its meeting last night. The present two and four year courses are retained but the degree of Ph.G., graduate in pharmacy, instead of pharmaceutical chemist, will be giv- en upon completion of two years' work. The degree of B.S. -will be granted at the end of four years. The entrance requirements of the pharmacy department were also changed, being made the same as those of the literary department and the. schedule of courses leading to the new degrees was approved. The addition of the new course will not necessitate the procuring of new instructors for the department., are anxiously waiting news from the flooded districts. Several telegrams have been sent, from here,but at a late hour last night, it was reported that the telegraph company had been unable to get any wires through.. Stanley C. Auschberger,'16, is greatly worried over the situation. "My 9ar- ents live in the lowest part of the city," he stated, "that part of Dayton which is most likely to be flooded. For that reason I am afraid that the house was one of those flooded." Auchsberger was one of the students who failed to get a telegram through to his parents. Miss Leah Moskowitz, '16, is another; student with fears for the welfare of- her parents. "Our home is in the up- per part of the city," she declared, "but I fear that my father was in the lower part of the city attending to his busi- ness when the levee broke. I haven't heard from home since the flood and Louis Haller, '12-'14L, had the worst scare that fell to the lot of any of the Nebraska students. His parents re- sided directly in the path of the torna- do, and he was the first to wire home for information. Yesterday afternoon he received a telegram stating that his parents were all right. Miss Helen King, '16,was also alarm- ed as her parents live in the zone of danger, but she received word that no one had been injured, and her house was left standing. B. J. Miles, '14, A. W. Dann, '15L, A. G. Eggert, '14L, L. B. Cohn, '16, E. J. Rosenberg, '13, all reported a fortunate escape from any casualties to their relatives. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION IS PLAN OF POLISH STUDENTS. Representatives From All Universities Will Hold Convention in July. President-Emeritus Will Deliver dress of Welcome at Annual Banquet. Ad- TICKETS GO ON SALE TODAY.I In response to a e.ition from 50 The. regents approved the action of haven't been able to get a telegram members of the hom eoiathic depart- the engineering faculty in unifying the through, so that I can't tell whether or Polish college students in this coun- ment, the student council, at its meet- engineering degrees, providing that be- not we are in the danger zone." try will form a national organization ing last nighf, provided for a special ginning with the commencement of Dwight Estabrook, '16H, J. G. Tur- and establish a magazine at a conven- election of baseball manager for that 1916, only a single bachelor degree be pin, '1.4, B. M. Compton, '16, Lowell tion to be held this summer, according department to be held from 10:00 to granted, that of bachelor of science in Monroe,.'15, and H. C. Lange, '16 ,also to plans originated on the Michigan 12:00 o'clock Saturday morning at the engineering, and also bachelor of sci- reside in the stricken city, but because campus by the Polish Literary society. homeopathic hospital. All homeops ence in architecture. of the high locations of their homes The object of the organization is to will be eligible to vote. Dr. H. H. Cummings was appointed they don't feel any danger at present. promote the idea of brotherhood The prectlent has beey to have the university physician and L. C. Pratt, of "We are all worried over the disaster" among the Polish students, and prob- president of Lie senior chss appoint a Denver, Colo., university.physician for said Lange last evening."'But unless lems touching student life will be dis- fourth year man as baseb'all manager women. Dr. Cummings has been on the flood spreads to the upper part of cussed by the convention, and in the and this plan has been followed this the staff of Dr. Peterson for some time. the city, I don't think there is any im- columns of the publication. year. The majority in the department In response to a request from the mediate danger. Of course, there is The movement was started by the feel that this methul is undemocratic state conference for charities and cor- always the chance that they were action of the local Polish society,which as well as unreprestutative, and the rections the board granted the use of among those caught by the breaking of is composed of all the Polish students presentation of the p titon to the Barbour gymnasium for the meetings the levee and the rushing in of the attending the university, in