THE MI THE M]IGAN DAILY I' PlatformI is Price and Quality H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 31 1 south State street versity Trext Books lew anid S..condJ Band Ali Departments DRAWING IN6TRUMENTS "an & Co. Ls Book Store Pipes ft Brops MIDGES sar invaded ~ie made lips. It was TYPEWRITERSI Netw and Rebuilt.- All MakesI FOR SALE OR RENT[" y Street O.D. 1MORRILL 322 S. STATE ST. L ocal Representative, UNDERWOOD TYPErITE11R ~bb House hi state Street ii THlE friCIAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- . ~igan. - Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, under Act of Congress o March 3, 1879. Offices: Second floor, Ann Arbor Press Build- ing, Maynard Street. Office Hours: Editor-:. to 3 p. m.; 7 to .1o p. i. Business Manager-i to 3 p. in. Subscription Prkie By carrier, $.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University_ Pharmacy; Davis and Konalds Confectionary Store. Phones: Bell and Home, 96. Fraik Pennel .Managing Editor Joseph PFouchard ......Business Manager Maurice Toule ..............News Editor C. HaIirold 1lippler:................Assistant Karl Mattbew ..............Athletic Editor G. C. Edredge. ...........Assistant John Towne.......Music and Drama tLoiad M. Rieser ....................Files EDITORIALS Harold G. Mc~ee Louis R. Hailer hlonell Can Akeai Maurice Myers NIGHT EDITORS H., Peach Carpenter . Fred B. Foulk Mortcn R. Hunter ..........Morris Milligan Russell ,I. Neilson.......... Bruce J Miles REPORTERS lames I)' Rvin......Ernest R. Burton David D. Hunting ............ V. Sweeney W'SNESS STAFF Adna R. Johlnston .........Advertising Mgr. Emerson Smith .................Accountant Laurence D. Bartlett....... Circulation Mgr. '1TESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1912 Night Editor-Bruce J. Miles. BOOST.. "There is no sacrifice in service to your fellowman," says Booker T. Washington. We wonder whether this applies to schoo' life. Suppose a man goes a step or two out of his way to give some tender, bewildered fresh- man a lift; to put him -"in right." Sup- pose he helps any one of the fellows about him, in any one of the thousand little, or big, ways that are open to all of us. And suppose that to do this he gives up-well, the theater. Does he really make a sacrifice? He can't. And the reason is close at hand, with- in himself, for he feels, in simply per- forming the service, a personal satis- faction that outweighs what he has given up, the intangible but real re- ward of being a bit more willing to live with himself. And this does not at all take :into account the fact that he has probably made a friend. WILL IT BE REMEMBERED? Out of the turmoil attendant upon the recent election conducted by the athletic association, it now appears that the action of the board of direct- ors, requiring the presentation of the receipt of the treasurer of the univer- sity, as evidence of membership in the association with voting privileges, though not the most fortunate course in the matter, was nevertheless within the legal rights of that body; and secondly, none of the defeated candi- dates is willing to engage in another election. The present incident then, seems closed. However, it is not out of place, that the board should take cognizance of the hardship suffered by a number of individuals who were deprived of their franchise upon unnecessary grounds, and reconsider its ruling before anoth- er election. The rights of the mem- bers of the association can be proved very satisfactorily by the presentation of the little coupon books, and by the membership lists at the athletic asso- ciation offices. FALL TONIC. Have you been blue or unhappy or lonesome these past two Sabbaths? Perhaps so, if you spent the