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October 15, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-10-15

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DOOR $2.50







..... ... ...


Vol. XXIII, No. 12.



Coach Will T ry to Eliminate Fumbles
Which Showed In Saturday's
Came With M. A C.
Michigan's football team practiced
in sections yesterday' afternoon. The
workout which Coach Yost gave the
arsity was unique in that while the
men who have become known as the
regulars of the Varsity squad were
sent through a stiff signal drill, the
second string men of the squad were
senM into a hard scrimmage with the
scrubs. Yost divided his attention be-
tween the two interests.
Yesterday's practice was announced
as secret, but a number of football
supporters gathered at Ferry field be-
fore the gates were closed and were
permitted to watch the battle between
the Varsity substitutes and the re-
serves. The second-string men of the
Varsity used regular Varsity plays
and attempted to rush the reserves.
The scrubs, however, put up a game
fight and and the scoring was limited
to one touchdown.
Whlie the Varsity substitutes were
battling the reserves, the Varisty reg-
ulars had thier woifk cut out for them
in a signal drill instigated to correct
the glaring faults of the M. A. (-
game; Yost evidently doesn't desire
the, butter-fingere" tactics of the "Ag-
gie" game repeated in ,the 0. S. U.
contest Saturdiay, and if constant work
at the plays will develop a perfection
in handling the leather, the team will
From the way in which the first
team lined up last evening, it is ap-
parent that Yost is planning to have
a wealth of halfback material on hand
during the remainder of the season.
Boyle, the man who was expected to
play a sensational game at quarter-
back, was placed at right half during
the entire signal drill, and the wise
ones are predicting that he will have
a chance at a half back's job in the
0, S. U. game. Huebel has been show-
ing up exceptionally well at quarter
and with Bushnell to fall back on the
predictions that Boyle will be devel-
oped into a halfback on account of
his ability as a broken field runner,
do not sc ,n entirely 'far-fetched.
Yost apparently realizes that under
Coach Richards, of 0. S. U., the Buck-a
eye players are preparing to give
Michigan the battle of their lives. The
Michigan game is the big contest t
O. S. U., and inasmuch as the gax#
will probably be the last in which the
two teams will hook up, on account of
0. S. U.'s having joined the conference,
the game is being touted as one which
w ill be well worth seeing.
"Jack the Peeper" has been main-
taining a reign of terror among
rsidcn'.s In the vicinity of the campus
for the last few nights. The nocturnal
prowler was detected last night peer-
ing through windows of a residence
on Packard street. A young girl
caught a glimpse of him as he at-

tempted to force an entrance into a
store shed at the rear of her home.
Her cry caused him to take flight.
is presence was reported on South
Thayer street in the vicipity of thel
1:,Ii Memorial and itorium There he1
continued his stealthful prying about:
windows' Being observed by students,,
he was frightened away'.at their ap-

Forecast for.Ann Arbor-Generally
fair tonight and Tuesday.
University Observatory - Monday
7:00 p. m., temperature 61:2; maxi-
mum temperature G1.2; minimum tem-
perature 37.0; average wind velocity
9 miles.
Theta Phi Alpha, a new Catholic so-
rority has been organized recently,
with headquarters at 811 East Huron
street. The sorority has no connec-
tion with Omega Upsilon, the Catholic
sorority organized about four years
ago, which has recently disbanded.
Theta Phi Alpha is a purelyl local or-
ganization and is under the supervis-
ion of Bishop Kelley. The chapter has
about 20 alumnae, and nine active
members at present. Those in the
house are: President, Otilla R. Leuch-
tucis; treasurer, Eva R. Stroh, Kath-
lyn C. Holmes, Monica Jarnsey, Marie
Sullivan, Josephine Bronson, Gene-
vieve Ryan, and Dorothy Caughey.

(Detroit NeWs Servic )U
M::xw\aukee, Wis., October 14.--Ex-Pre ident Theodore Roosevelt was
shot Ly a fanatic tonight as he was ka in: his hotel in an automobile for
the auditorium ahere he was to speak. The bullet took eect just above the
heart. At a late hour the wound vas thouht to bv serious ut nOt fneCessar-
ily fatal. The assailant was captured.
Although xNounded, Roosevelt w N : o the auditorium and spoke to and
spoke to an audience of several thous: for about an hour, taking no heed
of the crowd's entreaties to have hl ii jury examimd. lie was weak from
loss of bleod when his speech was finlh d and was taken to etergency
hospital, where surgeons probed for th bullet without success.
At midnight a special train carril the wO+'ri; statesan to Ciiaio.
(Continued on page 4.)