sending council is the result of o-at sentiment. of the conference from May 26 to 29. water, and it will be impossible to tell circulars to similar organizations in F. R. Reed, '14H, and~ .s. Thorn- All persons attending the conference how we fared until we can get into other colleges. The plans have met ton, '1611, appeared befoxjethe council were also invited to inspect the uni- communication with our parents." with general approval, and the con- to present the arguments Othe oppos- versity and guides will be furnished if vention will be held early in July, at ing sides in the controv rsy and the necessary. FACULTY MEN TO RETALIATE which most of the universities will be action of the council followed, The regents approved the action of IN "COME-BACK" NUMBER. represented. Candidates for the office mist be the literary faculty in continuing the The convention will draft and enact nominated by petitions conl tainng at combined lit-medic courst for one "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a a constitution for the purpose of form- least five names and must ,be it the year. tooth" will be the motto of the faculty ing the proposed federation, and the hands of the secretary of The senior in the next issue of the Gargoyle to be qualifications of branch societies will class by 6:00 o'clock Friday eveniig. JUNIOR SOCIETIES TO HOLD published by them some time after be determined. Clevelad, Ohio, and The names of' the nominee. will he ANNUAL DANCE ON FRIDAY. spring vacation. If plans, now under Buffalo, New York, are the places sug- Published later. Bfao e ok r h lcssg ubshdat.consideration mature, the next num- gested for the convention; both being Sphinx and Triangle societies will ber of the humor magazine will be centrally located in relation to the col- ENGINEERS MUST SECURE hold their annual combined dance at gotten out entirely by the faculty. leges interested. TRIP RESERVATIONS TODA the Union on Friday night. Prof. and Since the "Parofs." number came out, Professor S. J. Zowski, of the marine AcMrs. C. P. Wagner, Prof and Mrs. A. certain ones of that higher order of engineering department, is enthusias- About 15 mechianical enIg neering H. White, and Prof. and Mrs. E.D. Rich beings have been requesting an oppor- tic about the organization of the Polish studentshave ordered their tickets for will chaperone. The music will be tunity to retaliate, so Managing Editor federation; and will lend his support the spring inspection trip which is to furnished by the Wright Saxophone McGee decided to give them the oppor- to the movement.- be taken through the east during the Irlo of Columbus -and hits from "Con- tunity in a "come back" number. coming vacation under the supervision trarie Mary" will be played. Union Opera Posters Have Ready Sale. >f Prof. Zowski. As the tickets can- Alpha Nu Postpones Tryouts. Posters for the Union opera are hav- not be ordered after tomorrow, all who Prof. Rauschenbusch to Speak Here. Alpha Nu society will postpone its ing a heavy sale, both in Ann Arbor expect -to go must see Prof. Zowski Prof. Walter Rauschenbusch of Rich- tryouts for the "cup" debating team and Ypsilanti; and the indications are and make reservations by this evening, pester Theological Seminary will be the from Saturday night to Monday, March that the entire edition will be exhaust- The touring party of senior electric- peaker at the union services at the 30, because of the Union opera. The ed in a few days. The few remaining, Al students who will make practical- 'resbyterian church next Sunday. The regular meeting of the society will be copies will be placed on sale at the y the same trip under th supervision ubject of his talk will be "The Gospel held Saturday evening, the programme entrance of the Whitney theater before of Mr. F. L. Wilson, also will be comr- f Galilee, and the Age of the Power consisting of impromptu talks by a and after tlhe performances of the op- fosed jf 15 men. achine." number of the members, era. Dr. James B. Angell will deliver the address of welcome at the annual ban- quet which the Collegiate Alumnae will give to the undergraduate Mich- igan women April 3. A response to the toast "Michigan Ideals" will be given by Mrs. Margaret McLaughlin Stoner, '09. Mrs. Marion Watrouf An- gell, wife of Dean James R. Angell of the University of Chicago will speak on "Michigan to the Underworld." The undergraduate toast, "Michigan to the Undergraduate Woman" will be given by Mary Palmer, '13. Mrs. Julia Knight Edwards of Detroit will talk on "Reminiscences." President Harry B. Hutchins will close the speaking pro- gram. Mrs. Elsie Jones Cooley will of- ficiate as toastmistress. The only public presentation of plays given by the junior women will be made at the