time in your room or on the street, but not one of these feelings, we venture to say, if you went tramping out on coun- try roads, along the river, or through the woods. These are anything but melancholy days for the man who puts on his league boots in leisure hours and leaves the city to seek "tongues in trees, sermons in stones, books in the running brooks, and good in every- thinig.,, .For the camera lover, are sketchings of river peeking out of their frame- work of exquisitely-tinted foliage, field stacked' with the handiwork of the reaper, and woods carpeted with the playthings of another autumn. If you like bird and insect and animal life, every bush and every tree will furnish its quota. Squirrels have quit frolics for long hours of harvesting. Out of the orchards comes the piping of an occasional robin. In the flood. water back from the river are mallard and teal and mud-hens for the man who knows the secret of stealth. And for the mane who cannot gain the confi- dence of the wilder wild life, are flock- ing black-birds and winter birds in new plumage. Aside from all this, is the color work of the frost. It has given the hickory a dress of yellow, the sumach a crimson gown, and the maples, splashings of both. In a few more ;days, even the stubborn oak and maple will be' giving up their green to the same claimant. Don't stay in your room another Sunday like the past two. You're a spend-thrift if you do-a waster, of the sort of tonic your system needs and craves. w .. as, WAH'R'#9S Unilver-sity Bookstores IStifo 319 K. Hur+ rn St# Thtirty Years of By courteous treatmen t o~f the public, and lows in the Realm of Mdusic" we have buillt up the largest die west. We solicit your patr~onage: satisfaction Shteet Music at Low Pr GRIN'NE1L. BROS. 120-122 Phom No IWholesome Board at K'eek. Safe Drinking c. c. iFree.m a., Proprietor iTEX T 0B Now and Seeandhand BOOKS lor all departm DRAWING INSTRUMENTS ENGINE ERS SUPPLIES VNOUN CEM ENT Buarclifield &Co.'s est TJailoring S&crcice to be had Anywhere. g Dress Clothes we aknowledge nio'equal, e our superiority in every instance. Burchfield & Company 106 East Hfuron Street: Loose Leaf Note Books, Fountain Fens, etc. headquarters. Gracious all chafing dishes! How good it seems to get back to Wim- men's Day. Show your passes at the gate, girls, and walk right into the arena. Gents will kindly efface them- selves from the neighborhood while us girls are busy over our own little affairs. Them are Gruel Words, But True, There's something quite entrancing About a beauty spot, When there's punch and merry danc- ing, And your blood is running hot. At balls it's quite ENTHRALLING, The little beauty spot- But in the gray of eight-o'clocks, That little spot is NOT. 'Bout 'steen days ago we asked THE prettiest fem on the lot to kindly send in a lock of her hair. ALL of 'em did. Buit matters got switched somewhere. For instance, our private chemist traced one of the blades to a woman in the Fiji Ilslands.' It's up to some- body for explanations. It's a stormy night, Mable-we'll need four hatpins. Famous Fern Remarks. "Harold Hollingsw orth, this is State street-cast that Hsnassan hence." "If I use an eye-brow pencil am I a marked woman?" I I Warum, We AskI $~ Mr. Scinty would rejoice like an Earl, To learn the whyness of, The difference between an ordinary fem And a coeducational girl. The burning, question is: What hu- mor is there left for the poor Gar- goyle? Pan-Hell's Own Yell. Fudge and caramels, Pan! Pan! Hops and theaters, Man!' Man! A man is known by the presents he gives. Huyler's Candy is the best made. Telephone 57. 'l'ea Room. Your attention is invited to the For- est Lawn Tea Room, 604 Forest Ave. Address I.,. Kelsey. 