Dean V. C. Vaughan, and E. D.
Shields, chairman of the State Demo-
,ratic committee, will make addresses
Dt the smoker of the Woodrow Wilson
iuA at the Michigan Union tonight.
thijeers will be elcted, and the club
veer anved. The program will com-
1ncne at 8:00 o'clock.
Tryouts for the Glee club will be
held at the Seool of Music Thursday
evening at 7:00 o'clock. A number of
enas are to be filled and the compe-
ti ion is expe ted to be especially
-tron'. This is problably the result
,f the trip to the coast which the club
: during the Christmas holidays
1 last year, and of the expectation
ol the members to make several trips
during the coming vacation piiods.
Freshmen and students on the proba-
tion list are not eligible to compete.
The old men are also required to re-
port at the School of Music at '4:30
o'clock Thursday afternoon.







Workers AkddflEnough Namey
Manibi'si I;to iig


I I i~ Q('Ist(l11 To irnngc
I~ICOF ,-V' t lSiui ERE.


Faculty Members Dine With Him at
lichigain Union Following
His Address.
As an optimist in his views on the
future of the colored race, and as
one who believes that if developments
continue in the future as they have
gone on since the emancipation, the
negro will stand on a firm footing in
America's social organization, Booker
T. Washington addressed a large au-
dience in University hall yesterday
The speaker said he thought that in
the heart of every honest American
citizen, colored or white, there is an
appreciation of what square chance
really is, that he has appreciated it,
and that fair play given to the negro
is what will contribute to lifting him
from the mire where he was left after
the war.
"The colored race is a youthful one,"
said Dr.' 'Washington. "As a young
race, it is apt to make mistakes, and
these istakes have prejudiced the
white citizens against it, but at the
present time, methods of education
which are being given to the colored
man in the south, are teaching him
the real dignity and beauty of work,
manual as well as mental,
"In Tuskegee where my own. school
is located, we have 1600 students,
learning the various branches of high-
er education. There the real needs
of the colored man are administered
to. He is taught farming; not agri-
culture, and the girl is taught sewing,
cooking, and substantial housework,
not domestic science. Nothing is
taught that will inspire him to hold
any so-called dignified views on work,
rather be is taught that work means
his salvation.
"Conditions in the south have never
been conducive to the easy education
of the negro. He has been neglected,
but we have fought for him, and the
influences of a number of the colored
institutions in the Southland are being
carried into the life of the nero of
the future and of the present. Ne-
groes are large property owners in
the southern states. Several thous-
and of thm are engaged in profes-
sional life, industrial life and com-
Following the lecture a purse of
$150 was made up for Dr. Washington.
He was entertained at dinner at the
°Michigan Union by President H. B.
Hutchins, Prof. T. C. Trueblood, and

Michigan spirit and the desire for
good fellowship of the right sort tri-
umphed last night, when one of the
Union campaign workers presented
the slip that put the membership at the
2,000 mark. It was a great victory
for the Union and its work, and the
clubhouse was filled with congratu-
lations when the officials knew that
the thing they had worked for this
fall had been accomplished and their
fondest hopes realized.
The fact that the mark has been
reached will not keep the membership
campaign from continiOing, however.
Hardly had the cry of "2,000" been
echoed before the slogan was changed
to 2,100. It stands there now, a goal
for the men to work for and it is ex-
pected they will meet it.
The Union buttons which should
have arrived a week a,-o, will be here
A tabulation, relative to the num-
her of student members, their depart-
ment and class is being compiled. It
will be published when co,,pleted.