banquet. Although the plays will be offered the day before, admission at that time is open only to senior women and to those fresh- men who are going to act as ushers at the banquet. This pre-production is an annual entertainment to the sen- ior class for whom the plays are orig- inally written. The alumnae have de- cided to give the junior class $90.00 to defray the expenses for staging the plays, providing the junior women buy their full quota of 100 banquet seats. Tickets for undergraduate women will be placed on sale today in the li- brary at 10:00 o'clock for an hour and in University hall at 11:00 o'clock. To- morrow tickets will go on sale for the rest of the week in the library from 9:00 o'clock until 4:00 o'clock. At the Women's League party Friday after- noon a special sale will be conducted at Barbour gym. After Monday stu- dents will be unable to procure admis- sion cards, as a special sale is then to be opened to faculty women and moth- ers of women attending the university. Collegiate alumnae can procure tick- ets from Mrs. C. O. Davis, Cutting Apartments. PROF. PHILLIPS TO LECTURE ON SOUTHERN PLANTATION LIFE Professor U. B. Phillips, of the his- tory department, will deliver an illus- trated public lecture on "Plantation Life" this afternoon in room 203 Tap- pan hall at 3:00 o'clock. Professor Phillips, who has charge of all the courses on southern U.S. his- tory, is a native southerner who has devoted his lifetime to studying that portion of the country from every viewpoint. He has written numerous books and treatises on the south, and is an authority on southern W 1' Instituted by the^ "Father of Democ- racy," Thomas Jefferson, in the Uni- versity of Virginia at its founding in 1819, the honor system fdrmed the corner-stone of that great statesman's policy of student self-government. It was his idea that the effects of fear are but temporary and unsatisfactory, and that the proper way to correct the indiscretions of youth was to inculcate "pride of character and laudable am- bition" which 'would create a soundx and permanent "spirit of order and self-respect." Jefferson's policy proved too liberal in some respects, and the governors-of the university went to the other ex- treme. After many changes, a medium, was reached in 1842, which hit a prop- er balance of faculty control and self- government. The students in a reso- lution agreed to sign a pledge at the end of every written examination that they had neither given nor received any assistance, and the faculty agreed to take them at their word. As used in Virginia' for 71 years, the system has proved highly satisfactory, according to those acquainted with its working. The plan was instituted at Washington and Lee under the presi- dency of General R. E. Lee; in Van- derbilt in 1875, and in the University of Texas at its founding in 1884. Wes- leyan followed in 1892 and Princeton a year later. Williams, Yale, Leland Stanford, Lehigh and many others have since adopted the honor system, and it is now under consideration at Columbia, Syracuse, and Wisconsin. A Princeton man, recently explain ing its working to the Syracuse Daily Orange, told how the freshmen on en- tering the university were informed just what the honor system meant, and how, as a result, the whole tone of un- dergraduate life at Princeton has been raised. He says: "The system here is the very foun- dation of Princeton life. Every man is just as much bound to report a case of cheating which may come to his notice, to one of the honor committee, as he is bound not to cheat himself. The whole thing depends on a man's holding the -integrity of the system above his .own personal feelings. It is this loyalty to the highest interests of the whole college life, which has to be-built up." The honor plan of taking examina- tions was adopted this winter at the University of Illinois, but failed to car.. ry by about 150 votes when put to a popular vote at Syracuse two weeks ago because of a clause requiring that "cribbers" be reported. It also failed to carry at Wisconsin a year or so ago, the bone, of contention being the "tat- tling clause." AVIATOR TO TELL PERSONAL EXPERIENCES TO AERO CLUB "Personal Experiences" will be the subject of the talk to be given by Don Gregory, aviator, before the Aero club at 7:30 o'clock tonight in room 311 in the engineering build- ing. Mr. Gregory has built several aeroplanes with which he has made many successful flights, and his talk tonight will deal with problems he has encountered both in the construction and navigation of the machines. J. A. McDonald to Speak at Meeting. J. A. McDonald, a member of the staff of the Toronto Globe will be the speaker at the Annual Students Christian associ- ation meeting which " be held In F ';