11-13 UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS,new slightly' used or rebuilt, for sale, for rent. 0. D. Morrill over Baltimore Lunch. t Rebuilt typewriters of all makes, latest models 1-4 to 3-4 manufacturers price, for sale on easy terms. 0. D. East Tea Room Waffle Suspper It to Recoiize sI jflotoo raj hz Make ouxr Sunday Night, ST. Phone 13 218 i-2 S. STATE IS. 0. Cooper A GOOD We handle all home kil"afresh and salt meats. Alsoo best fislh, oynters and poultry All home-made sausage. Prices will suit you. Try us Bell Phone 680 Nome Phone 429 109 E. Ann St. CARDS PROGRAMS STATIONERY WR~ITE FOR SAM E ON S m li swGREGORY MAYER & THOMv. CO. DETROITI E~~v I I' NOW 9M FOOT U FOR MAR MAK BALL If you do play as the big 'colle-, gosdo, you Will use the Spald- ing No, J5' Foot Ball -=- the offical ball of the game-andj Spaldings Uniforms and Equip-, ment. Send f"r o0r1all and Winter Cat alovue-it's free New iuies for 1912- Spalding's Official F'oot Bali Guide, edited by Walter Camp. con- tains. the official iules, record's, notes, college captains and managers, schedules and r-ictures of all the big teams and hundreds of other plAyers. Price 10 cents H~ow to Play Foot Ball. Edited by Walter Camp; revised for 1912; lnstructlong for playing-; signals; training. Price 10 cents A. G. S PALDING & BROS. 25Woodw'..rd Ave,, Det roit Mich. MAJI To Follow the Crest White Sign of the Temple taurant 709 N. University Ave. 'On Main MOVING PICTURES t open, after heaving undergone somte remiodeling atnd in pro- e premises, based always on thiesame principles of e em.rid erxv.unme Food ome..%ed Cooks anxd Ct C1ea rvlimess nds on a strong and resourceful mind: but a stron~g and r4_- ," on a strolls and hiealtiy body. when good and richli bood Is circulating itt our velns. Mlood:' Easy to answer: Fro n tihe food wv are co suming' 'eli prepared and well served will constitute th- ingre"dients d up at st-ong, constitution and a sound mind arnd Will brinlg handled by thie first man who (,&l's imselrf cook is the poison n our system. If you don't feel thut poison now you will feel uisof the afl'ectionl of y'our stonmach will muale yon a slave te eiie.i tier high-class cooking pn high-class service at popular prices spectlifl to all visitors. rI Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. On account olflire Wehave cVd fj-~m 114 'Nortih Stte io our rew locatfill at 300 No tin Main Stre, t, bein- fully equipped We ask onr patron Sze for the coinngy( ar. or proml t and quik ck sife call (usr tax ies on leaving car. A lso Hour Baggage Delivered to all plr's of the city by our nvw au'n truck on call d&Y and night. finri,['d cPa ner ...~oc To and from Parties 2 (0 a e( uple ' 'ti 0 01'rmnI(e......2c ('ach By II e Hour. .. ....$3.00 Fri in 10:3)( p.m. to 6 vi..50c -trai't T, sunks - ..25e a floor Morrill, over Blntimore lunch. tf I I- Smith, ASf DETROIT UNITED LINES d, Rem.. Annu Arbor Time Table ;e Trial fCat. Limitd Cars for Detreif-7:12 a w. and papers D ourly to t;..17 P. n-1.. also 8:1"' V..U1. Local Cars for Detroit-5;40 a. inj.. 6:40 a. In,,. andl every two hours to ,0;4) . in . 7:40) p. n. .:40 p. n.. 9 :43 p in, and 1n:4.5 pin T'o Yp~l anti only. 11:11 p tan * 1':1" . n. "1:2:30 p. mn., 1:00 a. Ill. Limited Cars for Jackson-7 :13'a. iM. tnd (,.%ery two hours to 7:46i Local Cars for Jack son-5 :?0 a n.. and .S every two hours to 9::'0 p. ni.. 11:15 p. mn. --- I- Freshmen Caps Gym. Shoes, 5ut1s, Towels, etc. Laboratory Suits and Aprons Engineering Overalls and Jackets, Interwoven Hose Operating Coats and Aprons Holeproof Hose- Sweaters I WANMR ea CO. State St. Sign of the bi- white slioe. e Slickers and Raincoats Me isterachaft Shoes J. & M. Shoes Frisbie Collar Redman Collars Stetson Hats Co. lice 0 /