If there are 200 Michigan rooters
who desire to take the trip to Colum-i
is Saturady to witness the Michigan-
Ohe State football strut-le a special
train will carry them to the Ohio 08E
Capital. The thletic association has_
arranged all detais of the trip, and E'NTRIlU LPUMPS AND NEW
all that remains is for the required ;A lP E WILL SOON GIVE
nu G:er ci stdents to smify their !n I) AETF FTtE PR( TECTION
tenZtns ei making the trip. T ra gv y
The Athletic association has se-
caired a speia rate c $r.O for the TO LAY PLA NS TH S ,FALl.
ror a(I trip ta Columbus. If the plans
mature, the train, xvhicph is guaranteed B1i App.' oprhif:n is 3ldc Iy Stub;
to be first iess in all its equipment, Wate (ompany Also Spend
vil ave the Ann Arbor depot Satur- isi. Ami'int.
lay morning at 7:00 o'clock, running- -
ovr the Tcledo & Ann Arbor, and As the final result of ten years of
iioeki :, Valley roads, and arriving at agitation and waiting, the university
(ia at 12:30 o'clock. Return- is to be provided adequately with fire
in':, the train will leave Columbus at protection. Powerful modern centrif-'
7:30 p. m. ual umps, supplemented by a new
Tickets for the O. S. 'U. game will szandpipe located on Medallion ave.,
sell to Michigan students at $1,00.] n'ae will be installed in the university!
TEllis is a special concession on the j ower-ouse, and plans for the laying
part of the 0Thio State management of sufficient mains have been com-

inasmuch as
big battle of
and the scats,

thc Michigan game is the
the season at 0. S. U.,
,et aside fcr the Michi-

NEW E('Tl)NA S.C1ETIES. gan rooters are in the exact center of
thy gridiron.
Plans for two new sectional clubs The railroad tickets and the admis-
are being discussed and, if the schemes'sion for the gae will be on
materializea Dixie club and a Kala- sale at the office of the Athletic as-
mazoo club will be added to the list sociation, and all students who desire
of such organizations. to make the trip should signify their
The old Southern club, which came intentions at the o'ice at their earliest

into existence about ten years ago andj
gradually died out, was rcorganized,
but again disappeared in 1909. The'
plan is to revive this, under a slightly
remodeled constitution, only men from
southern states of course being taken
into membership. lsaac Lowenburg,
'13, from Mississippi, a member of the
club in 1909, W. IH. Hamilton, of the
economics department, from Texas

T'he Commerce club will meet at
7: ,cdoe this cvening in the semi-
nam y room of the Economics building.
P'res. Eben ). Lane, '13, will preside.
Thin is ata rat meeting of the . yea;'

The new pumps will be able to take
water at the ordinary city pressure of
50 pounds and raise it to 125 pounds.
pressure per square inch. The mains
of the new system will reach all parts
of the cArmpus and outlying buildings.
With water supplied by the naval tank
the pumps will be able to raise nine
streams each higher than any of the
present buildings.
According to present plans the sys-
tem will be in operation before snow
flies. The initial appropriation of
$35,000 will be sufficient to carry out
present plans. Ultimately more funds
will probably be appropriated with
which to build a university fire depart-
ment building where chemical wagons
and other apparatus may be housed.
Workmen are engaged on the site
of the large stand pipe to be erected
by the Ann Arbor Water Co., on Medal-
lion avenue. When completed the
stand pipe will have a capacity of 250,-
000, gallons and will rise 54 feet, givl
ing the water in the structure the same
level and pressure as the water in the
west part of the city.
The base of the ,tank has been de-

Spelling of Candidate's Name Creates
IDispute Among Seniors In
Law Department.
Voting at the student council elec-
tions yesterday afternoon was very
light, due to the lecture of Booker T.
Washington. For the same reason the
junior lits postponed their election un-
til this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. The
homeops were unable to hold their
meeting, as the councilman in charge
failed to appear. All the other classes
held their elections in spite of the
small numbers that turned out.
Complications arose at the senior
law election because two voters mis-
spelled the name of their candidate.
Technically, the votes could have been
thrown out, but the sentiment of the
class, on rising vote, was so over-
whelmingly in favor of counting the
ballots, since the intention of the Vot-
ers was clear, that the election was
carried out. Had these two votes
been thrown out, it would have chang-
ed the result, as the official count
stood: Louis F. Schroeder, 35; Harold
F. Pelham, 34.
At the election of the senior tits
a very close race developed.'The vote
to fill the the two regular terms.re-
sulted as follows: H. Wilson, 15; R.
Spinning, 14; M. Griswold, 13; CTrIb-
le, 12. D. Rheinhart defeated G. Kerr
19 to 12 in a ballot to decide 4a tie
for the opponent of R. Bassett to fill
the unexpired term of "Freddie"
'Gould. On the ballot to fill this place
Rheinhart also won, receiving 19 votes
against 15 for Bassett
The senior engineer election devel-
oped the most exciting race. At this
meeting the names were posted on
the board and the tally clerk .made
the count in view of the class. The
result was in doubt until the very last
ballot was counted, which gave Brown
the margin of one over Otto. Until the
last three ballots were recorded it was
any-one's race. The final result was:
R. Drudy, 31; G. F. Brown, 28; J. Otto,
27; A. Kuhn, 26.
The junior engineers election result-
ed as follows: W. G. Patterson, 34;
L. J. Kelliher, 28; A. Eckhert, 15; S.
D. Livingston, 11. The election of class
officers will be held Friday from 2:30
to 5:30 o'clock. Porter H. Evans h
been nominated by petition for vice-
T. F. McCoy won the junio law
election over L. T. Haller by the close
vote of 22 to 20.
R. E. Woleslage *as elected by the
senior dents, defeating J. M. Howell
60 to 7. The pharmics were less
successful in getting out a large vote.
and D. K.' Strickland was elected to
the council with only 7 votes cast for
him. His opponent, Glover, received
5. H. Hulbert won over R. H. Bari-
beau in the junior medic election, the
vote being unannounced.
The second number of the annual
oratorical program will be given this
evening at 8:00 o'clock in University
hall when Mrs. Katherine O0114r Me-
Coy will be heard in her readings
from Graham Moffatt's popular play,
"Bunty Pulls the string." Admission
to this lecture can be obtained upon
presentation of the season ticket of
the association which will be on sale
at the ticket window in University

hall from 2:00 until 4:00 p. 'm.
Following is the statement publish-
ed in part in the announcement of the
association relative to Mrs. McCoy:
"Without question, the foremost
Scotch reader in the United tSates' is
Katherine Oliver McCoy. Her art as a
reader is of the very highest stand-
ard. The students of the University
of Michigan are fortunate in having

and Prof. M. P. Tilley, fromn West Vir- and the time w

[i be devoted to busi-

ginia, have the matter under consider-
Latin-Anmericans Adopt Constituti f:n
The Latin-American club is now
fully organized. At the second meet-
ing of the society held Friday evening,
a constitution was adopted and plans

ness matters. New members are to
+ be elected and the speakers for the
ensuing year from Detroit and eltse-
where arranged for.
By permission of Dean Bates, the
election of otlicers for the senior law
class will be held from 4:00 till 6:00

were madme for several social ' 'e~ on Friday afternoon instead of Satur- signed so that 'another 50 feet can bho
tions to be given during the year. day morning as announced. This added to the structure later. If this
About 25 Spanish speaking students change was made as many of the class addition is made, the water will be
are nwmexpect to go to Columbus on Saturday raised from the city mains by means
"Freddie" Gould Not Likely to Return., to witness the football game. of a boost~ump, and the capacity of
Frederick E. Gould, '13, who has - - ----- the stand pipe will be about 750)00
been sick since last March with a con- Composer oi' "Rnames&" Convalescing gallons.
plication of pneumonia is still confin- Julius Wuerthe', composer of The present specifications will en-
ed to his bed and is reported as hay- the music for the Michigan Union able the University- ho pital and resi-
ing received a severe setback. It is opera for last year, has just returned dences on Geddes heights to have a'
not expected that he will be able to home from Detroit where he was oper- water supply with a pressure rqual
return to the university this year. ated on for appendcitis. to .that supplied other parts of the
The water company will spend be-
tween $16,000 and 20,000 on this im-
TH E 7 pro ement. Dean M. E. Cooley, super-
ised tl'e plans of the stand pipe, and
A. . Greene had charge of the tech-
__ _ nicaword.
- - Aor - .RkDr. Angell to Speak at Newbrry Hall

te description was obtain-
narauder, but complaints
led at the sheriff's office,

ouI 10d0y


Dr. Angell will talk to the girls
of the university this afternoon at 5:00
o'cloc ;inewberry hall. This is the
second lecture of the series given un-
dier the auspices of the Y.,V,. C. A..

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